
Learning, Achievement, Failure

The more one masters psychology, the more one understands the Universe.

'Nicola Tesla' once made the fairly well know and often quoted comment: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
One can only wonder what Nicola truly 'saw', 'felt' or 'visualized' or for that matter meant by this.

Yet, all the observations of energy, frequency and vibration are ultimately made (sorted, weighted, categorized) by 'the brain'. Our sensors (sight, sound, smell, taste and touch) are merely the receptors, delivering the data to the brain.

Without 'Energy' there is nothing.
In order to have energy, something needs to ('fluctuate' between 'states' or 'Vibrate') have a frequency.
So, without 'Frequency' there is no 'Energy'.

The thing here is, energy, frequency and vibration are defined and observed by us, our brains. They are constructs of our psyche. A stone or a tree have no notion of them (allegedly).
Without our conceptual visualization of chronological time there is no 'vibration' or 'frequency' therefore no 'Energy', there just .. "IS".

June 5th, 1874
I have studied Human behaviour consciously for as long as I can remember.
Decades ago I held the believe "all humans should be able to learn the same things since we all share the same brain, it is all just a matter of finding the right way to learn".
Over the course of my life (so far..), life taught me quite the opposite.
We differ, we differ A LOT.

-Many try to cram 'knowledge' (books etc.) into their heads by memorizing, not realizing that pretty much any literature out there is written by mere humans (more or less) comparable to them selves.
Not only do they not realize this 'knowledge' does not necessarily hold any value at all, they also do not understand how it was distilled, where it derived from, either.
They are educated idiots (not always but most often).
-Others learn 'by doing', which in most cases does not mean finding out yourself but merely copy the behaviour of others "If the majority is doing it that way it is bound to be right/correct/true".
That will not yield either. The majority is mostly wrong, by averaging, by conformity, by adaptation.
The 'hive mind' of mankind is a marvel of nature, yet the individual one is (mostly) a grotesk monstrosity, an abomination.

People are heavily biased. As soon as some initial spark has been imprinted in them, they pursue only that spark. Only looking for confirmation from now on. Everything not fitting in that narrow window will get rejected, thereby narrowing the biased view more and more. The polarity grows and grows. Higher polarity means greater Amplitude, means more Energy (What we observe in Markets as Volatility).

"Bring me a shrubbery"
Many years ago a 'friendly' neighbour, in an attempt to cut my legs out from under me, or throw me off or 'simply' trying to offend me yelled, for everyone to hear "'JE BUURMAN' IS NOT NORMAL .. YOU SEE THAT ?, NOT NORMAL !!1one"
Unfortunately .. he is right .. did this not offend me or throw me off. I am quite aware, thank you very much.
Energy does not only mean Frequency, it also means Amplitude.
Most people desperately try to fit in their whole life and average them selves down to the rest (try to visualize this, it's ridiculous, everyone averaging themselves to each other) they, all get 'bland'.
Their Frequency and Amplitude diminished. They are simply average. They excel at nothing, they achieve and accomplish nothing. They get rewarded in life for being average. The more averaged they are the higher the rewards. The more normal the better.
Thank <deity> I am not normal, I am vibrant, I live. They could not handle most of my days. Most certainly not the worst ones but likely not the good ones either.

I still am fascinated by human psychology, the 'human condition'.
As 'they' have alienated me, they deliberated me.

'Planck Scale'
The trading-years, as one could call this phase, have taught me many things.
Many of them I've already written about in other "Ideas".
I often keep a pulse on the markets as well on (not only / traders -) psychology by deliberately 'seeking out' the most bland/average/or even outright dumbest Trolls.
The markets are moved by 'mass' and 'mass' does not have to be a "Whale" or what ever fabled creature.
The scale just has to be heavier on one side.
Observe the 'Average/the feeble/ the Trolls', interact with them, doesn't matter how, just observe what/how and when it makes them tick.
Comment sections and/or any 'social' gathering site give ample material.
-Most of the time I tend to be the best version of me that ever existed (progression, don´t compare yourself to others, compare yourself to who you were before).

The Universe is a computational modelled nested equation that randomizes bits of it's former information to create new data-streams.
It's data-streams branch out where ever they can until they can not. (Survival of the fittest, adapt or die, Sink or Swim)
Progression (in that context) does not mean to 'improve' or 'better'. It simply means: keep moving, keep the energy flowing. Standstil = no movement = no energy.

If one wants to survive one needs to understand their enemies, in order to understand the enemy, you'll have to become the enemy.
As Jordan Peterson puts it "Expose yourself to malevolence"
-In order to become the best version of me, I will have to explore and understand my 'Shadow', my evil 'qualities', i MUST.
This does not imply one should deliberately cause harm or inflict pain to others.
Yet, if one is faced with a situation, one should not flee from it either. "Being the better man" does not mean 'better ("the good guy") between the two', it means the better between your current and your previous version.

Let's for example take John .. no wait .. next thing you know some "John" gets triggered, let's anonymize..

Let's take Kr0n (that is a ZERO not an OH, people don´t have numbers in their names, should be safe i reckon) sounds like John though, doesn't it?.
Kr0n took the bait. Kr0n just had to respond to a question directed at someone else.
Someone else made an obvious hyperbole statement which begot an obvious Troll-bait question of "How is it "actually IMPOSSIBLE"(literal quote) to ban Crypto?" (as if a hyperbole is meant to or can be explained).
The topic-starter is less informed about language or simply did not care, maybe it was deliberate from their side? I was curious about their intend or reason.
Yet in Kr0n's mind there was injustice or disinformation (their psychological state being the real reason of their 'to arms' response) and it had to be addressed. (some others did too..)
As per usual none of the replies actually addressed the initial question (how could they) but talked around it.
Kr0n kept strewing trivial nonsensical Ego-traps like Wizard-feces-shooter used to fling charts around.
I triggered them traps for them.
The more bruises kr0n's ego got, the more scratches it's persona, the simpler, shorter and more vile the replies got. To the point where one can predict them outright.
There is raw and uncontrolled emotion. 'Defend the persona, defend the ego .. it is your livelihood, this can not stand'
It is Energetic, it has a Frequency (response-time) and an Amplitude (length of replies and measure of emotion)
Indeed, it is all they got .. the average person.
The best Fear and Greed meter there is.
While giving lessons about Energy transfer (reciprocation, vibration) as well as transfer of wealth (survival of the fittest, this game is not for the faint of heart). It all is the same Equation.
This is how they are manipulated, how they are steered, how they are made to move the markets -for those that want something in a certain direction (and I am not just talking 'Trading' here).
Just keep averaging your selves out, people. Never to wake up, sleep getting deeper and deeper. polarity wider and wider. Volatility going up.
C'est la vie.
It is what it is.
It's all in the equation.

"Jack Black"
Over the years I have not only tried to learn but also tried to share what ever 'knowledge' I thought I have to share in the process.
I even went as far as 'tutoring/mentoring/coaching' people once in a while privately for free, no strings attached.
Not 'cramming info' but truly try to make one see and realize it.
People I've chosen personally for I thought I might help them in their despair.
This 'quest' has now come to an end.
Instead of breaking my bias it cemented.
My mantra, said in many previous "Ideas" now stands stronger than ever.

One can not teach another.
True learning comes from within.

One has to not only absorb information but also transform it.
A teacher can not force-feed information.
Simply put: one either has it, or they don't.
A person fully equipped will get there, entirely on their own.
Some are simply incapable of learning, their brain is just not wired right for it.
Many lack the commitment, conviction, dedication, perseverance..
Are too stubborn to let go of bias, to stubborn to admit their previous errors to themselves, are too ashamed, get hindered by their own ego and/or persona.
They don't want to learn, they just want the damn money. They want the keys to the Golden Palace on a silver platter for free and make it snappy.
No-one can teach you how to play the Piano, no-one can give or sell you signals how to play it, there are no indicators or scripts that let you play like Kr0n Ogdon .. err .. John Ogdon.
It is what it is.
It's all just a "function", it all has a purpose.
Energy, Frequency, Cycles, Equilibrium, Pareto and Fibonacci, all in front of you, all you need to do is open your senses if this is in your capabilities. Only you can do that.

Unbeknown to me why the Orange fell from the tree. Yet it is no more there to see.

You can not know what you do not know.
You can only know what you don´t know.

I write these texts first and foremost for myself. To sort thoughts, to archive them, to finish an odyssey .. to later keep track of progress.
Once in a while things I've written for someone, in idle hopes to help, never get picked up.
This is one of them.
If you can use it, use it.
If you can´t .. well .. then don't
If you disagree .. do what you must.
If you enjoy it.. enjoy


This is a redacted version to make it more universal.

Since it would be quite a daunting task to try to teach some one "Everything" and there is no single "correct way" of Trading, I decided to asses the current 'Expertize' and build up on that.
Several Chats were pre-cursor to this.


Part 1 of 4

This is the most inquisitive Part.
Please be specific and elaborate (no personal details needed nor wanted).
If one can not be 'fully' open about something as technical/mechanical as trading (for, and to oneself) one will not get very far.

(This part was originally about the "Trading/Market Industry", selling "Signals/Scripts/Indicators" but also connected directly to Exchanges and Brokers .. Order-books, Volatility, Liquidity, 'Trend' etc.)

A large portion (..) of "big guys" are in it for the money (not trading itself, they sell something) or for their ego (they sell themselves).
In order to achieve their goals they will pull off pretty much everything they can (Human beings are deceptive predators).
Their ideas get packed with loads of "typical" talk (Icing on the cake), most often just copied from others, without any real understanding of the topics.
Since their goal is not so much the trading in itself but to harvest likes and followers, they don´t NEED to truly understand any of the claims they make/copy.
Many of those claims are blatantly false or redundant. It is just their sales pitch.
To give you an idea what I am talking about here.

"You can not trade emotionally"
"You must follow a strict daily plan"
"You must be of sound mind and body"

Trading is a VERY SIMPLE process.
You buy and you sell.
'Preferably' to sell higher than you bought.

Everything else is just noise. (keep in mind this was in context, specifically written for a single individual, not meant as a general guidebook, hence the sparsity)
Sure, if one has NO self-control, emotions can and most likely will ruin everything .. but that is true in ANY situation
If one does not understand Trading/Markets (intellectually) one can and will only respond emotionally.
As soon as one starts to (intellectually) understand them, the emotional responses will lessen.

All this "noise" could POTENTIALLY better ones Trading more if one is already moving in the right direction but they are NOT a MUST !!!
One CAN be successful with just ONE simple basic rule, the one everyone jokingly repeats but barely anyone actually does:


(to contextualize: This all heavily ties in with my stance on people wanting everything on silver platters, the 'predators' know this all too well, they 'cater' to these yearnings. They sell the dreams of prolific Indicators, Signalling Groups etc.. Creating the illusion of 'the more the merrier')


That is in theory everything one must know (initially) .. so why does one not do it (correctly)?

Just as most ... are selling themselves (ego or products)
the ENTIRE INDUSTRY behind trading is just about that as well.
Making money for THEM .. you are just their buyer.


You seemed eager to learn, paid a lot of money for "education" that left you empty-handed (and pocketed)... got suckered in by "the industry".
You buy and (hope to) rely heavily on those "indicators".
The Trading Industry is selling their Heroin and everyone readily and greedily takes it, to never get off it again.
A vicious and vile circle (you were never supposed to make money, you are supposed to make THEM money).
One of the most important parts here is
to learn to see and understand this, all these indicators will NEVER FULLY produce reliable satisfactory results (they CANNOT for very simple reasons).

Although we already discussed this in part, I would like you, to try to answer the following questions as detailed and open/honest (to yourself) as possible.
These answers are not for ME but for yourself, first and foremost.
By actively thinking about how you actually act/trade and writing out 'physically' an answer, it will provoke cognitive follow-ups. (Instead of acting mindless)
It becomes 'manifested' in your mind.
It will help you understand better, what and why you do, what you do, and what to change.
It creates the opportunity to retrace your steps.
My part is simply being the "catalyst".

Please describe to me, in your own words:

  • B 1 - What exactly did you hope to learn from paid tutoring/mentoring and why did you think they could teach this ? What was the reality ?

  • B 2 - What do you want from indicators and why do you think they can provide this. What do you think they actually do ?



Some more questions, the answers (together with the B section) will dictate how we proceed in Part 2 and 3.
  • C 1 - What markets do you trade and why do you (want to) trade them. (if several, what is the difference between them in you opinion)
  • C 2 - Roughly what does a typical setup (full trade beginning to end) look like for you. (gathering information, market/limit order, leverage/spot, options/long/short/ etf /etc., stoploss, trailing etc.)
  • C 3 - Why do you trade that way (C 2) ? (are you satisfied with the results or do you feel they could be better?)
  • C 4 - Are you aware of 'obvious' problems in this approach? If so, what have you tried to better the outcome.

This should be enough for part one.
I will start preparing part 2, which largely depends on your answers of course.
(To contextualize: Part 1 was intended mostly for me to get an idea on where to start)

In part 2 I will address certain things I deem "problematic" in your trading approach, (likely) accompanied with some (more detailed) questions.
(to contextualize: the answers from B1 and B2 would get dissected here, otherwise the list of indicators to go through would get immense, furthermore asses how far apprentice has gained insights in their own trading-capabilities so far)

Part 3 will be a follow-up on part 2, see if we can tie up loose ends.

Part 4 Establish if there is progress and nothing left to ponder.
The Universe never fails to deliver.

Jordan B. Peterson about being 'dangerous':

"You should be capable of it. But that doesn't mean you should use it.
There is nothing to you otherwise.
If you're not a formidable force, there is no morality in your self-control.

If you're incapable of violence, not being violent isn't a virtue.

People who teach martial arts know this full well.
If you learn a martial art you learn to be dangerous but simultaneously you learn to control it
Both of those come together and the combination of that capacity for danger and the capacity for control
is what brings about the virtue. Otherwise you confuse weakness with moral virtue.
"I'm harmless therefore I'm good"
It's like: No that isn't how it works. That isn't how it works at all.
If you're harmless, you're just weak.
And if you're weak, you're not going to be good. You can't be.
Because it takes strength to be good.
It's very difficult to be good."
Beyond Technical Analysis

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