
Bitcoin - 4 Hour Cup and Handle

When this breaks North the minimum target is about $10,400.

10-4 Do you copy?

BBS out!
OK folks, I have put in my last little chunk of money (for real) into Bitcoin at, what I think is the bottom of this handle / channel I've been looking at lately. This is another HODL buy. No matter whether BTC goes to 20K or 8K in the next few days, weeks, months, etc. I will not be selling.

I am done. I just wanted to take advantage one more time of buying some BTC for less than 10K Hopefully in a couple years that will seem like a smart move.

Over the paste several years I have bought and sold everything from $185 to 20K and back down again and then from $3,200 at various levels all the way to 9K I have my HODL position and can finally quit. For real, I have to, you should never put all your eggs in one basket. And for me, this last buy was the maximum I am willing to commit to just one asset.

I'll post some more observations later, but for now I'm taking a break.

BBS out!
P.S. It wasn't a huge buy at these prices, just one last nibble. They could literally cut the price of Bitcoin in half right now and my HODL position would STILL be well into the green.
Here's a look at the Bears via the Daily chart. Are they about to get slain?

Again? Could be....

Push the Play button. It's looking good so far.....
If this pattern was valid, and it looks like it was, then the minimum target should still be around $10,400. The Bears obviously don't want us to breach 10K at all.

I guess I'll have to go poke them again with my steel.

Operación cerrada: objetivo alcanzado
The $10,400 MINIMUM target has been reached. Everything from now on is gravy....
FYI - I DID NOT close my position. I'm still LONG and will remain so. I've actually moved more Satoshi off the Exchange tonight. They ain't coming back for a very long time.

I just hit the wrong button on my last post.
bitcoinbearslayerbreakoutBTCBTCUSDBullish PatternsChart PatternsCup And Handle

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