ICT Daily Bias by Fahmi Eshaq

ICT Daily Bias helps us determine where the market is likely to go for the day. The ICT Daily Bias tool aids in forecasting the likely direction of the market for the day. It delineates the previous day's high and low levels, providing insights into potential price movements whether the market is expected to touch the previous day's high or low.
Notas de prensa
ICT Daily Bias helps us determine where the market is likely to go for the day. The ICT Daily Bias tool aids in forecasting the likely direction of the market for the day, whether its bullish, bearish, or ranging. It delineates the previous day's high and low levels, providing insights into potential price movements whether the market is expected to ***touch*** the previous day's high or low.
biasCandlestick analysisChart patternsictictconceptsictstudent

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