Trading Session Indicator

This indicator is basically just a back-testing tool. All it does is highlight the background of your charts with the specified color within the specified timezone.

This is useful particularly for back-testing purposes, such as testing a day-trading strategy within a particular period of the day or ignoring signals that fall within the given timeframe (which is useful for ignoring setups during your testing that appear while you're asleep or at work etc.)

Take it easy :)
- Matt.
Notas de prensa
Minor improvements
Notas de prensa
Added alert functionality
Notas de prensa
Added "end of session" alert functionality
Notas de prensa
Fixed end of session alert
Notas de prensa
Updated alert functionality
Notas de prensa
Added ability to hide background color on a separate timeframe
Notas de prensa
Added an option to hide this indicator on the 4HR timeframe, Daily, Weekly and Monthly
Notas de prensa
- Converted to Pine Script v4
Notas de prensa
A few minor changes & improvements
Notas de prensa
Fixed the script not working on weekends
Notas de prensa
Updated to Pine Script v5
Notas de prensa
Updated to pine script v6
frameopeningbellsessionTIMEtimeframetimezonetradingTrend AnalysisVolatilityVolumezone

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