NQ - Dailly Perspective / Setting Boundaries / IF_THEN - Part 2

We have 3 Potential outcomes for Price.




The EGG People (Options Writers) are now in
a Situation to put it Pacific, unadulterated nuance.

The 17 Trading Days of Gamma Squeeze into Weekly
Expiration, they had 2 days of minor reprieve, it's been
Vertical Up since 11/3.

By Example: Option Writer Sells "X" Priced to the Underlying
@ $94.75 for the 100 Strike CALL Option Expiring Short Duration
for $3.00.

A Jumbo or Flamingo Level Puller needs $103+ to print to Profit
on Expiration... Or all they need is the Prie of the Option to begin
to very Quickly move in Theta Favor (Time).

Where this gets Sh_t Mixed, and it has for 3.5 Weeks...

The Devil is in the Delta.

In order to avoid Illiquidity & Losses, an Options Write
must hedge or Their Risk can go exponential quickly.

In order to Hedge, they purchase outright the Underlying
of the Contract Derived - Simply put, they are forced to
BUY the Equity Shares to Provide Acceptable Delta.

Now, here's the Degeneracy Componenet you'll no doubt
enjoy...Wall Street Participants in this case quickly become
the "EGG People"... During Vertical Moves in Underlying Price
they are Buyers of Size in order to hedge.

T0 further compound their issues with Delta.

Retail is unwilling and/or unable to chase as the AIQC
begin to increase Implied Volatility.

And they are clearly NOT buying the Underlying, the
vast majority of Degenerates are not.

This quickly begins to price Retail Participants out of
the Flamingos Sports Book.

TSLA is a prime example - IV Soared to over 70% quickly.


What dear reader do the Eggo's do?

They cannot Let go of Their Eggos, the Equity Market would
quickly implode. Selling all that Paper would create losses
which would serve to put losses well into the Stratosphere.


So what do these F_ckers who Prey on US do?


Very SImple, and we have made it quite clear there is a BID
under the VX Complex.

It may have appeared as Gut Hunch, but it was founded in
Math. UVXY comes to mind, but I choose Dirt Cheap Puts
on the VXX instead. @ .10 and .12 Cents.


Because that is what the Yale, Harvard, Skull n' Bones,
Blackrock and Vanguard Sociopaths have done.

The ONLY way to protect downside RISK when you are too
Coke'd up on Martha's Vineyard is TO BUY THE VX COMPLEX
as your HEDGE.

And this, dear readers, is precisely what they have done.

This is why VX was rising as the Indicies rose. We observed
the VXN on 3 separate occasions making Highs while the NQ
was making HIghs.

A rising VIX on Friday, barely put a Correlated dent in the ES.


If there's little wealth to Transfer - lay off the Blow, LadyBoys
and get straight with VX. It's a nerve agent for do-nothing asshats
who have never actually worked a day in their life.


So where does that leave the GAMMA DELTA THETA?

Well, let me Objectify one thing, pure opinion... No Math.

Their Fraternity does lose, but their losses are ALWAYS bailed
out by you dear Suka, the TaxPayer.

Most of the time, they win... actually, they never really lose,
rather they sacrifice a few classmates and brethren to roll up
even more power.

Step out of line... and you will be driven to tears and poverty
or perhaps a perp walk, you know - someone has to take the fall.

We are at a serious Inflection Point.

We will know far more tomorrow as to whether 9/9 completes
or extends.

Price is well overdue for a Pullback.

Addicts, yeah... hard habit to break - all that Money, Wealth and
lives ruined time and again.

Blackrock is running the Admin, Media, and US.

Well, there's the United States of Lockheed MAritn, but going there
is for another Forum.

IF they Jump the Shark (UTL on WEEKLY in Part 1) it would be to squeeze
out Sellers, run their stops and Reverse...


Depending on whether the JUMBO Options Buyers had their Fill.

Greed knows no bounds... none.

It simply continues until there is nothing left to eat.

We are positioning for a correction, an accident, an event
that may not arrive, I am cool with that, for me this is
a Higher Probability trade with no regrets.

I fully understand the Risks and accept them, it is not for

NQ ES YM Sells Positions will begin Entry tomorrow.

It is either a Big Lick or a very painful loss.

*** You will note the "5" Bar is present on the Chart Above.
We will know a larger 9/9 or 13/13 is ahead should this level
fail. It can also provide a bounce if it holds.

It is well below.


16292 Breaks, a Positive for Sellers
16188 Reaction will be Important.
Beyond Technical AnalysisChart PatternsFundamental Analysisnasdaqnasdaq100NASDAQ 100 CFDNQ

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