Rob Booker - ADX Breakout updated to pinescript V5Rob Booker - ADX Breakout. The strategy remains unchanged but the code has been updated to pinescript V5. This enables compatibility with all new Tradingview features. Additonally, indicators have been made more easily visible, default cash settings as well as input descriptions have been added.
Rob Booker - ADX Breakout: (Directly taken from the official Tradingview V1 version of the script)
Rob Booker’s Average Directional Index (ADX) Breakout is a trend strength indicator that affirms the belief that trading in the direction of a trend and continuing to follow its pull is more profitable for traders, while simultaneously reducing risk.
ADX was traditionally used and developed to determine a price’s trend strength. It is commonly known as a tool from the arsenal of Rob Booker, experienced entrepreneur and currency trader.
Calculations for the ADX Breakout indicator are based on a moving average of price range expansion over a specific period of time. By default, the setting rests at 14 bars, this however is not mandatory, as other periods are routinely used for analysis as well.
The ADX line is used to measure and determine the strength of a trend, and so the direction of this line and its interpretation are crucial in a trader’s analysis. As the ADX line rises, a trend increases in strength and price moves in the trend’s direction. Similarly, if the ADX line is falling, a trend decreases in strength and price then enters a period of consolidation, or retracement.
Traditionally, the ADX is plotted on the chart as a single line that consists of values that range from 0-100. The line is non-directional, meaning that it always measures trend strength regardless of the position of a price’s trend (up or down). Essentially, ADX quantifies trend strength by presenting in both uptrends and downtrends of the line.
What to look for
The values associated with the ADX line help traders determine the most profitable trades and where risk lies in the current trend. It is important to know how to quantify trend strength and distinguish between the varying values in order to understand the differences in trending vs. non-trending conditions. Let’s take a look at ADX values and what they mean for trend strength.
ADX Value:
0-25: Signifies an absent of weak trend
25-50: Signifies a strong trend
50-75: Signifies a very strong trend
75-100: Signifies an extremely strong trend
To delve into this a bit further, let’s assess the meaning of ADX if it is valued below 25. If the ADX line remains below 25 for more than 30 or so bars, price then enters range conditions, making price patterns more distinguishable and visible to traders. Price will move up and down between resistance and support in order to determine selling and buying interest and may then eventually break out into a trend or pattern.
The way in which ADX peaks, ebs, and flows is also a signifier of its overall pattern and trend momentum. The line can clearly indicate to the trader when trend strength is strong versus when it is weak. When ADX peaks are pictured as higher, it points towards an increase in trend momentum. If ADX peaks are pictured as lower - you guessed it - it points towards a decrease in trend momentum. A trend of lower ADX peaks could be a warning for traders to watch prices and manage and assess risk before a trade gets out of hand. Similarly, whenever there is a sudden move that seems out of place or a change in trend character that goes against what you’ve seen before, this should be a clear sign to watch prices and assess risk.
The ADX Breakout indicator is a trend strength indicator that analyzes price movements relative to trend strength to signal a user when is best for a trade and when is best to manage risk and assess patterns. As long as a trader recognizes strong trends and assesses the risk of each trade properly, they should have no problem using this indicator and utilizing it to work in their favor. In addition, the ADX helps identify trending conditions, but while doing so, also aids traders in finding strong trends to trade. The indicator can even alert traders to specific changes in trend momentum, allowing them to be primed for risk management.
Puntos pivote y niveles
3C QFL Mean reversalWhat is QFL trading strategy?
QFL stands for Quickfingersluc, and sometimes it is referred to as the Base Strategy or Mean Reversals. Its main idea is about identifying the moment of panic selling and buying below the base level and utilizing Safety orders.
What is Base level or Support Level?
Base level or Support Level refers to the lowest price level that was reached before the moment the price started increasing again. At that level, you can notice that buyers of some cryptocurrencies make a strong reaction.
In this strategy we can also reverse the strategy and go short. But i must warn you that that is alot riskier.
QFL is meant to be used on higher TF's like 1hr, 2hr and 4hr. But this strategy also work well on lower Timeframes.
The script also simulates DCA strategy with parameters used in 3commas DCA bots for futures trading.
Experiment with parameters to find your trading setup.
Beware how large your total leveraged position is and how far can market go before you get liquidated!
Do that with the help of futures liquidation calculators you can find online!
An internal average price and profit calculating, instead of TV`s native one, which is subject to severe slippage.
A graphic interface, so levels are clearly visible and back-test analyzing made easier.
Long & Short direction of the strategy.
Table display a summary of past trades
Vertical colored lines appear when the new maximum deviation from the original price has
been reached
All the trading happens with total account capital, and all order sizes inputs are expressed in percent.
Buy/Sell on the levelsThis script is generally
My describe is:
There are a lot of levels we would like to buy some crypto.
When the price has crossed the level-line - we buy, but only if we have the permission in array(2)
When we have bought the crypto - we lose the permission for buy for now(till we will sell it on the next higher level)
When we sell some crypto(on the buying level + 1) we have the permission again.
There also are 2 protect indicators. We can buy if these indicators both green only(super trend and PIVOT )
Jun 12
Release Notes: Hello there,
Uncomment this section before use for real trade:
if array.get(price_to_sellBue, i) >= open and array.get(price_to_sellBue, i) <= close// and
//direction < 0 and permission_for_buy != 0
Here is my script.
In general - this is incredible simple script to use and understand.
First of all You can see this script working with only long orders, it means we going to get money if crypto grows only. Short orders we need to close the position on time.
In this script we buy crypto and sell with step 1% upper.
You can simply change the step by changing the price arrays.
Please note, if You want to see where the levels of this script is You Have to copy the next my indicator called LEVEL 1%
In general - if the price has across the price-level we buy some crypto and loose permission for buying for this level till we sell some crypto. There is ''count_of_orders" array field with value 2. When we bought some crypto the value turns to 0. 0 means not allowed to by on this level!!! The script buy if the bar is green only(last tick).
The script check every level(those we can see in "price_to_sellBue" array).
If the price across one of them - full script runs. After buying(if it possible) we check is there any crypto for sell on the level.
We check all levels below actual level( of actual level - ''i'' than we check all levels from 0 to i-1).
If there is any order that has value 0 in count of orders and index <= i-1 - we count it to var SELL amount and in the end of loop sell all of it.
Pay attention - it sells only if price across the level with red bar AND HAS ORDERS TO SELL WHICH WAS BOUGHT BELOW!!!
In Strategy tester it shows not-profitables orders sometimes, because if You have old Long position - it sells it first. First in - first out.
If the price goes down for a long time and You sell after 5 buys You sell the first of it with the highest value.
There is 2 protection from horrible buying in this strategy. The first one - Supertrend. If the supertrend is red - there is no permission for buy.
The second one - something between PIVOT and supertrend but with switcher.
If the price across last minimum - switcher is red - no permission for buy and the actual price becomes last minimum . The last maximum calculated for last 100 bars.
When the price across last maximum - switcher is green, we can buy. The last minimum calculation for last 100 bars, last maximum is actual price.
This two protections will save You from buying if price get crash down.
Enjoy my script.
Should You need the code or explanation, You have any ideas how to improve this crypt, contact me.
Jun 12
Release Notes: Here has been uncommented the protection for buy in case of price get down.
5 hours ago
Release Notes: Changed rages up to actual price to make it work
Bjorgum Double Tap█ OVERVIEW
Double Tap is a pattern recognition script aimed at detecting Double Tops and Double Bottoms. Double Tap can be applied to the broker emulator to observe historical results, run as a trading bot for live trade alerts in real time with entry signals, take profit, and stop orders, or to simply detect patterns.
How Is A Pattern Defined?
Doubles are technical formations that are both reversal patterns and breakout patterns. These formations typically have a distinctive “M” or a “W” shape with price action breaking beyond the neckline formed by the center of the pattern. They can be recognized when a pivot fails to break when tested for a second time and the retracement that follows breaks beyond the key level opposite. This can trap entrants that were playing in the direction of the prior trend. Entries are made on the breakout with a target projected beyond the neckline equal to the height of the pattern.
Pattern Recognition
Patterns are recognized through the use of zig-zag; a method of filtering price action by connecting swing highs and lows in an alternating fashion to establish trend, support and resistance, or derive shapes from price action. The script looks for the highest or lowest point in a given number of bars and updates a list with the values as they form. If the levels are exceeded, the values are updated. If the direction changes and a new significant point is made, a new point is added to the list and the process starts again. Meanwhile, we scan the list of values looking for the distinctive shape to form as previously described.
Back Testing
Historical back testing is the most common method to test a strategy due in part to the general ease of gathering quick results. The underlying theory is that any strategy that worked well in the past is likely to work well in the future, and conversely, any strategy that performed poorly in the past is likely to perform poorly in the future. It is easy to poke holes in this theory, however, as for one to accept it as gospel, one would have to assume that future results will match what has come to pass. The randomness of markets may see to it otherwise, so it is important to scrutinize results. Some commonly used methods are to compare to other markets or benchmarks, perform statistical analysis on the results over many iterations and on differing datasets, walk-forward testing, out-of-sample analysis, or a variety of other techniques. There are many ways to interpret the results, so it is important to do research and gain knowledge in the field prior to taking meaningful conclusions from them.
👉 In short, it would be naive to place trust in one good backtest and expect positive results to continue. For this reason, results have been omitted from this publication.
Repainting is simply the difference in behaviour of a strategy in real time vs the results calculated on the historical dataset. The strategy, by default, will wait for confirmed signals and is thus designed to not repaint. Waiting for bar close for entires aligns results in the real time data feed to those calculated on historical bars, which contain far less data. By doing this we align the behaviour of the strategy on the 2 data types, which brings significance to the calculated results. To override this behaviour and introduce repainting one can select "Recalculate on every tick" from the properties tab. It is important to note that by doing this alerts may not align with results seen in the strategy tester when the chart is reloaded, and thus to do so is to forgo backtesting and restricts a strategy to forward testing only.
👉 It is possible to use this script as an indicator as opposed to a full strategy by disabling "Use Strategy" in the "Inputs" tab. Basic alerts for detection will be sent when patterns are detected as opposed to complex order syntax. For alerts mid-bar enable "Recalculate on every tick" , and for confirmed signals ensure it is disabled.
Limit and Stop Orders
By default, the strategy will place a stop loss at the invalidation point of the pattern. This point is beyond the pattern high in the case of Double Tops, or beneath the pattern low in the case of Double Bottoms. The target or take profit point is an equal-legs measurement, or 100% of the pattern height in the direction of the pattern bias. Both the stop and the limit level can be adjusted from the user menu as a percentage of the pattern height.
Trailing Stops
Optional from the menu is the implementation of an ATR based trailing stop. The trailing stop is designed to begin when the target projection is reached. From there, the script looks back a user-defined number of bars for the highest or lowest point +/- the ATR value. For tighter stops the user can look back a lesser number of bars, or decrease the ATR multiple. When using either Alertatron or Trading Connector, each change in the trail value will trigger an alert to update the stop order on the exchange to reflect the new trail price. This reduces latency and slippage that can occur when relying on alerts only as real exchange orders fill faster and remain in place in the event of a disruption in communication between your strategy and the exchange, which ensures a higher level of safety.
👉 It is important to note that in the case the trailing stop is enabled, limit orders are excluded from the exit criteria. Rather, the point in time that the limit value is exceeded is the point that the trail begins. As such, this method will exit by stop loss only.
Five Built-in 3rd Party Destinations
The following are five options for delivering alerts from Double Tap to live trade execution via third party API solutions or chat bots to share your trades on social media. These destinations can be selected from the input menu and alert syntax will automatically configure in alerts appropriately to manage trades.
Custom JSON
JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, is a readable format for structuring data. It is used primarily to transmit data between a server and a web application. In regards to this script, this may be a custom intermediary web application designed to catch alerts and interface with an exchange API. The JSON message is a trade map for an application to read equipped with where its been, where its going, targets, stops, quantity; a full diagnostic of the current state and its previous state. A web application could be configured to follow the messages sent in this format and conduct trades in sync with alerts running on the TV server.
Below is an example of a rendered JSON alert:
"passphrase": "1234",
"time": "2022-05-01T17:50:05Z",
"ticker": "ETHUSDTPERP",
"plot": {
"stop_price": 2600.15,
"limit_price": 3100.45
"strategy": {
"position_size": 0.1,
"order_action": "buy",
"market_position": "long",
"market_position_size": 0,
"prev_market_position": "flat",
"prev_market_position_size": 0
Trading Connector
Trading Connector is a third party fully autonomous Chrome extension designed to catch alert webhooks from TradingView and interface with MT4/MT5 to execute live trades from your machine. Alerts to Trading Connector are simple; just select the destination from the input drop down menu, set your ticker in the "TC Ticker" box in the "Alert Strings" section and enter your URL in the alert window when configuring your alert.
Alertatron is an automated algo platform for cryptocurrency trading that is designed to automate your trading strategies. Although the platform is currently restricted to crypto, it offers a versatile interface with high flexibility syntax for complex market orders and conditions. To direct alerts to Alertatron, select the platform from the 3rd party drop down, configure your API key in the ”Alertatron Key” box and add your URL in the alert message box when making alerts.
3 Commas
3 Commas is an easy and quick to use click-and-go third party crypto API solution. Alerts are simple without overly complex syntax. Messages are simply pasted into alerts and executed as alerts are triggered. There are 4 boxes at the bottom of the "Inputs" tab where the appropriate messages to be placed. These messages can be copied from 3 Commas after the bots are set up and pasted directly into the settings menu. Remember to select 3 Commas as a destination from the third party drop down and place the appropriate URL in the alert message window.
Some may wish to share their trades with their friends in a Discord chat via webhook chat bot. Messages are configured to notify of the pattern type with targets and stop values. A bot can be configured through the integration menu in a Discord chat to which you have appropriate access. Select Discord from the 3rd party drop down menu and place your chat bot URL in the alert message window when configuring alerts.
👉 For further information regarding alert setup, refer to the platform specific instructions given by the chosen third party provider.
Setting Alerts
For alert messages to be properly delivered on order fills it is necessary to place the following placeholder in the alert message box when creating an alert.
This placeholder will auto-populate the alert message with the appropriate syntax that is designated for the 3rd party selected in the user menu.
Order Sizing and Commissions
The values that are sent in alert messages are populated from live metrics calculated by the strategy. This means that the actual values in the "Properties" tab are used and must be set by the user. The initial capital, order size, commission, etc. are all used in the calculations, so it is important to set these prior to executing live trades. Be sure to set the commission to the values used by the exchange as well.
👉 It is important to understand that the calculations on the account size take place from the beginning of the price history of the strategy. This means that if historical results have inflated or depleted the account size from the beginning of trade history until now, the values sent in alerts will reflect the calculated size based on the inputs in the "Properties" tab. To start fresh, the user must set the date in the "Inputs" tab to the current date as to remove trades from the trade history. Failure to follow this instruction can result in an unexpected order size being sent in the alert.
• With the recent introduction of matrices in Pine, the script utilizes a matrix to track pivot points with the bars they occurred on, while tracking if that pivot has been traded against to prevent duplicate detections after a trade is exited.
• Alert messages are populated with placeholders ; capability that previously was only possible in alertcondition() , but has recently been extended to `strategy.*()` functions for use in the `alert_message` argument. This allows delivery of live trade values to populate in strategy alert messages.
• New arguments have been added to strategy.exit() , which allow differentiated messages to be sent based on whether the exit occurred at the stop or the limit. The new arguments used in this script are `alert_profit` and `alert_loss` to send messages to Discord
Weekly Returns with BenchmarkSome time ago I published Monthly returns table. Now It's time for weekly one.
To get it work you need a pretty big screen, but I hope it will be useful for some of you.
Features of this table includes:
Display weekly returns of your strategy, benchmark, and alpha over this benchmark.
Select benchmark to be another instrument
Select the date from which you want to compute monthly returns
Show/hide benchmark and alpha
Choose colors for gradient for gain/loss values
Use it with any type of strategy
Use it with replay
Thanks to @MUQWISHI to help me coding it.
It's not about the strategy itself but the way you display returns on your chart. So pls don't critique my choice of the strategy and its performance 🙂
Please remember that past performance may not be indicative of future results.
Due to various factors, including changing market conditions, the strategy may no longer perform as well as in historical backtesting.
This post and the script don’t provide any financial advice.
Strategy Execution Template - Master PatternThis script is a template to execute your strategy with Stop Loss and Take Profit and showing Trades.
Then, you can write your strategy without taking care of Stop Loss and Take Profit method.
3x Fixed Percent Stop Loss, Trailing Percent Stop Loss, Trailing ATR Stop Loss, Tailing HHLL Stop Loss
3x Fixed Percent, Take Profit
Villa Dinamic Pivot Supertrend StrategyThis strategy works better on AUD/USD in the 15 min timeframe. It uses the Pivot Supertrend to enter trades based on different filters such as:
- Simple EMA filter: that the 3 EMAs should be in order
- DEMA angle: you can choose the DEMA Angle threshold and the look back to check the angle to just trade trades with DEMA at a certain angle
- Simple DEMA filter: just check if close is above or below DEMA
- Take Every Supertrend Signal: this means to take every normal supertrend signal to not just wait for a pivot supertrend signal to enter a trade (specially on long pivot supertrend periods)
- Stop Loss at Supertrend: this means that the stop loss will be at the Normal Supertrend, if false the stop loss will be placed at the ATR level selected.
- 2 Steps Take Profit: this means if you want to close a percentage of position as soon as the normal supertrend crosses the entry price, you can select the % on the "2 Steps TP qty" input
- Stop Loss ATR Multiplier: if Stop Loss at Supertrend is off this will be the stoploss based on the atr
- Take Profit ATR Multiplier: if Stop Loss at Supertrend is off this will be the takeprofit based on the atr (you have to keep in mind that the ratio between this two will make the Risk to reward ratio of the take profit when the Stop Loss at Supertrend)
- Testing: to avoid overfitting, you can select date ranges for backtesting and forwardtesting and select which testing you wanna do