If we do not return to a clear upward trend, the destination will be one that we have already seen, to subsequently (perhaps) resume a true bullish rally. It is only my opinion (DO NOT INVEST YOUR MONEY), and what happens will affect the alts in the same way as the BTC ------------------------------------------------ Si no volvemos a una clara tendencia...
Personally I have the idea that one of these three things will happen in the short term, 1.- Sales continue and we begin the descent 2.- We move but recover the lost ground 3.- We recover very soon if the whales return ... (Thanks for nothing) Note: This movement, affect all the Alts It's just an idea, not an investment...
Soy novato, no sean rudos jajaja, pero al parecer o despegamos o regresamos ahora... se cansaron ya los toros-ballenas o aun les queda por subir?
When prices go beyond of the TA