ATR GOD Strategy by TradeSmart (PineConnector-compatible)This is a highly-customizable trading strategy made by TradeSmart, focusing mainly on ATR-based indicators and filters. The strategy is mainly intended for trading forex , and has been optimized using the Deep Backtest feature on the 2018.01.01 - 2023.06.01 interval on the EUR/USD (FXCM) 15M chart, with a Slippage value of 3, and a Commission set to 0.00004 USD per contract. The strategy is also made compatible with PineConnector , to provide an easy option to automate the strategy using a connection to MetaTrader. See tooltips for details on how to set up the bot, and check out our website for a detailed guide with images on how to automate the strategy.
The strategy was implemented using the following logic:
Entry strategy:
A total of 4 Supertrend values can be used to determine the entry logic. There is option to set up all 4 Supertrend parameters individually, as well as their potential to be used as an entry signal/or a trend filter. Long/Short entry signals will be determined based on the selected potential Supertrend entry signals, and filtered based on them being in an uptrend/downtrend (also available for setup). Please use the provided tooltips for each setup to see every detail.
Exit strategy:
4 different types of Stop Losses are available: ATR-based/Candle Low/High Based/Percentage Based/Pip Based. Additionally, Force exiting can also be applied, where there is option to set up 4 custom sessions, and exits will happen after the session has closed.
Parameters of every indicator used in the strategy can be tuned in the strategy settings as follows:
Plot settings:
Plot Signals: true by default, Show all Long and Short signals on the signal candle
Plot SL/TP lines: false by default, Checking this option will result in the TP and SL lines to be plotted on the chart.
Supertrend 1-4:
All the parameters of the Supertrends can be set up here, as well as their individual role in the entry logic.
Exit Strategy:
ATR Based Stop Loss: true by default
ATR Length (of the SL): 100 by default
ATR Smoothing (of the SL): RMA/SMMA by default
Candle Low/High Based Stop Loss: false by default, recent lowest or highest point (depending on long/short position) will be used to calculate stop loss value. Set 'Base Risk Multiplier' to 1 if you would like to use the calculated value as is. Setting it to a different value will count as an additional multiplier.
Candle Lookback (of the SL): 50 by default
Percentage Based Stop Loss: false by default, Set the stop loss to current price - % of current price (long) or price + % of current price (short).
Percentage (of the SL): 0.3 by default
Pip Based Stop Loss: Set the stop loss to current price - x pips (long) or price + x pips (short). Set 'Base Risk Multiplier' to 1 if you would like to use the calculated value as is. Setting it to a different value will count as an additional multiplier.
Pip (of the SL): 10 by default
Base Risk Multiplier: 4.5 by default, the stop loss will be placed at this risk level (meaning in case of ATR SL that the ATR value will be multiplied by this factor and the SL will be placed that value away from the entry level)
Risk to Reward Ratio: 1.5 by default, the take profit level will be placed such as this Risk/Reward ratio is met
Force Exiting:
4 total Force exit on custom session close options: none applied by default. If enabled, trades will close automatically after the set session is closed (on next candle's open).
Base Setups:
Allow Long Entries: true by default
Allow Short Entries: true by default
Order Size: 10 by default
Order Type: Capital Percentage by default, allows adjustment on how the position size is calculated: Cash: only the set cash amount will be used for each trade Contract(s): the adjusted number of contracts will be used for each trade Capital Percentage: a % of the current available capital will be used for each trade
ATR Limiter:
Use ATR Limiter: true by default, Only enter into any position (long/short) if ATR value is higher than the Low Boundary and lower than the High Boundary.
ATR Limiter Length: 50 by default
ATR Limiter Smoothing: RMA/SMMA by default
High Boundary: 1000 by default
Low Boundary: 0.0003 by default
MA based calculation: ATR value under MA by default, If not Unspecified, an MA is calculated with the ATR value as source. Only enter into position (long/short) if ATR value is higher/lower than the MA.
MA Type: RMA/SMMA by default
MA Length: 400 by default
Waddah Attar Filter:
Explosion/Deadzone relation: Not specified by default, Explosion over Deadzone: trades will only happen if the explosion line is over the deadzone line; Explosion under Deadzone: trades will only happen if the explosion line is under the deadzone line; Not specified: the opening of trades will not be based on the relation between the explosion and deadzone lines.
Limit trades based on trends: Not specified by default, Strong Trends: only enter long if the WA bar is colored green (there is an uptrend and the current bar is higher then the previous); only enter short if the WA bar is colored red (there is a downtrend and the current bar is higher then the previous); Soft Trends: only enter long if the WA bar is colored lime (there is an uptrend and the current bar is lower then the previous); only enter short if the WA bar is colored orange (there is a downtrend and the current bar is lower then the previous); All Trends: only enter long if the WA bar is colored green or lime (there is an uptrend); only enter short if the WA bar is colored red or orange (there is a downtrend); Not specified: the color of the WA bar (trend) is not relevant when considering entries.
WA bar value: Not specified by default, Over Explosion and Deadzone: only enter trades when the WA bar value is over the Explosion and Deadzone lines; Not specified: the relation between the explosion/deadzone lines to the value of the WA bar will not be used to filter opening trades.
Sensitivity: 150 by default
Fast MA Type: SMA by default
Fast MA Length: 10 by default
Slow MA Type: SMA
Slow MA Length: 20 by default
Channel MA Type: EMA by default
BB Channel Length: 20 by default
BB Stdev Multiplier: 2 by default
Trend Filter:
Use long trend filter 1: false by default, Only enter long if price is above Long MA.
Show long trend filter 1: false by default, Plot the selected MA on the chart.
TF1 - MA Type: EMA by default
TF1 - MA Length: 120 by default
TF1 - MA Source: close by default
Use short trend filter 1: false by default, Only enter long if price is above Long MA.
Show short trend filter 1: false by default, Plot the selected MA on the chart.
TF2 - MA Type: EMA by default
TF2 - MA Length: 120 by default
TF2 - MA Source: close by default
Volume Filter:
Only enter trades where volume is higher then the volume-based MA: true by default, a set type of MA will be calculated with the volume as source, and set length
MA Type: RMA/SMMA by default
MA Length: 200 by default
Date Range Limiter:
Limit Between Dates: false by default
Start Date: Jan 01 2023 00:00:00 by default
End Date: Jun 24 2023 00:00:00 by default
Session Limiter:
Show session plots: false by default, show market sessions on chart: Sidney (red), Tokyo (orange), London (yellow), New York (green)
Use session limiter: false by default, if enabled, trades will only happen in the ticked sessions below.
Sidney session: false by default, session between: 15:00 - 00:00 (EST)
Tokyo session: false by default, session between: 19:00 - 04:00 (EST)
London session: false by default, session between: 03:00 - 11:00 (EST)
New York session: false by default, session between: 08:00 - 17:00 (EST)
Trading Time:
Limit Trading Time: true by default, tick this together with the options below to enable limiting based on day and time
Valid Trading Days Global: 123567 by default, if the Limit Trading Time is on, trades will only happen on days that are present in this field. If any of the not global Valid Trading Days is used, this field will be neglected. Values represent days: Sunday (1), Monday (2), ..., Friday (6), Saturday(7) To trade on all days use: 123457
(1) Valid Trading Days: false, 123456 by default, values represent days: Sunday (1), Monday (2), ..., Friday (6), Saturday(7) The script will trade on days that are present in this field. Please make sure that this field and also (1) Valid Trading Hours Between is checked
(1) Valid Trading Hours Between: false, 1800-2000 by default, hours between which the trades can happen. The time is always in the exchange's timezone
All other options are also disabled by default
PineConnector Automation:
Use PineConnector Automation: false by default, In order for the connection to MetaTrader to work, you will need do perform prerequisite steps, you can follow our full guide at our website, or refer to the official PineConnector Documentation. To set up PineConnector Automation on the TradingView side, you will need to do the following:
1. Fill out the License ID field with your PineConnector License ID;
2. Fill out the Risk (trading volume) with the desired volume to be traded in each trade (the meaning of this value depends on the EA settings in Metatrader. Follow the detailed guide for additional information);
3. After filling out the fields, you need to enable the 'Use PineConnector Automation' option (check the box in the strategy settings);
4. Check if the chart has updated and you can see the appropriate order comments on your chart;
5. Create an alert with the strategy selected as Condition, and the Message as {{strategy.order.comment}} (should be there by default);
6. Enable the Webhook URL in the Notifications section, set it as the official PineConnector webhook address and enjoy your connection with MetaTrader.
License ID: 60123456789 by default
Risk (trading volume): 1 by default
NOTE! Fine-tuning/re-optimization is highly recommended when using other asset/timeframe combinations.
Medias móviles
Williams %R Cross Strategy with 200 MA Filter
1. The script is a trading strategy based on the Williams %R indicator and a 200-period moving average (MA) filter.
2. The user can input the length of the Williams %R indicator (`wrLength`), the threshold for %R crossing (`crossPips`), the take profit level in pips (`takeProfitPips`), and the stop loss level in pips (`stopLossPips`).
3. The script calculates the Williams %R using the `ta.highest` and `ta.lowest` functions to find the highest high and lowest low over the specified length (`wrLength`).
4. It also calculates a 200-period simple moving average (`ma200`) using the `ta.sma` function.
5. The entry conditions are defined as follows:
- For a long entry, it checks if the Williams %R crosses above the -50 line by a threshold of `crossPips` and if the close price is above the 200-period MA.
- For a short entry, it checks if the Williams %R crosses below the -50 line by a threshold of `crossPips` and if the close price is below the 200-period MA.
6. The exit conditions are defined as follows:
- For a long position, it checks if the close price reaches the take profit level (defined as the average entry price plus `takeProfitPips` in pips) or the stop loss level (defined as the average entry price minus `stopLossPips` in pips).
- For a short position, it checks if the close price reaches the take profit level (defined as the average entry price minus `takeProfitPips` in pips) or the stop loss level (defined as the average entry price plus `stopLossPips` in pips).
7. The script uses the `strategy.entry` function to place long and short orders when the respective entry conditions are met.
8. It uses the `strategy.close` function to close the long and short positions when the respective exit conditions are met.
The script allows you to customize the parameters such as the length of Williams %R, the crossing threshold, take profit and stop loss levels, and the moving average period to suit your trading preferences.
The Z-score The Z-score, also known as the standard score, is a statistical measurement that describes a value's relationship to the mean of a group of values. It's measured in terms of standard deviations from the mean. If a Z-score is 0, it indicates that the data point's score is identical to the mean score. Z-scores may be positive or negative, with a positive value indicating the score is above the mean and a negative score indicating it is below the mean.
The concept of Z-score was introduced by statistician Carl Friedrich Gauss as part of his "method of the least squares," which was an important step in the development of the normal distribution and Z-score tables. It's a key concept in statistics and is used in various statistical tests.
In financial analysis, Z-scores are used to determine whether a data point is usual or unusual. You can think of it as a measure of how many standard deviations an element is from the mean. For instance, a Z-score of 1.0 would denote a value that is one standard deviation from the mean. Z-scores are also used to predict probabilities, with Z-scores having a distribution that is expected to be normal.
In trading, a Z-score is used to determine how often a trading system may produce a string of winners or losers. It can help a trader to understand whether the losses or profits they see are something that the system would most likely produce, or if it's a once in a blue moon situation. This helps traders make decisions about when to start or stop a system.
I just wanted to play a bit with the Z-score I guess.
Feel free to share your findings if you discover additional applications for this strategy or identify timeframes where it appears to perform more optimally.
How it works:
This strategy is based on a statistical concept called Z-score, which measures the number of standard deviations a data point is from the mean. In other words, it helps determine how unusual or usual a data point is.
In the context of this strategy, Z-score is applied to a 10-period EMA (Exponential Moving Average) of Heikin-Ashi candlestick close prices. The Z-score is calculated over a look-back period of 25 bars.
The EMA of the Z-score is then calculated over a 20-bar period, and the upper and lower thresholds (bounds for buy and sell signals) are defined using the 90th and 10th percentiles of this EMA score.
Long positions are taken when the Z-score crosses above the lower threshold or crosses above the mid-line (50th percentile). An additional long entry is made when the Z-score crosses above the highest value the EMA has been in the past 100 periods.
Short positions are initiated when the EMA crosses below the upper threshold, lower threshold or the highest value the EMA has been in the past 100 periods.
Positions are closed when opposing entry conditions are met, for example, a long position is closed when the short entry condition is true, and vice versa.
Set your desired start date for the strategy. This can be modified in the timestamp("YYYY MM DD") function at the top of the script.
9:22 5 MIN 15 MIN BANKNIFTY9:22 5 MIN 15 MIN BANKNIFTY Strategy with Additional Filters
The 9:22 5 MIN 15 MIN BANKNIFTY Strategy with Additional Filters is a trend-following strategy designed for trading the BANKNIFTY instrument on a 5-minute chart. It aims to capture potential price movements by generating buy and sell signals based on moving average crossovers, breakout confirmations, and additional filters.
Key Features:
Fast MA Length: 9
Slow MA Length: 22
ATR Length: 14
ATR Filter: 0.5
Trailing Stop Percentage: 1.5%
Pullback Threshold: 0.5
Minimum Candle Body Percentage: 0.5
Use Breakout Confirmation: Enabled
Additional Filters:
Volume Threshold: Set a minimum volume requirement for trades.
Trend Filter: Optionally enable a trend filter based on a higher timeframe moving average.
Momentum Filter: Optionally enable a momentum filter using the RSI indicator.
Support/Resistance Filter: Optionally enable a filter based on predefined support and resistance levels.
Buy and Sell Signals:
Buy Signal: A buy signal is generated when the fast moving average crosses above the slow moving average, with additional confirmation from breakout and volume criteria, along with optional trend, momentum, and support/resistance filters.
Sell Signal: A sell signal is generated when the fast moving average crosses below the slow moving average, with similar confirmation and filtering criteria as the buy signal.
Exit Strategy:
The strategy employs a trailing stop-loss mechanism based on a percentage of the average entry price. The stop-loss is dynamically adjusted to protect profits while allowing for potential upside.
Please note that this strategy should be thoroughly backtested and evaluated in different market conditions before applying it to live trading. It is also recommended to adjust the parameters and filters according to individual preferences and risk tolerance.
Feel free to customise and adapt the description as needed to suit your preferences and the specific details of your strategy.
HK Percentile Interpolation One
This script is designed to execute a trading strategy based on Heikin Ashi candlesticks, moving averages, and percentile levels.
Please note that you should keep your original chart in normal candlestick mode and not switch it to Heikin Ashi mode. The script itself calculates Heikin Ashi values from regular candlesticks. If your chart is already in Heikin Ashi mode, the script would be calculating Heikin Ashi values based on Heikin Ashi values, which would produce incorrect results.
The strategy begins trading from a start date that you can specify by modifying the `startDate` parameter. The format of the date is "YYYY MM DD". So, for example, to start the strategy from January 1, 2022, you would set `startDate = timestamp("2022 01 01")`.
The script uses Heikin Ashi candlesticks, which are plotted in the chart. This approach can be useful for spotting trends and reversals more easily than with regular candlestick charts. This is particularly useful when backtesting in TradingView's "Rewind" mode, as you can see how the Heikin Ashi candles behaved at each step of the strategy.
Buy and sell signals are generated based on two factors:
1. The crossing over or under of the Heikin Ashi close price and the 75th percentile price level.
2. The Heikin Ashi close price being above certain moving averages.
You have the flexibility to adjust several parameters in the script, including:
1. The stop loss and trailing stop percentages (`stopLossPercentage` and `trailStopPercentage`). These parameters allow the strategy to exit trades if the price moves against you by a certain percentage.
2. The lookback period (`lookback`) used to calculate percentile levels. This determines the range of past bars used in the percentile calculation.
3. The lengths of the two moving averages (`yellowLine_length` and `purplLine_length`). These determine how sensitive the moving averages are to recent price changes.
4. The minimum holding period (`holdPeriod`). This sets the minimum number of bars that a trade must be kept open before it can be closed.
Please adjust these parameters according to your trading preferences and risk tolerance. Happy trading!
Moving Average Crossover Strategymoving average crossover startegy 10*30
it indicates when to buy or sell
Equity Curve Trading with EMAWhat Is Equity Curve Trading?
In equity curve trading, traders apply a moving average to the curve. The idea is when the equity curve drops below the moving average, the strategy is put on hold. This is done to stop losses when either the hopes of the plan working start dimming or when the trader knows he cannot afford more losses on a strategy. The trader can resume trading this particular strategy when the equity curve is above the moving average.
Equity Curve Trading puts an investor at the ease of knowing that his investment is covered even when he is not actively tracking his strategy. When the equity curve dips below a level investor is comfortable with, it can be paused until such time that the equity curve is back above the determined moving average.
Equity Curve Trading Example
Trading Strategy
I choosed the SuperTrend strategy for BTCUSDT on 4 hour time frame. That shows nice equity curve with default settings. Let's find out and check can we improve the equity curve with this modern money management trade method?
Some shift is exist in original equity curve relatively to filtered equity curve, because of array usage, but it is not affected on calculations.
I tested a different time frames, settings and equity curves shapes, but it not gives advantages in equity curve. You can look at the table on the top right corner of the strategy with equity curve and you will see some statistic information for the original strategy and for the modified equity curve trade strategy. In most cases we have lower Win Rate and lower Net Profit after turning on Equity curve trading method. In some cases this can be help if you have the equity curve looks like at the picture above, but this equity curve is really bad for choosing this strategy to trade. I found that EMA works better than SMA, and RMA works better then EMA applied to Equity Curve. You can test your strategy with this trade method if you want, I make the source code opened for it. Please share your results, I hope it will helps.
Conclusion 2
Equity Curve Trading definitely has its proponents in the industry, some of them quite vocal. But, the overall efficacy of the approach is certainly not crystal clear. In fact, what is clear is that it is relatively easy to take a good strategy, and significantly degrade its performance by employing equity curve trading. While the overall objective of equity curve trading is unquestionable – cease trading poor performing strategies - it is probable that there are better ways of accomplishing that goal. From this study, the conclusion is equity curve trading with simple indicators has more downside than upside.
Wyckoff Range StrategyThe Wyckoff Range Strategy is a trading strategy that aims to identify potential accumulation and distribution phases in the market using the principles of Wyckoff analysis. It also incorporates the detection of spring and upthrust patterns.
Here's a step-by-step explanation of how to use this strategy:
Understanding Accumulation and Distribution Phases:
Accumulation Phase: This is a period where smart money (large institutional traders) accumulates a particular asset at lower prices. It is characterized by a sideways or consolidating price action.
Distribution Phase: This is a period where smart money distributes or sells a particular asset at higher prices. It is also characterized by a sideways or consolidating price action.
Input Variables:
crossOverLength: This variable determines the length of the moving average crossover used to identify accumulation and distribution phases. You can adjust this value based on the market you are trading and the time frame you are analyzing.
stopPercentage: This variable determines the percentage used to calculate the stop loss level. It helps you define a predefined level at which you would exit a trade if the price moves against your position.
Strategy Conditions:
Enter Long: The strategy looks for a crossover of the close price above the SMA of the close price with a length of crossOverLength and a crossover of the low price above the SMA of the low price with a length of 20. This combination suggests the start of an accumulation phase and a potential buying opportunity.
Exit Long: The strategy looks for a crossunder of the close price below the SMA of the close price with a length of crossOverLength or a crossunder of the high price below the SMA of the high price with a length of 20. This combination suggests the end of an accumulation phase and a potential exit signal for long positions.
Enter Short: The strategy looks for a crossunder of the close price below the SMA of the close price with a length of crossOverLength and a crossunder of the high price below the SMA of the high price with a length of 20. This combination suggests the start of a distribution phase and a potential selling opportunity.
Exit Short: The strategy looks for a crossover of the close price above the SMA of the close price with a length of crossOverLength or a crossover of the low price above the SMA of the low price with a length of 20. This combination suggests the end of a distribution phase and a potential exit signal for short positions.
Stop Loss:
The strategy sets a stop loss level for both long and short positions. The stop loss level is calculated based on the stopPercentage variable, which represents the percentage of the current close price. If the price reaches the stop loss level, the strategy will automatically exit the position.
Plotting Wyckoff Schematics:
The strategy plots different shapes on the chart to indicate the identified phases and patterns. Green and red labels indicate the accumulation and distribution phases, respectively. Blue triangles indicate spring patterns, and orange triangles indicate upthrust patterns.
To use this strategy, you can follow these steps:
Jim Forte — Anatomy of a Trading Range
Pure Morning 2.0 - Candlestick Pattern Doji StrategyThe new "Pure Morning 2.0 - Candlestick Pattern Doji Strategy" is a trend-following, intraday cryptocurrency trading system authored by devil_machine.
The system identifies Doji and Morning Doji Star candlestick formations above the EMA60 as entry points for long trades.
For best results we recommend to use on 15-minute, 30-minute, or 1-hour timeframes, and are ideal for high-volatility markets.
The strategy also utilizes a profit target or trailing stop for exits, with stop loss set at the lowest low of the last 100 candles. The strategy's configuration details, such as Doji tolerance, and exit configurations are adjustable.
In this new version 2.0, we've incorporated a new selectable filter. Since the stop loss is set at the lowest low, this filter ensures that this value isn't too far from the entry price, thereby optimizing the Risk-Reward ratio.
In the specific case of ALPINE, a 9% Take-Profit and and Stop-Loss at Lowest Low of the last 100 candles were set, with an activated trailing-stop percentage, Max Loss Filter is not active.
Name : Pure Morning 2.0 - Candlestick Pattern Doji Strategy
Author : @devil_machine
Category : Trend Follower based on candlestick patterns.
Operating mode : Spot or Futures (only long).
Trades duration : Intraday
Timeframe : 15m, 30m, 1H
Market : Crypto
Suggested usage : Short-term trading, when the market is in trend and it is showing high volatility .
Entry : When a Doji or Morning Doji Star formation occurs above the EMA60.
Exit : Profit target or Trailing stop, Stop loss on the lowest low of the last 100 candles.
Configuration :
- Doji Settings (tolerances) for Entry Condition
- Max Loss Filter (Lowest Low filter)
- Exit Long configuration
- Trailing stop
Backtesting :
⁃ Exchange: BINANCE
⁃ Timeframe: 30m
⁃ Fee: 0.075%
⁃ Slippage: 1
- Initial Capital: 10000 USDT
- Position sizing: 10% of Equity
- Start: 2022-02-28 (Out Of Sample from 2022-12-23)
- Bar magnifier: on
Disclaimer : Risk Management is crucial, so adjust stop loss to your comfort level. A tight stop loss can help minimise potential losses. Use at your own risk.
How you or we can improve? Source code is open so share your ideas!
Leave a comment and smash the boost button!
Thanks for your attention, happy to support the TradingView community.
Chandelier Exit ZLSMA StrategyIntroducing a Powerful Trading Indicator: Chandelier Exit with ZLSMA
If you're a trader, you know the importance of having the right tools and indicators to make informed decisions. That's why we're excited to introduce a powerful new trading indicator that combines the Chandelier Exit and ZLSMA: two widely-used and effective indicators for technical analysis.
The Chandelier Exit (CE) is a popular trailing stop-loss indicator developed by Chuck LeBeau. It's designed to follow the price trend of a security and provide an exit signal when the price crosses below the CE line. The CE line is based on the Average True Range (ATR), which is a measure of volatility. This means that the CE line adjusts to the volatility of the security, making it a reliable indicator for trailing stop-losses.
The ZLEMA (Zero Lag Exponential Moving Average) is a type of exponential moving average that's designed to reduce lag and improve signal accuracy. The ZLSMA takes into account not only the current price but also past prices, using a weighted formula to calculate the moving average. This makes it a smoother indicator than traditional moving averages, and less prone to giving false signals.
When combined, the CE and ZLSMA create a powerful indicator that can help traders identify trend changes and make more informed trading decisions. The CE provides the trailing stop-loss signal, while the ZLSMA provides a smoother trend line to help identify potential entry and exit points.
In our indicator, the CE and ZLSMA are plotted together on the chart, making it easy to see both the trailing stop-loss and the trend line at the same time. The CE line is displayed as a dotted line, while the ZLSMA line is displayed as a solid line.
Using this indicator, traders can set their stop-loss levels based on the CE line, while also using the ZLSMA line to identify potential entry and exit points. The combination of these two indicators can help traders reduce their risk and improve their trading performance.
In conclusion, the Chandelier Exit with ZLSMA is a powerful trading indicator that combines two effective technical analysis tools. By using this indicator, traders can identify trend changes, set stop-loss levels, and make more informed trading decisions. Try it out for yourself and see how it can improve your trading performance.
Warning: The results in the backtest are from a repainting strategy. Don't take them seriously. You need to do a dry live test in order to test it for its useability.
Here is a description of each input field in the provided source code:
length: An integer input used as the period for the ATR (Average True Range) calculation. Default value is 1.
mult: A float input used as a multiplier for the ATR value. Default value is 2.
showLabels: A boolean input that determines whether to display buy/sell labels on the chart. Default value is false.
isSignalLabelEnabled: A boolean input that determines whether to display signal labels on the chart. Default value is true.
useClose: A boolean input that determines whether to use the close price for extrema calculations. Default value is true.
zcolorchange: A boolean input that determines whether to enable rising/decreasing highlighting for the ZLSMA (Zero-Lag Exponential Moving Average) line. Default value is false.
zlsmaLength: An integer input used as the length for the ZLSMA calculation. Default value is 50.
offset: An integer input used as an offset for the ZLSMA calculation. Default value is 0.
Ty for checking this out and good luck on your trading journey! Likes and comments are appreciated. 👍
Credits to:
▪ @everget – Chandelier Exit (CE)
▪ @netweaver2022 – ZLSMA
X48 - Strategy | ADAPTIVE CONSECUTIVE + TP/SL | V.1Thanks For Tradingview Built-in Script :: << Original From Consecutive Strategy Built-in Script >>
================== Read This First Before Use This Strategy ==============
Please be aware that this strategy is not a guarantee of success and may lead to losses.
Trading involves risk and you should always do your own research before making any decisions.
This Strategy Just an Idea For Help Your Decision For Open Position.
You Must Be Search and Make Your Self Understand What You Doing In This Strategy.
Example :: This Strategy and Indicator Find The Consecutive Bars And You, You Are Reading Must Be Decision Up to You !!
For Backtest Show It's That For a Newbie 100$ Portfolio and 16.333$ Per Order Size
>>>> Read Me First !! <<<<<
========== Detailed and meaningful description =========
How It's Work : This Strategy are Following Green or Red Candle :: example 3 Green Candle To OpenLong Position
Can Set TP/SL if you want :: Just Fine The Best Value of Asset as you want
Fast Trend = MA FAST LINE
=========== Condition And Statement ===========
Long Condition Statement :: Candles Consecutive Bars Up and close > golden_line and fast_line > golden_line
Short Condition Statement :: Candles Consecutive Bars Down and close < golden_line and fast_line < golden_line
AutoCloseLong Condition :: Candles ConsecutiveBarsDownStop and close > golden_line and close < death_line and close < death_line and close < death_line or fastUpdeath
AutoCloseShort Condition :: Candles ConsecutiveBarsUpStop and close < golden_line and close > death_line and close > death_line and close > death_line or fastUpdeath
====== For ADAPTIVE you can customize your ALL MA For Your Statement
/////////For Example Hook Alert Command ////////////
Just Easy Command >> :: {{strategy.order.alert_message}}
Or Other Json You Should Edit Command Like This Example
{"ex":"'bnfuture'","side": "AutoLong", "$16.333", "symbol": "{{ticker}}", "passphrase": "1234","leverage":"10", "tp" : "5", "sl" : "2", "tl" : "2", "callback" : "1"}
{"ex":"'bnfuture'","side": "AutoShort", "$16.333", "symbol": "{{ticker}}", "passphrase": "1234","leverage":"10", "tp" : "5", "sl" : "2", "tl" : "2", "callback" : "1"}
FRAMA & CPMA Strategy [CSM]The script is an advanced technical analysis tool specifically designed for trading in financial markets, with a particular focus on the BankNifty market. It utilizes two powerful indicators: the Fractal Adaptive Moving Average (FRAMA) and the CPMA (Conceptive Price Moving Average), which is similar to the well-known Chande Momentum Oscillator (CMO) with Center of Gravity (COG) bands.
The FRAMA is a dynamic moving average that adapts to changing market conditions, providing traders with a more precise representation of price movements. The CMO is an oscillator that measures momentum in the market, helping traders identify potential entry and exit points. The COG bands are a technical indicator used to identify potential support and resistance levels in the market.
Custom functions are included in the script to calculate the FRAMA and CSM_CPMA indicators, with the FRAMA function calculating the value of the FRAMA indicator based on user-specified parameters of length and multiplier, while the CSM_CPMA function calculates the value of the CMO with COG bands indicator based on the user-specified parameters of length and various price types.
The script also includes trailing profit and stop loss functions, which while not meeting expectations, have been backtested with a success rate of over 90%, making the script a valuable tool for traders.
Overall, the script provides traders with a comprehensive technical analysis tool for analyzing cryptocurrency markets and making informed trading decisions. Traders can improve their success rate and overall profitability by using smaller targets with trailing profit and minimizing losses. Feedback is always welcome, and the script can be improved for future use. Special thanks go to Tradingview for providing inbuilt functions that are utilized in the script.
Stochastic RSI Strategy (with SMA and VWAP Filters)The strategy is designed to trade on the Stochastic RSI indicator crossover signals.
Below are all of the trading conditions:
-When the Stochastic RSI crosses above 30, a long position is entered.
-When the Stochastic RSI crosses below 70, a short position is entered.
-The strategy also includes two additional conditions for entry:
-Long entries must have a positive spread value between the 9 period simple moving average and the 21 period simple moving average.
-Short entries must have a negative spread value between the 9 period simple moving average and the 21 period simple moving average.
-Long entries must also be below the volume-weighted average price.
-Short entries must also be above the volume-weighted average price.
-The strategy includes stop loss and take profit orders for risk management:
-A stop loss of 20 ticks is placed for both long and short trades.
-A take profit of 25 ticks is placed for both long and short trades.
JS-TechTrading: Supertrend-Strategy_Basic versionAre you looking for a reliable and profitable algorithmic trading strategy for TradingView? If so, you might be interested in our Supertrend basic strategy, which is based on three powerful indicators: Supertrend (ATR), RSI and EMA.
Supertrend is a trend-following indicator that helps you identify the direction and strength of the market. It also gives you clear signals for entry and exit points based on price movements.
RSI is a momentum indicator that measures the speed and change of price movements. It helps you filter out false signals and avoid overbought or oversold conditions.
EMA is a moving average indicator that smooths out price fluctuations and shows you the long-term trend of the market. It helps you confirm the validity of your trades and avoid trading against the trend.
Our Supertrend basic strategy combines these three indicators to give you a simple yet effective way to trade any market. Here's how it works:
- For long trades, you enter when the price is above Supertrend and pulls back below it (the low of the candle crosses Supertrend) and then rebounds above it (the high of the next candle goes above the pullback candle). You exit when the price closes below Supertrend or when you reach your target profit or stop loss.
- For short trades, you enter when the price is below Supertrend and pulls back above it (the high of the candle crosses Supertrend) and then drops below it (the low of the next candle goes below the pullback candle). You exit when the price closes above Supertrend or when you reach your target profit or stop loss.
- You can also use RSI and EMA filters to improve your results. For long trades, you only enter if RSI is above 50 and price is above 200 EMA. For short trades, you only enter if RSI is below 50 and price is below 200 EMA.
- You can set your stop loss and target profit as a percentage of your entry price or based on other criteria. You can also adjust the parameters of each indicator according to your preferences and risk tolerance.
Our Supertrend basic strategy is easy to use and has been tested on various markets and time frames. It can help you capture consistent profits while minimizing your losses.
FTR, WMA, OBV & RSI StrategyThis Pine Script code is a trading strategy that uses several indicators such as Fisher Transform (FTR), On-Balance Volume (OBV), Relative Strength Index (RSI), and a Weighted Moving Average (WMA). The strategy generates buy and sell signals based on the conditions of these indicators.
The Fisher Transform function is a technical indicator that uses past prices to determine whether the current market is bullish or bearish. The Fisher Transform function takes in four multipliers and a length parameter. The four multipliers are used to calculate four Fisher Transform values, and these values are used in combination to determine if the market is bullish or bearish.
The Weighted Moving Average (WMA) is a technical indicator that smooths out the price data by giving more weight to the most recent prices.
The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a momentum indicator that measures the strength of a security's price action. The RSI ranges from 0 to 100 and is typically used to identify overbought or oversold conditions in the market.
The On-Balance Volume (OBV) is a technical indicator that uses volume to predict changes in the stock price. OBV values are calculated by adding volume on up days and subtracting volume on down days.
The strategy uses the Fisher Transform values to generate buy and sell signals when all four Fisher Transform values change color. It also uses the WMA to determine if the trend is bullish or bearish, the OBV to confirm the trend, and the RSI to filter out false signals.
The red and green triangular arrows attempt to indicate that the trend is bullish or bearish and should not be traded against in the opposite direction. This helps with my FOMO :)
All comments welcome!
The script should not be relied upon alone, there are no stop loss or take profit filters. The best results have been back-tested using Tradingview on the 45m - 3 hour timeframes.
Optimized Zhaocaijinbao strategyIntroduction:
The Optimized Zhaocaijinbao strategy is a mid and long-term quantitative trading strategy that combines momentum and trend factors. It generates buy and sell signals by using a combination of exponential moving averages, moving averages, volume and slope indicators. It generates buy signals when the stock is above the 35-day moving average, the trading volume is higher than the 20-day moving average, and the stock is in an upward trend on a weekly timeframe."招财进宝" is a Chinese phrase that can be translated to "Attract Wealth and Bring in Treasure" in English. It is a common expression used to wish for good luck and prosperity in various contexts, such as in business or personal finances.
The strategy has several special optimizations that make it unique.
Firstly, the strategy is optimized for T+1 trading in the Chinese stock market and is only suitable for long positions. The optimizations are also applicable to international stock markets.
Secondly, the trend strategy is optimized to only show indicators on the right side and oscillations. This helps to prevent false signals in choppy markets.
Thirdly, the strategy uses a risk factor for dynamic position sizing to ensure position sizes are adjusted according to the current net asset value and risk preferences. This helps to lower drawdown risks.
The strategy has good resilience even without using stop loss modules in backtesting, making it suitable for trading hourly, 2-hourly, and daily K-line charts (depending on the stock being traded). We recommend experimenting with backtesting using SSE 1-hour or 2-hour or daily Kline charts.
Backtesting outcomes:
The strategy was backtested over the period from October 13th, 2005 to April 14th, 2023, using daily candlestick charts for the commodity code SSE:600763, with a currency of CNY and tick size of 0.01. The strategy used an initial capital of 1,000,000 CNY, with order sizes set to 10% equity and a pyramid of 1 order. The strategy also had a Max Position Size of 0.01 and a Risk Factor of 2.
Here is a summary of the performance of the trading strategy:
Total net profit: 288,577.32 CNY, representing a return of 128.86%
Total number of closed trades: 61
Winning trades: 37, representing a win rate of 60.66%
Profit factor: 2.415
Largest losing trade: 222,021.46 CNY, representing a loss of 14.08%
Average trade: 21,124.22 CNY, representing a return of 3.1%
Average holding period for all trades: 12 days
In conclusion, the Optimized Zhaocaijinbao strategy is a mid and long-term quantitative trading strategy that combines momentum and trend factors. It is suitable for both Chinese stocks and global stocks. While the Optimized Zhaocaijinbao strategy has performed well in backtesting, it is important to note that past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Traders should conduct their own research and analysis and exercise caution when using any trading strategy.
LowFinder_PyraMider_V2This strategy is a result of an exploration to experiment with other ways to detect lows / dips in the price movement, to try out alternative ways to exit and stop positions and a dive into risk management. It uses a combination of different indicators to detect and filter the potential lows and opens multiple positions to spread the risk and opportunities for unrealized losses or profits. This script combines code developed by fellow Tradingview community_members.
The lows in the price movement are detected by the Low finder script by RafaelZioni . It finds the potential lows based on the difference between RSI and EMA RSI. The MTF RSI formula is part of the MTFindicators library developed by Peter_O and is integrated in the Low finder code to give the option to use the RSI of higher timeframes. The sensitivity of the LowFinder is controlled by the MA length. When potential lows are detected, a Moving Average, a MTF Stochastic (based the the MTFindiicators by Peter_O) and the average price level filter out the weak lows. In the settings the minimal percentage needed for a low to be detected below the average price can be specified.
Order Sizing and Pyramiding
Pyramiding, or spreading multiple positions, is at the heart of this strategy and what makes it so powerful. The order size is calculated based on the max number of orders and portfolio percentage specified in the input settings. There are two order size modes. The ‘base’ mode uses the same base quantity for each order it opens, the ‘multiply’ mode multiplies the quantity with each order number. For example, when Long 3 is opened, the quantity is multiplied by 3. So, the more orders the bigger the consecutive order sizes. When using ‘multiply’ mode the sizes of the first orders are considerably lower to make up for the later bigger order sizes. There is an option to manually set a fixed order size but use this with caution as it bypasses all the risk calculations.
Stop Level, Take Profit, Trailing Stop
The one indicator that controls the exits is the Stop Level. When close crosses over the Stop Level, the complete position is closed and all orders are exited. The Stop Level is calculated based on the highest high given a specified candle lookback (settings). There is an option to deviate above this level with a specified percentage to tweak for better results. You can activate a Take Profit / Trailing Stop. When activated and close crosses the specified percentage, the Stop Level logic changes to a trailing stop to gain more profits. Another option is to use the percentage as a take profit, either when the stop level crosses over the take profit or close. With this option active, you can make this strategy more conservative. It is active by default.
And finally there is an option to Take Profit per open order. If hit, the separate orders close. In the current settings this option is not used as the percentage is 10%.
Stop Loss
I published an earlier version of this script a couple of weeks ago, but it got hidden by the moderators. Looking back, it makes sense because I didn’t pay any attention to risk management and save order sizing. This resulted in unrealistic results. So, in this script update I added a Stop Loss option. There are two modes. The ‘average price’ mode calculates the stop loss level based on a given percentage below the average price of the total position. The ‘equity’ mode calculates the stop loss level based on a given percentage of your equity you want to lose. By default, the ‘equity’ mode is active. By tweaking the percentage of the portfolio size and the stop loss equity mode, you can achieve a quite low risk strategy set up.
Variables in comments
To sent alerts to my exchange I use a webhook server. This works with a sending the information in the form of a comment. To be able to send messages with different quantities, a variable is added to the comment. This makes it possible to open different positions on the exchange with increasing quantities. To test this the quantities are printed in the comment and the quantities are switched off in the style settings.
This code is a result of a study and not intended for use as a worked out and full functioning strategy. Use it at your own risk. To make the code understandable for users that are not so much introduced into pine script (like me), every step in the code is commented to explain what it does. Hopefully it helps.
VWAP+15EMA with RSIVWAP+EMA+RSI Strategy for the group MelléCasH
This strategy will enter a long position when the closing price is above both the VWAP and the 15 EMA, and the RSI is above the specified overbought level. It will exit the position when the price falls by the specified stop loss percentage, rises by the specified take profit percentage, or when the trailing stop loss (which trails the highest price achieved after the position was entered by the specified percentage) is hit. The VWAP, EMA, and RSI indicators are also plotted on the chart for reference.
Moving Average Trap Strategy by D. BrigagliaThis is a strategy that follows the 200 periods moving average and fades the cross of ma3, ma5 and ma8. It is designed for profiting by mean reversion while at the same time respecting long term trend. It is designed for long term trending markets such as stocks and stock indices.
In this backtest, the strategy shows the ability to beat the S&P500 index with an average slippage set to 2 ticks. The number of trades is good (350), the profit factor is acceptable (1.67). The drawdowns are also reduced compared to the underlying asset.
Nothing of my content is financial advice.
Grospector DCA V.3This is system for DCA with strategy.
This has 5 zone Extreme high , high , normal , low , Extreme low. You can dynamic set min - max percent every zone.
Extreme zone is derivative short and long which It change Extreme zone to Normal zone all position will be closed.
Every Zone is splitted 10 channel. and this strategy calculate contribution.
and now can predict price in future.
Idea : Everything has average in its life. For bitcoin use 4 years for halving. I think it will be interesting price.
Default : I set MA is 365*4 days and average it again with 365 days.
Input :
len: This input represents the length of the moving average.
strongLen: This input represents the length of the moving average used to calculate the strong buy and strong sell zone.
shortMulti: This input represents the multiplier * moveing average used to calculate the short zone.
strongSellMulti: This input represents the multiplier used to calculate the strong sell signal.
sellMulti: This input represents the multiplier * moveing average used to calculate the sell zone.
strongBuyMulti: This input represents the multiplier used to calculate the strong sell signal.
longMulti: This input represents the multiplier * moveing average used to calculate the long zone.
*Diff sellMulti and strongBuyMulti which is normal zone.
useDerivative: This input is a boolean flag that determines whether to use the derivative display zone. If set to true, the derivative display zone will be used, otherwise it will be hidden.
zoneSwitch: This input determines where to display the channel signals. A value of 1 will display the signals in all zones, a value of 2 will display the signals in the chart pane, a value of 3 will display the signals in the data window, and a value of 4 will hide the signals.
price: Defines the price source used for the indicator calculations. The user can select from various options, with the default being the closing price.
labelSwitch: Defines whether to display assistive text on the chart. The user can select a boolean value (true/false), with the default being true.
zoneSwitch: Defines which areas of the chart to display assistive zones. The user can select from four options: 1 = all, 2 = chart only, 3 = data only, 4 = none. The default value is 2.
predictFuturePrice: Defines whether to display predicted future prices on the chart. The user can select a boolean value (true/false), with the default being true.
DCA: Defines the dollar amount to use for dollar-cost averaging (DCA) trades. The user can input an integer value, with a default value of 5.
WaitingDCA: Defines the amount of time to wait before executing a DCA trade. The user can input a float value, with a default value of 0.
Invested: Defines the amount of money invested in the asset. The user can input an integer value, with a default value of 0.
strategySwitch: Defines whether to turn on the trading strategy. The user can select a boolean value (true/false), with the default being true.
seperateDayOfMonth: Defines a specific day of the month on which to execute trades. The user can input an integer value from 1-31, with the default being 28.
useReserve: Defines whether to use a reserve amount for trading. The user can select a boolean value (true/false), with the default being true.
useDerivative: Defines whether to use derivative data for the indicator calculations. The user can select a boolean value (true/false), with the default being true.
useHalving: Defines whether to use halving data for the indicator calculations. The user can select a boolean value (true/false), with the default being true.
extendHalfOfHalving: Defines the amount of time to extend the halving date. The user can input an integer value, with the default being 200.
Every Zone : It calculate percent from top to bottom which every zone will be splited 10 step.
To effectively make the DCA plan, I recommend adopting a comprehensive strategy that takes into consideration your mindset as the best indicator of the optimal approach. By leveraging your mindset, the task can be made more manageable and adaptable to any market
Dollar-cost averaging (DCA) is a suitable investment strategy for sound money and growth assets which It is Bitcoin, as it allows for consistent and disciplined investment over time, minimizing the impact of market volatility and potential risks associated with market timing
Kitchen [ilovealgotrading]
Kitchen is a strategy that aims to trade in the direction of the trend by using supertrend and stochRsi data by calculating at different time values.
First of all, let's understand the supertrend and stocrsi indicators.
How do you read and use Super Trend for trading ?
The price is often going upwards when it breaks the super trend line while keeping its position above the indication level.
When the market is in a bullish trend, the indicator becomes green. The indicator level will act as trendline support in such a scenario. The color of the indicator changes to red to indicate a negative trend once the price crosses the support line. The price uses the super trend level as a trendline resistance during a bearish move.
In our strategy, if our 1-hour and 4-hour supertrend lines show the up or down train in the same direction at the same time, we can assume that a train is forming here.
Why do I use the time of 1 hour and 4 hours ?
When I did a backtest from the past to the present, I discovered that the most accurate and consistent time zones are the 1 hour and 4 hour time zones.
By the way we can change our short term timeframe(1H) and long term timeframe(4H) from settings panel.
How do you read and use the Stoch-RSI Indicator?
This indicator analyzes price dynamics automatically to detect overbought and oversold locations.
The indicator includes:
- The primary line, which typically has values between 0 and 100;
- Two dynamic levels for overbought and oversold conditions.
IF our stoch-rsi indicator value has fallen below our lower boundary line, the oversold event has been observed in the price, if our stoch-rsi value breaks up our bottom line after becoming oversold, we think that the price will start the recovery phase.(The case is also true for the opposite.)
However, this does not always apply and we need additional approvals, Therefore, our 1H and 4H supertrrend indicator provides us with additional confirmation.
Buy Condition:
Our 1H(short term) and 4H(long term) supertrrend indicator, has given the buy signal(green line and yellow line), and if our stochrsi indicator has broken our oversold line up on the past 15 bars, the buy signal is formed here.
Sell Condition:
Our 1H(short term) and 4H(long term) supertrrend indicator, has given the sell signal(red line and orange line), and if our stochrsi indicator has broken our overbuy line down on the past 15 bars, the sell signal is formed here.
Stop Loss or Take Profit Conditions:
Exit Long Senerio:
All conditions are completed, the buy signal has arrived and we have entered a LONG trade, the 1-hour supertrend line follows the price rise(yellow line), if the price breaks below the 1-hour super trend line and a sell condition occurs for 1H timeframe for supertrend indcator, LONG trade will exit here.
Exit Short Senerio:
All conditions are completed, the Sell signal has arrived and we have entered a SHORT trade, the 1-hour supertrend line follows the price down(orange line), if the price breaks up the 1-hour super trend line and a buy condition occurs for 1H timeframe for supertrend indcator, SHORT trade will exit here.
What can you change in the settings panel?
1-We can set Start and End date for backtest and future alarms
2-We can set ATR length and Factor for supertrend indicator
3-We can set our short term and long term timeframe value
4-We can set StochRsi Up and Low limit to confirm buy and sell conditions
5-We can set stochrsi retroactive approval length
6-We can set stochrsi values or the length
7-We can set Dollar cost for per position
8- We can choose the direction of our positions, we can set only LONG, only SHORT or both directions.
9-IF you want to place automatic buy and sell orders with this strategy, you can paste your codes into the Long open-close or Short open-close message sections.
For example
IF you write your alert window this code {{strategy.order.alert_message}}.
When trigger Long signal you will get dynamically what you pasted here for Long Open Message
Please do not open trades without properly managing your risk and psychology!!!
If you have any ideas what to add to my work to add more sources or make calculations cooler, suggest in DM .
Mean Reversion and TrendfollowingTitle: Mean Reversion and Trendfollowing
This script presents a hybrid trading strategy that combines mean reversion and trend following techniques. The strategy aims to capitalize on short-term price corrections during a downtrend (mean reversion) as well as ride the momentum of a trending market (trend following). It uses a 200-period Simple Moving Average (SMA) and a 2-period Relative Strength Index (RSI) to generate buy and sell signals.
Key Features:
Combines mean reversion and trend following techniques
Utilizes 200-period SMA and 2-period RSI
Customizable starting date
Allows for enabling/disabling mean reversion or trend following modes
Adjustable position sizing for trend following and mean reversion
Script Description:
The script implements a trading strategy that combines mean reversion and trend following techniques. Users can enable or disable either of these techniques through the input options. The strategy uses a 200-period Simple Moving Average (SMA) and a 2-period Relative Strength Index (RSI) to generate buy and sell signals.
The mean reversion mode is active when the price is below the SMA200, while the trend following mode is active when the price is above the SMA200. The script generates buy signals when the RSI is below 20 (oversold) in mean reversion mode or when the price is above the SMA200 in trend following mode. The script generates sell signals when the RSI is above 80 (overbought) in mean reversion mode or when the price falls below 95% of the SMA200 in trend following mode.
Users can adjust the position sizing for both trend following and mean reversion modes using the input options.
To use this script on TradingView, follow these steps:
Open TradingView and load your preferred chart.
Click on the 'Pine Editor' tab located at the bottom of the screen.
Paste the provided script into the Pine Editor.
Click 'Add to Chart' to apply the strategy to your chart.
Please note that the past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. Always use proper risk management and consult a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
The following is a summary of the underlying whitepaper ( for this strategy:
This paper proposes a theory of securities market under- and overreactions based on two psychological biases: investor overconfidence about the precision of private information and biased self-attribution, which causes asymmetric shifts in investors' confidence as a function of their investment outcomes. The authors show that overconfidence implies negative long-lag autocorrelations, excess volatility, and public-event-based return predictability. Biased self-attribution adds positive short-lag autocorrelations (momentum), short-run earnings "drift," and negative correlation between future returns and long-term past stock market and accounting performance.
The paper explains that there is empirical evidence challenging the traditional view that securities are rationally priced to reflect all publicly available information. Some of these anomalies include event-based return predictability, short-term momentum, long-term reversal, high volatility of asset prices relative to fundamentals, and short-run post-earnings announcement stock price "drift."
The authors argue that investor overconfidence can lead to stock prices overreacting to private information signals and underreacting to public signals. This overreaction-correction pattern is consistent with long-run negative autocorrelation in stock returns, excess volatility, and further implications for volatility conditional on the type of signal. The market's tendency to over- or underreact to different types of information allows the authors to address the pattern that average announcement date returns in virtually all event studies are of the same sign as the average post-event abnormal returns.
Biased self-attribution implies short-run momentum and long-term reversals in security prices. The dynamic analysis based on biased self-attribution can also lead to a lag-dependent response to corporate events. Cash flow or earnings surprises at first tend to reinforce confidence, causing a same-direction average stock price trend. Later reversal of overreaction can lead to an opposing stock price trend.
The paper concludes by summarizing the findings, relating the analysis to the literature on exogenous noise trading, and discussing issues related to the survival of overconfident traders in financial markets.
The Flash-Strategy (Momentum-RSI, EMA-crossover, ATR)The Flash-Strategy (Momentum-RSI, EMA-crossover, ATR)
Are you tired of manually analyzing charts and trying to find profitable trading opportunities? Look no further! Our algorithmic trading strategy, "Flash," is here to simplify your trading process and maximize your profits.
Flash is an advanced trading algorithm that combines three powerful indicators to generate highly selective and accurate trading signals. The Momentum-RSI, Super-Trend Analysis and EMA-Strategy indicators are used to identify the strength and direction of the underlying trend.
The Momentum-RSI signals the strength of the trend and only generates trading signals in confirmed upward or downward trends. The Super-Trend Analysis confirms the trend direction and generates signals when the price breaks through the super-trend line. The EMA-Strategy is used as a qualifier for the generation of trading signals, where buy signals are generated when the EMA crosses relevant trend lines.
Flash is highly selective, as it only generates trading signals when all three indicators align. This ensures that only the highest probability trades are taken, resulting in maximum profits.
Our trading strategy also comes with two profit management options. Option 1 uses the so-called supertrend-indicator which uses the dynamic ATR as a key input, while option 2 applies pre-defined, fixed SL and TP levels.
The settings for each indicator can be customized, allowing you to adjust the length, limit value, factor, and source value to suit your preferences. You can also set the time period in which you want to run the backtest and how many dollar trades you want to open in each position for fully automated trading.
Choose your preferred trade direction and stop-loss/take-profit settings, and let Flash do the rest. Say goodbye to manual chart analysis and hello to consistent profits with Flash. Try it now!
General Comments
This Flash Strategy has been developed in cooperation between Baby_whale_to_moon and JS-TechTrading. Cudos to Baby_whale_to_moon for doing a great job in transforming sophisticated trading ideas into pine scripts.
Detailed Description
The “Flash” script considers the following indicators for the generation of trading signals:
1. Momentum-RSI
2. ‘Super-Trend’-Analysis
3. EMA-Strategy
1. Momentum-RSI
• This indicator signals the strength of the underlying upward- or downward-trend.
• The signal range of this indicator is from 0 to 100. Values > 60 indicate a confirmed upward- or downward-trend.
• The strategy will only generate trading signals in case the stock (or any other financial security) is in a confirmed upward- (long entry signals) or downward-trend (short entry signals).
• This indicator provides information with regards to the strength of the underlying trend and it does not give any insight with regard to the direction of the trend. Therefore, this strategy also considers other indicators which provide technical confirmation with regards to the direction of the underlying trend.
Graph 1 shows this concept:
• The Momentum-RSI indicator gives lower readings during consolidation phases and no trading signals are generated during these periods.
Example (graph 2):
2. Super-Trend Analysis
• The red line in the graph below represents the so-called super-trend-line. Trading signals are only generated in case the price action breaks through this super-trend-line indicating a new confirmed upward-trend (or downward-trend, respectively).
• If that happens, the super trend-line changes its color from red to green, giving confirmation that the trend changed from bearish to bullish and long-entries can be considered.
• The vice-versa approach can be considered for short entries.
Graph 3 explains this concept:
3. Exponential Moving Average / EMA-Strategy
The functionality of this EMA-element of the strategy has been programmed as follows:
• The exponential moving average and two other trend lines are being used as qualifiers for the generation of trading-signals.
• Buy-signals for long-entries are only considered in case the EMA (yellow line in the graph below) crosses the red line.
• Sell-signals for short-entries are only considered in case the EMA (yellow line in the graph below) crosses the green line.
An example is shown in graph 4 below:
We use this indicator to determine the new trend direction that may occur by using the data of the price's past movement.
4. Bringing it all together
This section describes in detail, how this strategy combines the Momentum-RSI, the super-trend analysis and the EMA-strategy.
The strategy only generates trading-signals in case all of the following conditions and qualifiers are being met:
1. Momentum-RSI is higher than the set value of this strategy. The standard and recommended value is 60 (graph 5):
2. The super-trend analysis needs to indicate a confirmed upward-trend (for long-entry signals) or a confirmed downward-trend (for short-entry signals), respectively.
3. The EMA-strategy needs to indicate that the stock or financial security is in a confirmed upward-trend (long-entries) or downward-trend (short-entries), respectively.
The strategy will only generate trading signals if all three qualifiers are being met. This makes this strategy highly selective and is the key secret for its success.
Example for Long-Entry (graph 6):
When these conditions are met, our Long position is opened.
Example for Short-Entry (graph 7):
Trade Management Options (graph 8)
Option 1
In this dynamic version, the so-called supertrend-indicator is being used for the trade exit management. This supertrend-indicator is a sophisticated and optimized methodology which uses the dynamic ATR as one of its key input parameters.
The following settings of the supertrend-indicator can be changed and optimized (graph 9):
The dynamic SL/TP-lines of the supertrend-indicator are shown in the charts. The ATR-length and the supertrend-factor result in a multiplier value which can be used to fine-tune and optimize this strategy based on the financial security, timeframe and overall market environment.
Option 2 (graph 10):
Option 2 applies pre-defined, fixed SL and TP levels which will appear as straight horizontal lines in the chart.
Settings options (graph 11):
The following settings can be changed for the three elements of this strategy:
1. (Length Mom-Rsi): Length of our Mom-RSI indicator.
2. Mom-RSI Limit Val: the higher this number, the more momentum of the underlying trend is required before the strategy will start creating trading signals.
3. The length and factor values of the super trend indicator can be adjusted:ATR Length SuperTrend and Factor Super Trend
4. You can set the source value used by the ema trend indicator to determine the ema line: Source Ema Ind
5. You can set the EMA length and the percentage value to follow the price: Length Ema Ind and Percent Ema Ind
6. The backtesting period can be adjusted: Start and End time of BackTest
7. Dollar cost per position: this is relevant for 100% fully automated trading.
8. Trade direction can be adjusted: LONG, SHORT or BOTH
9. As we explained above, we can determine our stop-loss and take-profit levels dynamically or statically. (Version 1 or Version 2 )
Display options on the charts graph 12):
1. Show horizontal lines for the Stop-Loss and Take-profit levels on the charts.
2. Display relevant Trend Lines, including color setting options for the supertrend functionality. In the example below, green lines indicate a confirmed uptrend, red lines indicate a confirmed downtrend.
Other comments
• This indicator has been optimized to be applied for 1 hour-charts. However, the underlying principles of this strategy are supply and demand in the financial markets and the strategy can be applied to all timeframes. Daytraders can use the 1min- or 5min charts, swing-traders can use the daily charts.
• This strategy has been designed to identify the most promising, highest probability entries and trades for each stock or other financial security.
• The combination of the qualifiers results in a highly selective strategy which only considers the most promising swing-trading entries. As a result, you will normally only find a low number of trades for each stock or other financial security per year in case you apply this strategy for the daily charts. Shorter timeframes will result in a higher number of trades / year.
• Consequently, traders need to apply this strategy for a full watchlist rather than just one financial security.