TSLA short setup around $171

Por JenRz
My dowsing is bringing my attention to TSLA & is does it in an "interesting" way I'm beginning to understand (I think).
I have a scale I made up with a couple stocks, indexes and couple other things with directions or swing hi/low, and I'll ask to show me the most important thing to know for now. It often is a little early, which I understand, but sometimes seemed completely wrong & confused & frustrated the hell out of me. I hope this is not the case with this idea, because it's telling me TSLA down, yet energy is more bullish.

My new interpretation of this kind of disparity is that the bigger trade is short, but there will be a rally into a level for the short. Like my last TSLA idea that worked out, which we've hit the first target on as of today. I also have TSLA on my calendar for tomorrow (from 4/10). Dates are often reversals, so we'll see.

I am also getting a standout date of next Wed. the 24th, so I'm kinda sorta thinking up into that date. If it hits around $171 on that date, that's ideal for a reversal, however, am usually wrong on what to expect on a certain date, but I'm hoping to somehow fix this by asking more questions.
Anyway, my old idea targets and resistance are faded on the chart. New ones are bright.
There also is a date for next Friday for some possible "volatility". Idk wth that'll be, if anything, but I want to journal it. We'll see how this ages, but could be a long into the resistance and short if it holds there, or possibly dead wrong, of course.
Ok, so the date of the 24th was actually the move off earnings the night before. I'm sure it's just a coincidence dowsing gave that date randomly ;)
Anyway, it's possible TSLA gets up to $176, but shouldn't get over 178ish.
Dowsing gave me the date of 3/21, which is kind of a new thing as target zones. This ones at $171-78+/-.

I had this happen before when it gave the date of 7/24 sometime in 4th quarter last year. If you draw a rectangle you'll see the high on 12/28 was in that zone. It was wide. I don't really argue about it, but just am aware to watch it & try for more precision with straight numbers, hence 176 today.
Ok, so the date idea was blown through. That's a bummer except that it did hit it, so I can add that to the odds these levels will get traded over.
I had a signature on Thursday that's usually really bullish, but thought that it was reflecting the action that already happened to the upside. I'll know better next time. I still don't know why it didn't just give me the higher target to begin with. That makes me sad cuz I was long on Friday looking for a bigger move into the $175-76 area. :(

So, I am still getting that this is going back down & dowsing described it as a bear flag. Watch the $202-203 area, & if it holds, I'll update or kill this idea.
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