Alligator + Fractals + Divergent & Squat Bars + Signal AlertsThe indicator includes Williams Alligator, Williams Fractals, Divergent Bars, Market Facilitation Index, Highest and Lowest Bars, maximum and minimum peak of Awesome Oscillator, and signal alerts based on Bill Williams' Profitunity strategy.
MFI and Awesome Oscillator
According to the Market Facilitation Index Oscillator, the Squat bar is colored blue, all other bars are colored according to the Awesome Oscillator color, except for the Fake bars, colored with a lighter AO color. In the indicator settings, you can enable the display of "Green" bars (in the "Green Bars > Show" field). In the indicator style settings, you can disable changing the color of bars in accordance with the AO color (in the "AO bars" field), including changing the color for Fake bars (in the "Fake AO bars" field).
MFI is calculated using the formula: (high - low) / volume.
A Squat bar means that, compared to the previous bar, its MFI has decreased and at the same time its volume has increased, i.e. MFI < previous bar and volume > previous bar. A sign of a possible price reversal, so this is a particularly important signal.
A Fake bar is the opposite of a Squat bar and means that, compared to the previous bar, its MFI has increased and at the same time its volume has decreased, i.e. MFI > previous bar and volume < previous bar.
A "Green" bar means that, compared to the previous bar, its MFI has increased and at the same time its volume has increased, i.e. MFI > previous bar and volume > previous bar. A sign of trend continuation. But a more significant trend confirmation or warning of a possible reversal is the Awesome Oscillator, which measures market momentum by calculating the difference between the 5 Period and 34 Period Simple Moving Averages (SMA 5 - SMA 34) based on the midpoints of the bars (hl2). Therefore, by default, the "Green" bars and their opposite "Fade" bars are colored according to the color of the Awesome Oscillator.
According to Bill Williams' Profitunity strategy, using the Awesome Oscillator, the third Elliott wave is determined by the maximum peak of AO in the range from 100 to 140 bars. The presence of divergence between the maximum AO peak and the subsequent lower AO peak in this interval also warns of a possible correction, especially if the AO crosses the zero line between these AO peaks. Therefore, the chart additionally displays the prices of the highest and lowest bars, as well as the maximum or minimum peak of AO in the interval of 140 bars from the last bar. In the indicator settings, you can hide labels, lines, change the number of bars and any parameters for the AO indicator - method (SMA, Smoothed SMA, EMA and others), length, source (open, high, low, close, hl2 and others).
Bullish Divergent bar
🟢 A buy signal (Long) is a Bullish Divergent bar with a green circle displayed above it if such a bar simultaneously meets all of the following conditions:
The high of the bar is below all lines of the Alligator indicator.
The closing price of the bar is above its middle, i.e. close > (high + low) / 2.
The low of the bar is below the low of 2 previous bars or below the low of one previous bar, and the low of the second previous bar is a lower fractal (▼). By default, Divergent bars are not displayed, the low of which is lower than the low of only one previous bar and the low of the 2nd previous bar is not a lower fractal (▼), but you can enable the display of any Divergent bars in the indicator settings (by setting the value "no" in the " field Divergent Bars > Filtration").
The following conditions strengthen the Bullish Divergent bar signal:
The opening price of the bar, as well as the closing price, is higher than its middle, i.e. Open > (high + low) / 2.
The high of the bar is below all lines of the open Alligator indicator, i.e. the green line (Lips) is below the red line (Teeth) and the red line is below the blue line (Jaw). In this case, the color of the circle above the Bullish Divergent bar is dark green.
Squat Divergent bar.
The bar following the Bullish Divergent bar corresponds to the green color of the Awesome Oscillator.
Divergence on Awesome Oscillator.
Formation of the lower fractal (▼), in which the low of the Divergent bar is the peak of the fractal.
Bearish Divergent bar
🔴 A signal to sell (Short) is a Bearish Divergent bar under which a red circle is displayed if such a bar simultaneously meets all the following conditions:
The low of the bar is above all lines of the Alligator indicator.
The closing price of the bar is below its middle, i.e. close < (high + low) / 2.
The high of the bar is higher than the high of 2 previous bars or higher than the high of one previous bar, and the high of the second previous bar is an upper fractal (▲). By default, Divergent bars are not displayed, the high of which is higher than the high of only one previous bar and the high of the 2nd previous bar is not an upper fractal (▲), but you can enable the display of any Divergent bars in the indicator settings (by setting the value "no" in the " field Divergent Bars > Filtration").
The following conditions strengthen the Bearish Divergent bar signal:
The opening price of the bar, as well as the closing price, is below its middle, i.e. open < (high + low) / 2.
The low of the bar is above all lines of the open Alligator indicator, i.e. the green line (Lips) is above the red line (Teeth) and the red line is above the blue line (Jaw). In this case, the color of the circle under the Bearish Divergent bar is dark red.
Squat Divergent bar.
The bar following the Bearish Divergent bar corresponds to the red color of the Awesome Oscillator.
Divergence on Awesome Oscillator.
Formation of the upper fractal (▲), in which the high of the Divergent bar is the peak of the fractal.
Alligator lines crossing
Bars crossing the green line (Lips) of the open Alligator indicator is the first warning of a possible correction (price rollback) if one of the following conditions is met:
If the bar closed below the Lips line, which is above the Teeth line, and the Teeth line is above the Jaw line, while the closing price of the previous bar is above the Lips line.
If the bar closed above the Lips line, which is below the Teeth line, and the Teeth line is below the Jaw line, while the closing price of the previous bar is below the Lips line.
The intersection of all open Alligator lines by bars is a sign of a deep correction and a warning of a possible trend change.
Frequent intersection of Alligator lines with each other is a sign of a sideways trend (flat).
Signal Alerts
To receive notifications about signals when creating an alert, you must select the condition "Any alert() function is call", in which case notifications will arrive in the following format:
D — timeframe, for example: D, 4H, 15m.
🟢 BDB⎾ - a signal for a Bullish Divergent bar to buy (Long), triggers once after the bar closes and includes additional signals:
/// — if Alligator is open.
⏉ — if the opening price of the bar, as well as the closing price, is above its middle.
+ Squat 🔷 - Squat bar or + Green ↑ - "Green" bar or + Fake ↓ - Fake bar.
+ AO 🟩 - if after the Divergent bar closes, the oscillator color change for the next bar corresponds the green color of the Awesome Oscillator. ┴/┬ — AO above/below the zero line. ∇ — if there is divergence on AO in the interval of 140 bars from the last bar.
🔴 BDB⎿ - a signal for a Bearish Divergent bar to sell (Short), triggers once after the bar closes and includes additional signals:
/// — if Alligator is open.
⏊ — if the opening price of the bar, as well as the closing price, is below its middle.
+ Squat 🔷 - Squat bar or + Green ↑ - "Green" bar or + Fake ↓ - Fake bar.
+ AO 🟥 - if after the Divergent bar closes, the oscillator color change for the next bar corresponds to the red color of the Awesome Oscillator. ┴/┬ — AO above/below the zero line. ∇ — if there is divergence on AO in the interval of 140 bars from the last bar.
Alert for bars crossing the green line (Lips) of the open Alligator indicator (can be disabled in the indicator settings in the "Alligator > Enable crossing lips alerts" field):
🔴 Crossing Lips ↓ - if the bar closed below the Lips line, which is above than the other lines, while the closing price of the previous bar is above the Lips line.
🟢 Crossing Lips ↑ - if the bar closed above the Lips line, which is below the other lines, while the closing price of the previous bar is below the Lips line.
The fractal signal is triggered after the second bar closes, completing the formation of the fractal, if alerts about fractals are enabled in the indicator settings (the "Fractals > Enable alerts" field):
🟢 Fractal ▲ - upper (Bearish) fractal.
🔴 Fractal ▼ — lower (Bullish) fractal.
⚪️ Fractal ▲/▼ - both upper and lower fractal.
↳ (H=high - L=low) = difference.
If you redirect notifications to a webhook URL, for example, to a Telegram bot, then you need to set the notification template for the webhook in the indicator settings in the "Webhook > Message" field (contains a tooltip with an example), in which you just need to specify the text {{message}}, which will be automatically replaced with the alert text with a ticker and a link to TradingView.
‼️ A signal is not a call to action, but only a reason to analyze the chart to make a decision based on the rules of your strategy.
Индикатор включает в себя Williams Alligator, Williams Fractals, Дивергентные бары, Market Facilitation Index, самый высокий и самый низкий бары, максимальный и минимальный пик Awesome Oscillator, а также оповещения о сигналах на основе стратегии Profitunity Билла Вильямса.
MFI и Awesome Oscillator
В соответствии с осциллятором Market Facilitation Index Приседающий бар окрашен в синий цвет, все остальные бары окрашены в соответствии с цветом Awesome Oscillator, кроме Фальшивых баров, которые окрашены более светлым цветом AO. В настройках индикатора вы можете включить отображение "Зеленых" баров (в поле "Green Bars > Show"). В настройках стиля индикатора вы можете выключить изменение цвета баров в соответствии с цветом AO (в поле "AO bars"), в том числе изменить цвет для Фальшивых баров (в поле "Fake AO bars").
MFI рассчитывается по формуле: (high - low) / volume.
Приседающий бар означает, что по сравнению с предыдущим баром его MFI снизился и в тоже время вырос его объем, т.е. MFI < предыдущего бара и объем > предыдущего бара. Признак возможного разворота цены, поэтому это особенно важный сигнал.
Фальшивый бар является противоположностью Приседающему бару и означает, что по сравнению с предыдущим баром его MFI увеличился и в тоже время снизился его объем, т.е. MFI > предыдущего бара и объем < предыдущего бара.
"Зеленый" бар означает, что по сравнению с предыдущим баром его MFI увеличился и в тоже время вырос его объем, т.е. MFI > предыдущего бара и объем > предыдущего бара. Признак продолжения тренда. Но более значимым подтверждением тренда или предупреждением о возможном развороте является Awesome Oscillator, который измеряет движущую силу рынка путем вычисления разницы между 5 Периодной и 34 Периодной Простыми Скользящими Средними (SMA 5 - SMA 34) по средним точкам баров (hl2). Поэтому по умолчанию "Зеленые" бары и противоположные им "Увядающие" бары окрашены в соответствии с цветом Awesome Oscillator.
По стратегии Profitunity Билла Вильямса с помощью осциллятора Awesome Oscillator определяется третья волна Эллиота по максимальному пику AO в интервале от 100 до 140 баров. Наличие дивергенции между максимальным пиком AO и следующим за ним более низким пиком AO в этом интервале также предупреждает о возможной коррекции, особенно если AO переходит через нулевую линию между этими пиками AO. Поэтому на графике дополнительно отображаются цены самого высокого и самого низкого баров, а также максимальный или минимальный пик АО в интервале 140 баров от последнего бара. В настройках индикатора вы можете скрыть метки, линии, изменить количество баров и любые параметры для индикатора AO – метод (SMA, Smoothed SMA, EMA и другие), длину, источник (open, high, low, close, hl2 и другие).
Бычий Дивергентный бар
🟢 Сигналом на покупку (Long) является Бычий Дивергентный бар над которым отображается зеленый круг, если такой бар соответствует одновременно всем следующим условиям:
Максимум бара ниже всех линий индикатора Alligator.
Цена закрытия бара выше его середины, т.е. close > (high + low) / 2.
Минимум бара ниже минимума 2-х предыдущих баров или ниже минимума одного предыдущего бара, а минимум второго предыдущего бара является нижним фракталом (▼). По умолчанию не отображаются Дивергентные бары, минимум которых ниже минимума только одного предыдущего бара и минимум 2-го предыдущего бара не является нижним фракталом (▼), но вы можете включить отображение любых Дивергентных баров в настройках индикатора (установив значение "no" в поле "Divergent Bars > Filtration").
Усилением сигнала Бычьего Дивергентного бара являются следующие условия:
Цена открытия бара, как и цена закрытия, выше его середины, т.е. Open > (high + low) / 2.
Максимум бара ниже всех линий открытого индикатора Alligator, т.е. зеленая линия (Lips) ниже красной линии (Teeth) и красная линия ниже синей линии (Jaw). В этом случае цвет круга над Бычьим Дивергентным баром окрашен в темно-зеленый цвет.
Приседающий Дивергентный бар.
Бар, следующий за Бычьим Дивергентным баром, соответствует зеленому цвету Awesome Oscillator.
Дивергенция на Awesome Oscillator.
Образование нижнего фрактала (▼), у которого минимум Дивергентного бара является пиком фрактала.
Медвежий Дивергентный бар
🔴 Сигналом на продажу (Short) является Медвежий Дивергентный бар под которым отображается красный круг, если такой бар соответствует одновременно всем следующим условиям:
Минимум бара выше всех линий индикатора Alligator.
Цена закрытия бара ниже его середины, т.е. close < (high + low) / 2.
Максимум бара выше маскимума 2-х предыдущих баров или выше максимума одного предыдущего бара, а максимум второго предыдущего бара является верхним фракталом (▲). По умолчанию не отображаются Дивергентные бары, максимум которых выше максимума только одного предыдущего бара и максимум 2-го предыдущего бара не является верхним фракталом (▲), но вы можете включить отображение любых Дивергентных баров в настройках индикатора (установив значение "no" в поле "Divergent Bars > Filtration").
Усилением сигнала Медвежьего Дивергентного бара являются следующие условия:
Цена открытия бара, как и цена закрытия, ниже его середины, т.е. open < (high + low) / 2.
Минимум бара выше всех линий открытого индикатора Alligator, т.е. зеленая линия (Lips) выше красной линии (Teeth) и красная линия выше синей линии (Jaw). В этом случае цвет круга под Медвежьим Дивергентным Баром окрашен в темно-красный цвет.
Приседающий Дивергентный бар.
Бар, следующий за Медвежьим Дивергентным баром, соответствует красному цвету Awesome Oscillator.
Дивергенция на Awesome Oscillator.
Образование верхнего фрактала (▲), у которого максимум Дивергентного бара является пиком фрактала.
Пересечение линий Alligator
Пересечение барами зеленой линии (Lips) открытого индикатора Alligator является первым предупреждением о возможной коррекции (откате цены) при выполнении одного из следующих условий:
Если бар закрылся ниже линии Lips, которая выше линии Teeth, а линия Teeth выше линии Jaw, при этом цена закрытия предыдущего бара находится выше линии Lips.
Если бар закрылся выше линии Lips, которая ниже линии Teeth, а линия Teeth ниже линии Jaw, при этом цена закрытия предыдущего бара находится ниже линии Lips.
Пересечение барами всех линий открытого Alligator является признаком глубокой коррекции и предупреждением о возможной смене тренда.
Частое пересечение линий Alligator между собой является признаком бокового тренда (флэт).
Оповещения о сигналах
Для получения уведомлений о сигналах при создании оповещения необходимо выбрать условие "При любом вызове функции alert()", в таком случае уведомления будут приходить в следующем формате:
D — таймфрейм, например: D, 4H, 15m.
🟢 BDB⎾ — сигнал Бычьего Дивергентного бара на покупку (Long), срабатывает один раз после закрытия бара и включает дополнительные сигналы:
/// — если Alligator открыт.
⏉ — если цена открытия бара, как и цена закрытия, выше его середины.
+ Squat 🔷 — Приседающий бар или + Green ↑ — "Зеленый" бар или + Fake ↓ — Фальшивый бар.
+ AO 🟩 — если после закрытия Дивергентного бара, изменение цвета осциллятора для следующего бара соответствует зеленому цвету Awesome Oscillator. ┴/┬ — AO выше/ниже нулевой линии. ∇ — если есть дивергенция на AO в интервале 140 баров от последнего бара.
🔴 BDB⎿ — сигнал Медвежьего Дивергентного бара на продажу (Short), срабатывает один раз после закрытия бара и включает дополнительные сигналы:
/// — если Alligator открыт.
⏊ — если цена открытия бара, как и цена закрытия, ниже его середины.
+ Squat 🔷 — Приседающий бар или + Green ↑ — "Зеленый" бар или + Fake ↓ — Фальшивый бар.
+ AO 🟥 — если после закрытия Дивергентного бара, изменение цвета осциллятора для следующего бара соответствует красному цвету Awesome Oscillator. ┴/┬ — AO выше/ниже нулевой линии. ∇ — если есть дивергенция на AO в интервале 140 баров от последнего бара.
Сигнал пересечения барами зеленой линии (Lips) открытого индикатора Alligator (можно отключить в настройках индикатора в поле "Alligator > Enable crossing lips alerts"):
🔴 Crossing Lips ↓ — если бар закрылся ниже линии Lips, которая выше остальных линий, при этом цена закрытия предыдущего бара находится выше линии Lips.
🟢 Crossing Lips ↑ — если бар закрылся выше линии Lips, которая ниже остальных линий, при этом цена закрытия предыдущего бара находится ниже линии Lips.
Сигнал фрактала срабатывает после закрытия второго бара, завершающего формирование фрактала, если оповещения о фракталах включены в настройках индикатора (поле "Fractals > Enable alerts"):
🟢 Fractal ▲ — верхний (Медвежий) фрактал.
🔴 Fractal ▼ — нижний (Бычий) фрактал.
⚪️ Fractal ▲/▼ — одновременно верхний и нижний фрактал.
↳ (H=high - L=low) = разница.
Если вы перенаправляете оповещения на URL вебхука, например, в бота Telegram, то вам необходимо установить шаблон оповещения для вебхука в настройках индикатора в поле "Webhook > Message" (содержит подсказку с примером), в котором в качестве текста сообщения достаточно указать текст {{message}}, который будет автоматически заменен на текст оповещения с тикером и ссылкой на TradingView.
‼️ Сигнал — это не призыв к действию, а лишь повод проанализировать график для принятия решения на основе правил вашей стратегии.
Indicadores de Bill Williams
Correct Fractal Swings by CRYPTOFORThis indicator adjusts and enhances the normal 3-fractal swing. The author of this definition, uncle_travis, takes into account swings with the absorption of 3 candles and uses them as structure points.
Gabriels Trend Regularity Adaptive Moving Average Dragon This is an improved version of the trend following Williams Alligator, through the use of five Trend Regularity Adaptive Moving Averages (TRAMA) instead of three smoothed averages (SMMA). This indicator can double as a TRAMA Ribbon indicator by reducing the offset to zero. Whereas the active offset can double as a forecasting indicator for options and futures.
This indicator uses five TRAMAs, set at 8, 21, 55, 144, and 233 periods. They make up the Lips, Teeth, Jaws, Wings, and Tail of the Dragon. This indicator uses convergence-divergence relationships to build trading signals, with the Tail making the slowest turns and the Lips making the fastest turns. The Lips crossing downwards through the other lines signal a short opportunity, whereas Lips crossing upwards through other lines signal a buying opportunity. The downward cross can be referred to as the Dragon "Sleeping" , and the upward cross as the Dragon "Awakening" .
In particular, but not limited to, the Wings and Tail movements possess a Roar-like forecast effect on the market. Respectively, they can be referred to as the Dragon "Spreading its Wings" or "Swinging its Tail" .
The first three lines, stretching apart and constantly moving higher or lower, denote periods in which long or short equity positions should be managed and maintained. This can be referred to as the Dragon "Eating with a mouth wide open" . Whereas indicator lines converging into narrow bands and shifting into a horizontal position can denote a trending period coming to an end, signaling the need for profit-taking and position realignment. Conversely, a previous flat line moving can denote a new trending period starting.
This indicator can double as a Multiple TRAMAs indicator by reducing the offset to zero. As such, very interesting results can be observed when used in a moving average crossover system such as the Williams Alligator or as trailing support and resistance.
The following moving average adapts to the average of the highest high and lowest low made over a specific period, thus adapting to trend strength. The TRAMA can be used like most moving averages, with the advantage of being smoother during ranging markets because it is calculated through exponential averaging.
It is calculating, using a smoothing factor, the squared simple moving average of the number of highest highs or lowest lows previously made. Where the highest highs and lowest lows are calculated using rolling maximums and minimums. Therefore, squaring allows the moving average to penalize lower values, thus appearing stationary during ranging markets.
As with all moving averages, it is still a lagging indicator, and it can suffer whipsaws when the market moves too violently or when it consolidates in ranging conditions. Despite it working in all timeframes, it won't be as formidable in the 1–5-minute scalping timeframes due to that. I would suggest 5 to 45 minutes if you are a swing trader, or hourly, daily, and weekly if you are a long-term investor.
I hope you enjoy this indicator! It's the first indicator I made, so constructive criticism would be appreciated. Thanks!
Awesome Oscillator + Bars count lines + EMA LineThe indicator includes an Awesome Oscillator with 2 vertical lines at a distance of 100 and 140 bars from the last bar to determine the third Elliott wave by the maximum peak of AO in the interval from 100 to 140 bars according to Bill Williams' Profitunity strategy. Additionally, a faster EMA line is displayed that calculates the difference between 5 Period and 34 Period Exponential Moving Averages (EMA 5 - EMA 34) based on the midpoints of the bars, just like AO calculates the difference between Simple Moving Averages (SMA 5 - SMA 34).
In the indicator settings, you can change the number of bars for vertical lines and any parameters for AO and EMA - method (SMA, Smoothed SMA, EMA and others), length, source (open, high, low, close, hl2 and others).
Индикатор включает Awesome Oscillator с 2 вертикальными линиями на расстоянии 100 и 140 баров от последнего бара, чтобы определить третью волну Эллиота по максимальному пику AO в интервале от 100 до 140 баров по стратегии Profitunity Билла Вильямса. Дополнительно отображается более быстрая линия EMA, которая вычисляет разницу между 5 Периодной и 34 Периодной Экспоненциальными Скользящими Средними (EMA 5 - EMA 34) по средним точкам баров (hl2), точно так же, как AO вычисляет разницу между Простыми Скользящими Средними (SMA 5 - SMA 34).
В настройках индикатора вы можете изменить количество баров для вертикальных линий и любые параметры для AO и EMA – метод (SMA, Smoothed SMA, EMA и другие), длину, источник (open, high, low, close, hl2 и другие).
Visible bars count on chart + highest/lowest bars, max/min AOThe indicator displays the number of visible bars on the screen (in the upper right corner), including the prices of the highest and lowest bars, the maximum or minimum value of the Awesome Oscillator (similar to MACD 5-34-5) for identify the 3-wave Elliott peak in the interval of 100 to 140 bars according to the Profitunity strategy of Bill Williams. The values change dynamically when scrolling or changing the scale of the graph.
In the indicator settings, you can hide labels, lines and change any parameters for the AO indicator - method (SMA, Smoothed SMA, EMA and others), length, source (open, high, low, close, hl2 and others).
‼️ The values are updated within 2-3 seconds after changing the number of visible bars on the screen.
Индикатор отображает количество видимых баров на экране (в правом верхнем углу), в том числе цены самого высокого и самого низкого баров, максимальное или минимальное значение Awesome Oscillator (аналогично MACD 5-34-5), чтобы определить пик 3-волны Эллиота в интервале от 100 до 140 баров по стратегии Profitunity Билла Вильямса. Значения меняются динамически при скроллинге или изменении масштаба графика.
В настройках индикатора вы можете скрыть метки, линии и изменить любые параметры для индикатора AO – метод (SMA, Smoothed SMA, EMA и другие), длину, источник (open, high, low, close, hl2 и другие).
‼️ Значения обновляются в течении 2-3 секунд после изменения количества видимых баров на экране.
Candle Range ExtensionThis script defines an indicator called "Candle Range Extension" that calculates the range of each candle (high minus low) and then multiplies that range by 3 to get the extension distance. It then plots two lines on the chart: one line that extends 3 times the candle range above the candle's high (in green) and another line that extends 3 times the candle range below the candle's low (in red).
[The_lurker] RSI-MFI-WPR Indicatoris an advanced trading indicator developed for the TradingView platform, which synergistically refers to the insights of three popular technical analysis tools: the Relative Strength Index (RSI), the Money Flow Index (MFI) and the Williams Indicator. Percentage range (WPR). This indicator is precisely designed to help traders identify potential buy and sell opportunities by accurately interpreting market momentum, volume, and price position relative to recent highs and lows.
The primary goal of the RSI-MFI-WPR Indicator is to provide a comprehensive tool that leverages the combined power of RSI, MFI and WPR to detect overbought and oversold conditions, indicating potential market reversal points. This multi-faceted approach aims to provide traders with a more robust framework for making informed decisions, and enhance their trading strategy through multi-indicator analysis.
Explanation of the indicator conditions
The essence of this indicator lies in its strategic conditions that indicate possible entry and exit points:
Oversold Condition (Condition): This is determined when the RSI and MFI are below 30, and the WPR drops below -91, indicating a strong oversold condition in the market. Such a scenario usually indicates a buying opportunity, assuming that the market may rebound from this oversold state.
Divergence Condition (Condition 1): Checks if the MFI exceeds 2.1 times the RSI. This unique case aims to highlight instances where there is a significant inflow of funds into an asset, which is not proportionately reflected in its RSI, which may indicate an upcoming price increase or highlight an unusual market situation for further From the analysis.
Overbought Warning (conditionExit): An exit signal is triggered when both the MFI and RSI exceed 85, and the WPR is above -15. This combination indicates an overbought condition in the market, indicating that the asset may be overvalued and that a price correction or reversal may be imminent, thus indicating a potential selling opportunity or a warning of initiating new positions.
Application and visualization
The RSI-MFI-WPR Indicator not only provides numerical insights but also displays these conditions on a TradingView chart. Through the use of color coding and plotting, it provides traders with an intuitive way to distinguish market conditions, enabling quick and effective decision-making. Incorporating alert conditions ensures that traders are immediately notified of important market events, in line with their strategic trading objectives.
Planning and alerts in “RSI-MFI-WPR Indicator”
Collected alert status
CombinedAlertCondition is a logical statement that combines all individual conditions (Condition, Condition1, Condition Exit, and The_lurkerMFI_oversold) into a single alert trigger. This condition becomes true and triggers an alert if any of the conditions specified for potential trading opportunities or warnings are met. It is designed to provide a comprehensive alert system that informs the trader of any important signal identified by the indicator, including entry and exit signals as well as oversold conditions.
Visual indicators
Background color for oversold condition: The script sets the background color to a specific shade of blue ( with 90% transparency) when the custom MFI indicates an oversold condition (The_lurkerMFI_oversold). This visual signal helps traders quickly recognize periods when the market may be undervalued and potentially poised for a rebound.
Drawing warning and exit signs:
Entry Signals: For Condition and Condition 1, which identify potential entry points, the indicator draws upward pointing triangles below the price bars. These triangles are colored in specific shades to differentiate signals from a fundamental oversold condition and a divergence condition, making it intuitive for traders to recognize the type of signal.
Exit Signals: For an exit condition, which indicates overbought conditions that may indicate an impending price correction, red downward-pointing triangles are drawn above the price bars. This serves as a clear visual warning to consider exiting positions or proceed with caution.
Configure the alarm
The script uses the conditional alert function to create an alert based on the AlertCondition combination. When this condition is met, any of the predefined signals are indicated
In short, the “RSI-MFI-WPR Indicator” stands out as a versatile and dynamic indicator that enriches a trader's toolkit by combining the analytical strengths of RSI, MFI and WPR. By setting clear conditions for entry and exit points from the market, it facilitates a proactive approach to trading, based on a detailed examination of market dynamics. This indicator demonstrates how mixing multiple technical tools can lead to more informed and accurate market analysis, with the aim of elevating the trading experience on Tradingview.
هو مؤشر تداول متقدم تم تطويره لمنصة TradingView،
والذي يشير بشكل تآزري إلى رؤى ثلاث أدوات تحليل فني شائعة:
1- مؤشر القوة النسبية (RSI)،
2- مؤشر تدفق الأموال (MFI)،
3- مؤشر ويليامز. نطاق النسبة المئوية (WPR).
تم تصميم هذا المؤشر بدقة لمساعدة المتداولين على تحديد فرص الشراء والبيع المحتملة من خلال التفسير الدقيق لزخم السوق وحجمه وموقع السعر بالنسبة إلى الارتفاعات والانخفاضات الأخيرة.
الهدف الأساسي لمؤشر RSI-MFI-WPR هو توفير أداة شاملة تستفيد من القوة المشتركة لمؤشر RSI وMFI وWPR للكشف عن ظروف ذروة الشراء والمبالغة في البيع، مما يشير إلى نقاط انعكاس السوق المحتملة. ويهدف هذا النهج متعدد الأوجه إلى تزويد المتداولين بإطار أكثر قوة لاتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة، وتعزيز استراتيجية التداول الخاصة بهم من خلال تحليل متعدد المؤشرات.
شرح شروط المؤشر
يكمن جوهر هذا المؤشر في ظروفه الإستراتيجية التي تشير إلى نقاط الدخول والخروج المحتملة:
حالة ذروة البيع (الحالة): يتم تحديد ذلك عندما يكون مؤشر القوة النسبية RSI وMFI أقل من 30، وينخفض WPR إلى أقل من -92، مما يشير إلى حالة ذروة بيع قوية في السوق. يشير مثل هذا السيناريو عادةً إلى فرصة شراء، على افتراض أن السوق قد ينتعش من حالة ذروة البيع هذه.
شرط الاختلاف (الشرط 1): يتحقق مما إذا كانت السيولة تتجاوز 2.1 مرة مؤشر القوة النسبية. تهدف هذه الحالة الفريدة إلى تسليط الضوء على الحالات التي يوجد فيها تدفق كبير للأموال إلى أحد الأصول، وهو ما لا ينعكس بشكل متناسب في مؤشر القوة النسبية الخاص به، مما قد يشير إلى زيادة قادمة في الأسعار أو يسلط الضوء على وضع غير عادي في السوق لمزيد من التحليل.
تحذير ذروة الشراء (conditionExit): يتم إطلاق إشارة خروج عندما يتجاوز مؤشر MFI ومؤشر القوة النسبية 85، ويكون WPR أعلى من -15. يشير هذا المزيج إلى حالة ذروة الشراء في السوق، مما يشير إلى أن الأصل قد يكون مبالغًا في قيمته وأن تصحيح السعر أو انعكاسه قد يكون وشيكًا، مما يشير إلى فرصة بيع محتملة أو تحذير ببدء مراكز جديدة.
التطبيق والتصور
لا يوفر مؤشر RSI-MFI-WPR رؤى رقمية فحسب، بل يعرض أيضًا هذه الشروط على مخطط TradingView. من خلال استخدام الترميز اللوني والتخطيط، فإنه يوفر للمتداولين طريقة بديهية للتمييز بين ظروف السوق، مما يتيح اتخاذ قرارات سريعة وفعالة. يضمن دمج شروط التنبيه إخطار المتداولين على الفور بأحداث السوق المهمة، بما يتماشى مع أهدافهم التجارية الإستراتيجية.
التخطيط والتنبيهات في مؤشر RSI-MFI-WPR
حالة التنبيه التي تم جمعها ( CombinedAlertCondition ) عبارة منطقية تجمع كل الشروط الفردية
Condition، Condition1، Condition Exit، وThe_lurkerMFI_oversold في مشغل تنبيه واحد.
ليصبح هذا الشرط صحيحًا ويطلق تنبيهًا في حالة استيفاء أي من الشروط المحددة لفرص التداول المحتملة أو التحذيرات. وهو مصمم لتوفير نظام تنبيه شامل يُعلم المتداول بأي إشارة مهمة يحددها المؤشر، بما في ذلك إشارات الدخول والخروج بالإضافة إلى ظروف ذروة البيع.
المؤشرات البصرية
لون الخلفية لحالة ذروة البيع: يقوم البرنامج النصي بتعيين لون الخلفية إلى ظل معين من اللون الأزرق (بشفافية 90٪) عندما تشير مؤسسة التمويل الأصغر المخصصة إلى حالة ذروة البيع (The_lurkerMFI_oversold). تساعد هذه الإشارة المرئية المتداولين على التعرف بسرعة على الفترات التي قد تكون فيها السوق مقومة بأقل من قيمتها الحقيقية ومن المحتمل أن تكون مستعدة للانتعاش.
رسم علامات التحذير والخروج:
إشارات الدخول: بالنسبة للحالة والحالة 1، التي تحدد نقاط الدخول المحتملة، يرسم المؤشر مثلثات تشير إلى الأعلى أسفل أشرطة السعر. يتم تلوين هذه المثلثات بظلال محددة لتمييز الإشارات عن حالة ذروة البيع الأساسية وحالة التباعد، مما يجعل من السهل على المتداولين التعرف على نوع الإشارة.
إشارات الخروج: بالنسبة لحالة الخروج، التي تشير إلى ظروف ذروة الشراء التي قد تشير إلى تصحيح وشيك للسعر، يتم رسم مثلثات حمراء تشير إلى الأسفل فوق أشرطة السعر. يعد هذا بمثابة تحذير مرئي واضح للنظر في الخروج من المواقف أو المضي قدمًا بحذر.
تكوين المنبه
يستخدم البرنامج النصي وظيفة التنبيه الشرطي لإنشاء تنبيه بناءً على مجموعة AlertCondition. عند استيفاء هذا الشرط، تتم الإشارة إلى أي من الإشارات المحددة مسبقًا
باختصار، يبرز "مؤشر RSI-MFI-WPR" كمؤشر متعدد الاستخدامات وديناميكي يثري مجموعة أدوات المتداول من خلال الجمع بين نقاط القوة التحليلية لـ RSI وMFI وWPR. ومن خلال وضع شروط واضحة لنقاط الدخول والخروج من السوق، فإنه يسهل اتباع نهج استباقي للتداول، بناءً على فحص تفصيلي لديناميكيات السوق. يوضح هذا المؤشر كيف أن الجمع بين أدوات فنية متعددة يمكن أن يؤدي إلى تحليل سوق أكثر استنارة ودقة، بهدف رفع مستوى تجربة التداول على Tradingview.
باختصار :
1- ظهور المثلث الاصفر يعني تواجد سيولة كبيره ( مفيد جدا لعملات البومب ) .
2- ظهور المثلث الأبيض يعني وصول الى مستويات تشبع البيع وهي فرصة ممتازه للشراء ( منطقة دخول ).
3- ظهور خط افقي يعني قرب عكس الاتجاه الى أعلى ( منطقة دخول ) .
4- ظهور مثلث أحمر يعني قرب عكس الاتجاه الى أسفل ( منطقة خروج ) .
5- التنبيه يعمل على جميع ما ذكر أعلاه في تنبيه واحد حتى تسهل المراقبة .
6- أفضل فواصل الاستخدام ( 4 ساعات ، 12 ساعه ، يوم ) .
Table SessionIt's a part of a script taken from the lux_Algo indicator and optimized with the BTCUSDT symbol to display the real status of sessions since the crypto market is always open.
Key Features:
Customizable Sessions: Choose from major global financial centers, including New York, London, Tokyo, and Sydney. Customize the parameters for each session according to your preferences.
Intuitive Dashboard: The interactive dashboard displays real-time active and inactive sessions, providing you with an instant overview of the market status.
Automatic Timezone Support: Avoid timezone confusion with automatic exchange timezone support.
Customizable Aesthetics: Tailor the appearance of the table to your style with customization options, whether it's vibrant colors or text sizes.
Easy to Use: No technical expertise required. Simply enable the sessions you want to display and let the script handle the rest.
Why Choose "Table Session":
Time-Saving: Eliminate the time-consuming manual search for trading sessions. Our script does it for you, freeing up your attention for more critical decisions.
Unmatched Decision-Making: Instantly identify prime trading opportunities by understanding which sessions are active and when.
Total Flexibility: Customize the script to your trading style and preferred markets for a tailored trading experience.
Optimized Alligator RateA less conventional way of utilizing the "Williams Alligator," the Optimized Rate uses the rate of change of the averages within the Alligator in order to potentially forecast with greater accuracy. The true optimization comes from the calculation of the "McGinley Dynamic" to create zero lag smoothed moving averages. It's important to note the standard Alligator has always used the SMMA. Lastly, divergence between the rates has been calculated in plotting for clarification.
Non-Repainting Awesome Oscillator[TV1ndicator]Non-Repainting Awesome Oscillator (NRAO) is an improved standard Awesome Oscillator
NRAO, unlike the built-in AO , does not repaint the values calculated on real-time bars when using an alternative timeframe .
The modification is based on the current version of the built-in Awesome Oscillator - 27.0
Comparison of AO and NRAO
In the following screenshot AO(gaps on), AO(gaps off), NRAO\ (non-repainting off), NRAO(non-repainting on) , the chart timeframe is 1 minute, and the indicator timeframe is 10 minutes:
Starting from 9:17, the chart worked in real time.
The following screenshot shows the same indicators for the same period, but after refreshing the page at 10:21:
The repainting of the built-in AO's minute-to-minute data when the "Wait for timeframe closes" option is turned off is obvious.
Even turning on the "Wait for timeframe closes" option, which in theory should prevent repainting, does not help. On historical data, the value is calculated at the close of the bar of an alternative timeframe, and is displayed at 9, 19, 29,39,... minutes of the chart.
On real data, the AO value is calculated at the close of the first bar of the chart timeframe, the opening of which coincides with the opening of a bar of an alternative timeframe, and is displayed at 10, 20, 30, 40,... minutes of the chart.
In addition, AO displays a value on the first real-time bar, which will disappear if you refresh the page after some time.
NRAO(non-repainting off) works similarly to AO(gaps off).
NRAO(non-repainting on) calculates and displays values in the same way both in history and in real time.
P.S. I publish this indicator in order to describe the problem using its example. The vast majority of built-in indicators are subject to such repaint. Unfortunately, sometimes repaint can lead to an erroneous trading decision. Not only beginners, but sometimes even experienced traders face this problem. Over many years of practice, I have repeatedly encountered situations where my clients were disappointed in their strategies as soon as they realized that standard indicators on alternative timeframes were repainting, and the strategy I wrote using indicators without repainting did not work quite as they expected.
I hope this example will help in the future to avoid unnecessary mistakes when using built-in indicators on alternative timeframes.
If you find this modification useful for other built-in indicators, write what other indicators without repainting you would like to see.
Non-Repainting Awesome Oscillator (NRAO) - это усовершенствованный стандартный Awesome Oscillator
NRAO в отличии от встроенного AO не перерисовывает значения, рассчитанные на барах реального времени при использовании альтернативного таймфрейма.
За основу модификации взята актуальная версия встроенного Awesome Oscillator - 27.0
Сравнение работы AO и NRAO
На следующем скриншоте отображены AO(gaps on), AO(gaps off), NRAO(non-repainting off), NRAO(non-repainting on) на таймфрейме графика 1 минута, и таймфрейме индикаторов 10 минут:
Начиная с 9:17 график работал в реальном времени.
На следующем скриншоте отображены те же индикаторы за тот же период, только после обновления страницы в 10:21:
Перерисовка ежеминутных данных встроенного AO при выключенной опции "Дождаться закрытия интервала" видна сразу.
Даже включение опции "Дождаться закрытия интервала", которая по идее должна была бы исключить перерисовку, не избавляет встроенный AO от неё. На исторических данных значение рассчитывается на закрытии бара альтернативного таймфрейма, и отображается на 9, 19, 29,39,... минутах графика.
На реальных данных значение AO рассчитывается на закрытии первого бара таймфрейма графика, открытие которого совпадает с открытием бара альтернативного таймфрейма, и отображается на 10, 20, 30, 40,... минутах графика.
Кроме того AO отображает значение на первом баре реального времени, которое не будет отображено, если обновить страницу спустя некоторое время.
NRAO(non-repainting off) работает аналогично AO(gaps off).
NRAO(non-repainting on) рассчитывает и отображает значения одинаково как на истории, так в реальном времени.
P.S. Я публикую этот индикатор для того, чтобы на его примере описать проблему. Подобной перерисовке подвержено абсолютное большинство встроенных индикаторов. К сожалению, иногда подобная перерисовка может привести к ошибочному торговому решению. С этой проблемой сталкиваются не только новички, но иногда и бывалые трейдеры. За многолетнюю практику я не один раз сталкивался с ситуациями, когда мои клиенты были разочарованы в своих стратегиях, как только они понимали, что стандартные индикаторы на альтернативных таймфреймах иногда перерисовываются, и написанная мной стратегия с использованием индикаторов без перерисовки работает не совсем так как они ожидали. Искренне надеюсь, что этот пример поможет вам в будущем избежать лишних ошибок при использовании встроенных индикаторов на альтернативных таймфреймах.
Если вы считаете полезным такую доработку для других встроенных индикаторов, пишите в отзывах какие еще индикаторы без перерисовки вы бы хотели видеть.
FxCanli PanelEN - FxCanli TradingView Panel Indicator shows the status of RSI, Stochastic, MACD and AO indicators in many TradingView symbols at the same time.
You can follow the market by geting an alarm instantly or at candle close about these indicators.
TR - FxCanli TradingView Panel Göstergesi aynı anda birçok TradingView sembolünde RSI, Stokastik, MACD ve AO göstergelerinin durumunu gösterir.
Bu göstergeler hakkında anlık veya mum kapanışında alarm alarak piyasayı takip edebilirsiniz.
RSI Indicator details / RSI İndikatörü detayları
Green box / Yeşil Kutu
EN - At Over Sold Zone
TR - Aşırı Satım Bölgesinde
Pink box / Pembe Kutu
EN - At Over Bought Zone
TR - Aşırı Alım Bölgesinde
Yellow box / Sarı Kutu
EN - Exit from Over Bought/Sold Zone
TR - Aşırı Alım/Satım Bölgesinden Çıkınca
Stochastic Indicator details / Stochastic İndikatörü detayları
Green box / Yeşil Kutu
EN - At Over Sold Zone
TR - Aşırı Satım Bölgesinde
Pink box / Pembe Kutu
EN - At Over Bought Zone
TR - Aşırı Alım Bölgesinde
Yellow box / Sarı Kutu
EN - Exit from Over Bought/Sold Zone
TR - Aşırı Alım/Satım Bölgesinden Çıkınca
MACD Indicator details / MACD İndikatörü detayları
Green box / Yeşil Kutu
EN - MACD Line crossing UP SIGNAL Line
TR - MACD Çizgisi, SİNYAL Çizgisini YUKARI Keser
Pink box / Pembe Kutu
EN - MACD Line crossing DOWN SIGNAL Line
TR - MACD Çizgisi, SİNYAL Çizgisini AŞAĞI Keser
AO Indicator details / AO İndikatörü detayları
Green box / Yeşil Kutu
EN - AO crossing UP ZERO Level
TR - AO Sıfır Seviyesini YUKARI Keser
Pink box / Pembe Kutu
EN - AO crossing DOWN ZERO Level
TR - AO Sıfır Seviyesini ASAGI Keser
Alerts and Notifications / Alarm ve Bildirimler
EN - You can get ALL or ANY of these Alerts
TR - Herhangi birinin veya tamamının alarmlarını alabilirsiniz
DEMO - FxCanli PanelEN - FxCanli TradingView Panel Indicator shows the status of RSI, Stochastic, MACD and AO indicators in many TradingView symbols at the same time.
You can follow the market by geting an alarm instantly or at candle close about these indicators.
TR - FxCanli TradingView Panel Göstergesi aynı anda birçok TradingView sembolünde RSI, Stokastik, MACD ve AO göstergelerinin durumunu gösterir.
Bu göstergeler hakkında anlık veya mum kapanışında alarm alarak piyasayı takip edebilirsiniz.
RSI Indicator details / RSI İndikatörü detayları
Green box / Yeşil Kutu
EN - At Over Sold Zone
TR - Aşırı Satım Bölgesinde
Pink box / Pembe Kutu
EN - At Over Bought Zone
TR - Aşırı Alım Bölgesinde
Yellow box / Sarı Kutu
EN - Exit from Over Bought/Sold Zone
TR - Aşırı Alım/Satım Bölgesinden Çıkınca
Stochastic Indicator details / Stochastic İndikatörü detayları
Green box / Yeşil Kutu
EN - At Over Sold Zone
TR - Aşırı Satım Bölgesinde
Pink box / Pembe Kutu
EN - At Over Bought Zone
TR - Aşırı Alım Bölgesinde
Yellow box / Sarı Kutu
EN - Exit from Over Bought/Sold Zone
TR - Aşırı Alım/Satım Bölgesinden Çıkınca
MACD Indicator details / MACD İndikatörü detayları
Green box / Yeşil Kutu
EN - MACD Line crossing UP SIGNAL Line
TR - MACD Çizgisi, SİNYAL Çizgisini YUKARI Keser
Pink box / Pembe Kutu
EN - MACD Line crossing DOWN SIGNAL Line
TR - MACD Çizgisi, SİNYAL Çizgisini AŞAĞI Keser
AO Indicator details / AO İndikatörü detayları
Green box / Yeşil Kutu
EN - AO crossing UP ZERO Level
TR - AO Sıfır Seviyesini YUKARI Keser
Pink box / Pembe Kutu
EN - AO crossing DOWN ZERO Level
TR - AO Sıfır Seviyesini ASAGI Keser
Alerts and Notifications / Alarm ve Bildirimler
EN - You can get ALL or ANY of these Alerts
TR - Herhangi birinin veya tamamının alarmlarını alabilirsiniz
TPG.Buy sell RSI Scapl XAUThis is a tool that is widely used
Especially for Overbought and Oversold systems, but I have made some changes in this indicator,
How to use it...
I have set it as the default setting
- RSI Length: 6 (<10 for scalping - 5m-15m)
- Overbought: 70
- Oversold: 30
What is unique about this tool?
we can see 3 conditions:
1) RSI Overbought / Oversold with Bullish Engulfing / Bearish Engulfing
2) RSI Overbought / Oversold with Hammer and Shooting Star
3) RSI Overbought / Oversold with 2 Bullish Bars / 2 Bearish Bars
4) RSI Overbought / Oversold with All Patterns at the same time
When the RSI reaches its Oversold line, the code will wait for Bullish Engulfing pattren, when oversold and Bullish engulfing matched, This indicator will generate a buy signal when the condition is met,
and same as for Bear market, When the RSI reaches its Overbought line, the code will wait for Bearish Engulfing pattren, This indicator will generate a sell/exit signal when the condition is met,
2nd condition is that a Hammer candle will be waited for when RSI touches the Overbought line, for Bullish Move
and Shooting Star candle will be waited for when RSI touches the Overbought line, for Bullish Move, for Bearish Move
3rd Condition is also the same as Condition 1 and Condition 2,
When the RSI reaches its Oversold line, the code will wait for 2 Bullish Bars, when oversold and 2 Bullish Bars matched then this indicator will generate a buy signal, and same as for Bear market,
When the RSI reaches its Overbought line, the code will wait for 2 Bearish Bars, when overbought and 2 Bearish Bars matched then this indicator will generate a Sell signal,
4th Condition is that we can use All Conditions at the same time,
- Bullish Engulfing / Bearish Engulfing
- Hammer and Shooting Star
- 2 Bullish Bars / 2 Bearish Bars
Williams %R SKGThis is William% R indicator alongwith EMA and RSI overbought and oversold background
Combined Indicator by rocky vermaThe combined indicator you've provided consists of three different indicator logics. Here's how to use it:
1. **Indicator 1: Trend Trader AVR Strategy**
- This indicator is based on the Trend Trader AVR Strategy.
- It uses three input parameters: `Length1`, `LengthMA1`, and `Multiplier1`.
- The indicator plots a moving average (`nResMA1`) and changes the bar color based on certain conditions.
- The conditions for changing the bar color are defined in the `pos1` variable.
2. **Indicator 2: HYE Trend Hunter**
- This indicator is based on the HYE Trend Hunter strategy.
- It uses various input parameters such as `slowtenkansenPeriod`, `slowkijunsenPeriod`, `fasttenkansenPeriod`, and `fastkijunsenPeriod`.
- The logic of this indicator is not fully provided in your code snippet, but it seems to calculate various values related to the HYE Trend Hunter strategy.
3. **Indicator 3: Phenom**
- This indicator provides EMA (Exponential Moving Average) lines with different lengths.
- It allows you to configure whether to display EMA lines and their colors.
- Additionally, it provides options to display stop loss levels based on ATR (Average True Range).
To use this combined indicator:
- Apply it to a chart in TradingView by copying the entire code snippet and pasting it into the Pine Script editor.
- Configure the input parameters for each of the three indicator logics as desired. You can adjust the input values in the indicator's settings panel on the chart.
- You can also modify the indicator's appearance by changing the plot colors or turning on/off specific components.
- Once you have configured the input parameters and appearance settings to your liking, you can then interpret the signals and information provided by the three indicator logics on the chart.
Keep in mind that this is a basic combination of the three indicators you provided, and it may require further customization to meet your specific trading strategy and preferences. Additionally, ensure you thoroughly understand the strategies and conditions used by each of the indicators to make informed trading decisions.
Williams %R with EMA'sThe provided Pine Script code presents a comprehensive technical trading strategy on the TradingView platform, incorporating the Williams %R indicator, exponential moving averages (EMAs), and upper bands for enhanced decision-making. This strategy aims to help traders identify potential buy and sell signals based on various technical indicators, thereby facilitating more informed trading decisions.
The key components of this strategy are as follows:
**Williams %R Indicator:** The Williams %R, also known as the "Willy," is a momentum oscillator that measures overbought and oversold conditions. In this code, the Williams %R is calculated with a user-defined period (default 21) and smoothed using an exponential moving average (EMA).
**Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs):** Two EMAs are computed on the Williams %R values. The "Fast" EMA (default 8) responds quickly to price changes, while the "Slow" EMA (default 21) provides a smoother trend-following signal. Crossovers and divergences between these EMAs can indicate potential buy or sell opportunities.
**Candle Color Detection:** The code also tracks the color of candlesticks, distinguishing between green (bullish) and red (bearish) candles. This information is used in conjunction with other indicators to identify specific trading conditions.
**Additional Upper Bands:** The script introduces upper bands at various levels (-5, -10, -20, -25) to create zones for potential buy and sell signals. These bands are visually represented on the chart and can help traders gauge the strength of a trend.
**Alert Conditions:** The code includes several alert conditions that trigger notifications when specific events occur, such as %R crossing certain levels, candle color changes within predefined upper bands, and EMA crossovers.
**Background Highlighting:** The upper bands and the zero line are visually highlighted with different colors, making it easier for traders to identify critical price levels.
This code is valuable for traders seeking a versatile technical strategy that combines multiple indicators to improve trading decisions. By incorporating the Williams %R, EMAs, candlestick analysis, and upper bands, it offers a holistic approach to technical analysis. Traders can customize the parameters to align with their trading preferences and risk tolerance. The use of alerts ensures that traders are promptly notified of potential trade setups, allowing for timely execution and risk management. Overall, this code serves as a valuable tool for traders looking to make more informed decisions in the dynamic world of financial markets.
Pivotal MomentsPivotal Moments draws lines for each of up to 500 pivot high and pivot low levels that have never been revisited at the present moment in time. After the Pivotal Moments indicator has been loaded onto chart and any of the subsequent realtime bars that are formed touch or cross a pivot level it is deleted. The duration for how long any touched or crossed pivot levels remain on chart before deletion may be extended by N bars or N units of time.
There are user selectable options for the following:
• Pivot Bars Left : the number of lower highs or higher lows that must be formed before a possible pivot bar can occur.
• Right : the number of lower highs or higher lows that must be formed after potential pivot to validate a pivot bar.
• Lines Show As : the choice of line style to use for the drawn pivot levels includes Dashed, Dotted, or Solid.
• Wide : the number of lines wide for how thick the drawn pivot levels are desired to be on the chart.
• Delay Removal : the number of units that touched or crossed pivot levels will persist on chart.
• Units : the choice of which delay unit type includes nBars, nSecs, nMins, nHrs, or nDays.
• Extend Right : the number of bars right of current bar to extend drawn pivot levels.
• Show : the number of maximum recent drawn pivot levels to keep on chart.
• Colors Used : the colors used for pivots high, low, and dual pivot bars.
• Show Price Labels : the choice whether to show prices for levels.
• On Right : the choice to move prices to right of pivot levels.
• Show Pivot Bars : the choice to colorize pivot bars.
If desired, alerts can be received for whenever new touches or crosses occur for both pivot highs and pivot lows by creating a single Alert. Note that these alerts are triggered by realtime bars which by their very nature are repainting prices, thus the alert creation window will warn of this with an orange exclamation symbol. For an illustration of how to create alerts for this indicator click the chart below:
Credit: this indicator was originally built for @Luckshury, who has graciously given me permission to publish it publicly.
NOTICE: This is an example script and not meant to be used as an actual strategy. By using this script or any portion thereof, you acknowledge that you have read and understood that this is for research purposes only and I am not responsible for any financial losses you may incur by using this script!
TTF SMC ToolkitGreetings and welcome to another community indicator from TTF! This indicator is our attempt to build a suite of tools for use in Smart Money Concepts (SMC) and Price Action style trading strategies. If you aren't familiar with these models, we'd encourage you to do some independent research on them to find out how to properly use these models and the tools included in this indicator.
Important! To utilize all features of this indicator fully, please select "Bring to front" under the visual order menu.
All of the fundamental concepts of this toolkit revolve around smart money concepts and price action trading, here are some key concepts of this indicator's different features:
DR (defining range): This is a technique that uses the candle wicks (high and low of price) during a specific hour of a trading session to create a trading framework to help visualize order flow. When price breaks the high of the range, there is a very high statistical probability based on price action history, that the bottom of the range won't be traded past for the rest of that trading session. Vice versa for price breaking the low of the range.
IDR (implied defining range): Similar to DR above, this method uses the candle body (open and close of price) of price during a specific hour of a trading session to help create a trading framework to help visualize order flow.
Equilibrium: Any range can be objectively divided into a top and bottom half. The equilibrium represents the 50% mark between a range high and a range low. It is most often plotted with a fibonacci tool.
Fair Pricing Model: This is a hypothesis postulating that "big money" (a.k.a. "market movers", "institutional investors", etc.) seeks to buy in the discount area of any given price range, and sell in the premium area of that same range. See DR and IDR for examples of possible techniques to help identify and define the price range to apply to this model.
Non-discretionary Levels: This is essentially a fancy way of saying that the levels drawn by this indicator are strictly rules-based, and will always behave in the following manner:
1. For a given trading session, once the levels are drawn, they will remain constant throughout the rest of the trading session, no matter what price does afterwards.
2. The levels drawn will be drawn using the same rules every single day, without human bias or discretion.
Williams Fractals: This fractal pattern is based upon a specific candlestick pattern sequence. For a bullish Williams fractal, you will see X number of falling candles, followed by X number of rising candles. The candle at the fulcrum (bottom or top of the fractal structure) is where the fractal will print. a bearish fractal will be the inverse of this pattern. Note that this is a lagging indicator as it takes X candles after the fulcrum candle for the fractal pattern to complete. In most common cases, the value of X is 2 (2 falling candles, the fulcrum candle, and 2 rising candles) for a total of 5 candles to complete the fractal pattern. You can find more information in this article, which describes this type of fractal:
Fractal Wyckoff Accumulation/Distribution: The Wyckoff Method is used by investors and traders to determine market trends, select investments, and time the placement of trades. It can help them identify the times at which big players are accumulating (or distributing) positions in a security. Fractal Wyckoff accumulation/distribution refers to watching the process occur on a lower timeframe, from a higher timeframe. For more information on the Wycoff Theory, you can see this article:
Now that we've covered some terms and definitions, let's cover the 4 major components included in this indicator.
ICT NY Midnight/NY Open (08:30 NY time):
The first piece of the indicator being displayed here is the ICT midnight and 8:30am NY price lines. These lines can be used as non-discretionary levels, or as intra-day premium/discount as part of a fair-pricing model.
Initially developed by TheMas7er, DR stands for defining range, and it highlights a range during high volume periods of the day that can act as non-discretionary levels, with very high historical accuracy.
Williams Fractals
Williams Fractals denote fractal market structure, and can be used to mechanically create ranges and view potential liquidity pools in a similar manner to using pivot points.
Triple M:
This tool highlights wicks that represent fractal Wyckoff accumulation and distribution. This pattern can be used an a potential entry trigger when paired with other confluences.
And now that we've covered the core concepts/definitions and an overview of each major component of this indicator, it's time to bring everything together by giving an example of how these tools can be used to define a strategy.
Before NYSE open, turn on the price lines to get a sense of whether price is in the premium or discount of the daily fair-pricing model.
Once NYSE market opens, wait for DR/IDR to establish and break its range.
If the bias from DR/IDR aligns with the fair pricing model from the ICT price lines, you could look for a fractal Wyckoff entry during a retracement.
Disclaimer: This strategy is provided purely as an example and has not been tested by us. Please do your own due diligence by thoroughly backtesting and forward-testing on a demo account befor using any proposed strategy live market with real money!
Important! To utilize all features of this indicator fully, please select "Bring to front" under the visual order menu.
DrNon_NASDAQ10Title: NASDAQ 10 Index with TOP 10 Securities
TradingView offers traders and investors a powerful platform for technical analysis and trading. One of its notable features is the ability to create custom indices based on the values of multiple individual securities. In this blog post, we will explore how to build a custom index with 10 securities in TradingView using Pine Script, the platform's proprietary programming language.
Custom indices allow market participants to track the performance of a specific group of securities, providing valuable insights into the collective performance of the chosen assets. By leveraging Pine Script, traders can easily develop and deploy custom indicators and strategies to build their own indices.
The script provided focuses on creating a custom index with 10 securities. The selected securities include popular stocks such as AAPL (Apple Inc.), MSFT (Microsoft Corporation), GOOG (Alphabet Inc.), AMZN ( Inc.), NVDA (NVIDIA Corporation), TSLA (Tesla Inc.), META (Facebook, Inc.), AVGO (Broadcom Inc.), PEP (PepsiCo, Inc.), and COST (Costco Wholesale Corporation).
Using the security() function in Pine Script, we retrieve the closing prices of each individual security to ensure accurate data for the index calculation.
The index value is then calculated by summing the closing prices of the 10 securities. This simple arithmetic operation captures the overall performance of the custom index.
To visualize the index, we use the plot() function to display the index value on the chart. Traders can observe the custom index alongside other technical indicators or price action, aiding in decision-making and market analysis.
By building a custom index with 10 securities in TradingView, traders gain a consolidated view of the performance of these chosen assets. This allows for easier tracking of sector trends, evaluation of specific strategies, and the ability to compare the performance of individual portfolios against the broader market.
TradingView's Pine Script provides traders and investors with a flexible solution to build custom indices. By defining the 10 individual securities, calculating the index value, and plotting it on the chart, traders can monitor the collective performance of these chosen assets. Custom indices offer insights into sector performance, enable the evaluation of specific strategies, and provide a benchmark for comparing portfolio performance. By harnessing the power of custom indices in TradingView, traders can enhance their decision-making process and gain a competitive edge in the market.
Higher Fibonacci EMAOverall image:
If the closing price is higher than the three Fibonacci EMAs (uptrend):
Thanks to @ZenAndTheArtOfTrading and his indicator "Higher Timeframe EMA", URL =
This is a trend-discriminating indicator that uses 3 EMAs.
The Williams Alligator is the underlying philosophy, and we have applied it to capture the larger trend.
It is set up for the current time frame + 2 higher time frames.
One of the upper time legs has a daily EMA length of 13 Fibonacci numbers.
The top-level time leg has a weekly EMA with a length of 5 Fibonacci.
If the current closing price of the ticker leg is higher than these three EMAs, the bar color will be green. If it is lower, it will be red. If it is neither, it will be gray.
If the bar color is green, it suggests that the trend is upward. If it is red, you can consider entering short. If it is gray, it is best not to enter anything.
Williams %R Cross Strategy with 200 MA Filter
1. The script is a trading strategy based on the Williams %R indicator and a 200-period moving average (MA) filter.
2. The user can input the length of the Williams %R indicator (`wrLength`), the threshold for %R crossing (`crossPips`), the take profit level in pips (`takeProfitPips`), and the stop loss level in pips (`stopLossPips`).
3. The script calculates the Williams %R using the `ta.highest` and `ta.lowest` functions to find the highest high and lowest low over the specified length (`wrLength`).
4. It also calculates a 200-period simple moving average (`ma200`) using the `ta.sma` function.
5. The entry conditions are defined as follows:
- For a long entry, it checks if the Williams %R crosses above the -50 line by a threshold of `crossPips` and if the close price is above the 200-period MA.
- For a short entry, it checks if the Williams %R crosses below the -50 line by a threshold of `crossPips` and if the close price is below the 200-period MA.
6. The exit conditions are defined as follows:
- For a long position, it checks if the close price reaches the take profit level (defined as the average entry price plus `takeProfitPips` in pips) or the stop loss level (defined as the average entry price minus `stopLossPips` in pips).
- For a short position, it checks if the close price reaches the take profit level (defined as the average entry price minus `takeProfitPips` in pips) or the stop loss level (defined as the average entry price plus `stopLossPips` in pips).
7. The script uses the `strategy.entry` function to place long and short orders when the respective entry conditions are met.
8. It uses the `strategy.close` function to close the long and short positions when the respective exit conditions are met.
The script allows you to customize the parameters such as the length of Williams %R, the crossing threshold, take profit and stop loss levels, and the moving average period to suit your trading preferences.
Alpha Fractal BandsWilliams fractals are remarkable support and resistance levels used by many traders. However, it can sometimes be challenging to use them frequently and get confirmation from other oscillators and indicators. With the new "Alpha Fractal Bands", a unique blend of Williams Fractals and Bollinger Bands emerges, offering a fresh perspective. Extremes can be utilized as price reversals or for taking profits. I look forward to hearing your thoughts. Best regards... Happy trading!
An easy solution for long positions is to:
Identify a bullish trend or a potential entry point for a long position.
Set a stop-loss order to limit potential losses if the trade goes against you.
Determine a target price or take-profit level to lock in profits.
Consider using technical indicators or analysis tools to confirm the strength of the bullish trend.
Regularly monitor the trade and make necessary adjustments based on market conditions.
An easy solution for short positions could be to follow these steps:
Identify a bearish trend or a potential entry point for a short position.
Set a stop-loss order to limit potential losses if the trade goes against you.
Determine a target price or take-profit level to lock in profits.
Consider using technical indicators or analysis tools to confirm the strength of the bearish trend.
Regularly monitor the trade and make necessary adjustments based on market conditions.
Remember, it's important to conduct thorough research and analysis before entering any trade and to manage your risk effectively.
To stay updated with the content, don't forget to follow and engage with it on TV, my friends. Remember to leave comments as well :)
Advanced Support & Resistance Zone DetectionAdvanced Support & Resistance Zone Detection Indicator: A Comprehensive Overview
The "Advanced Support & Resistance Zone Detection" indicator, developed by @HarryCTC, is a powerful tool designed to identify support and resistance levels in trading markets. This indicator helps traders identify areas where the price is likely to encounter obstacles and potentially reverse its direction. By understanding these key levels, traders can make more informed decisions and improve their overall trading strategies.
This indicator is based on the Williams Fractal Indicator.
The indicator employs a fractal-based approach to identify support and resistance levels. Fractals are patterns that indicate potential price reversals. The indicator scans the price data and looks for specific fractal patterns that signify the presence of support or resistance.
For support levels, the indicator searches for downward fractals, where a lower low is formed surrounded by higher lows on both sides. This pattern suggests a potential support level as the price has temporarily stopped declining and may reverse its direction.
Conversely, for resistance levels, the indicator looks for upward fractals, where a higher high is formed surrounded by lower highs on both sides. This pattern indicates a potential resistance level where the price has temporarily halted its ascent and may reverse downwards.
The indicator applies certain conditions and filters to ensure the significance of the identified support and resistance levels. These conditions prevent the inclusion of minor price fluctuations and focus on capturing major turning points in the market.
Once a support or resistance level is detected, the indicator plots it on the chart either as a zone or a line, based on user preferences. The indicator also keeps track of previously identified levels and updates them as new levels are found.
By utilizing fractal analysis, the "Advanced Support & Resistance Zone Detection" indicator provides traders with valuable insights into key levels where price reversals are likely to occur. Traders can use this information to plan their entries, exits, and overall trading strategies more effectively.
The indicator utilizes several input parameters that allow users to customize its behavior according to their preferences and trading styles. Let's explore each of these parameters in detail:
1. Periods: This parameter determines the number of periods considered when identifying support and resistance levels. It indicates the length of the lookback period used to analyze price action and detect potential zones.
2. S&R Distance: The S&R distance parameter specifies the minimum distance, in pips, between the identified support and resistance levels. It helps filter out insignificant price fluctuations and focuses on significant price zones.
3. Number of S&R Levels to Show: This parameter controls the maximum number of support and resistance levels displayed on the chart. Users can set the desired number to avoid cluttering the chart with excessive information.
4. Draw S&R Zones: If enabled, this parameter allows the indicator to draw support and resistance zones on the chart. These zones represent areas where price reversals are likely to occur. Traders can visually analyze the chart and observe the significance of these zones.
5. Draw S&R Lines: This parameter determines whether the indicator should draw lines representing support and resistance levels on the chart. These lines provide a clear visual representation of the detected levels.
6. Resistance Zone Color: Users can customize the color of the resistance zones drawn on the chart. By choosing distinct colors, traders can easily differentiate between support and resistance zones.
7. Support Zone Color: Similarly, this parameter allows users to specify the color of the support zones displayed on the chart.
8. Resistance Line Color: Traders can choose the color of the lines representing resistance levels. This color customization helps in visually distinguishing resistance levels from other elements on the chart.
9. Support Line Color: This parameter determines the color of the lines representing support levels.
10. S&R Zone & Line Extension: The S&R zone and line extension parameter defines the extension of support and resistance zones and lines to the right side of the chart. It provides traders with a visual projection of the potential future behavior of these levels.
11. S&R Line Width: Users can adjust the width of the lines representing support and resistance levels. This customization option helps traders emphasize or de-emphasize these lines based on their preferences.