Grain Supply Chain

Por CryptoQue
I read some stuff on social media bashing General Mills about price increases. While I don't agree with corporate greed, rising prices and outlandish CEO pay, I also don't agree with sitting back & doing nothing. I don't have all the answers but I did get into supply side trades last year. I wont give away all the details, but not buying the obvious things that people need every day to live is pretty...dull to say the least. You know what you use, what your kids like & what moves the markets. Having the information is just knowledge, using the info you have to make actionable PROFITABLE decisions is wisdom. Anything commodities related, is likely to get squeezed by inflation. Inflation, you know printing trillions of dollars in worthless junk currency? It was bound to make prices increase. The pandemic, & the supply chain crunch made it all that much worse! But! This could be an excellent buying opportunity for you, if you act. Doing nothing in life is very costly, & missing out on supply chain/inflation/pandemic trades is just plain lazy. Good luck!
cerealDemand ZoneFundamental AnalysisGISgraininflationshippingSupply Zone

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