Bitcoin Liquid Index

October 2019 - Is Bakkt Going To Save Us All?

Hell no!
Bakkt don't mean a thing to me. This is like seeing a recession coming for the past 12 months painted all over the charts and then blaming it on "war"! Only blind people would be willing to fall for such narratives.

My reasoning is because everything single emotion from every single occurrence on the earth is already in the charts. The chart is painted in real time every second that ticks by and people panic sell, or FOMO.
Please tell me how "News" is the cause of any market movement when if you step back and actually observe - You'll find all your answers right in front of your face.

Anything can change at any moment - And I could be very wrong with my opinions - But, When I look at Bitcoin market cycle's I'd tend to put probability on more upward movement.

Where are you placing your money?

When you look back at this time next year you will clearly see October 2019 as a defining moment for the next 2 years of the crypo markets....

Exención de responsabilidad