
//@version=5 indicator("xau m5 ddang alfm (Wyckoff)", overlay=

FOREXCOM:XAUUSD   Oro al contado/Dólar estadounidense

indicator("xau m5 ddang alfm (Wyckoff)", overlay= true, scale= scale.none, max_labels_count= 1)
// ———————————————————— Inputs {
color decvol = input.color(#000000FF, "Hollow Candle (Decreasing Volume)", group= "The Lie Detector")
color hivolup = input(color.new(#00FF00, 0), "Up Candle (Increasing Volume + Over VolumeMA)", group= "The Lie Detector")
color hivoldn = input.color(color.new(#FF0000, 0), "Dn Candle (Increasing Volume + Over VolumeMA)", group= "The Lie Detector")
int length = input.int(20, "VolumeMA length", inline= "01", group= "The Lie Detector")
bool useEma = input.bool(true, "Use EMA", inline= "01", group= "The Lie Detector")
color vMAclr = input.color(color.blue, "  ", inline= "01", group= "The Lie Detector")

float f = input.float(1.4, "Factor for Volume Density ", inline= "00", group= "Volume Analysis", step= 0.1)
color vpclr = color.white//input.color(color.white, "", inline= "00", group= "Volume Analysis")
// }

// ———————————————————— Global Date {
vol = volume
hl = high - low
vp = vol/hl // volume density
var float scaleMax = array.new_float() // not varip
// }

// ———————————————————— Functions {
// ----- Bar coloring cal (The Lie Detector)
upVol = ta.rising(vol, 1)
upBar = close > open

vMA = useEma ? ta.ema(vol, length) : ta.sma(vol, length)
volOverMa = vol > vMA // to decide Large volume

hollowBgdBlack = not upVol
upVolUpMaUpBar = upVol and volOverMa and upBar
upVolUpMaDnBar = upVol and volOverMa and not upBar

chollowBgdBlack = hollowBgdBlack ? decvol : na
cUpVolUpMaUpBar = upVolUpMaUpBar ? hivolup : na
cUpVolUpMaDnBar = upVolUpMaDnBar ? hivoldn : na
volumeclr = hollowBgdBlack ? color(na) : upBar ? upVolUpMaUpBar ? hivolup : color.new(hivolup, 70) : upVolUpMaDnBar ? hivoldn : color.new(hivoldn, 70)

// ------ Volume Density Cal
vpMA = useEma ? ta.ema(vp, length) : ta.sma(vp, length) // use VolumeMAtype and VolumeMA length
vpS = vp > vpMA * f and vp <= vpMA * f * f ? vol : na // small vp
vpL = vp > vpMA * f * f ? vol : na // large vp

// ------ Scale Adjustment Cal
array.push(scaleMax, vol)
if array.size(scaleMax) > length * 4

scalebase = array.max(scaleMax) // get max large volume
upperline = scalebase * 4 // max large volume become 1/4 position
// }

// ———————————————————— Outputs {
barcolor(hollowBgdBlack ? chollowBgdBlack : na, title= "Hollow candle")
barcolor(upVolUpMaUpBar ? cUpVolUpMaUpBar : na, title= "Up candle")
barcolor(upVolUpMaDnBar ? cUpVolUpMaDnBar : na, title= "Dn candle")

plot(vol, color= close > open ? hivolup : hivoldn, style= plot.style_stepline, linewidth= 1, title= "Volume")
plot(vol, style= plot.style_columns, color= volumeclr, title= "Enough and Large Volume")

plot(vMA, color= vMAclr, title= "VolumeMA")
// }

// ========================= Volume Flow ============================
float x = input.float(5, "Factor for Volume Spike ", inline= "02", group= "Volume Analysis", step= 0.1)

// Bull and Bear Volume Cal
bull = upVol and upBar ? vol : 0 // not include decreasing upBar volume
bear = upVol and not upBar ? vol : 0 // not include decreasing upBar volume

//Bull and Bear MA Cal
bullma = useEma ? ta.ema(bull, length) : ta.sma(bull, length)
bearma = useEma ? ta.ema(bear, length) : ta.sma(bear, length)

// MA dif
vf_dif = bullma - bearma
vf_absolute = vf_dif > 0 ? vf_dif : vf_dif * (-1)

// Volume Spikes
gsig= ta.crossover(bull, bullma * x) ? vol : na
rsig = ta.crossover(bear, bearma * x) ? vol : na

// Color Cal
vdClr = vf_dif > 0 ? color.new(hivolup, 50) : color.new(hivoldn, 50)

plot(vf_absolute, style= plot.style_area, color= vdClr, title= "Volume Flow")
plotchar(gsig, char= "💡", color= hivolup, location= location.absolute, title= "Bull Vol Spike")
plotchar(rsig, char= "💡", color= hivoldn, location= location.absolute, title= "Bear Vol Spike")

// ================================================================

plotchar(vpS, char= "⬜", color= color.new(vpclr, 50), location= location.bottom, title= "Volume Density(small)")
plotchar(vpL, char= "⬜", color= vpclr, location= location.bottom, title= "Volume Density(large)")

plot(upperline, color= color(na), title= "Scale Adjustment")

// Tính toán EMA 100
ema100 = ta.ema(close, 27)
ema8 = ta.ema(close, 8)
ema10 = ta.ema(close, 6)
sma5 = ta.sma(close,8)
emamax = ta.ema(close, 68*6)
//plot(sma5, color=sma5 < sma5 ? color.rgb(255, 65, 65) : color.rgb(255, 255, 255), linewidth=1)
// Tạo biến màu
var color emaColor = na

// So sánh giá trị EMA hiện tại và EMA trước đó
if ema100 > ema100
emaColor := color.green
else if ema100 < ema100
emaColor := color.red
var float stoplossbuy = 0.0
var float stoplosssell = 0.0
var float thannen = 0.0
var float raunentren = 0.0
var float raunenduoi = 0.0
if close > open
raunentren := high - close
raunenduoi := open - low
if close < open
raunentren := high - open
raunenduoi := close - low
thannen := math.abs(close - open)
spread = math.abs(high - low)
var int sos = 0
var int sow = 0
//điểm mạnh :
//1. Down Thrust ( Lực đẩy xuống)
SDownThrust = raunenduoi >= 3*thannen and volume > volume and volume > volume and low <= ta.lowest(4) and spread > ta.sma(spread,5) and raunentren < raunenduoi/2 and volume > vMA
if SDownThrust
sos := sos + 1
//2. Selling Climax ( Cao trào bán)
SSellingClimax = close<open and thannen > thannen and thannen + raunenduoi >= ta.highest(ta.sma(thannen+raunenduoi,5),12) and (raunenduoi<thannen and raunenduoi>0.25*thannen) and volume > 1.4*vMA and volume > volume and volume > volume
if SSellingClimax
sos := sos + 1
//3. Nỗ lực giảm giá nhỏ hơn kết quả giảm giá
Seffortresultmanh = close<open and ((volume < volume and close < open and thannen>thannen and thannen>= ta.sma(thannen,4)) or (volume < volume and thannen>= ta.sma(thannen,4) and thannen > thannen and close < open))
if Seffortresultmanh
sos := sos + 1
//4. Nỗ lực giảm giá > kết quả giảm giá
Sresulteffortmanh = close<open and raunenduoi<thannen and raunentren < thannen and ((volume > volume and thannen < thannen and close < open and thannen>= ta.highest(ta.sma(thannen,5),5)) or (volume > volume and thannen < thannen and volume > vMA and close < open))
if Sresulteffortmanh
sos := sos + 1
//5. Không có nguồn cung ( No Supply Bar) tiếp diễn xu hướng
SNoSupplyBar = close < open and not rsig and thannen <= 0.5*ta.sma(thannen,5) and raunenduoi > raunentren and volume<volume and volume<volume and ema100 - ema100 > 0 and vf_dif > 0
if SNoSupplyBar
sos := sos + 1
//6. Nến giả lực đẩy xuống ( Pseudo downthrust bar)
SPseudodownthrustbar = close < open and not SNoSupplyBar and not rsig and thannen <= ta.lowest(ta.sma(thannen,5),5) and raunentren > raunenduoi and volume<volume and volume<volume and ema100 - ema100 > 0 and vf_dif > 0
if SPseudodownthrustbar
sos := sos + 1
//7. Nến giả lực đẩy xuống đảo ngược ( Pseudo Inverse downthrust)
SPseudoInversedownthrust = close < open and not SNoSupplyBar and not rsig and thannen <= ta.lowest(ta.sma(thannen,5),5) and raunenduoi > raunentren and volume<volume and volume<volume and ema100 - ema100 > 0 and vf_dif > 0

//8. Nến lực đẩy xuống ngược ( Inverse Down Thrust)
SInverseDownThrust = raunentren >= 3*thannen and vf_dif < 0 and ((volume > volume and volume > volume and volume > vMA) or volume > 1.4*vMA) and spread > ta.sma(spread,5) and raunenduoi < raunentren/2
if SInverseDownThrust
sos := sos + 1
//9. Nỗ lực thất bại của cao trào bán ( Failed effort Selling Climax)
SFailedeffortSellingClimax = SSellingClimax and (close< open or close< open) and (thannen<thannen or thannen<thannen) and close>open and close>open and volume>vMA and volume>vMA and volume>vMA and (volume>vMA or volume>vMA) and (volume>volume or volume>volume)
if SFailedeffortSellingClimax
sos := sos + 1
//điểm yếu
//1. UpThrust ( Lực đẩy lên)
WUpThrust = raunentren >= 3*thannen and volume > 1.2 * volume and volume > volume and high >= ta.highest(6) and raunenduoi < raunentren/2 and volume > vMA
if WUpThrust
sow := sow + 1
//2. Buying Climax ( Cao trào mua)
WBuyingClimax = close>open and thannen > thannen and thannen + raunentren>= ta.highest(ta.sma(thannen+raunentren,5),12) and (raunentren<thannen*0.7 and raunentren>0.25*thannen) and ((volume > 1.4*vMA ) )
if WBuyingClimax
sow := sow + 1
//3. Nỗ lực tăng giá < Kết Quả tăng giá ( Bullish effort < Bullish result)
Wresulteffortyeu = close>open and ((volume < volume and thannen > thannen and close > open and thannen>= ta.sma(thannen,5)) or (volume < volume and thannen>= ta.sma(thannen,6) and thannen > thannen and volume > vMA and close > open))
if Wresulteffortyeu
sow := sow + 1
//4. Nỗ Lực tăng giá > Kết quả tăng giá ( Bullish effort > Bullish result)
Weffortresultyeu = close>open and raunentren<thannen and ((volume > volume and thannen < thannen and close > open and thannen>= ta.highest(ta.sma(thannen,5),5)) or (volume > volume and thannen < thannen and volume > vMA and close > open))
// sau khi mở lệnh nếu nến sau đó không phá được thân nến hoặc không giảm 1 mức tương đối thì đóng lệnh
if Weffortresultyeu
sow := sow + 1
//5. Không có nhu cầu ( No Demand Bar)
WNoDemandBar = close > open and not gsig and thannen <= 0.7*ta.sma(thannen,5) and raunentren > raunenduoi and ((volume<volume and volume<volume) or (volume<volume and volume<volume)) and ema100 - ema100 < 0 and vf_dif < 0
//loại bỏ tín hiệu nếu trước đó liền kề là bull spike hoặc trong xu hướng tăng lớn hoặc đảo chiều từ tiichs lũy sang tăng
if WNoDemandBar
sow := sow + 1
//6. Lực đẩy lên giả ( Pseudo Upthrust)
WPseudoUpthrust = close > open and close > open and not gsig and not gsig and thannen <= ta.lowest(ta.sma(thannen,5),5) and raunenduoi > raunentren and ((volume<volume and volume<volume) or (volume<volume and volume<volume)) and ema100 - ema100 < 0 and vf_dif < 0
if WPseudoUpthrust
sow := sow + 1
//7. Lực đẩy tăng giả ngược ( Inverse Pseudo Upthrust )
WInversePseudoUpthrust = close > open and not WNoDemandBar and not gsig and not gsig and thannen <= ta.lowest(ta.sma(thannen,5),5) and raunentren > raunenduoi and ((volume<volume and volume<volume) or (volume<volume and volume<volume)) and ema100 - ema100 < 0 and vf_dif < 0
if WInversePseudoUpthrust
sow := sow + 1
//8. Inverse Upthrust ( Lực đẩy tăng ngược)
WInverseUpthrust = raunenduoi >= 3*thannen and vf_dif > 0 and ((volume > volume and volume > volume and volume > vMA) or volume > 1.4*vMA) and spread > ta.sma(spread,5) and raunentren < raunenduoi/2
if WInverseUpthrust
sow := sow + 1
//9. Cao trào mua thất bại ( Failed Buying Climax)
WFailedBuyingClimax = WBuyingClimax and (close> open or close> open) and (thannen<thannen or thannen<thannen) and close<open and close<open and volume>vMA and volume>vMA and volume>vMA and (volume>vMA or volume>vMA) and (volume>volume or volume>volume)
if WFailedBuyingClimax
sow := sow + 1
// tin hieu SOS
plotshape(SDownThrust, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.new(#046ff9, 50), size=size.small, text='1', textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0))
plotshape(SSellingClimax , style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.new(#046ff9, 50), size=size.small, text='2', textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0))
// buylimit tại low
plotshape(Seffortresultmanh, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.new(#046ff9, 50), size=size.small, text='3', textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0))
plotshape(Sresulteffortmanh, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.new(#046ff9, 50), size=size.small, text='4', textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0))
plotshape(SNoSupplyBar, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.new(#046ff9, 50), size=size.small, text='5', textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0))
plotshape(SPseudodownthrustbar, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.new(#046ff9, 50), size=size.small, text='6', textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0))
plotshape(SPseudoInversedownthrust, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.new(#046ff9, 50), size=size.small, text='7', textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0))
// 6 dễ sai
plotshape(SInverseDownThrust, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.new(#046ff9, 50), size=size.small, text='8', textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0))
plotshape(SFailedeffortSellingClimax , style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.new(#046ff9, 50), size=size.small, text='9', textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0))
SOSsignal1 = SDownThrust or SSellingClimax or Sresulteffortmanh or Seffortresultmanh or SNoSupplyBar or SPseudoInversedownthrust or SInverseDownThrust or SFailedeffortSellingClimax
SOSsignal2 = SSellingClimax or Sresulteffortmanh or Seffortresultmanh
//tin hieu SOW
plotshape( WUpThrust, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.new(#f90404, 50), size=size.small, text='1', textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0))
plotshape( WBuyingClimax, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.new(#f90404, 50), size=size.small, text='2', textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0))
// selllimit tai high
plotshape( Wresulteffortyeu, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.new(#f90404, 50), size=size.small, text='3', textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0))
plotshape( Weffortresultyeu, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.new(#f90404, 50), size=size.small, text='4', textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0))
plotshape( WNoDemandBar, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.new(#f90404, 50), size=size.small, text='5', textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0))
plotshape( WPseudoUpthrust, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.new(#f90404, 50), size=size.small, text='6', textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0))
plotshape( WInversePseudoUpthrust, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.new(#f90404, 50), size=size.small, text='7', textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0))
plotshape( WInverseUpthrust, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.new(#f90404, 50), size=size.small, text='8', textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0))
plotshape( SFailedeffortSellingClimax, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.new(#f90404, 50), size=size.small, text='9', textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0))
SOWsignal1 = WUpThrust or WBuyingClimax or Wresulteffortyeu or Weffortresultyeu or WNoDemandBar or WInverseUpthrust or SFailedeffortSellingClimax
SOWsignal2 = WBuyingClimax or Wresulteffortyeu or Weffortresultyeu

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