On Friday, Nifty opened with a gap down, entering the Daily Demand Zone (24,522.95 - 24,638.80) mentioned earlier. It made a low of 24,567.65 and then bounced back over 300 points to reach a high of 24,886.20. Nifty closed at 24,854.05, gaining 104 points from the previous close and managing to stay above the FIBO 61.8% retracement level (24,804.25). The Weekly Trend (50 SMA) remains positive, but the Daily Trend (50 SMA) is still negative.
Nifty Demand/Support Zones for 21.10.2024: Near Demand/Support Zone (Daily): 24,522.95 - 24,638.80 (already tested) Far Demand/Support Zone (Daily): 24,099.70 - 24,196.50 Far Demand/Support Zone (Weekly): 23,893.70 - 24,419.75
Nifty Supply/Resistance Zones for 21.10.2024: Near Supply/Resistance Zone (75m): 24,951.75 - 25,059.45 Far Supply/Resistance Zone (15m): 25,195.85 - 25,234.05 Far Supply/Resistance Zone (15m): 25,420 - 25,485.05 Far Supply/Resistance Zone (15m): 25,500.95 - 25,545 Near Supply/Resistance Zone (Daily): 25,739.20 - 25,907.60 Far Supply/Resistance Zone (Daily): 26,151.40 - 26,277.35
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