Stoch_Williams_RSI[wozdux]Strategy. The indicator gives buy and sell signals based on two or three indicators.
Alert 2 is the signal from the two indicators is the Stochastic + Williams. Alert 3 signal from three Stochastic + Williams+ RSI indicators is simple. The Alert4 signal from the three Stochastic + Williams+MTF indicators is simple. Alert5 signal from three Stochastic + Williams+ RSI-2 indicators smoothed.
""alert 2 show" - show signal button
""alert 3 show" - show signal button
""alert 4 show" - show signal button
""alert 5 show" - show signal button
To use, you need to connect the "alert" by one of the "alert-2-3-4-5".
Стратегия. Индикатор дает сигналы на покупку и продажу на основе двух или трех индикаторов.
Alert2 это сигнал от двух индикаторов Stochastic + Williams. Alert3 сигнал от трех индикаторов Stochastic + Williams+ RSI простой. Alert4 сигнал от трех индикаторов Stochastic + Williams+MTF простой. Alert5 сигнал от трех индикаторов Stochastic + Williams+ RSI-2 сглаженный.
"alert2 show"- кнопка показать сигнал
"alert3 show"- кнопка показать сигнал
"alert4 show"- кнопка показать сигнал
"alert5 show"- кнопка показать сигнал
Чтобы воспользоваться, нужно подключить "оповещение" по одному из «alert-2-3-4-5».
Indicadores de Bill Williams
2xIchimoku Cloud + 4xEMA + Williams FractalCopy+Pasted/edited the code from :
Resistance of VolumeIt is used to detect volume resistors in a personalized way, since it allows the user to enter the volume in which he wishes the resistance to jump automatically.
It does not mark the black line and the graphic that's just to help understand how it works
in the above image can see the indicator works on 30 minutes chart
in the above image can see the indicator works on 5 minutes chart
therefore, it can be configured to go through several temporalities.
BottomFinder Adv. Charts Suite V2.0With the advanced charts suite you get multiple indicators you can overlay on your charts, while only using one indicator slot. We made this after requests from our members, to assist those who use a free TV account. IT can take a minute or more to load... be patient! Its not advised to use them all at once, use them in combinations and see what works for you! I wanted to include more indicators, but hit some of the limits imposed by pine script. All options are off by default.
Included are:
Ichimoku Cloud
Support Resistance Fractal
Trailing Long/Short Stoploss
Bull Bear Squares
Triple Hull Moving Average
Standard Hull Moving Average
Fibonacci Daily
Advance Decline Lines
This indicator is available to all our members at no extra charge. If you would like access join us in the link from my signature. You can get a trial of our paid indicators and access to the free ones as well.
Please also like this indicator, and follow me on TradingView for access! We have many more great free indicators coming in the future!
Willams %R with 13 EMA and middle pointWillams %R with 13 EMA and middle point. It also uses the textbook formula instead of the Tradingview one.
William's Commercial Index (0.5y, 3y)William's Commercial Index from Greeny with look at 0.5 year and 3 years.
TPA Price&Volume Index(8/8).This indicator is based on both trading volume and price volatility . We also consider variables depending on whether the virtual currency is light or heavy.
Intuitive and easy to use.
There are a total of eight indicators from 1 to 8 since it is the object of all the binance.
You need to change the settings for each time series.
At present, I set it freely in the 5 minutes of writing, and it is easy to write.
If the sensitivity setting is high, it will be very sensitive, but in order to take the "trend" element, please do not set the value of the setting too high.
We will continue to update additional stocks in the event of a listing of listed stocks in the future.
Indicators are open to specific subscribers. Thank you.
이 지표는 거래량과 가격변동성 두가지를 기반으로 한 지표입니다. 또한 해당 가상화폐가 가볍냐 무겁냐에 따른 변수까지 고려되어있습니다.
직관적이고 사용하기쉽습니다.
바이낸스 전 종목 대상이기에 1~8번 총 8개의 지표가 있습니다.
각 시계열 별로 세팅을 바꿔야 합니다.
현재는 5분봉에 쓰기 편하게 제 임의로 세팅해놨습니다.
민감도설정이 높다면 정말 민감하게 나타내겟지만 "추세"라는 요소를 가져가기위해서는 해당 설정의 값을 너무 높게하지 마시기바랍니다.
추후 바이낸스 상장종목이 생길시 지속적으로 종목추가업데이트를 할 예정입니다.
지표는 특정구독자들에게 공개됩니다. 감사합니다.
BB+AO STRATto be used with AO indicator, based on forex strat --
works on 1/3/5/15/30 candles, buy signals are best when the black 3 fast ema crosses up through the red mid band
BB+AO ALERTSto be used with AO indicator, based on forex strat --
works on 1/3/5/15/30 candles, buy signals are best when the black 3 fast ema crosses up through the red mid band
BB+AO STRATto be used with AO, based on forex strat --
works on 1/3/5/15/30 candles
DBT SqueezeThe DejaBrew Trading Squeeze is an indicator designed over years of trading volatility. It uses Bollinger Bands to determine areas of low volatility, signified by the yellow shading of the squeeze. Then it takes into account CCI values to determine a breakout incoming. This indicator also has VWAP, 200 ema, and Williams Fractals built in.
To use this indicator first determine a time frame that does not give a large amount of signals (it was designed to work best on the 5min but has been tested and works great on all time frames above 5min). Once a time frame is determined then look for Bollinger Band squeezes signified by yellow shading. Once the squeeze is determined wait for a purple or blue buy candle to signal (purple are stronger signals). Once a buy candle has signaled evaluate price action, if bullish and supported by other indicators then either take an aggressive entry on the buy candle or wait for a pullback no greater than 50% of the buy candle. Once your position has been established place a stop loss at 1% or below the 200ema and VWAP if possible, no greater than 3% is recommended. Target a 3% gain or wait for the Yellow Sell Candle to close most or all of your position.
Do not take buy candles in extremely bearish markets. Purple Buy Candles are much stronger than blue because they are above the 200ema signifying a bullish trend. Do not take every buy candle if market is choppy and giving a lot of signals. Pair this indicator with a Commodity Channel Index (50) for the best signals. When the CCI is stable and not choppy the buy candles will be much more accurate. Do not take buy candles if the CCI is very choppy.
Use at your own risk. This is not financial advise and this indicator is not guaranteed to make you profits. Please message me if you have any questions or feedback. Enjoy.
Alligator AnalysesA simple script in order to plot the Alligator Indicator with triangles plotted on the graph in order to see directly if the alligator is sleeping or eating.
You will see green up triangles when the alligator is bullish eating, while red down triangles when the alligator is bearish eating.
You will not see anything on the chart when the alligator is sleeping.
ATRIX Momentum OscillatorAMO is a part of Atrix trade system. TTC v2 replacement.
Highly recommend to use with Atrix (Alligator on TRIX).
Bill Williams Trading Chaos Vol 1-NoviceThis is a revision of a script developed by tekolo. I hope tekolo takes a look. The concepts are here but I struggle with pine. I am very much a novice, but I tried to put information from the original book, Trading Chaos, Volume One by Bill Williams. There are too many plots to get this to wor. I made a lot of plot lines into comments to get it to run. I'm hoping someone with an interest in this material and some programming skills will be kind enough to take these thoughts and put them in a script that the Pine Editor would actually run. Thanks for taking a look. I do believe in these leading indicators. This is information included for Novice Level Trading in the Bill Williams book. There are more indicators developed in his material, but the jest is that Price is an end result of the marketplace. Market participation (Volume), Market Bias (Momentum), Increased Participation and Bias (Acceleration) all preceed the formation of the Trend. This along with Elliott Wave interpretation using his indicators as a basis for locating key points of the Elliott Wave, are most of what I understand about this interesting man's work. Again, I am a novice at all of this, but the leading indicators that result in price seem interesting. Thanks!