Crypto Mineable vs Not Mineable (Market Caps Ratio)

Por everget
Hello traders!

This indicator shows you the ratio between market capitalizations of the mineable and not mineable cryptocurrencies from TOP-20 (excluding Bitcoin Cash).

NOTE: The market capitalizations are calculated dynamically. The word "dynamically" means that I did not hardcode supplies for presented cryptocurrencies.

What else is included
  • Alert for the specified positive % change
  • Alert for the specified negative % change

How to get access
  • Buy for only 25$ to get lifetime access to this indicator

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Happy Trading!
Notas de prensa
  • Added data from TOP-40
Notas de prensa
  • TradingView removed USDCUSD ticker so I was made to replace it with Stratis
alertsBreadth IndicatorscoinscryptodynamicmarketcapmarketcapsmineablenotmineableOscillatorsratioVolume
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