Sorry i late for edit on chart :
Correction about the leftmost pink zone and position sizes :
1.Buy - %3 (%1.5 for position size, %1.5 for holding margin)
2.Buy - %3 (%1.5 for position size , %1.5 for holding margin)
3.Buy - %6 (%3 for position size, %3 for holding margin)
4.Buy - %12 (%6 for position size , %6 for holding margin)
5.Buy - %24 ( %12 for position size, %12 for holding margin)
6.Buy - %48 ( %24 for position size, %24 for holding margin)
Everything else is the same.
Here, our initial position size is 1.5% and we keep the 1.5% position as margin, so we start with only 1.5%.