
Crypto Wise 4h ETH Trading Script with Alerts

ETH is very volatile, and that's what makes this script great: Being able to catch the next Move Up or Down.

No repainting.

Better to be used on a 4hr Chart.

No indicator is perfect, but when it gets integrated into a great strategy, and used together with other indicators like the Stoch RSI , you can easily make great trades.

You can get access to the script for $20 / month. Payments accepted in BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH.

72hr Trial given upon request.
Notas de prensa
Another great call of tops and bottoms! Able to generate a total of $60 ETH moves over the past week.
Notas de prensa
CB Backtest
Moving AveragesTrend AnalysisVolatility

Script que requiere invitación

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