CandlesGroup_TypesLibrary "CandlesGroup_Types"
CandlesGroup Type allows you to efficiently store and access properties of all the candles in your chart.
You can easily manipulate large datasets, work with multiple timeframes, or analyze multiple symbols simultaneously. By encapsulating the properties of each candle within a CandlesGroup object, you gain a convenient and organized way to handle complex candlestick patterns and data.
For usage instructions and detailed examples, please refer to the comments and examples provided in the source code.
method init(_self)
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup)
method init(_self, propertyNames)
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup)
propertyNames (string )
method get(_self, key)
get values array from a given property name
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
key (string) : : key name of selected property. Default is "index"
Returns: values array
method size(_self)
get size of values array. By default it equals to current bar_index
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
Returns: size of values array
method push(_self, key, value)
push single value to specific property
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
key (string) : : key name of selected property
value (float) : : property value
Returns: CandlesGroup object
method push(_self, arr)
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup)
arr (float )
method populate(_self, ohlc)
populate ohlc to CandlesGroup
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
ohlc (float ) : : array of ohlc
Returns: CandlesGroup object
method populate(_self, values, propertiesNames)
populate values base on given properties Names
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
values (float ) : : array of property values
propertiesNames (string ) : : an array stores property names. Use as keys to get values
Returns: CandlesGroup object
method populate(_self)
populate values (default setup)
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
Returns: CandlesGroup object
method lookback(arr, bars_lookback)
get property value on previous candles. For current candle, use *.lookback()
Namespace types: float
arr (float ) : : array of selected property values
bars_lookback (int) : : number of candles lookback. 0 = current candle. Default is 0
Returns: single property value
method highest_within_bars(_self, hiSource, start, end, useIndex)
get the highest property value between specific candles
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
hiSource (string) : : key name of selected property
start (int) : : start bar for calculation. Default is candles lookback value from current candle. 'index' value is used if 'useIndex' = true
end (int) : : end bar for calculation. Default is candles lookback value from current candle. 'index' value is used if 'useIndex' = true. Default is 0
useIndex (bool) : : use index instead of lookback value. Default = false
Returns: the highest value within candles
method highest_within_bars(_self, returnWithIndex, hiSource, start, end, useIndex)
get the highest property value and bar index between specific candles
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
returnWithIndex (bool) : : the function only applicable when it is true
hiSource (string) : : key name of selected property
start (int) : : start bar for calculation. Default is candles lookback value from current candle. 'index' value is used if 'useIndex' = true
end (int) : : end bar for calculation. Default is candles lookback value from current candle. 'index' value is used if 'useIndex' = true. Default is 0
useIndex (bool) : : use index instead of lookback value. Default = false
method highest_point_within_bars(_self, hiSource, start, end, useIndex)
get a Point object which contains highest property value between specific candles
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
hiSource (string) : : key name of selected property
start (int) : : start bar for calculation. Default is candles lookback value from current candle. 'index' value is used if 'useIndex' = true
end (int) : : end bar for calculation. Default is candles lookback value from current candle. 'index' value is used if 'useIndex' = true. Default is 0
useIndex (bool) : : use index instead of lookback value. Default = false
Returns: Point object contains highest property value
method lowest_within_bars(_self, loSource, start, end, useIndex)
get the lowest property value between specific candles
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
loSource (string) : : key name of selected property
start (int) : : start bar for calculation. Default is candles lookback value from current candle. 'index' value is used if 'useIndex' = true
end (int) : : end bar for calculation. Default is candles lookback value from current candle. 'index' value is used if 'useIndex' = true. Default is 0
useIndex (bool) : : use index instead of lookback value. Default = false
Returns: the lowest value within candles
method lowest_within_bars(_self, returnWithIndex, loSource, start, end, useIndex)
get the lowest property value and bar index between specific candles
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
returnWithIndex (bool) : : the function only applicable when it is true
loSource (string) : : key name of selected property
start (int) : : start bar for calculation. Default is candles lookback value from current candle. 'index' value is used if 'useIndex' = true
end (int) : : end bar for calculation. Default is candles lookback value from current candle. 'index' value is used if 'useIndex' = true. Default is 0
useIndex (bool) : : use index instead of lookback value. Default = false
method lowest_point_within_bars(_self, loSource, start, end, useIndex)
get a Point object which contains lowest property value between specific candles
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
loSource (string) : : key name of selected property
start (int) : : start bar for calculation. Default is candles lookback value from current candle. 'index' value is used if 'useIndex' = true
end (int) : : end bar for calculation. Default is candles lookback value from current candle. 'index' value is used if 'useIndex' = true. Default is 0
useIndex (bool) : : use index instead of lookback value. Default = false
Returns: Point object contains lowest property value
method time2bar(_self, t)
Convert UNIX time to bar index of active chart
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
t (int) : : UNIX time
Returns: bar index
method time2bar(_self, timezone, YYYY, MMM, DD, hh, mm, ss)
Convert timestamp to bar index of active chart. User defined timezone required
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
timezone (string) : : User defined timezone
YYYY (int) : : Year
MMM (int) : : Month
DD (int) : : Day
hh (int) : : Hour. Default is 0
mm (int) : : Minute. Default is 0
ss (int) : : Second. Default is 0
Returns: bar index
method time2bar(_self, YYYY, MMM, DD, hh, mm, ss)
Convert timestamp to bar index of active chart
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
YYYY (int) : : Year
MMM (int) : : Month
DD (int) : : Day
hh (int) : : Hour. Default is 0
mm (int) : : Minute. Default is 0
ss (int) : : Second. Default is 0
Returns: bar index
method get_prop_from_time(_self, key, t)
get single property value from UNIX time
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
key (string) : : key name of selected property
t (int) : : UNIX time
Returns: single property value
method get_prop_from_time(_self, key, timezone, YYYY, MMM, DD, hh, mm, ss)
get single property value from timestamp. User defined timezone required
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
key (string) : : key name of selected property
timezone (string) : : User defined timezone
YYYY (int) : : Year
MMM (int) : : Month
DD (int) : : Day
hh (int) : : Hour. Default is 0
mm (int) : : Minute. Default is 0
ss (int) : : Second. Default is 0
Returns: single property value
method get_prop_from_time(_self, key, YYYY, MMM, DD, hh, mm, ss)
get single property value from timestamp
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
key (string) : : key name of selected property
YYYY (int) : : Year
MMM (int) : : Month
DD (int) : : Day
hh (int) : : Hour. Default is 0
mm (int) : : Minute. Default is 0
ss (int) : : Second. Default is 0
Returns: single property value
method bar2time(_self, index)
Convert bar index of active chart to UNIX time
Namespace types: CandlesGroup
_self (CandlesGroup) : : CandlesGroup object
index (int) : : bar index
Returns: UNIX time
A point on chart
price (series float) : : price value
bar (series int) : : bar index
bartime (series int) : : time in UNIX format of bar
Property object which contains values of all candles
name (series string) : : name of property
values (float ) : : an array stores values of all candles. Size of array = bar_index
Candles Group object which contains properties of all candles
propertyNames (string ) : : an array stores property names. Use as keys to get values
properties (Property ) : : array of Property objects
SessionInfoLibrary "SessionInfo"
Utility functions for session specific information like the bar index of the session.
inSession(spec) Returns true if the current bar is in the session specification.
spec : session.regular (default), session.extended or other time spec.
Returns: True if the current is in session; otherwise false.
minutesToLen(minutes, multiple) Converts the number of minutes to a length to be used with indicators.
minutes : The number of minutes.
multiple : The length multiplier.
Returns: math.ceil(minutes * multiple / timeframe.multiplier)
bar(spec, res) Returns the intraday bar index. May not always map directly to time as a bars can be skipped.
spec : session.regular (default), session.extended or other time spec.
res : The resolution (default = "1440").
Returns: The integer index of the bar of the session.
isFirstBar(spec, res) Returns true if the current bar is the first one of the session.
spec : session.regular (default), session.extended or other time spec.
res : The resolution (default = "1440").
Returns: True if the current bar is the first one of the session.
wasLastBar(spec, res) Returns Returns true if the previous bar was the last of the session.
spec : session.regular (default), session.extended or other time spec.
res : The resolution (default = "1440").
Returns: True if was the last bar of the session.
LabelHelperLibrary "LabelHelper"
Utility for managing active labels on the chart.
add(level, txt, labelColor, textColor) For displaying a lable at the last bar.
level : The value to display the label at.
txt : The text to show on the label.
labelColor : The color of the label.
textColor : The text color of the label.
Returns: The label being managed.
LibraryCheckNthBarLibrary "LibraryCheckNthBar"
TODO: add library description here
canwestart(UTC, prd) this function can be used if current bar is in last Nth bar
UTC : is UTC of the chart
prd : is the length of last Nth bar
Returns: true if the current bar is in N bar