TradingView indicator for FBMA strategy
People oftem ask: “Dmitry, BABA, TSLA, AAPL flies like a rocket! Well, what are we buying!?” - And I say no, the price does not act like a straight rocket upwards or downwards, instead it breathes, inhales moving away from the moving average and exhales returning to it, so we will wait for the first pullback and buy exactly at the value of the moving average.
Your new paradigm: wait for the stock to pull back to the moving average rather than chasing the price
And one more thing... Remember, you don't want to buy a stock when it's going down, you'll start to have doubts. it's against human nature to go long when the price is falling, but that's why this strategy works so well. We buy on the price rollback (pullback to the moving average), but we DO IT WHILE FOLLOWING THE TREND.
The biggest consequence of this strategy, my author's FBMA strategy and this is a game changer (results are in the comments).
So, let's dive into FBMA indicator settings:
Main settings
ATR Period — Period of intergrated ATR Indicator(shows ATR in a small dashboard);
Settings of Moving Averages
Sign Moving Averages? — shows values of moving averages near their lines on the chart;
Fix MAs' signatures overlapping? — automatically MAs' signatures overlapping (specifically for SMAs and EMAs!) ;
Fix MAs' signatures overlapping between SMAs and EMAs? — automatically group overlapping between EMAs' and SMAs' signatures;
Min distance between MAs' signatures (in % of ATR) — minimal distance between MAs' signatures that indicator will push away MAs' signatures from each other if they are overlapped;
Dashboard position — position of dashboard on the chart ( 9 options ).
Settings of MAs
Option for showing EMA and/or SMA of chosen period and source;
Line colour ;
Signature colour .
Show data by selected timeframe? — shows difference of current price opening and opening a "timeframe" time ago;
Shows MAs only if asset has grown by selected growth % in selected timeframe?
Growth, % — percent, which asset has to gain in order for MAs to be plotted;
Timeframe — frequency with which price's current and previous opening are being will be compared;
Show analog MAs' signatures? — shows MAs' value in a small table;
Show cloud between 1st and 2nd MAs? — shows cloud for both EMAs and SMAs simultaneously).
Price Action
This settings are intuitively understandable
Feel free to leave your questions or suggestions in the comments!
* Price Action-section was taken from ChrisMoody's CM_Price_Action and rebuilt.
Индикатор TradingView для стратегии ПООС
Мне часто пишут в личку: “Дмитрий, BABA, TSLA , AAPL летит ракетой! Ну что покупаем!?”- А я говорю нет, цена не летит по прямой ракетой вверх, она дышит, делает вдохи отдаляясь от скользящей и выдохи возвращаясь к ней, поэтому мы дождёмся первого пуллбэка и купим точно на значении скользящей
Ваша новая парадигма: ждать акцию на пуллбэке к скользящей по тренду, а не гнаться за ценой
И ещё… Помните, вы не захотите покупать акцию в момент, когда она падает, вы начнете сомневаться т.к. это против человеческой природы заходить в лонг при падении цены, но именно поэтому эта стратегия работает так эффективно, т.к. мы покупаем на откате цены (пуллбэке к скользящей), но ПО ТРЕНДУ
Самое большее следствие из этой стратегии, моя авторская стратегия ПООС и это гейм-чейнджер (результаты в комментариях).
Итак, давайте посмотрим сами настройки индикатора:
Основные настройки
ATR Period — период интегрированного индикатора ATR (показывает ATR на небольшой панели);
Настройки скользящих средних
Sign Moving Averages? — показывает значения скользящих средних рядом с их линиями на графике;
Исправить перекрытие сигнатур МА? — автоматически сигнатуры СС перекрываются (специально для SMA и EMA!) ;
Исправить перекрытие сигнатур МА между SMA и EMA? — автоматически группировать перекрытие между сигнатурами EMA и SMA;
Минимальное расстояние между сигнатурами скользящих средних (в % от ATR) — минимальное расстояние между сигнатурами скользящих средних, при котором индикатор будет отталкивать сигнатуры скользящих средних друг от друга, если они перекрываются;
Панель управления
Dashboard position — положение таблицы на графике ( 9 вариантов ).
Настройки МА
Опция отображения EMA и/или SMA выбранного периода и source;
Цвет линии ;
Цвет подписи .
Показать данные по выбранному таймфрейму? — показывает разницу текущей цены открытия и цены открытия в прошлом, по времени равному величины параметра "Таймфрейм";
Показывает MA только в том случае, если актив вырос на выбранный % роста за выбранный период времени?
Прирост, % — процент, на который актив должен набраться, чтобы скользящие средние были построены;
Таймфрейм — частота, с которой будет сравниваться текущее и предыдущее открытие цены;
Показать сигнатуры аналоговых МА? — показывает значение МА в небольшой таблице;
Показать облако между 1-й и 2-й скользящими средними? — показывает облако для EMA и SMA одновременно).
Price Action
Эти настройки будут интуитивно понятны
Оставляете свои вопросы и предложения в комментариях, всё учтём!
* Price Action-section was taken from ChrisMoody's CM_Price_Action and rebuilt.
Q-TrendQ-Trend is an multipurpose indicatorm that can be used for swing- and trend-trading equally on any timeframe (non-volatile markets are better for this thing).
Trend period - used to calculate trend line in the special moments(will explain below);
ATR Multiplier - changes sensitivity. The higher the multiplier = the more sensitive it is.
Also option to smooth source data (helps get cleaner signals, as always).
How to use?
Signals are given on the chart. Also ou can use trend line as S/R line.
The idea behind:
SRС = Source
TL = trend line;
MP = ATR multiplier;
ATR = ATR :)
TL = (highest of source P-bars back + lowest of source P-bars back) / 2
Epsilon = MP * ATR
I was thinking for a week about combining volatility and relation between highest and lowest price point. That why I called indicator Q-Trend = Quantitative Trend , as I was trying to think about price in a mathematical way.
Okay, time to go philosophical:
1) TL is shows good price trend, but as it is slow enough and not enough informative, we need add additional conditions to produce signals.
2) Okay, so what can we add as conditions? We need to take volatility into account, as it is crucial in the moments of market uncertainty. So let's use ATR (Average True Range) somehow. My idea is that if SRC breaks TL + ATR , then it means that there will be upmove and we update our TL . Analogically for SRC breaking TL - ATR (breaks are crosses of TL +- ATR lines) .
- if SRC breaks TL + ATR , it is a BUY signal and update of trend line;
- if SRC breaks TL - ATR , it is a SELL signal and update of trend line;
I think that such indicator already exisits on TradingView, as I've already saw something similar, but long ago, so please don't report, if such thing already exists.
But if not, then I hope, that you will gain some profits with Q-Trend :)
I will continue my work on this thing, so stay tuned.
Trade with your own risks and have your profits!
Wish you all the best!
- Tarasenko Fyodor
Profit Bands [Loxx]Profit Bands is a supplementary indicator to be used with Loxx's backtests and combination indicators that use volatility-based take profits and stop loss. This indicator includes two types of volatility: Average True Range and True Range Double. Additional volatility sources will be added in the future. The lines painted on the screen are multiples of ATR for Take Profits and Stoploss for Long/Short positions that you can change in the settings. 3 Take Profits and 1 Stoploss is supported. You can turn on/off each UI element. Position size is determined by calculating the size of an investment where you'd lose only X% of your balance if the Stoploss is hit. You can enter your total balance available to trade and the desired % risk you'd be willing to lose at SL. Typically this number is 1-2% of total balance per trade.
Always remember to wait for bar close on a signal to and then peg this indicator to 1 bar backward to fix the price levels the then seed the exact levels you'll use for Take Profits and Stoploss. This indicator will match exactly the levels in other indicators in Loxx's scripts such as Kaleidoscope. You would overlay this script over any other script that uses volatility stops to see where to place your TPs and SL
TradingWolf Premium OscillatorsThe TradingWolf Premium Oscillators is a unique and enhanced selection of oscillators designed to help give you an edge on the markets.
Within this one indicator you will have access to RSI, Stochastic, MACD, Awesome Oscillator, Wavetrend, Zig Zag Pivots and DPO.
Including Divergence and Hidden Divergence signals for them.
Below each indicator is explained along with its enhancements to help you understand it better.
This script comes with the 'TradingWolf Premium' to get access, read the Author’s Instructions below.
There are extensive explanations on how to use these oscillators in our documentation on the website but we will give a simple overview here.
We try not to mess with these too much because if used correctly, they are very powerful tools. The main differences you will notice is that we have highlighted the areas where you should be paying attention to the oscillator with reversal/continuation zones.
The most popular feature from these will be the 4 divergences which can be toggled on or off in the settings.
Stochastic we have tried to keep as similar to the original as possible, main features are being able to select alternate timeframes for it to be calculated on as well as displaying divergences.
We have created a highlighted zone for when price enters the overbought/sold territory. A lot of traders will look for crossovers happening in these areas however from our tests we have discovered entering trades as the Stochastic comes out of these areas has hugely reduced losing trades, still not a perfect strategy but it does often show that the trend is showing weakening momentum and its commonly followed by a period of sideways action before continuing in a new direction.
We have calculated a dynamic extreme range for the MACD, you will notice the green/red bars as the bottom and top of the Oscillator. These levels help adjust with the assets volatility so they will work universally on all assets and timeframes. When these levels get more narrow, this indicates there is a potential larger move to come, similar thought process to a Bollinger band squeeze.
We like the Divergence signals you receive whilst in this OB/OS range as they give more confluence behind the divergence signal that price has over extended and is looking to retrace or consolidate.
Awesome Oscillator
The Awesome Oscillator is based on some pretty simple calculations but is hugely powerful.
The 3 main use cases are crossing the 0 value, showing weakening momentum and divergence signals.
We Particularly like the Divergence signals it gives us as they tend to be more accurate than any other oscillator.
Wavetrend we try describe as a more dynamic Stochastic/MACD, it moves smoother and quicker without giving too many false signals.
Conditions we use the Wavetrend for are similar to the MACD where we are looking for crossovers or divergences in the extreme bands, these shouldn’t be used to trade alone and should be paired with other pieces of confluence for a higher probability trade however this is one of our favourites.
We also have a VWAP extreme detector which we pair with the Wavetrend, helping us identify areas where price should start cooling off.
Zig Zag
The main purpose of the standard Zig Zag is to analyse historical data to be able to observe cycle's in a market's movement, this requires a bit more explanation than we can include here so please refer to our documentation on the website for further guidance.
The detrended price oscillator is unlike other oscillators, such as the Stochastic or MACD the DPO is not a momentum indicator. It instead highlights peaks and troughs in price, which are used to estimate buy and sell points in line with the historical cycle.
We personally think this is the most under-rated oscillator out there, if you simply followed the DPO above 0 for long and below for short on higher timeframes you can outperform the buy and hold return of Bitcoin (BTCUSDT)...
This is just one simple way of using the DPO there are other more in depth methods of using it within our documentation.
BTC Profitable Wallets StrategyBTC Profitable Wallets Strategy - plots the percentage of profitable BTC wallets and places long orders when the profitable wallet share crosses above 50%, historically a very accurate point to catch the next Bull Run early.
The only setting is a smoothing option using the Moving Average method and length of your choice.
On Chain Data is queried from IntoTheBlock.
This is a 'HODL' strategy, with no exit given. If you'd like to see the historical performance check the Open Profit or place a sell order at the current date.
[EDU] Close Open Estimation Signals (COE Signals)EN:
Close Open Estimation ( aka COE ) is a very simple swing-trading indicator based on even simpler idea. This indicator is from my educational series, which means that I just want to share with another way to look at the market in order to broaden your knowledge .
Idea :
Let's take n previous bars and make a sum a of close - open -values of each bar. Knowledgeable of you may already see the similarity to RSI calculation idea . Now let's plot this sum and see what we have now.
We can see, that whenever COE crosses over 0-level, uptrend begins, and if COE crosses under 0-level, downtrend begins. The speed of such signals can be adjusted by changing lookback period: the lower the lookback, the faster signals you get, but high-quality ones can be obtained only via not-so-fast lookback as when the market is consolidating or volatility is to high, there can be many garbage signals, like 95+% of other indicators have.
Let's explore more and calculate volatility of COE(v_coe in the code): current COE - previous CEO .
Now it appears that when v_coe crosses over 0-level, it's a signal, that this is a new low and soon the uptrend will follow. Analogically for crossing under 0-level .
I guess now you understood what these all are about: COE crossings show global trend signals , while Volatility COE ( v_coe or VCOE ) crossings show reversal points .
For signals I further calculated volatility of VCOE(VVCOE) and then volatility of VVCOE(VVVCOE). Why? Because for me they seem to be more accurate, but you are welcome to experiment and figure best setups for yourself and by yourself, I just share my opinion and experience .
COE can be helpful only in high liquidity markets with good trend or wide sideways .
If you want to experiment with COE, just copy the code and play with it. Curious of you will probably find it helpful eventhough the idea is way too simple.
By it's perfomance COE can probably beat QQE at open price settings.
(use open of the price at indicator to get zero repaint! )
Examples :
If you any questions, feel free to DM me or leave comments.
Good luck and take your profits!
- Fyodor Tarasenko
Close Open Estimation ( aka COE ) — это очень простой индикатор свинг-трейдинга, основанный на еще более простой идее. Этот индикатор из моей образовательной серии, а это значит, что я просто хочу поделиться с другим взглядом на рынок , чтобы расширить ваши знания .
Идея :
Возьмем n предыдущих баров и составим сумму a из close - open -значений каждого бара. Знающие люди могут уже заметить сходство с идеей расчета RSI . Теперь давайте построим эту сумму и посмотрим, что у нас сейчас есть.
Мы видим, что всякий раз, когда COE пересекает выше 0-уровня, начинается восходящий тренд , а если COE пересекает ниже 0-уровня, начинается нисходящий тренд. Скорость таких сигналов можно регулировать изменением ретроспективы: чем меньше ретроспектива, тем быстрее вы получаете сигналы, но качественные можно получить только через не- такой быстрый взгляд назад, как когда рынок консолидируется или волатильность слишком высока, может быть много мусорных сигналов, как у 95+% других индикаторов.
Давайте рассмотрим больше и рассчитаем волатильность COE(v_coe в коде): текущий COE - предыдущий CEO .
Теперь кажется, что когда v_coe пересекает уровень 0, это сигнал о том, что это новый минимум и вскоре последует восходящий тренд . Аналогично для пересечения под 0-уровнем .
Думаю, теперь вы поняли, о чем все это: COE пересечения показывают глобальные сигналы тренда , а пересечения Volatility COE ( v_coe или VCOE ) показывают точки разворота .
Для сигналов я дополнительно рассчитал волатильность VCOE(VVCOE), а затем волатильность VVCOE(VVVCOE). Почему? Потому что для меня они кажутся более точными, но вы можете поэкспериментировать и подобрать оптимальные настройки для себя и для себя, я просто делюсь своим мнением и опытом .
COE может быть полезен только на рынках с высокой ликвидностью и хорошим трендом или широким боковиком .
Если вы хотите поэкспериментировать с COE, просто скопируйте код и поэкспериментируйте с ним. Любознательные из вас, вероятно, сочтут это полезным, хотя идея слишком проста.
По своей результативности СОЕ может составить конкуренцию широко известному QQE, используя open цены.
(используйте open цены на индикаторе, чтобы получить нулевую перерисовку! )
Примеры :
Если у вас есть вопросы, пишите мне в личные сообщения или оставляйте комментарии.
Удачи и профита всем!
- Федор Тарасенко
Ichimoku Cloud with ADX (By Coinrule)The Ichimoku Cloud is a collection of technical indicators that show support and resistance levels, as well as momentum and trend direction. It does this by taking multiple averages and plotting them on a chart. It also uses these figures to compute a “cloud” that attempts to forecast where the price may find support or resistance in the future.
The Ichimoku Cloud was developed by Goichi Hosoda, a Japanese journalist, and published in the late 1960s. It provides more data points than the standard candlestick chart. While it seems complicated at first glance, those familiar with how to read the charts often find it easy to understand with well-defined trading signals.
The Ichimoku Cloud is composed of five lines or calculations, two of which comprise a cloud where the difference between the two lines is shaded in.
The lines include a nine-period average, a 26-period average, an average of those two averages, a 52-period average, and a lagging closing price line.
The cloud is a key part of the indicator. When the price is below the cloud, the trend is down. When the price is above the cloud, the trend is up.
The above trend signals are strengthened if the cloud is moving in the same direction as the price. For example, during an uptrend, the top of the cloud is moving up, or during a downtrend, the bottom of the cloud is moving down.
DMI is simple to interpret. When +DI > - DI, it means the price is trending up. On the other hand, when -DI > +DI , the trend is weak or moving on the downside. The ADX does not give an indication about the direction but about the strength of the trend.
Typically values of ADX above 25 mean that the trend is steeply moving up or down, based on the -DI and +D positioning. This script aims to capture swings in the DMI, and thus, in the trend of the asset, using a contrarian approach.
Trading on high values of ADX , the strategy tries to spot extremely oversold and overbought conditions. Values of ADX above 45 may suggest that the trend has overextended and is may be about to reverse.
This strategy combines the Ichimoku Cloud with the ADX indicator to better enter trades.
Long/Short orders are placed when these basic signals are triggered.
Long Position:
Tenkan-Sen is above the Kijun-Sen
Chikou-Span is above the close of 26 bars ago
Close is above the Kumo Cloud
MACD line crosses over the signal line
-DI is greater than +DI
ADX is greater than 45
Short Position:
Tenkan-Sen is below the Kijun-Sen
Chikou-Span is below the close of 26 bars ago
Close is below the Kumo Cloud
MACD line crosses under the signal line
+DI is greater than -DI
ADX is less than 45
The script is backtested from 1 January 2022 and provides good returns.
The strategy assumes each order is using 30% of the available coins to make the results more realistic and to simulate you only ran this strategy on 30% of your holdings. A trading fee of 0.1% is also taken into account and is aligned to the base fee applied on Binance.
This script also works well on MATIC (15m timeframe), ETH (5m timeframe), and SOL (15m timeframe).
ALMA/EMA/SRSI Strategy + IndicatorBack with another great high hit rate strategy!!
Disclaimer* This strategy was sampled using source code written by @ClassicScott , as referred to in the script, there is a clear line where the source code was scripted by myself.
This Strategy consists of three key factors, the ALMA, EMA crossover, and a Stochastic Rsi
ALMA: The Alma is the step line shown, turning green and red at select times. This average value gives general oversight of the macro movement of price action. and this particular one was coded by Mr.ClassicScott.
EMA crossover: At the input screen you are given an option of the fast and slow ema's. The default is solely for the hit rate and correlation to the Alma of this strategy. The arrows you see depicted on the chart are the crossover events happening.
Stochastic Rsi: The Stochastic Rsi is a stochastic value, using data sampled from the rsi. The use of this indicator in my strategy is to prevent entries when too overbought and oversold, as well as closures and vice versa, to prevent holding bags either way.
Fixed % TP: In the input screen you are given a take profit and stop loss percentage, for good R/R the hit rate will take a notch down, but with no R/R it will be near perfect.
How to use this:
Add it to your chart to get the strategy inputs. (The strategy is really only useful on a 15min TF. However the indicator within it can be used on anything at anytime!)
Watch the yellow and aqua moving averages, these are your ema's and crossover's will trigger signals based on your integer inputs.
Find Correlation between other leading indicators, as well as crossover's down/up and a red/green alma.
DO NOT use the arrows as buy/sell signals. These are simply to show ema's are crossing under or over. Momentum indicator's paired with this can be useful to determine if it could be a buy signal or sell signal.
Cheat Code's Notes:
Almost at 1000 boosts!!! I appreciate the support from everyone and I will keep trying my best to deliver quality strategies for the people.
-Cheat Code
[GTH] Net Profit Margin (%)Displays the Net Profit Margin in a more "readable" fashion than the built-in TV Indicator.
This indicator concludes the series of 'Minervini-indicators', consisting of "GTH Earnings", "GTH Revenues" and "GTH Net Profit Margin (%)".
Famous trader Mark Minervini repeately describes rising earnings, revenues and net profit margin as the most important financials for finding superperformers.
In case of reporting a malfunction: Please be specific. Statements like "does not work" are useless. Thanks.
Ichimoku Cloud with MACD (By Coinrule)The Ichimoku Cloud is a collection of technical indicators that show support and resistance levels, as well as momentum and trend direction. It does this by taking multiple averages and plotting them on a chart. It also uses these figures to compute a “cloud” that attempts to forecast where the price may find support or resistance in the future.
The Ichimoku Cloud was developed by Goichi Hosoda, a Japanese journalist, and published in the late 1960s. It provides more data points than the standard candlestick chart. While it seems complicated at first glance, those familiar with how to read the charts often find it easy to understand with well-defined trading signals.
The Ichimoku Cloud is composed of five lines or calculations, two of which comprise a cloud where the difference between the two lines is shaded in.
The lines include a nine-period average, a 26-period average, an average of those two averages, a 52-period average, and a lagging closing price line.
The cloud is a key part of the indicator. When the price is below the cloud, the trend is down. When the price is above the cloud, the trend is up.
The above trend signals are strengthened if the cloud is moving in the same direction as the price. For example, during an uptrend, the top of the cloud is moving up, or during a downtrend, the bottom of the cloud is moving down.
The MACD is a trend following momentum indicator and provides identification of short-term trend direction. In this variation it utilises the 12-period as the fast and 26-period as the slow length EMAs, with signal smoothing set at 9.
This strategy combines the Ichimoku Cloud with the MACD indicator to better enter trades.
Long/Short orders are placed when three basic signals are triggered.
Long Position:
Tenkan-Sen is above the Kijun-Sen
Chikou-Span is above the close of 26 bars ago
Close is above the Kumo Cloud
MACD line crosses over the signal line
Short Position:
Tenkan-Sen is below the Kijun-Sen
Chikou-Span is below the close of 26 bars ago
Close is below the Kumo Cloud
MACD line crosses under the signal line
The script is backtested from 1 June 2022 and provides good returns.
The strategy assumes each order is using 30% of the available coins to make the results more realistic and to simulate you only ran this strategy on 30% of your holdings. A trading fee of 0.1% is also taken into account and is aligned to the base fee applied on Binance.
This script also works well on MATIC (1h timeframe), AVA (45m timeframe), and BTC (30m timeframe).
Short Term RSI and SMA Percentage ChangeThis strategy utilises common indicators like RSI and moving averages in order to enter and exit trades. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a momentum indicator that has a value between 0 and 100, where a value greater than 70 is considered overbought and a value less than 30 is oversold. If the RSI value is above or below these values, then it can signal a possible trend reversal.
The second indicator used in this strategy is the Simple Moving Average (SMA). A SMA is an arithmetic moving average calculated by adding recent prices and then dividing that figure by the number of time periods in the calculation average. For example, one could add the closing price of a coin for a number of time periods and then divide this total by that same number of periods. Short-term averages respond quickly to changes in the price of the underlying coin, while long-term averages are slower to react.
Long/Exit orders are placed when three basic signals are triggered.
Long Position:
RSI is greater than 50
MA9 is greater than MA100
MA9 increases by 6%
Exit Position:
Price increases 5% trailing
Price decreases 5% trailing
The script is backtested from 1 May 2022 and provides good returns.
A trading fee of 0.1% is also taken into account and is aligned to the base fee applied on Binance.
This script also works well on AVAX 45m/1h, MATIC 15m/45m/1h and ETH 4h.
PrevHighLow Trend IndicatorPrevHighLow Trend Indicator which is calculated by using prev lowest and highest of p1 -period and p2 -period for two MAs.
First MA is made of prev highest of p1-period / prev lowest of p1-period.
Second MA is faster, made up of p2(<p1)- period(same formula).
Can be used in the next way: slower MA(straight line) shows main trend, faster shows temporary trend.
BUY, when first MA and second MA are green; Exit: second MA changes from green to red.
SELL, when first MA and second MA are red; Exit: second MA changes from red to green.
RSI Assistant basically filtres signals in the way, when signals from RSI and Faster MA are similar? it signals about it with labels: BUY for long, SELL for short. You can either enable or disable it. Also customizable so you can find your setup. RSI Assistant, depending on you customize it, can help you either follow trend or show reversals. Just find your own setup and watch things happen!
Feel free to leave valuable feedback and your setups which you consider to be good.
Hope you PHLTI usefull. Good luck!
This Oscillator was created to inspire confidence in the short-term trend of traders. This will work very well with a volatility metric (I recommend BBWP by @The_Caretaker)
1. Consists of a series of equations (mainly the difference between simple to exponential moving averages) and Standard deviations of these moving average differences (length equivalent to the length of sampled ma's)
2. These equations are then boiled down through an averaging process array, after averaging the covariants are equated against the variants of the positive side of the array. This is what is presented as the aqua line.
3. The RC average (yellow) is the sma following the DAP'S Oscillator at a specified length
4. The most important part of this indicator is simply the momentum oscillator represented as a green or red line based on the value relative to the Oscillators.
As I mentioned before mixed with a volatility metric, it should set you up for a good decision based on short-term trends. I would say to be careful for periods of consolidation, with the consolidation the momentum often meets hands with DAP's Oscillator and can cause fake-outs. You want to spot divergences from the price to the momentum difference, as well as room to work down or upward to secure a good entry on a position.
I appreciate everyone who has boosted my previous scripts, it means a lot. If you want to translate words to pine script onto a chart, feel free to PM me. I would be happy to help bring an indicator to life. I may take a quick break but will be back shortly to help create more cheat codes for yall. Thanks!
-Cheat Code
Ichimoku Cloud with RSI (By Coinrule)The Ichimoku Cloud is a collection of technical indicators that show support and resistance levels, as well as momentum and trend direction. It does this by taking multiple averages and plotting them on a chart. It also uses these figures to compute a “cloud” that attempts to forecast where the price may find support or resistance in the future.
The Ichimoku Cloud was developed by Goichi Hosoda, a Japanese journalist, and published in the late 1960s. It provides more data points than the standard candlestick chart. While it seems complicated at first glance, those familiar with how to read the charts often find it easy to understand with well-defined trading signals.
The Ichimoku Cloud is composed of five lines or calculations, two of which comprise a cloud where the difference between the two lines is shaded in.
The lines include a nine-period average, a 26-period average, an average of those two averages, a 52-period average, and a lagging closing price line.
The cloud is a key part of the indicator. When the price is below the cloud, the trend is down. When the price is above the cloud, the trend is up.
The above trend signals are strengthened if the cloud is moving in the same direction as the price. For example, during an uptrend, the top of the cloud is moving up, or during a downtrend, the bottom of the cloud is moving down.
This strategy combines the Ichimoku Cloud with the RSI indicator to better enter trades.
Long/Short orders are placed when three basic signals are triggered.
Long Position:
Tenkan-Sen is above the Kijun-Sen
Chikou-Span is above the close of 26 bars ago
Close is above the Kumo Cloud
RSI is greater less than 50
Short Position:
Tenkan-Sen is below the Kijun-Sen
Chikou-Span is below the close of 26 bars ago
Close is below the Kumo Cloud
RSI is greater than 50
The script is backtested from 1 June 2022 and provides good returns.
The strategy assumes each order is using 30% of the available coins to make the results more realistic and to simulate you only ran this strategy on 30% of your holdings. A trading fee of 0.1% is also taken into account and is aligned to the base fee applied on Binance.
This script also works well on SOL (45m timeframe), BNB (1h timeframe), and ETH (1h timeframe).
Opening Price ChangeThis script shows the change from the market opening price to the market closing price of the previous day in percent.
With this you can quickly get an overview of historical data for the change of the respective day.
Important: the market closing price is always used for the calculation and not the pre/post market price.
The label with the change value is always placed above the first opens regular market bar. If the change is positive, the label is draw with a green background, is the change is negative you will have a red background.
Bitcoin Scalping Strategy (Sampled with: PMARP+MADRID MA RIBBON)
The Sampled Scripts and creators:
PMAR/PMARP by @The_Caretaker Link to original script:
Madrid MA RIBBON BAR by @Madrid Link to original script:
Cheat Code's strategy notes:
This sampled strategy (Requested by @elemy_eth) is one combining previously created studies. I reverse-engineered the local scope for the Madrid moving average color plots and set entry and exit conditions for certain criteria met. This strategy is meant to deliver an extremely high hit rate on a daily time frame. This is made possible because of the very low take profit percentage, during the context of a macro downtrend it is made easier to hit 1-3% scalps which is made visible with the strategy using sampled scripts I created here.
How it works:
Entry Conditions:
-Enter Long's if the lime color conditions are met true using the script detailed by Marid's MA
- No re-entry into positions needs to be met true (this prevents pyramiding of orders due to conditions being met true) applicable to both long and short side entries.
- To increase hit rate and prevent traps both the parameters of rsi being sub 80 and no previously engulfing candles need to be met true to enter a long position.
- Enter Short's if the red color conditions of Madrid's moving average are met true.
- Closing Long positions are typically not met within this indicator, however, it still sometimes triggers if necessary. This consists of a pmarp sub 99 and a position size greater than 0.0
- Closing Short positions are typically not met within this indicator, however, it still sometimes triggers if necessary. This consists of a pmarp over 01 and a position size less than 0.0
- Stop Loss: 27.75% Take Profit: 1% (Which does not trigger on ticks over 1% so you will see average trade profits greater than 1%)
Best Of Luck :)
T&M/E Wave V2Trend and Momentum With Exception Wave Indicator and Strategy:
This strategy is hand made and I have spent days and many hours making it. The strategy is meant to determine the power between buyers and sellers, match the current power with a historic trend (through a moving average statistical equation), and finally volatility (measured with a mix between standard deviation from Bollinger Bands and HPV). Below will be a list of how to determine the inputs for the indicator
**For reference, all numbers, and settings displayed on the input screen are only what I HAVE FOUND to be profitable for my own strategy, Yours will differ. This is not financial advice and I am not a financial advisor. Please do your due diligence and own research before considering taking entries based on this strategy and indicator. I am not advertising investing, trading, or skills untaught, this is simply to help incorporate into your own strategy and improve your trading journey!**
EV: This is an integer value set to default at 55. This value is equated to the lead value, volatility measurement, and standard deviation between averages
EV 2: This integer is used as the base value and is meant to always be GREATER THEN EV, the default is set at 163. There should be at least a 90+ integer difference between EVs for data accuracy.
EV TYPE & EV TYPE 2: This option only affects the output for the moving average histograms. (and data inserted for strategy)
Volatility Smoothing: This is the smoothness of the custom-made volatility oscillator. I have this default at 1 to show time-worthy-term (3.9%+) moves or significant trends to correspond with the standard deviation declination between EVMA and EVMA2.
Directional Length: This is the amount of data observed per candle in the bull versus bear indicator.
Take Profit: Pre-set takes profit level that is set to 4 but can be adjusted for user experience.
Base Length: Columns equated using a custom-made statistical equation derived from EV TYPE 2+EV2 to determine a range of differential in historic averages to a micro-scale.
Lead Length: Columns equated using a custom-made statistical equation derived from EV TYPE+EV to determine a range of differential in historic averages to a micro-scale.
Weighted EMA Differential: Equation expressing the differences between exponential and simple averages derived from EV+EV Type 2. Default is displaying none, but optional for use if found helpful.
Volatility: Represents volatility from multiple data sets spanning from Bollinger bands to HPV and translated through smoothing.
Bull Strength: The strength of Bulls in the current trend is derived from a DMI+RSI+MACD equation to represent where the trend lies.
Bear Strength: The strength of Bears in the current trend is derived from a DMI+RSI+MACD equation to represent where the trend lies.
Do not use this indicator on high leverage. I have personally used this indicator for a week and faced a max of 8% drawdown, albeit painful I was on low leverage and still closed on my take profit level.
85% is not 100% do not overtrade using this indicator's entry conditions if you have made 4 consecutive profitable trades.
Mess around with the input values and let me know if you find an even BETTER hit rate, 30+ entries and a good drawdown!!
*Increased Opacity on Bull Bear Columns
*Removed the Stop Loss Input option
*Decreased EV2 to a default of 143 for accuracy
*Added additional disclaimers in the description
* Removed Bull/Bear offset values for accuracy
-Cheat Code
Grid Settings & MMThis script is designed to help you plan your grid trading or when averaging your position in the spot market.
The script has a small error (due to the simplification of the code), it does not take into account the size of the commission.
You can set any values on all parameters on any timeframe, except for the number of orders in the grid (from 2 to 5).
The usage algorithm is quite simple:
1. Connect the script
2. Install a Fibo grid on the chart - optional (settings at the bottom of the description)
3.On the selected pair, determine the HighPrice & LowPrice levels and insert their values
4.Evaluate grid data (levels, estimated profit ’%’, possible profit ‘$’...)
And it's all)
Block of variables for calculating grid and MM parameters
Variables used regularly
--- HighPrice and LowPrice - constant update when changing pairs
--- Deposit - deposit amount - periodically set the actual amount
Variables that do not require permanent changes
--- Grids - set the planned number of grids, default 5
--- Steps - the planned number of orders in the grid, by default 5
--- C_Order - coefficient of increasing the size of orders in the base coin, by default 1.2
--- C_Price - trading levels offset coefficient, default 1.1
--- FirstLevel - location of the first buy level, default 0.5
--- Back_HL - number of candles back, default 150
*** For C_Order and C_Price variables, the value 1 means the same order size and the same distance between buy levels.
The fibo grid is used for visualization, you can do without it, ! it is not tied to the script code !
You can calculate the levels of the Fibo grid using the formula:
(level price - minimum price) / (maximum price - minimum price)
For default values, grid levels are as follows:
1 ... 0.5
3 ... 0.211
Short description:
in the upper right corner
--- indicator of the price movement for the last 150 candles, in % !!! there is no task here to "catch" the peak values - only a relative estimate.
in the upper left corner
--- total amount of the deposit
--- the planned number of grids
--- “cost” of one grid
--- the size of the estimated profit depending on the specified HighPrice & LowPrice
in the lower left corner
--- Buy - price levels for buy orders
--- Amount - the number of purchased coins in the corresponding order
--- Sell - levels of profit taking by the sum of market orders in the grid
--- $$$ - the sum of all orders in the grid, taking into account the last active order
--- TP - profit amount by the amount of orders in the grid
Inverse MACD + DMI Scalping with Volatility Stop (By Coinrule)This script is focused on shorting during downtrends and utilises two strength based indicators to provide confluence that the start of a short-term downtrend has occurred - catching the opportunity as soon as possible.
This script can work well on coins you are planning to hodl for long-term and works especially well whilst using an automated bot that can execute your trades for you. It allows you to hedge your investment by allocating a % of your coins to trade with, whilst not risking your entire holding. This mitigates unrealised losses from hodling as it provides additional cash from the profits made. You can then choose to hodl this cash, or use it to reinvest when the market reaches attractive buying levels.
Alternatively, you can use this when trading contracts on futures markets where there is no need to already own the underlying asset prior to shorting it.
The trading system uses the Momentum Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) indicator and the Directional Movement Index (DMI) indicator to confirm when the best time is for selling. Combining these two indicators prevents trading during uptrends and reduces the likelihood of getting stuck in a market with low volatility.
The MACD is a trend following momentum indicator and provides identification of short-term trend direction. In this variation it utilises the 12-period as the fast and 26-period as the slow length EMAs, with signal smoothing set at 9.
The DMI indicates what way price is trending and compares prior lows and highs with two lines drawn between each - the positive directional movement line (+DI) and the negative directional movement line (-DI). The trend can be interpreted by comparing the two lines and what line is greater. When the negative DMI is greater than the positive DMI, there are more chances that the asset is trading in a sustained downtrend, and vice versa.
The system will enter trades when two conditions are met:
1) The MACD histogram turns bearish.
2) When the negative DMI is greater than the positive DMI.
The strategy comes with a fixed take profit combined with a volatility stop, which acts as a trailing stop to adapt to the trend's strength. Depending on your long-term confidence in the asset, you can edit the fixed take profit to be more conservative or aggressive.
The position is closed when:
Take-Profit Exit: +8% price decrease from entry price.
Stop-Loss Exit: Price crosses above the volatility stop.
In general, this approach suits medium to long term strategies. The backtesting for this strategy begins on 1 April 2022 to 18 July 2022 in order to demonstrate its results in a bear market. Back testing it further from the beginning of 2022 onwards further also produces good returns.
Pairs that produce very strong results include SOLUSDT on the 45m timeframe, MATICUSDT on the 2h timeframe, and AVAUSDT on the 1h timeframe. Generally, the back testing suggests that it works best on the 45m/1h timeframe across most pairs.
A trading fee of 0.1% is also taken into account and is aligned to the base fee applied on Binance.
SONIC BHOOM👉 What is this indicator ?
This indicator is made up of Trend and Moving Average, The idea used in this indicator is to understand the current trend and take buy sell entry based on moving average
👉 How many alarms does this indicator have ?
This indicator has two types of alarm for buy signal and sell signal, and it is best to set the alarm by selecting the Alert Once Bar Close option to avoid repaint.
👉 On which coins can this indicator be used ?
This indicator is best used on all cryptocurrencies and forex markets, You can use this indicator with any Time Frame, and this indicator is set to the 1000SHIBUSDT Coin, 5min Time Frame by default. Use appropriate values when using other coins. If you have any difficulty in finding the Value, you can contact us.
Default Setup Instructions 👇
Duration: 5 Minute
Default Coin : 1000SHIBUSDT
The following settings can be found in this indicator
Trend Length :This is an average True change value, Average True Range (ATR) is the average of True ranges over the specified period. ATR measures volatility, taking into account any gaps in the price movement.
Trend High : This is the ATR Factor Value. You can change this value according to the volatility, the ATR Factor value is also used to reduce the chance of a fake signal
Threshold :
The Threshold is the difference between price and moving average. Changing the value of this option will change the accuracy of the trading signal
Yearly Percentage ReturnsAn indicator that lets you visualize the historical Yearly Percentage returns of any symbol .
Key Features:
Displays the yearly returns from start to end of each year
Displays a table showing all yearly returns for current symbol
Displays start of each year as a vertical line
Displays up to 5 custom horizontal levels
Table Settings:
Enable table - Show/Hide the table
Size - Sets the size of the table
Position - Sets the position of the table on the screen
Direction - Sets the direction of the table to display the data (Vertically or Horizontally)
All Time LowThis script is to remind you of how much you would lose if the price went down to the all time low.
This will make you think twice about your purchases!
Sell Half On DoubleNotes:
- In settings leave 0 for actual price, or set a new price and the SHOD levels will change too.