ATR and Volume Analysis


I would like to present an indicator that's meant to measure ratio of Volatility to Volume.

Basically it measures 2 moving averages (14 and 100 period) of ATR and Volume and then compares them. The output is ATR14 / Vol14

Color scheme

Red: Volume and ATR is both below 14 period
Green: Both are above
Yellow: Volume up, volatility down
Purple: Volume down, volatility up

Then there are two lines - 1 and 1.5

That is, in my opinion, the most optimal state to trade, because 1 means that there is some volatility and it's confirmed by volume. Above 1,5 you could see it as overbought (or oversold) zone. If it's above this line, we could expect a retracement since the volatility is not backed by volume. Above 2 it's quite critical and I would suggest closing trades.

(You can use it across all timeframes. In fact it's better if you do so. Longer timeframes are good for spotting tradeable markets while shorter timeframes show overbought / oversold zones)

I have also added option to choose between 4 different moving averages, but in my opinion RMA works the best.

Feel free to share some feedback, I would really appreciate it.

Notas de prensa
Update: Removed other indicators to match the house rules.

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