I moved another trader profitably out of TSOI on the last run and waited for it to base the Honey Bucket before buying in myself. This stock is a beauty for pump action and I suspect that whoever is moving it, either wanted to take a year end loss and then re-accumulate or bears had it by the short & curlys, dunno. I care less about the fundamentals on stocks like this and tend to trade on pure technicals. Still holding 1/2 my stash after a quick one day 100% and waiting to see if it Fibs out well like last time.

As always, "Not investment advice", DYOR and good luck!
When something doubles, I sell half. This covers your nut and everything else is gravy. If it goes to zero, you're out flat but if it continues then you're up 100% plus. TSOI is a classic pump & dump. Look at the deep retrace action on it. I'm back in it at 0.23 for a DCA and if it goes to zero, I'll still be flat for the overall, zero win / zero loss. Let's see what it does from here . .
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