Vwap Pvwap Intraday Trend - NiftyKishore

Hello Traders !!

This is a simple trend identification script which is based on the current vwap (Cvwap) and previous vwap (Pvwap).

Pvwap in the sense; previous day vwap closing value.

Bullish: price is closing above the current day vwap and previous day vwap(pvwap).
Bearish : Price is closing below the current day vwap and previous day vwap (pvwap).

Made a change to the barcolors as well :)

Green Bar: close is above Pvwap and Cvwap.
Blue bar: close is above Pvwap but below Cwap.

Red bar: close is below Pvwap and Cvwap.
Purple bar: close is below Pvwap but above Cvwap.

Simple but effective
Cheers !!
BANKNIFTYBESTindiaintradayNIFTYPivot PointsRelative Strength Index (RSI)StocksVolume Weighted Average Price (VWAP)

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