cphelperLibrary "cphelper"
ACPU helper library - for private use. Not so meaningful for others.
calculate_rr(targetArray, rrArray, breakevenOnTarget1)
calculates risk reward for given targets
targetArray (float ) : array of targets
rrArray (float ) : array of risk reward
breakevenOnTarget1 (simple bool) : option to breakeven
Returns: array rrArray
trendPairs(l1StartX, l1StartY, l1EndX, l1EndY, l2StartX, l2StartY, l2EndX, l2EndY, zgColor)
creates trendline pairs
l1StartX (int) : startX of first line
l1StartY (float) : startY of first line
l1EndX (int) : endX of first line
l1EndY (float) : endY of first line
l2StartX (int) : startX of second line
l2StartY (float) : startY of second line
l2EndX (int) : endX of second line
l2EndY (float) : endY of second line
zgColor (color) : line color
find_type(l1t, l2t, channelThreshold)
Finds type based on trendline pairs
l1t (line) : line1
l2t (line) : line2
channelThreshold (simple float) : theshold for channel identification
Returns: pattern type and flags
Flatten flags
flags (bool ) : array of flags
Returns: - flattened flags isChannel, isTriangle, isWedge, isExpanding, isContracting, isFlat, isRising, isFalling
Get type based on type number
typeNum (int) : number representing type
Returns: String value of type
getStatus(status, maxStatus)
Get status based on integer value representations
status (int) : integer representing current status
maxStatus (int) : integer representing max status
Returns: String status value
calculate_simple_targets(trendLines, settingsMatrix, patternTypeMapping, patternType)
Calculate targets based on trend lines
trendLines (line ) : trendline pair array
settingsMatrix (matrix) : matrix containing settings
patternTypeMapping (string ) : array containing pattern type mapping
patternType (int) : pattern type
Returns: arrays containing long and short calculated targets
recalculate_position(patternTypeAndStatusMatrix, targetMatrix, index, pIndex, status, maxStatus, targetValue, stopValue, dir, breakevenOnTarget1)
Recalculate position values
patternTypeAndStatusMatrix (matrix) : matrix containing pattern type and status
targetMatrix (matrix) : matrix containing targets
index (int) : current index
pIndex (int) : pattern index
status (int) : current status
maxStatus (int) : max status reached
targetValue (float) : current target value
stopValue (float) : current stop value
dir (int) : direction
breakevenOnTarget1 (simple bool) : flag to breakeven upon target1
Returns: new status and maxStatus values
draw_targets(longTargets, shortTargets, index, labelColor, patternName, positionIndex, longMaxStatus, longStatus, shortMaxStatus, shortStatus, tempBoxes, tempLines, tempLabels)
Draw targets on chart
longTargets (matrix) : matrix containing long targets
shortTargets (matrix) : matrix containing short targets
index (int) : current index
labelColor (color) : color of lines and labels
patternName (string) : Pattern name
positionIndex (int) : position on the chart
longMaxStatus (int) : max status for long
longStatus (int) : long status value
shortMaxStatus (int) : max status for short
shortStatus (int) : short status value
tempBoxes (box ) : temporary box array
tempLines (line ) : temporary lines array
tempLabels (label ) : temporary labels array
Returns: void
populate_open_stats(patternIdArray, barMatrix, patternTypeAndStatusMatrix, patternColorArray, longTargets, shortTargets, patternRRMatrix, OpenStatPosition, lblSizeOpenTrades)
Populate open stats table
patternIdArray (int ) : pattern Ids
barMatrix (matrix) : matrix containing bars
patternTypeAndStatusMatrix (matrix) : matrix containing pattern type and status
patternColorArray (color ) : array containing current patter colors
longTargets (matrix) : matrix of long targets
shortTargets (matrix) : matrix of short targets
patternRRMatrix (matrix) : pattern risk reward matrix
OpenStatPosition (simple string) : table position
lblSizeOpenTrades (simple string) : text size
Returns: void
draw_pattern_label(trendLines, patternFlagMatrix, patternTypeAndStatusMatrix, patternColorArray, patternFlags, patternLabelArray, zgColor, patternType, drawLabel, clearOldPatterns, safeRepaint, maxPatternsReference)
trendLines (line )
patternFlagMatrix (matrix)
patternTypeAndStatusMatrix (matrix)
patternColorArray (color )
patternFlags (bool )
patternLabelArray (label )
zgColor (color)
patternType (int)
drawLabel (simple bool)
clearOldPatterns (simple bool)
safeRepaint (simple bool)
maxPatternsReference (simple int)
populate_closed_stats(patternTypeAndStatusMatrix, bullishCounts, bearishCounts, bullishRetouchCounts, bearishRetouchCounts, bullishSizeMatrix, bearishSizeMatrix, bullishRR, bearishRR, ClosedStatsPosition, lblSizeClosedTrades, showSelectivePatternStats, showPatternStats, showStatsInPercentage)
patternTypeAndStatusMatrix (matrix)
bullishCounts (matrix)
bearishCounts (matrix)
bullishRetouchCounts (matrix)
bearishRetouchCounts (matrix)
bullishSizeMatrix (matrix)
bearishSizeMatrix (matrix)
bullishRR (matrix)
bearishRR (matrix)
ClosedStatsPosition (simple string)
lblSizeClosedTrades (simple string)
showSelectivePatternStats (simple bool)
showPatternStats (simple bool)
showStatsInPercentage (simple bool)
ReversalChartPatternLibraryLibrary "ReversalChartPatternLibrary"
User Defined Types and Methods for reversal chart patterns - Double Top, Double Bottom, Triple Top, Triple Bottom, Cup and Handle, Inverted Cup and Handle, Head and Shoulders, Inverse Head and Shoulders
method delete(this)
Deletes the drawing components of ReversalChartPatternDrawing object
Namespace types: ReversalChartPatternDrawing
this (ReversalChartPatternDrawing) : ReversalChartPatternDrawing object
Returns: current ReversalChartPatternDrawing object
method delete(this)
Deletes the drawing components of ReversalChartPattern object. In turn calls the delete of ReversalChartPatternDrawing
Namespace types: ReversalChartPattern
this (ReversalChartPattern) : ReversalChartPattern object
Returns: current ReversalChartPattern object
method lpush(this, obj, limit, deleteOld)
Array push with limited number of items in the array. Old items are deleted when new one comes and exceeds the limit
Namespace types: ReversalChartPattern
this (ReversalChartPattern ) : array object
obj (ReversalChartPattern) : ReversalChartPattern object which need to be pushed to the array
limit (int) : max items on the array. Default is 10
deleteOld (bool) : If set to true, also deletes the drawing objects. If not, the drawing objects are kept but the pattern object is removed from array. Default is false.
Returns: current ReversalChartPattern object
method draw(this)
Draws the components of ReversalChartPatternDrawing
Namespace types: ReversalChartPatternDrawing
this (ReversalChartPatternDrawing) : ReversalChartPatternDrawing object
Returns: current ReversalChartPatternDrawing object
method draw(this)
Draws the components of ReversalChartPatternDrawing within the ReversalChartPattern object.
Namespace types: ReversalChartPattern
this (ReversalChartPattern) : ReversalChartPattern object
Returns: current ReversalChartPattern object
method scan(zigzag, patterns, errorPercent, shoulderStart, shoulderEnd)
Scans zigzag for ReversalChartPattern occurences
Namespace types: zg.Zigzag
zigzag (Zigzag type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/ZigzagTypes/2) : ZigzagTypes.Zigzag object having array of zigzag pivots and other information on each pivots
patterns (ReversalChartPattern ) : Existing patterns array. Used for validating duplicates
errorPercent (float) : Error threshold for considering ratios. Default is 13
shoulderStart (float) : Starting range of shoulder ratio. Used for identifying shoulders, handles and necklines
shoulderEnd (float) : Ending range of shoulder ratio. Used for identifying shoulders, handles and necklines
Returns: int pattern type
method createPattern(zigzag, patternType, patternColor, riskAdjustment)
Create Pattern from ZigzagTypes.Zigzag object
Namespace types: zg.Zigzag
zigzag (Zigzag type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/ZigzagTypes/2) : ZigzagTypes.Zigzag object having array of zigzag pivots and other information on each pivots
patternType (int) : Type of pattern being created. 1 - Double Tap, 2 - Triple Tap, 3 - Cup and Handle, 4 - Head and Shoulders
patternColor (color) : Color in which the patterns are drawn
riskAdjustment (float) : Used for calculating stops
Returns: ReversalChartPattern object created
method getName(this)
get pattern name of ReversalChartPattern object
Namespace types: ReversalChartPattern
this (ReversalChartPattern) : ReversalChartPattern object
Returns: string name of the pattern
method getDescription(this)
get consolidated description of ReversalChartPattern object
Namespace types: ReversalChartPattern
this (ReversalChartPattern) : ReversalChartPattern object
Returns: string consolidated description
method init(this)
initializes the ReversalChartPattern object and creates sub object types
Namespace types: ReversalChartPattern
this (ReversalChartPattern) : ReversalChartPattern object
Returns: ReversalChartPattern current object
Type which holds the drawing objects for Reversal Chart Pattern Types
patternLines (Line type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/1) : array of Line objects representing pattern
entry (Line type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/1) : Entry price Line
target (Line type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/1) : Target price Line
patternLabel (Label type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/1)
Reversal Chart Pattern master type which holds the pattern components, drawings and trade details
pivots (Pivot type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/ZigzagTypes/2) : Array of Zigzag Pivots forming the pattern
patternType (series int) : Defines the main type of pattern 1 - Double Tap, 1 - Triple Tap, 3 - Cup and Handle, 4 - Head and Shoulders
patternColor (series color) : Color in which the pattern will be drawn on chart
riskAdjustment (series float) : Percentage adjustment of risk. Used for setting stops
drawing (ReversalChartPatternDrawing) : ReversalChartPatternDrawing object which holds the drawing components
trade (Trade type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/TradeTracker/1) : TradeTracker.Trade object holding trade components
TradeTrackerLibrary "TradeTracker"
Simple Library for tracking trades
method track(this)
tracks trade when called on every bar
Namespace types: Trade
this (Trade) : Trade object
Returns: current Trade object
Has the constituents to track trades generated by any method.
id (series int)
direction (series int) : Trade direction. Positive values for long and negative values for short trades
initialEntry (series float) : Initial entry price. This value will not change even if the entry is changed in the lifecycle of the trade
entry (series float) : Updated entry price. Allows variations to initial calculated entry. Useful in cases of trailing entry.
initialStop (series float) : Initial stop. Similar to initial entry, this is the first calculated stop for the lifecycle of trade.
stop (series float) : Trailing Stop. If there is no trailing, the value will be same as that of initial trade
targets (float ) : array of target values.
startBar (series int) : bar index of starting bar. Set by default when object is created. No need to alter this after that.
endBar (series int) : bar index of last bar in trade. Set by tracker on each execution
startTime (series int) : time of the start bar. Set by default when object is created. No need to alter this after that.
endTime (series int) : time of the ending bar. Updated by tracking method.
status (series int) : Integer parameter to track the status of the trade
retest (series bool) : Boolean parameter to notify if there was retest of the entry price
HarmonicPatternTrackingLibrary "HarmonicPatternTracking"
Library contains few data structures and methods for tracking harmonic pattern trades via pinescript.
method draw(this)
Creates and draws HarmonicDrawing object for given HarmonicPattern
Namespace types: HarmonicPattern
this (HarmonicPattern) : HarmonicPattern object
Returns: current HarmonicPattern object
method addTrade(this)
calculates HarmonicTrade and sets trade object for HarmonicPattern
Namespace types: HarmonicPattern
this (HarmonicPattern) : HarmonicPattern object
Returns: bool true if pattern trades are valid, false otherwise
method delete(this)
Deletes drawing objects of HarmonicDrawing
Namespace types: HarmonicDrawing
this (HarmonicDrawing) : HarmonicDrawing object
Returns: current HarmonicDrawing object
method delete(this)
Deletes drawings of harmonic pattern
Namespace types: HarmonicPattern
this (HarmonicPattern) : HarmonicPattern object
Returns: current HarmonicPattern object
Drawing objects of Harmonic Pattern
xa (series line) : xa line
ab (series line) : ab line
bc (series line) : bc line
cd (series line) : cd line
xb (series line) : xb line
bd (series line) : bd line
ac (series line) : ac line
xd (series line) : xd line
x (series label) : label for pivot x
a (series label) : label for pivot a
b (series label) : label for pivot b
c (series label) : label for pivot c
d (series label) : label for pivot d
xabRatio (series label) : label for XAB Ratio
abcRatio (series label) : label for ABC Ratio
bcdRatio (series label) : label for BCD Ratio
xadRatio (series label) : label for XAD Ratio
Trade tracking parameters of Harmonic Patterns
initialEntry (series float) : initial entry when pattern first formed.
entry (series float) : trailed entry price.
initialStop (series float) : initial stop when trade first entered.
stop (series float) : current stop updated as per trailing rules.
target1 (series float) : First target value
target2 (series float) : Second target value
target3 (series float) : Third target value
target4 (series float) : Fourth target value
status (series int) : Trade status referenced as integer
retouch (series bool) : Flag to show if the price retouched after entry
Display and trade calculation properties for Harmonic Patterns
fillMajorTriangles (series bool) : Display property used for using linefill for harmonic major triangles
fillMinorTriangles (series bool) : Display property used for using linefill for harmonic minor triangles
majorFillTransparency (series int) : transparency setting for major triangles
minorFillTransparency (series int) : transparency setting for minor triangles
showXABCD (series bool) : Display XABCD pivot labels
lblSizePivots (series string) : Pivot label size
showRatios (series bool) : Display Ratio labels
useLogScaleForScan (series bool) : Use log scale to determine fib ratios for pattern scanning
useLogScaleForTargets (series bool) : Use log scale to determine fib ratios for target calculation
base (series string) : base on which calculation of stop/targets are made.
entryRatio (series float) : fib ratio to calculate entry
stopRatio (series float) : fib ratio to calculate initial stop
target1Ratio (series float) : fib ratio to calculate first target
target2Ratio (series float) : fib ratio to calculate second target
target3Ratio (series float) : fib ratio to calculate third target
target4Ratio (series float) : fib ratio to calculate fourth target
Harmonic pattern object to track entire pattern trade life cycle
id (series int) : Pattern Id
dir (series int) : pattern direction
x (series float) : X Pivot
a (series float) : A Pivot
b (series float) : B Pivot
c (series float) : C Pivot
d (series float) : D Pivot
xBar (series int) : Bar index of X Pivot
aBar (series int) : Bar index of A Pivot
bBar (series int) : Bar index of B Pivot
cBar (series int) : Bar index of C Pivot
dBar (series int) : Bar index of D Pivot
przStart (series float) : Start of PRZ range
przEnd (series float) : End of PRZ range
patterns (bool ) : array representing the patterns
patternLabel (series string) : string representation of list of patterns
patternColor (series color) : color assigned to pattern
properties (HarmonicProperties) : HarmonicProperties object containing display and calculation properties
trade (HarmonicTrade) : HarmonicTrade object to track trades
drawing (HarmonicDrawing) : HarmonicDrawing object to manage drawings
LineWrapperLibrary "LineWrapper"
Wrapper Type for Line. Useful when you want to store the line details without drawing them. Can also be used in scnearios where you collect lines to be drawn and draw together towards the end.
draws line as per the wrapper object contents
this : (series Line) Line object.
Returns: current Line object
draws lines as per the wrapper object array
this : (series array) Array of Line object.
Returns: current Array of Line objects
updates or redraws line as per the wrapper object contents
this : (series Line) Line object.
Returns: current Line object
updates or redraws lines as per the wrapper object array
this : (series array) Array of Line object.
Returns: current Array of Line objects
get_price(this, bar)
get line price based on bar
this : (series Line) Line object.
bar : (series/int) bar at which line price need to be calculated
Returns: line price at given bar.
Returns UNIX time or bar index (depending on the last xloc value set) of the first point of the line.
this : (series Line) Line object.
Returns: UNIX timestamp (in milliseconds) or bar index.
Returns UNIX time or bar index (depending on the last xloc value set) of the second point of the line.
this : (series Line) Line object.
Returns: UNIX timestamp (in milliseconds) or bar index.
Returns price of the first point of the line.
this : (series Line) Line object.
Returns: Price value.
Returns price of the second point of the line.
this : (series Line) Line object.
Returns: Price value.
set_x1(this, x, draw, update)
Sets bar index or bar time (depending on the xloc) of the first point.
this : (series Line) Line object.
x : (series int) Bar index or bar time. Note that objects positioned using xloc.bar_index cannot be drawn further than 500 bars into the future.
draw : (series bool) draw line after setting attribute
update : (series bool) update line instead of redraw. Only valid if draw is set.
Returns: Current Line object
set_x2(this, x, draw, update)
Sets bar index or bar time (depending on the xloc) of the second point.
this : (series Line) Line object.
x : (series int) Bar index or bar time. Note that objects positioned using xloc.bar_index cannot be drawn further than 500 bars into the future.
draw : (series bool) draw line after setting attribute
update : (series bool) update line instead of redraw. Only valid if draw is set.
Returns: Current Line object
set_y1(this, y, draw, update)
Sets price of the first point
this : (series Line) Line object.
y : (series int/float) Price.
draw : (series bool) draw line after setting attribute
update : (series bool) update line instead of redraw. Only valid if draw is set.
Returns: Current Line object
set_y2(this, y, draw, update)
Sets price of the second point
this : (series Line) Line object.
y : (series int/float) Price.
draw : (series bool) draw line after setting attribute
update : (series bool) update line instead of redraw. Only valid if draw is set.
Returns: Current Line object
set_color(this, color, draw, update)
Sets the line color
this : (series Line) Line object.
color : (series color) New line color
draw : (series bool) draw line after setting attribute
update : (series bool) update line instead of redraw. Only valid if draw is set.
Returns: Current Line object
set_extend(this, extend, draw, update)
Sets extending type of this line object. If extend=extend.none, draws segment starting at point (x1, y1) and ending at point (x2, y2). If extend is equal to extend.right or extend.left, draws a ray starting at point (x1, y1) or (x2, y2), respectively. If extend=extend.both, draws a straight line that goes through these points.
this : (series Line) Line object.
extend : (series string) New extending type.
draw : (series bool) draw line after setting attribute
update : (series bool) update line instead of redraw. Only valid if draw is set.
Returns: Current Line object
set_style(this, style, draw, update)
Sets the line style
this : (series Line) Line object.
style : (series string) New line style.
draw : (series bool) draw line after setting attribute
update : (series bool) update line instead of redraw. Only valid if draw is set.
Returns: Current Line object
set_width(this, width, draw, update)
Sets the line width.
this : (series Line) Line object.
width : (series int) New line width in pixels.
draw : (series bool) draw line after setting attribute
update : (series bool) update line instead of redraw. Only valid if draw is set.
Returns: Current Line object
set_xloc(this, x1, x2, xloc, draw, update)
Sets x-location and new bar index/time values.
this : (series Line) Line object.
x1 : (series int) Bar index or bar time of the first point.
x2 : (series int) Bar index or bar time of the second point.
xloc : (series string) New x-location value.
draw : (series bool) draw line after setting attribute
update : (series bool) update line instead of redraw. Only valid if draw is set.
Returns: Current Line object
set_xy1(this, x, y, draw, update)
Sets bar index/time and price of the first point.
this : (series Line) Line object.
x : (series int) Bar index or bar time. Note that objects positioned using xloc.bar_index cannot be drawn further than 500 bars into the future.
y : (series int/float) Price.
draw : (series bool) draw line after setting attribute
update : (series bool) update line instead of redraw. Only valid if draw is set.
Returns: Current Line object
set_xy2(this, x, y, draw, update)
Sets bar index/time and price of the second point
this : (series Line) Line object.
x : (series int) Bar index or bar time. Note that objects positioned using xloc.bar_index cannot be drawn further than 500 bars into the future.
y : (series int/float) Price.
draw : (series bool) draw line after setting attribute
update : (series bool) update line instead of redraw. Only valid if draw is set.
Returns: Current Line object
Deletes the underlying line drawing object
this : (series Line) Line object.
Returns: Current Line object
Line Wrapper object
x1 : (series int) Bar index (if xloc = xloc.bar_index) or bar UNIX time (if xloc = xloc.bar_time) of the first point of the line. Note that objects positioned using xloc.bar_index cannot be drawn further than 500 bars into the future.
y1 : (series int/float) Price of the first point of the line.
x2 : (series int) Bar index (if xloc = xloc.bar_index) or bar UNIX time (if xloc = xloc.bar_time) of the second point of the line. Note that objects positioned using xloc.bar_index cannot be drawn further than 500 bars into the future.
y2 : (series int/float) Price of the second point of the line.
xloc : (series string) See description of x1 argument. Possible values: xloc.bar_index and xloc.bar_time. Default is xloc.bar_index.
extend : (series string) If extend=extend.none, draws segment starting at point (x1, y1) and ending at point (x2, y2). If extend is equal to extend.right or extend.left, draws a ray starting at point (x1, y1) or (x2, y2), respectively. If extend=extend.both, draws a straight line that goes through these points. Default value is extend.none.
color : (series color) Line color.
style : (series string) Line style. Possible values: line.style_solid, line.style_dotted, line.style_dashed, line.style_arrow_left, line.style_arrow_right, line.style_arrow_both.
width : (series int) Line width in pixels.
obj : line object
DataChartLibrary "DataChart"
Library to plot scatterplot or heatmaps for your own set of data samples
draw contents of the chart object
this : Chart object
Returns: current chart object
Initialize Chart object.
this : Chart object to be initialized
Returns: current chart object
addSample(this, sample, trigger)
Add sample data to chart using Sample object
this : Chart object
sample : Sample object containing sample x and y values to be plotted
trigger : Samples are added to chart only if trigger is set to true. Default value is true
Returns: current chart object
addSample(this, x, y, trigger)
Add sample data to chart using x and y values
this : Chart object
x : x value of sample data
y : y value of sample data
trigger : Samples are added to chart only if trigger is set to true. Default value is true
Returns: current chart object
addPriceSample(this, priceSampleData, config)
Add price sample data - special type of sample designed to measure price displacements of events
this : Chart object
priceSampleData : PriceSampleData object containing event driven displacement data of x and y
config : PriceSampleConfig object containing configurations for deriving x and y from priceSampleData
Returns: current chart object
Sample data for chart
xValue : x value of the sample data
yValue : y value of the sample data
Properties of plotting chart
title : Title of the chart
suffix : Suffix for values. It can be used to reference 10X or 4% etc. Used only if format is not format.percent
matrixSize : size of the matrix used for plotting
chartType : Can be either scatterplot or heatmap. Default is scatterplot
outliersStart : Indicates the percentile of data to filter out from the starting point to get rid of outliers
outliersEnd : Indicates the percentile of data to filter out from the ending point to get rid of outliers.
plotColor : color of plots on the chart. Default is color.yellow. Only used for scatterplot type
heatmapColor : color of heatmaps on the chart. Default is color.red. Only used for heatmap type
borderColor : border color of the chart table. Default is color.yellow.
plotSize : size of scatter plots. Default is size.large
format : data representation format in tooltips. Use mintick.percent if measuring any data in terms of percent. Else, use format.mintick
showCounters : display counters which shows totals on each quadrants. These are single cell tables at the corners displaying number of occurences on each quadrant.
showTitle : display title at the top center. Uses the title string set in the properties
counterBackground : background color of counter table cells. Default is color.teal
counterTextColor : text color of counter table cells. Default is color.white
counterTextSize : size of counter table cells. Default is size.large
titleBackground : background color of chart title. Default is color.maroon
titleTextColor : text color of the chart title. Default is color.white
titleTextSize : text size of the title cell. Default is size.large
addOutliersToBorder : If set, instead of removing the outliers, it will be added to the border cells.
useCommonScale : Use common scale for both x and y. If not selected, different scales are calculated based on range of x and y values from samples. Default is set to false.
plotchar : scatter plot character. Default is set to ascii bullet.
Chart drawing objects collection
properties : ChartProperties object which determines the type and characteristics of chart being plotted
titleTable : table containing title of the chart.
mainTable : table containing plots or heatmaps.
quadrantTables : Array of tables containing counters of all 4 quandrants
Chart type which contains all the information of chart being plotted
properties : ChartProperties object which determines the type and characteristics of chart being plotted
samples : Array of Sample objects collected over period of time for plotting on chart.
displacements : Array containing displacement values. Both x and y values
displacementX : Array containing only X displacement values.
displacementY : Array containing only Y displacement values.
drawing : ChartDrawing object which contains all the drawing elements
Configs used for adding specific type of samples called PriceSamples
duration : impact duration for which price displacement samples are calculated.
useAtrReference : Default is true. If set to true, price is measured in terms of Atr. Else is measured in terms of percentage of price.
atrLength : atrLength to be used for measuring the price based on ATR. Used only if useAtrReference is set to true.
Special type of sample called price sample. Can be used instead of basic Sample type
trigger : consider sample only if trigger is set to true. Default is true.
source : Price source. Default is close
highSource : High price source. Default is high
lowSource : Low price source. Default is low
tr : True range value. Default is ta.tr
arraymethodsLibrary "arraymethods"
Supplementary array methods.
delete(arr, index)
remove int object from array of integers at specific index
arr : int array
index : index at which int object need to be removed
Returns: void
delete(arr, index)
remove float object from array of float at specific index
arr : float array
index : index at which float object need to be removed
Returns: float
delete(arr, index)
remove bool object from array of bool at specific index
arr : bool array
index : index at which bool object need to be removed
Returns: bool
delete(arr, index)
remove string object from array of string at specific index
arr : string array
index : index at which string object need to be removed
Returns: string
delete(arr, index)
remove color object from array of color at specific index
arr : color array
index : index at which color object need to be removed
Returns: color
delete(arr, index)
remove line object from array of lines at specific index and deletes the line
arr : line array
index : index at which line object need to be removed and deleted
Returns: void
delete(arr, index)
remove label object from array of labels at specific index and deletes the label
arr : label array
index : index at which label object need to be removed and deleted
Returns: void
delete(arr, index)
remove box object from array of boxes at specific index and deletes the box
arr : box array
index : index at which box object need to be removed and deleted
Returns: void
delete(arr, index)
remove table object from array of tables at specific index and deletes the table
arr : table array
index : index at which table object need to be removed and deleted
Returns: void
delete(arr, index)
remove linefill object from array of linefills at specific index and deletes the linefill
arr : linefill array
index : index at which linefill object need to be removed and deleted
Returns: void
remove last int object from array
arr : int array
Returns: int
remove last float object from array
arr : float array
Returns: float
remove last bool object from array
arr : bool array
Returns: bool
remove last string object from array
arr : string array
Returns: string
remove last color object from array
arr : color array
Returns: color
remove and delete last line object from array
arr : line array
Returns: void
remove and delete last label object from array
arr : label array
Returns: void
remove and delete last box object from array
arr : box array
Returns: void
remove and delete last table object from array
arr : table array
Returns: void
remove and delete last linefill object from array
arr : linefill array
Returns: void
remove first int object from array
arr : int array
Returns: int
remove first float object from array
arr : float array
Returns: float
remove first bool object from array
arr : bool array
Returns: bool
remove first string object from array
arr : string array
Returns: string
remove first color object from array
arr : color array
Returns: color
remove and delete first line object from array
arr : line array
Returns: void
remove and delete first label object from array
arr : label array
Returns: void
remove and delete first box object from array
arr : box array
Returns: void
remove and delete first table object from array
arr : table array
Returns: void
remove and delete first linefill object from array
arr : linefill array
Returns: void
push(arr, val, maxItems)
add int to the end of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed from start to maintain max items cap
arr : int array
val : int object to be pushed
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: int
push(arr, val, maxItems)
add float to the end of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed from start to maintain max items cap
arr : float array
val : float object to be pushed
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: float
push(arr, val, maxItems)
add bool to the end of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed from start to maintain max items cap
arr : bool array
val : bool object to be pushed
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: bool
push(arr, val, maxItems)
add string to the end of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed from start to maintain max items cap
arr : string array
val : string object to be pushed
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: string
push(arr, val, maxItems)
add color to the end of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed from start to maintain max items cap
arr : color array
val : color object to be pushed
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: color
push(arr, val, maxItems)
add line to the end of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed and deleted from start to maintain max items cap
arr : line array
val : line object to be pushed
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: line
push(arr, val, maxItems)
add label to the end of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed and deleted from start to maintain max items cap
arr : label array
val : label object to be pushed
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: label
push(arr, val, maxItems)
add box to the end of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed and deleted from start to maintain max items cap
arr : box array
val : box object to be pushed
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: box
push(arr, val, maxItems)
add table to the end of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed and deleted from start to maintain max items cap
arr : table array
val : table object to be pushed
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: table
push(arr, val, maxItems)
add linefill to the end of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed and deleted from start to maintain max items cap
arr : linefill array
val : linefill object to be pushed
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: linefill
unshift(arr, val, maxItems)
add int to the beginning of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed from end to maintain max items cap
arr : int array
val : int object to be unshift
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: int
unshift(arr, val, maxItems)
add float to the beginning of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed from end to maintain max items cap
arr : float array
val : float object to be unshift
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: float
unshift(arr, val, maxItems)
add bool to the beginning of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed from end to maintain max items cap
arr : bool array
val : bool object to be unshift
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: bool
unshift(arr, val, maxItems)
add string to the beginning of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed from end to maintain max items cap
arr : string array
val : string object to be unshift
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: string
unshift(arr, val, maxItems)
add color to the beginning of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed from end to maintain max items cap
arr : color array
val : color object to be unshift
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: color
unshift(arr, val, maxItems)
add line to the beginning of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed and deleted from end to maintain max items cap
arr : line array
val : line object to be unshift
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: line
unshift(arr, val, maxItems)
add label to the beginning of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed and deleted from end to maintain max items cap
arr : label array
val : label object to be unshift
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: label
unshift(arr, val, maxItems)
add box to the beginning of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed and deleted from end to maintain max items cap
arr : box array
val : box object to be unshift
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: box
unshift(arr, val, maxItems)
add table to the beginning of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed and deleted from end to maintain max items cap
arr : table array
val : table object to be unshift
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: table
unshift(arr, val, maxItems)
add linefill to the beginning of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed and deleted from end to maintain max items cap
arr : linefill array
val : linefill object to be unshift
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: linefill
remove all int objects in an array
arr : int array
Returns: int
remove all float objects in an array
arr : float array
Returns: float
remove all bool objects in an array
arr : bool array
Returns: bool
remove all string objects in an array
arr : string array
Returns: string
remove all color objects in an array
arr : color array
Returns: color
remove and delete all line objects in an array
arr : line array
Returns: line
remove and delete all label objects in an array
arr : label array
Returns: label
remove and delete all box objects in an array
arr : box array
Returns: box
remove and delete all table objects in an array
arr : table array
Returns: table
remove and delete all linefill objects in an array
arr : linefill array
Returns: linefill
PitchforkMethodsLibrary "PitchforkMethods"
Methods associated with Pitchfork and Pitchfork Drawing. Depends on the library PitchforkTypes for Pitchfork/PitchforkDrawing objects which in turn use DrawingTypes for basic objects Point/Line/LineProperties. Also depends on DrawingMethods for related methods
Converts PitchforkTypes/Fork object to string representation
this : PitchforkTypes/Fork object
Returns: string representation of PitchforkTypes/Fork
Converts Array of PitchforkTypes/Fork object to string representation
this : Array of PitchforkTypes/Fork object
Returns: string representation of PitchforkTypes/Fork array
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder)
Converts PitchforkTypes/PitchforkProperties object to string representation
this : PitchforkTypes/PitchforkProperties object
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
Returns: string representation of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkProperties
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder)
Converts PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawingProperties object to string representation
this : PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawingProperties object
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
Returns: string representation of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawingProperties
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder)
Converts PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object to string representation
this : PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
Returns: string representation of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork
Creates PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing from PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object
this : PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object
Returns: PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object created
Creates PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing array from PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork array of objects
this : array of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object
Returns: array of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object created
draws from PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object
this : PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object
Returns: PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object drawn
deletes PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object
this : PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object
Returns: PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object deleted
deletes underlying drawing of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object
this : PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object
Returns: PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object deleted
deletes array of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing objects
this : Array of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object
Returns: Array of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object deleted
deletes underlying drawing in array of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork objects
this : Array of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object
Returns: Array of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object deleted
deletes array of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing objects and clears the array
this : Array of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object
Returns: void
deletes array of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork objects and clears the array
this : Array of Pitchfork/Pitchfork object
Returns: void
PitchforkTypesLibrary "PitchforkTypes"
User Defined Types to be used for Pitchfork and Drawing elements of Pitchfork. Depends on DrawingTypes for Point, Line, and LineProperties objects
Pitchfork Drawing Properties object
extend : If set to true, forks are extended towards right. Default is true
fill : Fill forklines with transparent color. Default is true
fillTransparency : Transparency at which fills are made. Only considered when fill is set. Default is 80
forceCommonColor : Force use of common color for forks and fills. Default is false
commonColor : common fill color. Used only if ratio specific fill colors are not available or if forceCommonColor is set to true.
Pitchfork drawing components
medianLine : Median line of the pitchfork
baseLine : Base line of the pitchfork
forkLines : fork lines of the pitchfork
linefills : Linefills between forks
Fork object property
ratio : Fork ratio
forkColor : color of fork. Default is blue
include : flag to include the fork in drawing. Default is true
Pitchfork Properties
forks : Array of Fork objects
type : Pitchfork type. Supported values are "regular", "schiff", "mschiff", Default is regular
inside : Flag to identify if to draw inside fork. If set to true, inside fork will be drawn
Pitchfork object
a : Pivot Point A of pitchfork
b : Pivot Point B of pitchfork
c : Pivot Point C of pitchfork
properties : PitchforkProperties object which determines type and composition of pitchfork
dProperties : Drawing properties for pitchfork
lProperties : Common line properties for Pitchfork lines
drawing : PitchforkDrawing object
ZigzagMethodsLibrary "ZigzagMethods"
Object oriented implementation of Zigzag methods. Please refer to ZigzagTypes library for User defined types used in this library
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts ZigzagTypes/Pivot object to string representation
this : ZigzagTypes/Pivot
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of ZigzagTypes/Pivot
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts Array of Pivot objects to string representation
this : Pivot object array
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of Pivot object array
Converts ZigzagFlags object to string representation
this : ZigzagFlags object
Returns: string representation of ZigzagFlags
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts ZigzagTypes/Zigzag object to string representation
this : ZigzagTypes/Zigzagobject
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of ZigzagTypes/Zigzag
calculate(this, ohlc, indicators, indicatorNames)
Calculate zigzag based on input values and indicator values
this : Zigzag object
ohlc : Array containing OHLC values. Can also have custom values for which zigzag to be calculated
indicators : Array of indicator values
indicatorNames : Array of indicator names for which values are present. Size of indicators array should be equal to that of indicatorNames
Returns: current Zigzag object
Calculate zigzag based on properties embedded within Zigzag object
this : Zigzag object
Returns: current Zigzag object
Calculate Next Level Zigzag based on the current calculated zigzag object
this : Zigzag object
Returns: Next Level Zigzag object
Clears zigzag drawings array
this : array
Returns: void
draws fresh zigzag based on properties embedded in ZigzagDrawing object
this : ZigzagDrawing object
Returns: ZigzagDrawing object
draws zigzag based on the zigzagmatrix input
this : ZigzagDrawing object
ZigzagTypesLibrary "ZigzagTypes"
Zigzag related user defined types. Depends on DrawingTypes library for basic types
Indicator is collection of indicator values applied on high, low and close
indicatorHigh : Indicator Value applied on High
indicatorLow : Indicator Value applied on Low
PivotCandle represents data of the candle which forms either pivot High or pivot low or both
_high : High price of candle forming the pivot
_low : Low price of candle forming the pivot
length : Pivot length
pHighBar : represents number of bar back the pivot High occurred.
pLowBar : represents number of bar back the pivot Low occurred.
pHigh : Pivot High Price
pLow : Pivot Low Price
indicators : Array of Indicators - allows to add multiple
Pivot refers to zigzag pivot. Each pivot can contain various data
point : pivot point coordinates
dir : direction of the pivot. Valid values are 1, -1, 2, -2
level : is used for multi level zigzags. For single level, it will always be 0
ratio : Price Ratio based on previous two pivots
indicatorNames : Names of the indicators applied on zigzag
indicatorValues : Values of the indicators applied on zigzag
indicatorRatios : Ratios of the indicators applied on zigzag based on previous 2 pivots
Flags required for drawing zigzag. Only used internally in zigzag calculation. Should not set the values explicitly
newPivot : true if the calculation resulted in new pivot
doublePivot : true if the calculation resulted in two pivots on same bar
updateLastPivot : true if new pivot calculated replaces the old one.
Zigzag object which contains whole zigzag calculation parameters and pivots
length : Zigzag length. Default value is 5
numberOfPivots : max number of pivots to hold in the calculation. Default value is 20
offset : Bar offset to be considered for calculation of zigzag. Default is 0 - which means calculation is done based on the latest bar.
level : Zigzag calculation level - used in multi level recursive zigzags
zigzagPivots : array which holds the last n pivots calculated.
flags : ZigzagFlags object which is required for continuous drawing of zigzag lines.
Zigzag Drawing Object
zigzagLine : Line joining two pivots
zigzagLabel : Label which can be used for drawing the values, ratios, directions etc.
Object which holds properties of zigzag drawing. To be used along with ZigzagDrawing
lineColor : Zigzag line color. Default is color.blue
lineWidth : Zigzag line width. Default is 1
lineStyle : Zigzag line style. Default is line.style_solid.
showLabel : If set, the drawing will show labels on each pivot. Default is false
textColor : Text color of the labels. Only applicable if showLabel is set to true.
maxObjects : Max number of zigzag lines to display. Default is 300
xloc : Time/Bar reference to be used for zigzag drawing. Default is Time - xloc.bar_time.
Object which holds complete zigzag drawing objects and properties.
properties : ZigzagProperties object which is used for setting the display styles of zigzag
drawings : array which contains lines and labels of zigzag drawing.
zigzag : Zigzag object which holds the calculations.
DrawingMethodsLibrary "DrawingMethods"
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts DrawingTypes/Point object to string representation
this : DrawingTypes/Point object
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of DrawingTypes/Point
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts DrawingTypes/LineProperties object to string representation
this : DrawingTypes/LineProperties object
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of DrawingTypes/LineProperties
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts DrawingTypes/Line object to string representation
this : DrawingTypes/Line object
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of DrawingTypes/Line
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts DrawingTypes/LabelProperties object to string representation
this : DrawingTypes/LabelProperties object
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of DrawingTypes/LabelProperties
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts DrawingTypes/Label object to string representation
this : DrawingTypes/Label object
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of DrawingTypes/Label
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts DrawingTypes/Linefill object to string representation
this : DrawingTypes/Linefill object
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of DrawingTypes/Linefill
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts DrawingTypes/BoxProperties object to string representation
this : DrawingTypes/BoxProperties object
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of DrawingTypes/BoxProperties
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts DrawingTypes/BoxText object to string representation
this : DrawingTypes/BoxText object
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of DrawingTypes/BoxText
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts DrawingTypes/Box object to string representation
this : DrawingTypes/Box object
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of DrawingTypes/Box
Deletes line from DrawingTypes/Line object
this : DrawingTypes/Line object
Returns: Line object deleted
Deletes label from DrawingTypes/Label object
this : DrawingTypes/Label object
Returns: Label object deleted
Deletes Linefill from DrawingTypes/Linefill object
this : DrawingTypes/Linefill object
Returns: Linefill object deleted
Deletes box from DrawingTypes/Box object
this : DrawingTypes/Box object
Returns: DrawingTypes/Box object deleted
Deletes lines from array of DrawingTypes/Line objects
this : Array of DrawingTypes/Line objects
Returns: Array of DrawingTypes/Line objects
Deletes labels from array of DrawingTypes/Label objects
this : Array of DrawingTypes/Label objects
Returns: Array of DrawingTypes/Label objects
Deletes linefill from array of DrawingTypes/Linefill objects
this : Array of DrawingTypes/Linefill objects
Returns: Array of DrawingTypes/Linefill objects
Deletes boxes from array of DrawingTypes/Box objects
this : Array of DrawingTypes/Box objects
Returns: Array of DrawingTypes/Box objects
clear items from array of DrawingTypes/Line while deleting underlying objects
this : array
Returns: void
clear items from array of DrawingTypes/Label while deleting underlying objects
this : array
Returns: void
clear items from array of DrawingTypes/Linefill while deleting underlying objects
this : array
Returns: void
clear items from array of DrawingTypes/Box while deleting underlying objects
this : array
Returns: void
Creates line from DrawingTypes/Line object
this : DrawingTypes/Line object
Returns: line created from DrawingTypes/Line object
Creates lines from array of DrawingTypes/Line objects
this : Array of DrawingTypes/Line objects
Returns: Array of DrawingTypes/Line objects
Creates label from DrawingTypes/Label object
this : DrawingTypes/Label object
Returns: label created from DrawingTypes/Label object
Creates labels from array of DrawingTypes/Label objects
this : Array of DrawingTypes/Label objects
Returns: Array of DrawingTypes/Label objects
Creates linefill object from DrawingTypes/Linefill
this : DrawingTypes/Linefill objects
Returns: linefill object created
Creates linefill objects from array of DrawingTypes/Linefill objects
this : Array of DrawingTypes/Linefill objects
Returns: Array of DrawingTypes/Linefill used for creating linefills
Creates box from DrawingTypes/Box object
this : DrawingTypes/Box object
Returns: box created from DrawingTypes/Box object
Creates labels from array of DrawingTypes/Label objects
this : Array of DrawingTypes/Label objects
Returns: Array of DrawingTypes/Label objects
createLabel(this, lblText, tooltip, properties)
Creates DrawingTypes/Label object from DrawingTypes/Point
this : DrawingTypes/Point object
lblText : Label text
tooltip : Tooltip text. Default is na
properties : DrawingTypes/LabelProperties object. Default is na - meaning default values are used.
Returns: DrawingTypes/Label object
createLine(this, other, properties)
Creates DrawingTypes/Line object from one DrawingTypes/Point to other
this : First DrawingTypes/Point object
other : Second DrawingTypes/Point object
properties : DrawingTypes/LineProperties object. Default set to na - meaning default values are used.
Returns: DrawingTypes/Line object
createLinefill(this, other, fillColor, transparency)
Creates DrawingTypes/Linefill object from DrawingTypes/Line object to other DrawingTypes/Line object
this : First DrawingTypes/Line object
other : Other DrawingTypes/Line object
fillColor : fill color of linefill. Default is color.blue
transparency : fill transparency for linefill. Default is 80
Returns: Array of DrawingTypes/Linefill object
createBox(this, other, properties, textProperties)
Creates DrawingTypes/Box object from one DrawingTypes/Point to other
this : First DrawingTypes/Point object
other : Second DrawingTypes/Point object
properties : DrawingTypes/BoxProperties object. Default set to na - meaning default values are used.
textProperties : DrawingTypes/BoxText object. Default is na - meaning no text will be drawn
Returns: DrawingTypes/Box object
createBox(this, properties, textProperties)
Creates DrawingTypes/Box object from DrawingTypes/Line as diagonal line
this : Diagonal DrawingTypes/PoLineint object
properties : DrawingTypes/BoxProperties object. Default set to na - meaning default values are used.
textProperties : DrawingTypes/BoxText object. Default is na - meaning no text will be drawn
Returns: DrawingTypes/Box object
DrawingTypesLibrary "DrawingTypes"
User Defined Types for basic drawing structure. Other types and methods will be built on these.
Point refers to point on chart
price : pivot price
bar : pivot bar
bartime : pivot bar time
Properties of line object
xloc : X Reference - can be either xloc.bar_index or xloc.bar_time. Default is xloc.bar_index
extend : Property which sets line to extend towards either right or left or both. Valid values are extend.right, extend.left, extend.both, extend.none. Default is extend.none
color : Line color
style : Line style, valid values are line.style_solid, line.style_dashed, line.style_dotted, line.style_arrow_left, line.style_arrow_right, line.style_arrow_both. Default is line.style_solid
width : Line width. Default is 1
Line object created from points
start : Starting point of the line
end : Ending point of the line
properties : LineProperties object which defines the style of line
object : Derived line object
Properties of label object
xloc : X Reference - can be either xloc.bar_index or xloc.bar_time. Default is xloc.bar_index
yloc : Y reference - can be yloc.price, yloc.abovebar, yloc.belowbar. Default is yloc.price
color : Label fill color
style : Label style as defined in www.tradingview.com Default is label.style_none
textcolor : text color. Default is color.black
size : Label text size. Default is size.normal. Other values are size.auto, size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge
textalign : Label text alignment. Default if text.align_center. Other allowed values - text.align_right, text.align_left, text.align_top, text.align_bottom
text_font_family : The font family of the text. Default value is font.family_default. Other available option is font.family_monospace
Label object
point : Point where label is drawn
lblText : label text
tooltip : Tooltip text. Default is na
properties : LabelProperties object
object : Pine label object
Linefill object
line1 : First line to create linefill
line2 : Second line to create linefill
fillColor : Fill color
transparency : Fill transparency range from 0 to 100
object : linefill object created from wrapper
BoxProperties object
border_color : Box border color. Default is color.blue
bgcolor : box background color
border_width : Box border width. Default is 1
border_style : Box border style. Default is line.style_solid
extend : Extend property of box. default is extend.none
xloc : defines if drawing needs to be done based on bar index or time. default is xloc.bar_index
Box Text properties.
boxText : Text to be printed on the box
text_size : Text size. Default is size.auto
text_color : Box text color. Default is color.yellow.
text_halign : horizontal align style - default is text.align_center
text_valign : vertical align style - default is text.align_center
text_wrap : text wrap style - default is text.wrap_auto
text_font_family : Text font. Default is
Box object
p1 : Diagonal point one
p2 : Diagonal point two
properties : Box properties
textProperties : Box text properties
object : Box object created
eHarmonicpatternsLogScaleLibrary "eHarmonicpatternsLogScale"
Library provides functions to scan harmonic patterns both or normal and log scale
get_prz_range(x, a, b, c, patternArray, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, logScale)
Provides PRZ range based on BCD and XAD ranges
x : X coordinate value
a : A coordinate value
b : B coordinate value
c : C coordinate value
patternArray : Pattern flags for which PRZ range needs to be calculated
errorPercent : Error threshold
start_adj : - Adjustments for entry levels
end_adj : - Adjustments for stop levels
logScale : - calculate on log scale. Default is false
Returns: Start and end of consolidated PRZ range
get_prz_range_xad(x, a, b, c, patternArray, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, logScale)
Provides PRZ range based on XAD range only
x : X coordinate value
a : A coordinate value
b : B coordinate value
c : C coordinate value
patternArray : Pattern flags for which PRZ range needs to be calculated
errorPercent : Error threshold
start_adj : - Adjustments for entry levels
end_adj : - Adjustments for stop levels
logScale : - calculate on log scale. Default is false
Returns: Start and end of consolidated PRZ range
get_projection_range(x, a, b, c, patternArray, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, logScale)
Provides Projection range based on BCD and XAD ranges
x : X coordinate value
a : A coordinate value
b : B coordinate value
c : C coordinate value
patternArray : Pattern flags for which PRZ range needs to be calculated
errorPercent : Error threshold
start_adj : - Adjustments for entry levels
end_adj : - Adjustments for stop levels
logScale : - calculate on log scale. Default is false
Returns: Array containing start and end ranges
isHarmonicPattern(x, a, b, c, d, flags, defaultEnabled, errorPercent, logScale)
Checks for harmonic patterns
x : X coordinate value
a : A coordinate value
b : B coordinate value
c : C coordinate value
d : D coordinate value
flags : flags to check patterns. Send empty array to enable all
errorPercent : Error threshold
logScale : - calculate on log scale. Default is false
Returns: Array of boolean values which says whether valid pattern exist and array of corresponding pattern names
isHarmonicProjection(x, a, b, c, flags, defaultEnabled, errorPercent, logScale)
Checks for harmonic pattern projection
x : X coordinate value
a : A coordinate value
b : B coordinate value
c : C coordinate value
flags : flags to check patterns. Send empty array to enable all
errorPercent : Error threshold
logScale : - calculate on log scale. Default is false
Returns: Array of boolean values which says whether valid pattern exist and array of corresponding pattern names.
FibRatiosLibrary "FibRatios"
Library with calculation logic for fib retracement, extension and ratios
retracement(a, b, ratio, logScale, precision)
Calculates the retracement for points a, b with given ratio and scale
a : Starting point a
b : Second point b
ratio : Ratio for which we need to calculate retracement c
logScale : Flag to get calculations in log scale. Default is false
precision : rounding precision. If set to netagive number, round_to_mintick is applied. Default is -1
Returns: retracement point c for points a,b with given ratio and scale
retracementRatio(a, b, c, logScale, precision)
Calculates the retracement ratio for points a, b, c with given scale
a : Starting point a
b : Second point b
c : Retracement point. c should be placed between a and b
logScale : Flag to get calculations in log scale. Default is false
precision : rounding precision. If set to netagive number, round_to_mintick is applied. Default is 3
Returns: retracement ratio for points a,b,c on given scale
extension(a, b, c, ratio, logScale, precision)
Calculates the extensions for points a, b, c with given ratio and scale
a : Starting point a
b : Second point b
c : Retracement point. c should be placed between a and b
ratio : Ratio for which we need to calculate extension d
logScale : Flag to get calculations in log scale. Default is false
precision : rounding precision. If set to netagive number, round_to_mintick is applied. Default is -1
Returns: extensoin point d for points a,b,c with given ratio and scale
extensionRatio(a, b, c, d, logScale, precision)
Calculates the extension ratio for points a, b, c, d with given scale
a : Starting point a
b : Second point b
c : Retracement point. c should be placed between a and b
d : Extension point. d should be placed beyond a, c. But, can be with b,c or beyond b
logScale : Flag to get calculations in log scale. Default is false
precision : rounding precision. If set to netagive number, round_to_mintick is applied. Default is 3
Returns: extension ratio for points a,b,c,d on given scale
DataCorrelationLibrary "DataCorrelation"
Implementation of functions related to data correlation calculations. Formulas have been transformed in such a way that we avoid running loops and instead make use of time series to gradually build the data we need to perform calculation. This allows the calculations to run on unbound series, and/or higher number of samples
🎲 Simplifying Covariance
Original Formula
//For Sample
Covₓᵧ = ∑ ((xᵢ-x̄)(yᵢ-ȳ)) / (n-1)
//For Population
Covₓᵧ = ∑ ((xᵢ-x̄)(yᵢ-ȳ)) / n
Now, if we look at numerator, this can be simplified as follows
∑ ((xᵢ-x̄)(yᵢ-ȳ))
=> (x₁-x̄)(y₁-ȳ) + (x₂-x̄)(y₂-ȳ) + (x₃-x̄)(y₃-ȳ) ... + (xₙ-x̄)(yₙ-ȳ)
=> (x₁y₁ + x̄ȳ - x₁ȳ - y₁x̄) + (x₂y₂ + x̄ȳ - x₂ȳ - y₂x̄) + (x₃y₃ + x̄ȳ - x₃ȳ - y₃x̄) ... + (xₙyₙ + x̄ȳ - xₙȳ - yₙx̄)
=> (x₁y₁ + x₂y₂ + x₃y₃ ... + xₙyₙ) + (x̄ȳ + x̄ȳ + x̄ȳ ... + x̄ȳ) - (x₁ȳ + x₂ȳ + x₃ȳ ... xₙȳ) - (y₁x̄ + y₂x̄ + y₃x̄ + yₙx̄)
=> ∑xᵢyᵢ + n(x̄ȳ) - ȳ∑xᵢ - x̄∑yᵢ
So, overall formula can be simplified to be used in pine as
//For Sample
Covₓᵧ = (∑xᵢyᵢ + n(x̄ȳ) - ȳ∑xᵢ - x̄∑yᵢ) / (n-1)
//For Population
Covₓᵧ = (∑xᵢyᵢ + n(x̄ȳ) - ȳ∑xᵢ - x̄∑yᵢ) / n
🎲 Simplifying Standard Deviation
Original Formula
//For Sample
σ = √(∑(xᵢ-x̄)² / (n-1))
//For Population
σ = √(∑(xᵢ-x̄)² / n)
Now, if we look at numerator within square root
=> (x₁² + x̄² - 2x₁x̄) + (x₂² + x̄² - 2x₂x̄) + (x₃² + x̄² - 2x₃x̄) ... + (xₙ² + x̄² - 2xₙx̄)
=> (x₁² + x₂² + x₃² ... + xₙ²) + (x̄² + x̄² + x̄² ... + x̄²) - (2x₁x̄ + 2x₂x̄ + 2x₃x̄ ... + 2xₙx̄)
=> ∑xᵢ² + nx̄² - 2x̄∑xᵢ
=> ∑xᵢ² + x̄(nx̄ - 2∑xᵢ)
So, overall formula can be simplified to be used in pine as
//For Sample
σ = √(∑xᵢ² + x̄(nx̄ - 2∑xᵢ) / (n-1))
//For Population
σ = √(∑xᵢ² + x̄(nx̄ - 2∑xᵢ) / n)
🎲 Using BinaryInsertionSort library
Chatterjee Correlation and Spearman Correlation functions make use of BinaryInsertionSort library to speed up sorting. The library in turn implements mechanism to insert values into sorted order so that load on sorting is reduced by higher extent allowing the functions to work on higher sample size.
🎲 Function Documentation
chatterjeeCorrelation(x, y, sampleSize, plotSize)
Calculates chatterjee correlation between two series. Formula is - ξnₓᵧ = 1 - (3 * ∑ |rᵢ₊₁ - rᵢ|)/ (n²-1)
x : First series for which correlation need to be calculated
y : Second series for which correlation need to be calculated
sampleSize : number of samples to be considered for calculattion of correlation. Default is 20000
plotSize : How many historical values need to be plotted on chart.
Returns: float correlation - Chatterjee correlation value if falls within plotSize, else returns na
spearmanCorrelation(x, y, sampleSize, plotSize)
Calculates spearman correlation between two series. Formula is - ρ = 1 - (6∑dᵢ²/n(n²-1))
x : First series for which correlation need to be calculated
y : Second series for which correlation need to be calculated
sampleSize : number of samples to be considered for calculattion of correlation. Default is 20000
plotSize : How many historical values need to be plotted on chart.
Returns: float correlation - Spearman correlation value if falls within plotSize, else returns na
covariance(x, y, include, biased)
Calculates covariance between two series of unbound length. Formula is Covₓᵧ = ∑ ((xᵢ-x̄)(yᵢ-ȳ)) / (n-1) for sample and Covₓᵧ = ∑ ((xᵢ-x̄)(yᵢ-ȳ)) / n for population
x : First series for which covariance need to be calculated
y : Second series for which covariance need to be calculated
include : boolean flag used for selectively including sample
biased : boolean flag representing population covariance instead of sample covariance
Returns: float covariance - covariance of selective samples of two series x, y
stddev(x, include, biased)
Calculates Standard Deviation of a series. Formula is σ = √( ∑(xᵢ-x̄)² / n ) for sample and σ = √( ∑(xᵢ-x̄)² / (n-1) ) for population
x : Series for which Standard Deviation need to be calculated
include : boolean flag used for selectively including sample
biased : boolean flag representing population covariance instead of sample covariance
Returns: float stddev - standard deviation of selective samples of series x
correlation(x, y, include)
Calculates pearson correlation between two series of unbound length. Formula is r = Covₓᵧ / σₓσᵧ
x : First series for which correlation need to be calculated
y : Second series for which correlation need to be calculated
include : boolean flag used for selectively including sample
Returns: float correlation - correlation between selective samples of two series x, y
HSupertrendLibrary "HSupertrend"
Supertrend implementation based on harmonic patterns
hsupertrend(zProperties, pProperties, errorPercent, showPatterns, patternColor)
derives supertrend based on harmonic patterns
zProperties : ZigzagProperties containing Zigzag length and source array
pProperties : PatternProperties used for calculation
errorPercent : Error threshold for scanning patterns
showPatterns : Draw identified patterns structure on chart
patternColor : Color of the pattern lines to be drawn
ZigzagProperties contains values required for zigzag calculation
length : Zigzag length
source : Array containing custom OHLC. If not set, array.from(high, low) is used
PatternProperties are essential pattern parameters used for calculation of bullish and bearish zones
base : Base for calculating entry and stop of pattern. Can be CD, minmax or correction. Default is CD
entryPercent : Distance from D in terms of percent of Base in the direction of pattern
stopPercent : Distance from D in terms of percent of Base in the opposite direction of pattern
useClosePrices : When set uses close price for calculation of supertrend breakout
BinaryInsertionSortLibrary "BinaryInsertionSort"
Library containing functions which can help create sorted array based on binary insertion sort.
This sorting will be quicker than array.sort function if the sorting needs to be done on every bar and the size of the array is comparatively big.
This is created with the intention of using this to solve a bigger problem posted by @lejmer. Wish me luck!!
binary_insertion_sort(sortedArray, item, order)
binary insertion sort - inserts item into sorted array while maintaining sort order
sortedArray : array which is assumed to be sorted in the requested order
item : float|int item which needs to be inserted into sorted array
order : Sort order - positive number means ascending order whereas negative number represents descending order
Returns: int index at which the item is inserted into sorted array
update_sort_indices(sortIndices, newItemIndex)
adds the sort index of new item added to sorted array and also updates existing sort indices.
sortIndices : array containing sort indices of an array.
newItemIndex : sort index of new item added to sorted array
Returns: void
get_array_of_series(item, order)
Converts series into array and sorted array.
item : float|int series
order : Sort order - positive number means ascending order whereas negative number represents descending order
get_sorted_arrays(item, order)
Converts series into array and sorted array. Also calculates the sort order of the value array
item : float|int series
order : Sort order - positive number means ascending order whereas negative number represents descending order
taLibrary "ta"
Collection of all custom and enhanced TA indicators. Same as enhanced_ta. But, removed all the displays to make it faster.
ma(source, maType, length)
returns custom moving averages
source : Moving Average Source
maType : Moving Average Type : Can be sma, ema, hma, rma, wma, vwma, swma, highlow, linreg, median
length : Moving Average Length
Returns: moving average for the given type and length
atr(maType, length)
returns ATR with custom moving average
maType : Moving Average Type : Can be sma, ema, hma, rma, wma, vwma, swma, highlow, linreg, median
length : Moving Average Length
Returns: ATR for the given moving average type and length
atrpercent(maType, length)
returns ATR as percentage of close price
maType : Moving Average Type : Can be sma, ema, hma, rma, wma, vwma, swma, highlow, linreg, median
length : Moving Average Length
Returns: ATR as percentage of close price for the given moving average type and length
bb(source, maType, length, multiplier, sticky)
returns Bollinger band for custom moving average
source : Moving Average Source
maType : Moving Average Type : Can be sma, ema, hma, rma, wma, vwma, swma, highlow, linreg, median
length : Moving Average Length
multiplier : Standard Deviation multiplier
sticky : - sticky boundaries which will only change when value is outside boundary.
Returns: Bollinger band with custom moving average for given source, length and multiplier
bbw(source, maType, length, multiplier, sticky)
returns Bollinger bandwidth for custom moving average
source : Moving Average Source
maType : Moving Average Type : Can be sma, ema, hma, rma, wma, vwma, swma, highlow, linreg, median
length : Moving Average Length
multiplier : Standard Deviation multiplier
sticky : - sticky boundaries which will only change when value is outside boundary.
Returns: Bollinger Bandwidth for custom moving average for given source, length and multiplier
bpercentb(source, maType, length, multiplier, sticky)
returns Bollinger Percent B for custom moving average
source : Moving Average Source
maType : Moving Average Type : Can be sma, ema, hma, rma, wma, vwma, swma, highlow, linreg, median
length : Moving Average Length
multiplier : Standard Deviation multiplier
sticky : - sticky boundaries which will only change when value is outside boundary.
Returns: Bollinger Percent B for custom moving average for given source, length and multiplier
kc(source, maType, length, multiplier, useTrueRange, sticky)
returns Keltner Channel for custom moving average
source : Moving Average Source
maType : Moving Average Type : Can be sma, ema, hma, rma, wma, vwma, swma, highlow, linreg, median
length : Moving Average Length
multiplier : Standard Deviation multiplier
useTrueRange : - if set to false, uses high-low.
sticky : - sticky boundaries which will only change when value is outside boundary.
Returns: Keltner Channel for custom moving average for given souce, length and multiplier
kcw(source, maType, length, multiplier, useTrueRange, sticky)
returns Keltner Channel Width with custom moving average
source : Moving Average Source
maType : Moving Average Type : Can be sma, ema, hma, rma, wma, vwma, swma, highlow, linreg, median
length : Moving Average Length
multiplier : Standard Deviation multiplier
useTrueRange : - if set to false, uses high-low.
sticky : - sticky boundaries which will only change when value is outside boundary.
Returns: Keltner Channel Width for custom moving average
kpercentk(source, maType, length, multiplier, useTrueRange, sticky)
returns Keltner Channel Percent K Width with custom moving average
source : Moving Average Source
maType : Moving Average Type : Can be sma, ema, hma, rma, wma, vwma, swma, highlow, linreg, median
length : Moving Average Length
multiplier : Standard Deviation multiplier
useTrueRange : - if set to false, uses high-low.
sticky : - sticky boundaries which will only change when value is outside boundary.
Returns: Keltner Percent K for given moving average, source, length and multiplier
dc(length, useAlternateSource, alternateSource, sticky)
returns Custom Donchian Channel
length : - donchian channel length
useAlternateSource : - Custom source is used only if useAlternateSource is set to true
alternateSource : - Custom source
sticky : - sticky boundaries which will only change when value is outside boundary.
Returns: Donchian channel
dcw(length, useAlternateSource, alternateSource, sticky)
returns Donchian Channel Width
length : - donchian channel length
useAlternateSource : - Custom source is used only if useAlternateSource is set to true
alternateSource : - Custom source
sticky : - sticky boundaries which will only change when value is outside boundary.
Returns: Donchian channel width
dpercentd(useAlternateSource, alternateSource, length, sticky)
returns Donchian Channel Percent of price
useAlternateSource : - Custom source is used only if useAlternateSource is set to true
alternateSource : - Custom source
length : - donchian channel length
sticky : - sticky boundaries which will only change when value is outside boundary.
Returns: Donchian channel Percent D
oscillatorRange(source, method, highlowLength, rangeLength, sticky)
oscillatorRange - returns Custom overbought/oversold areas for an oscillator input
source : - Osillator source such as RSI, COG etc.
method : - Valid values for method are : sma, ema, hma, rma, wma, vwma, swma, highlow, linreg, median
highlowLength : - length on which highlow of the oscillator is calculated
rangeLength : - length used for calculating oversold/overbought range - usually same as oscillator length
sticky : - overbought, oversold levels won't change unless crossed
Returns: Dynamic overbought and oversold range for oscillator input
oscillator(type, length, shortLength, longLength, source, highSource, lowSource, method, highlowLength, sticky)
oscillator - returns Choice of oscillator with custom overbought/oversold range
type : - oscillator type. Valid values : cci, cmo, cog, mfi, roc, rsi, stoch, tsi, wpr
length : - Oscillator length - not used for TSI
shortLength : - shortLength only used for TSI
longLength : - longLength only used for TSI
source : - custom source if required
highSource : - custom high source for stochastic oscillator
lowSource : - custom low source for stochastic oscillator
method : - Valid values for method are : sma, ema, hma, rma, wma, vwma, swma, highlow, linreg, median
highlowLength : - length on which highlow of the oscillator is calculated
sticky : - overbought, oversold levels won't change unless crossed
Returns: Oscillator value along with dynamic overbought and oversold range for oscillator input
multibands(bandType, source, maType, length, useTrueRange, sticky, numberOfBands, multiplierStart, multiplierStep)
multibands - returns Choice of oscillator with custom overbought/oversold range
bandType : - Band type - can be either bb or kc
source : - custom source if required
maType : Moving Average Type : Can be sma, ema, hma, rma, wma, vwma, swma, highlow, linreg, median
length : - Oscillator length - not used for TSI
useTrueRange : - if set to false, uses high-low.
sticky : - for sticky borders which only change upon source crossover/crossunder
numberOfBands : - Number of bands to generate
multiplierStart : - Starting ATR or Standard deviation multiplier for first band
multiplierStep : - Incremental value for multiplier for each band
Returns: array of band values sorted in ascending order
mbandoscillator(bandType, source, maType, length, useTrueRange, stickyBands, numberOfBands, multiplierStart, multiplierStep)
mbandoscillator - Multiband oscillator created on the basis of bands
bandType : - Band type - can be either bb or kc
source : - custom source if required
maType : Moving Average Type : Can be sma, ema, hma, rma, wma, vwma, swma, highlow, linreg, median
length : - Oscillator length - not used for TSI
useTrueRange : - if set to false, uses high-low.
stickyBands : - for sticky borders which only change upon source crossover/crossunder for band detection
numberOfBands : - Number of bands to generate
multiplierStart : - Starting ATR or Standard deviation multiplier for first band
multiplierStep : - Incremental value for multiplier for each band
Returns: oscillator currentStates - Array containing states for last n bars
strategyLibrary "strategy"
Library containing few key calculations for strategy involving leveraged limit and stop orders
getQty(entry, stop, riskPercentage)
calculate qty and leverage based on entry and stop price for given risk percentage.
entry : Entry Price
stop : Stop Price
riskPercentage : risk percentage per trade
Returns: - Quantity based on the risk and calculated leverage on position including existing positions
bracketOrder(entry, stop, target, maxLeverage, isLimitOrder, riskPercentage)
Calculates position size based on risk and creates bracket orders for given entry/stop/target
entry : Entry Price
stop : Stop Price
target : Target Price
maxLeverage : Maximum leverage allowed
isLimitOrder : if true, places limit order for entry, else places stop order.
riskPercentage : risk percentage per trade
Returns: orderPlaced - true if orders successfully placed, false otherwise.
order(entry, stop, maxLeverage, isLimitOrder, riskPercentage)
Calculates position size based on risk and creates order for given entry/stop
entry : Entry Price
stop : Stop Price
maxLeverage : Maximum leverage allowed
isLimitOrder : if true, places limit order for entry, else places stop order.
riskPercentage : risk percentage per trade
Returns: orderPlaced - true if orders successfully placed, false otherwise.
ahpuhelperLibrary "ahpuhelper"
Helper Library for Auto Harmonic Patterns UltimateX. It is not meaningful for others. This is supposed to be private library. But, publishing it to make sure that I don't delete accidentally. Some functions may be useful for coders.
insert_open_trades_table_column(showOpenTrades, table_id, column, colors, values, intStatus, harmonicTrailingStartState, lblSizeOpenTrades)
add data to open trades table column
showOpenTrades : flag to show open trades table
table_id : Table Id
column : refers to pattern data
colors : backgroud and text color array
values : cell values
intStatus : status as integer
harmonicTrailingStartState : trailing Start state as per configs
lblSizeOpenTrades : text size
Returns: nextColumn
populate_closed_stats(ClosedStatsPosition, bullishCounts, bearishCounts, bullishRetouchCounts, bearishRetouchCounts, bullishSizeMatrix, bearishSizeMatrix, bullishRR, bearishRR, allPatternLabels, flags, rowMain, rowHeaders)
populate closed stats for harmonic patterns
ClosedStatsPosition : Table position for closed stats
bullishCounts : Matrix containing bullish trade stats
bearishCounts : Matrix containing bearish trade stats
bullishRetouchCounts : Matrix containing bullish trade stats for those which retouched entry
bearishRetouchCounts : Matrix containing bearish trade stats for those which retouched entry
bullishSizeMatrix : Matrix containing data about size of bullish patterns
bearishSizeMatrix : Matrix containing data about size of bearish patterns
bullishRR : Matrix containing Risk Reward data of bullish patterns
bearishRR : Matrix containing Risk Reward data of bearish patterns
allPatternLabels : array containing pattern labels
flags : display flags
rowMain : Pattern header data
rowHeaders : header grouping data
Returns: void
get_rr_details(patternTradeDetails, harmonicTrailingStartState, disableTrail, breakEvenTrail)
calculate and return risk reward based on targets and stops
patternTradeDetails : array containing stop, entry and targets
harmonicTrailingStartState : trailing point
disableTrail : If set, ignores trailing point
breakEvenTrail : If set, trailing does not go beyond breakeven.
Returns: nextColumn
drawcandlesLibrary "drawcandles"
simple utility to draw different candles using box and lines. Quite useful for drawing candles such as zigzag candles or MTF candles
draw(o, h, l, c, oBar, cBar)
draws candles based on ohlc values
o : Open Price
h : High Price
l : Low Price
c : Close Price
oBar : Open Time
cBar : Close Time
Returns: void
arraysLibrary "arrays"
Library contains utility functions using arrays.
delete( arr , index)
remove an item from array at specific index. Also deletes the item
arr: - array from which the item needs to be deleted
index: - index of item to be deleted
Returns: void
pop( arr )
remove the last item from array. Also deletes the item
arr: - array from which the last item needs to be removed and deleted
Returns: void
shift( arr )
remove an item from array at index 0. Also deletes the item
arr: - array from which the first item needs to be removed and deleted
Returns: void
unshift( arr , val, maxItems)
add an item to the beginning of an array with max items cap
arr: - array to which the item needs to be added at the beginning
val: - value of item which needs to be added
maxItems: - max items array can hold. After that, items are removed from the other end
Returns: resulting array
clear( arr )
remove and delete all items in an array
arr: - array which needs to be cleared
Returns: void
push( arr , val, maxItems)
add an item to the end of an array with max items cap
arr: - array to which the item needs to be added at the beginning
val: - value of item which needs to be added
maxItems: - max items array can hold. After that, items are removed from the starting index
Returns: resulting array