Know Sure Thing and EMA Strategy by JLX

This is a simple strategy based in Know Sure Thing indicator and an Exponential moving average,

Rules are as follow:

- You can go long when the KST cross signal bellow 0 and price closes above the target EMA
- You can go short when the KST cross signal above 0 and price closes bellow the target EMA

I include a trailing stop loss, default its 0.5%

Hope you enjoy it
Notas de prensa
Checked Calc on order fills and calc on every tick options (optimized for 1min chart)
Notas de prensa
Added Backtest Range
Notas de prensa
Added 0.01% step for Stop Loss for using in FOREX
Exponential Moving Average (EMA)exponentialmovingaverageKnow Sure Thing (KST)KSTOscillatorsstrategy

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