Simple Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly

Simple price line of the previous daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly opens and closes.

By default your will get the open and close of the last period of the time frame. If you're in March, you will get the open and close of Febraury. If it is calendary day 20, you will get the open and close of day 19 (or previous market day).

Script can be modified to see the most recent opens and closes by switching the period on a desired time range to 0. This will make so that if you're in March, you will get the open of March and it's most recent close price even if the month isn't over.

Colors can be changed to your liking via the settings for the indicator.

To show the price labels on your y-axis, go to Main Chart Settings -> Scales -> "Last Value Indicator Label" and click the checkbox. Also, might be helpful to check the "Indicator Name Label" under the same settings.

The line plots need to be completely transparent, otherwise they will show up and crowd the price chart.
Notas de prensa
Updated to be able to change colors more easily without having to adjust transparancy levels.
Pivot Points

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