Bitcoin Studies (NVT et. al) [NeoButane]

Currently studying the effect of NVT on price action and volume.
Notas de prensa
What's available:
Velocity: 90 day moving average of daily transaction volume in USD divided by 90 day moving average of daily market cap
NVT Ratio: 28 day moving average of daily market cap divided by daily transaction volume in USD
NVT Signal: daily market cap divided by the 90 day moving average of daily transaction volume in USD

The ability to view final mean in arithmetic, logarithmic, or geometric mean. Will include harmonic mean once I figure out how to limit or extend variable n. Log and geometric averaging does a much better job than arithmetic calculation when viewing historical levels.

If you would like access to this script, please consider purchasing it. A family member has just had surgery so money is running tight.

Any amount will do, so you can send a dollar and you'll still get permanent access haha. Send to one of the addresses below and message me on TradingView with your address before you send it. If you just want to donate, I would be grateful as well.






Bitcoin (Cryptocurrency)bitcoinmarketcapGEOMETRICLOGARITHMICNVTPrice/Earnings Ratio (P/E Ratio)velocityVolume

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