Bitwise, Encode, DecodeLibrary "Bitwise, Encode, Decode"
Bitwise, Encode, Decode, and more Library
Hover-Over Documentation for inside Text Editor
bAnd(a, b)
Returns the bitwise AND of two integers
a : `int` - The first integer
b : `int` - The second integer
Returns: `int` - The bitwise AND of the two integers
bOr(a, b)
Performs a bitwise OR operation on two integers.
a : `int` - The first integer.
b : `int` - The second integer.
Returns: `int` - The result of the bitwise OR operation.
bXor(a, b)
Performs a bitwise Xor operation on two integers.
a : `int` - The first integer.
b : `int` - The second integer.
Returns: `int` - The result of the bitwise Xor operation.
Performs a bitwise NOT operation on an integer.
n : `int` - The integer to perform the bitwise NOT operation on.
Returns: `int` - The result of the bitwise NOT operation.
bShiftLeft(n, step)
Performs a bitwise left shift operation on an integer.
n : `int` - The integer to perform the bitwise left shift operation on.
step : `int` - The number of positions to shift the bits to the left.
Returns: `int` - The result of the bitwise left shift operation.
bShiftRight(n, step)
Performs a bitwise right shift operation on an integer.
n : `int` - The integer to perform the bitwise right shift operation on.
step : `int` - The number of bits to shift by.
Returns: `int` - The result of the bitwise right shift operation.
bRotateLeft(n, step)
Performs a bitwise right shift operation on an integer.
n : `int` - The int to perform the bitwise Left rotation on the bits.
step : `int` - The number of bits to shift by.
Returns: `int`- The result of the bitwise right shift operation.
bRotateRight(n, step)
Performs a bitwise right shift operation on an integer.
n : `int` - The int to perform the bitwise Right rotation on the bits.
step : `int` - The number of bits to shift by.
Returns: `int` - The result of the bitwise right shift operation.
bSetCheck(n, pos)
Checks if the bit at the given position is set to 1.
n : `int` - The integer to check.
pos : `int` - The position of the bit to check.
Returns: `bool` - True if the bit is set to 1, False otherwise.
bClear(n, pos)
Clears a particular bit of an integer (changes from 1 to 0) passes if bit at pos is 0.
n : `int` - The integer to clear a bit from.
pos : `int` - The zero-based index of the bit to clear.
Returns: `int` - The result of clearing the specified bit.
Flips all 0 bits in the number to 1.
n : `int` - The integer to flip the bits of.
Returns: `int` - The result of flipping all 0 bits in the number.
Flips all 1 bits in the number to 0.
n : `int` - The integer to flip the bits of.
Returns: `int` - The result of flipping all 1 bits in the number.
Flips all bits in the number.
n : `int` - The integer to flip the bits of.
Returns: `int` - The result of flipping all bits in the number.
bSet(n, pos, newBit)
Changes the value of the bit at the given position.
n : `int` - The integer to modify.
pos : `int` - The position of the bit to change.
newBit : `int` - na = flips bit at pos reguardless 1 or 0 | The new value of the bit (0 or 1).
Returns: `int` - The modified integer.
changeDigit(n, pos, newDigit)
Changes the value of the digit at the given position.
n : `int` - The integer to modify.
pos : `int` - The position of the digit to change.
newDigit : `int` - The new value of the digit (0-9).
Returns: `int` - The modified integer.
bSwap(n, i, j)
Switch the position of 2 bits of an int
n : `int` - int to manipulate
i : `int` - bit pos to switch with j
j : `int` - bit pos to switch with i
Returns: `int` - new int with bits switched
Checks to see if the binary form is a Palindrome (reads the same left to right and vice versa)
n : `int` - int to check
Returns: `bool` - result of check
Checks if n is Even
n : `int` - The integer to check.
Returns: `bool` - result.
checks if n is Even if not even Odd
n : `int` - The integer to check.
Returns: `bool` - result.
Checks if n is a Power of 2.
n : `int` - number to check.
Returns: `bool` - result.
bCount(n, to_count)
Counts the number of bits that are equal to 1 in an integer.
n : `int` - The integer to count the bits in.
to_count `string` - the bits to count
Returns: `int` - The number of bits that are equal to 1 in n.
GCD(a, b)
Finds the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two numbers.
a : `int` - The first number.
b : `int` - The second number.
Returns: `int` - The GCD of a and b.
LCM(a, b)
Finds the least common multiple (LCM) of two integers.
a : `int` - The first integer.
b : `int` - The second integer.
Returns: `int` - The LCM of a and b.
Finds the LCM of an array of integers.
nums : `int ` - The list of integers.
Returns: `int` - The LCM of the integers in nums.
adjustedLCM(nums, LCM)
adjust an array of integers to Least Common Multiple (LCM)
nums : `int ` - The first integer
LCM : `int` - The second integer
Returns: `int ` - array of ints with LCM
charAt(str, pos)
gets a Char at a given position.
str : `string` - string to pull char from.
pos : `int` - pos to get char from string (left to right index).
Returns: `string` - char from pos of string or "" if pos is not within index range
Converts a decimal number to binary
num : `int` - The decimal number to convert to binary
Returns: `string` - The binary representation of the decimal number
decimalToBinary(num, to_binary_int)
Converts a decimal number to binary
num : `int` - The decimal number to convert to binary
to_binary_int : `bool` - bool to convert to int or to string (true for int, false for string)
Returns: `string` - The binary representation of the decimal number
Converts a binary number to decimal
binary : `string` - The binary number to convert to decimal
Returns: `int` - The decimal representation of the binary number
way of finding decimal length using arithmetic
n `float` - floating decimal point to get length of.
Returns: `int` - number of decimal places
way of finding number length using arithmetic
n : `int`- value to find length of number
Returns: `int` - lenth of nunber i.e. 23 == 2
Converts a float decimal number to an integer `0.365 to 365`.
n : `string` - The decimal number represented as a string.
Returns: `int` - The integer obtained by removing the decimal point and leading zeroes from s.
Returns the fractional part of a float.
x : `float` - The float to get the fractional part of.
Returns: `float` - The fractional part of the float.
form_decimal(a, b, zero_fix)
helper to form 2 ints into 1 float seperated by the decimal
a : `int` - a int
b : `int` - b int
zero_fix : `bool` - fix for trailing zeros being truncated when converting to float
Returns: ` ` - float = float decimal of ints | string = string version of b for future use to ref length
bEncode(n1, n2)
Encodes two numbers into one using bit OR. (fastest)
n1 : `int` - The first number to Encodes.
n2 : `int` - The second number to Encodes.
Returns: `int` - The result of combining the two numbers using bit OR.
Decodes an integer created by the bCombine function.(fastest)
n : `int` - The integer to decode.
Returns: ` ` - A tuple containing the two decoded components of the integer.
Encode(a, b)
Encodes by seperating ints into left and right of decimal float
a : `int` - a int
b : `int` - b int
Returns: `float` - new float of encoded ints one on left of decimal point one on right
Decodes float of 2 ints seperated by decimal point
encoded : `float` - the encoded float value
Returns: ` ` - tuple of the 2 ints from encoded float
encode_heavy(a, b)
Encodes by combining numbers and tracking size in the
decimal of a floating number (slowest)
a : `int` - a int
b : `int` - b int
Returns: `float` - new decimal of encoded ints
Decodes encoded float that tracks size of ints in float decimal
encoded : `float` - encoded float
Returns: ` ` - tuple of decoded ints
decimal of float (slowest)
encoded : `float` - the encoded float value
Returns: ` ` - tuple of the 2 ints from encoded float
Bitwise, Encode, Decode Docs
In the documentation you may notice the word decimal
not used as normal this is because when referring to
binary a decimal number is a number that
can be represented with base 10 numbers 0-9
(the wiki below explains better)
A rule of thumb for the two integers being
encoded it to keep both numbers
less than 65535 this is because anything lower uses 16 bits or less
this will maintain 100% accuracy when decoding
although it is possible to do numbers up to 2147483645 with
this library doesnt seem useful enough
to explain or demonstrate.
The functions provided work within this 32-bit range,
where the highest number is all 1s and
the lowest number is all 0s. These functions were created
to overcome the lack of built-in bitwise functions in Pinescript.
By combining two integers into a single number,
the code can access both values i.e when
indexing only one array index
for a matrices row/column, thus improving execution time.
This technique can be applied to various coding
scenarios to enhance performance.
Bitwise functions are a way to use integers in binary form
that can be used to speed up several different processes
most languages have operators to perform these function such as
`<<, >>, &, ^, |, ~`
Simple Trendlines📈 Trendlines, made easy.
Simple Trendlines is a carefully made library that provides an easy and accessible way to draw trendlines on the chart.
Containing only 10 properties and 2 methods, the implementation is designed to be understandable through an object-oriented structure and provides developers the opportunity to expand without having to deal with slope calculation while also ensuring that there's no leakage between the trendlines before they're drawn.
Developers only need to provide 5 expressions to get everything up in running. This includes the following but is not limited to
The x-axis
Point A (Y1 Value)
Point B (Y2 Value)
A condition to draw the line
A condition to keep the trendline under continuation
Automatic x-axis calculation is not a built-in feature due to the inconsistency it could bring.
📕 Quick Example
import HoanGhetti/SimpleTrendlines/1 as tl
input_len = = 10)
pivotLow = fixnan(ta.pivotlow(input_len, input_len))
xAxis = ta.valuewhen(ta.change(pivotLow), bar_index, 0) - ta.valuewhen(ta.change(pivotLow), bar_index, 1)
prevPivot = ta.valuewhen(ta.change(pivotLow), pivotLow, 1)
pivotCondition = ta.change(pivotLow) and pivotLow > prevPivot
plData = = xAxis, offset = input_len)
plData.drawLine(pivotCondition, prevPivot, pivotLow)
plData.drawTrendline(close > 0)
Excluding the styling at the bottom, that was only 8 lines of code which yields the following result.
⏳ Before continuing
The library does not support block-scoped execution. Conditions must be declared before and integrated as a parameter. This doesn't limit any capabilities and only involves thinking logically about precedence. It was made this way for code readability and to keep things organized.
The offset value inside the TrendlineSettings object can potentially affect performance (although very minimal) if you're using strict mode. When using strict mode, it loops through historical values to then do backend calculations.
🔽 Getting Started 🔽
Creating trendlines without a library isn't a hard task. However, the library features a built-in system called strict mode. We'll dive further into this below.
Creating an Instance
You can create an instance of the library by calling the new() function. Passing an identifier is conventionally mandatory in this case so you can reference properties and methods.
import HoanGhetti/SimpleTrendlines/2 as tl
lineData = x_axis, int offset, bool strictMode, int strictType)
int x_axis (Required) The distance between point A and point B provided by the user.
int offset (Optional) The offset from x2 and the current bar_index. Used in situations where conditions execute ahead of where the x2 location is such as pivót events.
bool strictMode (Optional) Strict mode works in the backend of things to ensure that the price hasn't closed below the trendline before the trendline is drawn.
int strictType (Optional) Only accepts 0 and 1, 0 ensures that the price during slope calculation is above the line, and 1 ensures that the price during slope calculation is below the line.
The Initial Line
After instantiating the library, we can go ahead use the identifer we made above and create an instance of our initial line by calling the drawLine() method.
lineData.drawLine(bool condition, float y1, float y2, float src)
bool condition (Required) The condition in order to draw a new line.
float y1 (Required) The y-value of point A.
float y2 (Required) The y-value of point B.
float src (Optional) Determines which value strict mode will actively check for leakage before a trendline is drawn.
Typically used if you're not referencing OHLC values for your y-values, or you want to check for another value to exceed the line besides using the close value.
The Trendline
The trendline that gets drawn solely uses the values of the initial line and can be called using the drawTrendline() method. The library enforces a condition as a parameter in order to maintain simplicity.
lineData.drawTrendline(bool condition)
bool condition (Required) The condition in order to maintain and continue drawing the trendline.
⚙️ Features
🔹 Automatic Slope Calculation
In the background, the library calculates the next Y2 and X2 values on every tick for the trendline. Preventing the developer from having to do such a process themself.
🔹 Object-Oriented
Each object contains manipulative properties that allow the developer to debug and have the freedom they want.
🔹 Enforced Error Checking
Runtime errors have been put in place to ensure you're doing things correctly.
🔹 Strict Mode & Offset
Strict mode can only be used when the offset value is over 0. It's a feature that's only meant to function under scenarios where a condition executes further than where the X2 is relative to the current bar_index value.
Let's think about pivot systems. As you're aware, pivot events are detected based on historical factors. If a swing low occurred nth bars ago, then the pivot condition will execute at the current bar_index instead of executing nth bars back.
Now because of this, what if you wanted to draw a trendline when the pivot event is executed? The offset value takes care of this just as you would when developing your other scripts, basically how we always do bar_index - n. However, what does this mean for strict mode?
The photo below represents the logic behind the execution.
When looking at this image, imagine this just happened, the event just executed and the trendline is now drawn. Pay attention to all the values inside the surrounding box. As you can see there are some candles that closed below the trendline before the trendline was drawn.
From what I can see 5-6 candles closed below the trendline during slope calculation. The goal of strict mode is to be a provisional system that prevents such occurrences from happening.
Here's a photo with strict mode on.
🔹 Strict Type
A parameter used in the new() function that acts as a representation of what strict mode should calculate for. It accepts only two values, 0 and 1.
0 - Ensures that all candles have closed above the trendline before the trendline is drawn.
1 - Ensures that all candles have closed below the trendline before the trendline is drawn.
In the most recent photo above, I used 0 for strict type, since I was wanting to have a clean trendline and ensure that not a single candlestick closed below.
If you want to reference something else besides the close value during strict mode calculation, you can change it in the drawLine() method.
If it's still difficult to understand, think 0 for pivot lows, and 1 for pivot highs.
📕 Methods and Property Inheritance
The library isn't crazy, but hopefully, it helps.
That is all.👍
f_maSelectLibrary "f_maSelect"
Easy to use drop-in facade function to lots of different moving average calculations, including some that are not natively available in PineScript v5 such as Zero-Lag EMA. Simply call f_maSelect(series float serie, simple string ma_type="sma", ma_length=14) instead of a ta.*ma() call and you get access to all MAs offered by PineScript and more.
zema(src, len)
Zero-lag EMA (ZLMA)
src : Input series
len : Lookback period
Returns: Series smoothed with ZLMA
approximate_sma(x, ma_length)
Approximate Standard Moving Average, which substracts the average instead of popping the oldest element, hence losing the base frequency and is why it is approximative. For some reason, this appears to give the same results as a standard RMA
x : Input series.
ma_length : Lookback period.
Returns: Approximate SMA series.
f_maSelect(serie, ma_type, ma_length)
Generalized moving average selector
serie : Input series
ma_type : String describing which moving average to use
ma_length : Lookback period
Returns: Serie smoothed with the selected moving average.
generalized_dev(src, length, avg, lmode)
Generalized deviation calculation: Whereas other Bollinger Bands often just change the basis but not the stdev calculation, the correct way to change the basis is to also change it inside the stdev calculation.
src : Series to use (default: close)
length : Lookback period
avg : Average basis to use to calculate the standard deviation
lmode : L1 or L2 regularization? (ie, lmode=1 uses abs() to cutoff negative values hence it calculates the Mean Absolute Deviation as does the, lmode=2 uses sum of squares hence it calculates the true Standard Deviation as the ta.stdev() function does). See also the research works of everget:
Returns: stdev Standard deviation series
generalized_dev_discount(src, length, avg, lmode, temporal_discount)
Standard deviation calculation but with different probabilities assigned to each bar, with newer bars having more weights
src : Series to use (default: close)
length : Lookback period
avg : Average basis to use to calculate the standard deviation
lmode : L1 or L2 regularization? (ie, lmode=1 uses abs() to cutoff negative values hence it calculates the Mean Absolute Deviation as does the, lmode=2 uses sum of squares hence it calculates the true Standard Deviation as the ta.stdev() function does). See also the research works of everget:
temporal_discount : Probabilistic gamma factor to discount old values in favor of new ones, higher value = more weight to newer bars
Returns: stdev Standard deviation series
median_absdev(src, length, median)
Median Absolute Deviation
src : Input series
length : Lookback period
median : Median already calculated on the input series
Returns: mad, the median absolute deviation value
wbburgin_utilsLibrary "wbburgin_utils"
smoothrng(source, sampling_period, range_mult)
rngfilt(source, smoothrng)
fusion(overallLength, rsiLength, mfiLength, macdLength, cciLength, tsiLength, rviLength, atrLength, adxLength)
zonestrength(amplitude, wavelength)
atr_anysource(source, atr_length)
supertrend_anysource(source, factor, atr_length)
VolumeIndicatorsLibrary "VolumeIndicators"
This is a library of 'Volume Indicators'.
It aims to facilitate the grouping of this category of indicators, and also offer the customized supply of the source, not being restricted to just the closing price.
1. Volume Moving Average (VMA):
Moving average of volume. Identify trends in trading volume.
2. Money Flow Index (MFI): Measures volume pressure in a range of 0 to 100.
Calculates the ratio of volume when the price goes up and when the price goes down
3. On-Balance Volume (OBV):
Identify divergences between trading volume and an asset's price.
Sum of trading volume when the price rises and subtracts volume when the price falls.
4. Accumulation/Distribution (A/D):
Identifies buying and selling pressure by tracking the flow of money into and out of an asset based on volume patterns.
5. Chaikin Money Flow (CMF):
A variation of A/D that takes into account the daily price variation and weighs trading volume accordingly.
6. Volume Oscillator (VO):
Identify divergences between trading volume and an asset's price. Ratio of change of volume, from a fast period in relation to a long period.
7. Positive Volume Index (PVI):
Identify the upward strength of an asset. Volume when price rises divided by total volume.
8. Negative Volume Index (NVI):
Identify the downward strength of an asset. Volume when price falls divided by total volume.
9. Price-Volume Trend (PVT):
Identify the strength of an asset's price trend based on its trading volume. Cumulative change in price with volume factor
vma(length, maType, almaOffset, almaSigma, lsmaOffSet)
@description Volume Moving Average (VMA)
length : (int) Length for moving average
maType : (int) Type of moving average for smoothing
almaOffset : (float) Offset for Arnauld Legoux Moving Average
almaSigma : (float) Sigma for Arnauld Legoux Moving Average
lsmaOffSet : (float) Offset for Least Squares Moving Average
Returns: (float) Moving average of Volume
mfi(source, length)
@description MFI (Money Flow Index).
Uses both price and volume to measure buying and selling pressure in an asset.
source : (float) Source of series (close, high, low, etc.)
Returns: (float) Money Flow series
@description On Balance Volume (OBV)
Same as ta.obv(), but with customized type of source
source : (float) Series
Returns: (float) OBV
@description Accumulation/Distribution (A/D)
Returns: (float) Accumulation/Distribution (A/D) series
@description CMF (Chaikin Money Flow).
Measures the flow of money into or out of an asset over time, using a combination of price and volume, and is used to identify the strength and direction of a trend.
Returns: (float) Chaikin Money Flow series
vo(shortLen, longLen, maType, almaOffset, almaSigma, lsmaOffSet)
@description Volume Oscillator (VO)
shortLen : (int) Fast period for volume
longLen : (int) Slow period for volume
maType : (int) Type of moving average for smoothing
Returns: (float) Volume oscillator
@description Positive Volume Index (PVI)
Same as ta.pvi(), but with customized type of source
source : (float) Series
Returns: (float) PVI
@description Negative Volume Index (NVI)
Same as ta.nvi(), but with customized type of source
source : (float) Series
Returns: (float) PVI
@description Price-Volume Trend (PVT)
Same as ta.pvt(), but with customized type of source
source : (float) Series
Returns: (float) PVI
SILLibrary "SIL"
mean_src(x, y)
calculates moving average : x is the source of price (OHLC) & y = the lookback period
stan_dev(x, y, z)
calculates standard deviation, x = source of price (OHLC), y = the average lookback, z = average given prior two float and intger inputs, call the f_avg_src() function in f_stan_dev()
vawma(x, y)
calculates volume weighted moving average, x = source of price (OHLC), y = loookback period
gethurst(x, y, z)
calculates the Hurst Exponent and Hurst Exponent average, x = source of price (OHLC), y = lookback period for Hurst Exponent Calculation, z = lookback period for average Hurst Exponent
OfekIndicatorsLibLibrary "OfekIndicatorsLib"
TODO: add library description here
ichiClouds(conversionPeriods, basePeriods, laggingSpan2Periods)
trama(tramaSrc, tramaLength)
kdj(ilong, isig, startFrom)
startFrom(look into history)
ulibLibrary "ulib"
Stochastic(length, d_smooth)
bull_stoch_condition(k, d)
ema_condition(ema_1, ema_2, ema_3)
Bull(Fractal, ema, stochastic_osc)
PitchforkMethodsLibrary "PitchforkMethods"
Methods associated with Pitchfork and Pitchfork Drawing. Depends on the library PitchforkTypes for Pitchfork/PitchforkDrawing objects which in turn use DrawingTypes for basic objects Point/Line/LineProperties. Also depends on DrawingMethods for related methods
Converts PitchforkTypes/Fork object to string representation
this : PitchforkTypes/Fork object
Returns: string representation of PitchforkTypes/Fork
Converts Array of PitchforkTypes/Fork object to string representation
this : Array of PitchforkTypes/Fork object
Returns: string representation of PitchforkTypes/Fork array
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder)
Converts PitchforkTypes/PitchforkProperties object to string representation
this : PitchforkTypes/PitchforkProperties object
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
Returns: string representation of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkProperties
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder)
Converts PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawingProperties object to string representation
this : PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawingProperties object
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
Returns: string representation of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawingProperties
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder)
Converts PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object to string representation
this : PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
Returns: string representation of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork
Creates PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing from PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object
this : PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object
Returns: PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object created
Creates PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing array from PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork array of objects
this : array of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object
Returns: array of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object created
draws from PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object
this : PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object
Returns: PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object drawn
deletes PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object
this : PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object
Returns: PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object deleted
deletes underlying drawing of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object
this : PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object
Returns: PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object deleted
deletes array of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing objects
this : Array of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object
Returns: Array of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object deleted
deletes underlying drawing in array of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork objects
this : Array of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object
Returns: Array of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object deleted
deletes array of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing objects and clears the array
this : Array of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object
Returns: void
deletes array of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork objects and clears the array
this : Array of Pitchfork/Pitchfork object
Returns: void
PitchforkTypesLibrary "PitchforkTypes"
User Defined Types to be used for Pitchfork and Drawing elements of Pitchfork. Depends on DrawingTypes for Point, Line, and LineProperties objects
Pitchfork Drawing Properties object
extend : If set to true, forks are extended towards right. Default is true
fill : Fill forklines with transparent color. Default is true
fillTransparency : Transparency at which fills are made. Only considered when fill is set. Default is 80
forceCommonColor : Force use of common color for forks and fills. Default is false
commonColor : common fill color. Used only if ratio specific fill colors are not available or if forceCommonColor is set to true.
Pitchfork drawing components
medianLine : Median line of the pitchfork
baseLine : Base line of the pitchfork
forkLines : fork lines of the pitchfork
linefills : Linefills between forks
Fork object property
ratio : Fork ratio
forkColor : color of fork. Default is blue
include : flag to include the fork in drawing. Default is true
Pitchfork Properties
forks : Array of Fork objects
type : Pitchfork type. Supported values are "regular", "schiff", "mschiff", Default is regular
inside : Flag to identify if to draw inside fork. If set to true, inside fork will be drawn
Pitchfork object
a : Pivot Point A of pitchfork
b : Pivot Point B of pitchfork
c : Pivot Point C of pitchfork
properties : PitchforkProperties object which determines type and composition of pitchfork
dProperties : Drawing properties for pitchfork
lProperties : Common line properties for Pitchfork lines
drawing : PitchforkDrawing object
ZigzagMethodsLibrary "ZigzagMethods"
Object oriented implementation of Zigzag methods. Please refer to ZigzagTypes library for User defined types used in this library
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts ZigzagTypes/Pivot object to string representation
this : ZigzagTypes/Pivot
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of ZigzagTypes/Pivot
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts Array of Pivot objects to string representation
this : Pivot object array
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of Pivot object array
Converts ZigzagFlags object to string representation
this : ZigzagFlags object
Returns: string representation of ZigzagFlags
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts ZigzagTypes/Zigzag object to string representation
this : ZigzagTypes/Zigzagobject
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of ZigzagTypes/Zigzag
calculate(this, ohlc, indicators, indicatorNames)
Calculate zigzag based on input values and indicator values
this : Zigzag object
ohlc : Array containing OHLC values. Can also have custom values for which zigzag to be calculated
indicators : Array of indicator values
indicatorNames : Array of indicator names for which values are present. Size of indicators array should be equal to that of indicatorNames
Returns: current Zigzag object
Calculate zigzag based on properties embedded within Zigzag object
this : Zigzag object
Returns: current Zigzag object
Calculate Next Level Zigzag based on the current calculated zigzag object
this : Zigzag object
Returns: Next Level Zigzag object
Clears zigzag drawings array
this : array
Returns: void
draws fresh zigzag based on properties embedded in ZigzagDrawing object
this : ZigzagDrawing object
Returns: ZigzagDrawing object
draws zigzag based on the zigzagmatrix input
this : ZigzagDrawing object
ZigzagTypesLibrary "ZigzagTypes"
Zigzag related user defined types. Depends on DrawingTypes library for basic types
Indicator is collection of indicator values applied on high, low and close
indicatorHigh : Indicator Value applied on High
indicatorLow : Indicator Value applied on Low
PivotCandle represents data of the candle which forms either pivot High or pivot low or both
_high : High price of candle forming the pivot
_low : Low price of candle forming the pivot
length : Pivot length
pHighBar : represents number of bar back the pivot High occurred.
pLowBar : represents number of bar back the pivot Low occurred.
pHigh : Pivot High Price
pLow : Pivot Low Price
indicators : Array of Indicators - allows to add multiple
Pivot refers to zigzag pivot. Each pivot can contain various data
point : pivot point coordinates
dir : direction of the pivot. Valid values are 1, -1, 2, -2
level : is used for multi level zigzags. For single level, it will always be 0
ratio : Price Ratio based on previous two pivots
indicatorNames : Names of the indicators applied on zigzag
indicatorValues : Values of the indicators applied on zigzag
indicatorRatios : Ratios of the indicators applied on zigzag based on previous 2 pivots
Flags required for drawing zigzag. Only used internally in zigzag calculation. Should not set the values explicitly
newPivot : true if the calculation resulted in new pivot
doublePivot : true if the calculation resulted in two pivots on same bar
updateLastPivot : true if new pivot calculated replaces the old one.
Zigzag object which contains whole zigzag calculation parameters and pivots
length : Zigzag length. Default value is 5
numberOfPivots : max number of pivots to hold in the calculation. Default value is 20
offset : Bar offset to be considered for calculation of zigzag. Default is 0 - which means calculation is done based on the latest bar.
level : Zigzag calculation level - used in multi level recursive zigzags
zigzagPivots : array which holds the last n pivots calculated.
flags : ZigzagFlags object which is required for continuous drawing of zigzag lines.
Zigzag Drawing Object
zigzagLine : Line joining two pivots
zigzagLabel : Label which can be used for drawing the values, ratios, directions etc.
Object which holds properties of zigzag drawing. To be used along with ZigzagDrawing
lineColor : Zigzag line color. Default is
lineWidth : Zigzag line width. Default is 1
lineStyle : Zigzag line style. Default is line.style_solid.
showLabel : If set, the drawing will show labels on each pivot. Default is false
textColor : Text color of the labels. Only applicable if showLabel is set to true.
maxObjects : Max number of zigzag lines to display. Default is 300
xloc : Time/Bar reference to be used for zigzag drawing. Default is Time - xloc.bar_time.
Object which holds complete zigzag drawing objects and properties.
properties : ZigzagProperties object which is used for setting the display styles of zigzag
drawings : array which contains lines and labels of zigzag drawing.
zigzag : Zigzag object which holds the calculations.
DrawingMethodsLibrary "DrawingMethods"
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts DrawingTypes/Point object to string representation
this : DrawingTypes/Point object
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of DrawingTypes/Point
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts DrawingTypes/LineProperties object to string representation
this : DrawingTypes/LineProperties object
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of DrawingTypes/LineProperties
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts DrawingTypes/Line object to string representation
this : DrawingTypes/Line object
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of DrawingTypes/Line
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts DrawingTypes/LabelProperties object to string representation
this : DrawingTypes/LabelProperties object
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of DrawingTypes/LabelProperties
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts DrawingTypes/Label object to string representation
this : DrawingTypes/Label object
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of DrawingTypes/Label
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts DrawingTypes/Linefill object to string representation
this : DrawingTypes/Linefill object
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of DrawingTypes/Linefill
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts DrawingTypes/BoxProperties object to string representation
this : DrawingTypes/BoxProperties object
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of DrawingTypes/BoxProperties
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts DrawingTypes/BoxText object to string representation
this : DrawingTypes/BoxText object
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of DrawingTypes/BoxText
tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts DrawingTypes/Box object to string representation
this : DrawingTypes/Box object
sortKeys : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of DrawingTypes/Box
Deletes line from DrawingTypes/Line object
this : DrawingTypes/Line object
Returns: Line object deleted
Deletes label from DrawingTypes/Label object
this : DrawingTypes/Label object
Returns: Label object deleted
Deletes Linefill from DrawingTypes/Linefill object
this : DrawingTypes/Linefill object
Returns: Linefill object deleted
Deletes box from DrawingTypes/Box object
this : DrawingTypes/Box object
Returns: DrawingTypes/Box object deleted
Deletes lines from array of DrawingTypes/Line objects
this : Array of DrawingTypes/Line objects
Returns: Array of DrawingTypes/Line objects
Deletes labels from array of DrawingTypes/Label objects
this : Array of DrawingTypes/Label objects
Returns: Array of DrawingTypes/Label objects
Deletes linefill from array of DrawingTypes/Linefill objects
this : Array of DrawingTypes/Linefill objects
Returns: Array of DrawingTypes/Linefill objects
Deletes boxes from array of DrawingTypes/Box objects
this : Array of DrawingTypes/Box objects
Returns: Array of DrawingTypes/Box objects
clear items from array of DrawingTypes/Line while deleting underlying objects
this : array
Returns: void
clear items from array of DrawingTypes/Label while deleting underlying objects
this : array
Returns: void
clear items from array of DrawingTypes/Linefill while deleting underlying objects
this : array
Returns: void
clear items from array of DrawingTypes/Box while deleting underlying objects
this : array
Returns: void
Creates line from DrawingTypes/Line object
this : DrawingTypes/Line object
Returns: line created from DrawingTypes/Line object
Creates lines from array of DrawingTypes/Line objects
this : Array of DrawingTypes/Line objects
Returns: Array of DrawingTypes/Line objects
Creates label from DrawingTypes/Label object
this : DrawingTypes/Label object
Returns: label created from DrawingTypes/Label object
Creates labels from array of DrawingTypes/Label objects
this : Array of DrawingTypes/Label objects
Returns: Array of DrawingTypes/Label objects
Creates linefill object from DrawingTypes/Linefill
this : DrawingTypes/Linefill objects
Returns: linefill object created
Creates linefill objects from array of DrawingTypes/Linefill objects
this : Array of DrawingTypes/Linefill objects
Returns: Array of DrawingTypes/Linefill used for creating linefills
Creates box from DrawingTypes/Box object
this : DrawingTypes/Box object
Returns: box created from DrawingTypes/Box object
Creates labels from array of DrawingTypes/Label objects
this : Array of DrawingTypes/Label objects
Returns: Array of DrawingTypes/Label objects
createLabel(this, lblText, tooltip, properties)
Creates DrawingTypes/Label object from DrawingTypes/Point
this : DrawingTypes/Point object
lblText : Label text
tooltip : Tooltip text. Default is na
properties : DrawingTypes/LabelProperties object. Default is na - meaning default values are used.
Returns: DrawingTypes/Label object
createLine(this, other, properties)
Creates DrawingTypes/Line object from one DrawingTypes/Point to other
this : First DrawingTypes/Point object
other : Second DrawingTypes/Point object
properties : DrawingTypes/LineProperties object. Default set to na - meaning default values are used.
Returns: DrawingTypes/Line object
createLinefill(this, other, fillColor, transparency)
Creates DrawingTypes/Linefill object from DrawingTypes/Line object to other DrawingTypes/Line object
this : First DrawingTypes/Line object
other : Other DrawingTypes/Line object
fillColor : fill color of linefill. Default is
transparency : fill transparency for linefill. Default is 80
Returns: Array of DrawingTypes/Linefill object
createBox(this, other, properties, textProperties)
Creates DrawingTypes/Box object from one DrawingTypes/Point to other
this : First DrawingTypes/Point object
other : Second DrawingTypes/Point object
properties : DrawingTypes/BoxProperties object. Default set to na - meaning default values are used.
textProperties : DrawingTypes/BoxText object. Default is na - meaning no text will be drawn
Returns: DrawingTypes/Box object
createBox(this, properties, textProperties)
Creates DrawingTypes/Box object from DrawingTypes/Line as diagonal line
this : Diagonal DrawingTypes/PoLineint object
properties : DrawingTypes/BoxProperties object. Default set to na - meaning default values are used.
textProperties : DrawingTypes/BoxText object. Default is na - meaning no text will be drawn
Returns: DrawingTypes/Box object
DrawingTypesLibrary "DrawingTypes"
User Defined Types for basic drawing structure. Other types and methods will be built on these.
Point refers to point on chart
price : pivot price
bar : pivot bar
bartime : pivot bar time
Properties of line object
xloc : X Reference - can be either xloc.bar_index or xloc.bar_time. Default is xloc.bar_index
extend : Property which sets line to extend towards either right or left or both. Valid values are extend.right, extend.left, extend.both, extend.none. Default is extend.none
color : Line color
style : Line style, valid values are line.style_solid, line.style_dashed, line.style_dotted, line.style_arrow_left, line.style_arrow_right, line.style_arrow_both. Default is line.style_solid
width : Line width. Default is 1
Line object created from points
start : Starting point of the line
end : Ending point of the line
properties : LineProperties object which defines the style of line
object : Derived line object
Properties of label object
xloc : X Reference - can be either xloc.bar_index or xloc.bar_time. Default is xloc.bar_index
yloc : Y reference - can be yloc.price, yloc.abovebar, yloc.belowbar. Default is yloc.price
color : Label fill color
style : Label style as defined in Default is label.style_none
textcolor : text color. Default is
size : Label text size. Default is size.normal. Other values are, size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge
textalign : Label text alignment. Default if text.align_center. Other allowed values - text.align_right, text.align_left, text.align_top, text.align_bottom
text_font_family : The font family of the text. Default value is font.family_default. Other available option is font.family_monospace
Label object
point : Point where label is drawn
lblText : label text
tooltip : Tooltip text. Default is na
properties : LabelProperties object
object : Pine label object
Linefill object
line1 : First line to create linefill
line2 : Second line to create linefill
fillColor : Fill color
transparency : Fill transparency range from 0 to 100
object : linefill object created from wrapper
BoxProperties object
border_color : Box border color. Default is
bgcolor : box background color
border_width : Box border width. Default is 1
border_style : Box border style. Default is line.style_solid
extend : Extend property of box. default is extend.none
xloc : defines if drawing needs to be done based on bar index or time. default is xloc.bar_index
Box Text properties.
boxText : Text to be printed on the box
text_size : Text size. Default is
text_color : Box text color. Default is color.yellow.
text_halign : horizontal align style - default is text.align_center
text_valign : vertical align style - default is text.align_center
text_wrap : text wrap style - default is text.wrap_auto
text_font_family : Text font. Default is
Box object
p1 : Diagonal point one
p2 : Diagonal point two
properties : Box properties
textProperties : Box text properties
object : Box object created
Liquidation_linesLibrary "Liquidationline"
f_calculateLeverage(_leverage, _maintainance, _value, _direction)
f_liqline_update(_Liqui_Line, _killonlowhigh)
f_liqline_draw(_Liqui_Line, _priceorliq)
f_liqline_add(_Liqui_Line, linetoadd, _limit)
this library can draw typical liquidation lines, which can be called e.g. by indicator signals
You can see the default implementation in the lower part of the code, starting with RUNTIME
Don't forget to increase max lines to 500 in your script.
It can look like this screenshot here, with only minor changes to your executing script.
The base is the same
AntaresLibrary "Antares"
this library contains some utility functions that I use in my open source scripts including moving average helpers, candlstick helpers, money management, formatters, convertors, webhook integration, analysis, filters and drawing helpers
ma(type, length, source)
Wraps all ma functions
type : Either SMA or EMA or RMA or WMA or VWMA
length : Number of bars (length).
source : Series of values to process.
Returns: Moving average of `source` for `length` bars back by the of MA.
bb(ma, length, mult, source)
Overwrites `` duo to limitations of simple int.float mult. Bollinger Bands. A Bollinger Band is a technical analysis tool defined by a set of lines plotted two standard deviations (positively and negatively) away from a simple moving average (SMA) of the security's price, but can be adjusted to user preferences.
ma : Either SMA or EMA or RMA or WMA or VWMA
length : Number of bars (length).
mult : Standard deviation factor.
source : Series of values to process.
Returns: Bollinger Bands.
atr(length, h, l, c)
Overwrites `ta.atr` duo to limitations of simple int length. Function atr (average true range) returns the RMA of true range. True range is max(high - low, abs(high - close ), abs(low - close )).
length : Number of bars (length).
h : High price high price.
l : low price.
c : Close price close price.
Returns: Average true range.
rsi(length, source)
Overwrites `ta.rsi` duo to limitations of simple int length. Relative strength index. It is calculated using the `ta.rma()` of upward and downward changes of `source` over the last `length` bars.
length : Number of bars (length).
source : Series of values to process.
Returns: Relative strength index.
lowest(length, source, start)
Lowest value for a given number of bars back.
length : Number of bars (length).
source : Series of values to process.
start : Series number of bars that should be skipped before process.
Returns: Lowest value in the series.
highest(length, source, start)
Highest value for a given number of bars back.
length : Number of bars (length).
source : Series of values to process.
start : Series number of bars that should be skipped before process.
Returns: Highest value in the series.
atr_multiplier(rsi, atr_max_multiplier)
Dynamic atr multiplier calculated by RSI.
rsi : Relative strength index.
atr_max_multiplier : The maximum multiplier of atr
Returns: Dynamic multiplier of ATR
offset(atr, atr_multiplier)
Safe dynamic offset you need to use in your stoploss, stop buy/sell, etc.
atr : Average true range.
atr_multiplier : ATR multiplier got from `atr_multiplier(rsi, atr_max_multiplier)`
Returns: Dynamic offset
rsi_emotional(rsi, bottom, top)
Tells you if RSI is in emotional zone.
rsi : Relative Strength Index
bottom : The zone that below it market reacts emotionally
top : The zone that above it market reacts emotionally
Returns: false if RSI was between `bottom` and `top` otherwise true
rsi_signal(rsi, bottom, top)
Tells you if RSI is in good point to check your other strategy conditions.
rsi : Relative Strength Index
bottom : The zone that below it market reacts emotionally
top : The zone that above it market reacts emotionally
Returns: 1 if RSI crossed out 30, 50 or 70. -1 if RSI crossed under 70, 50, 30. otherwise is 0
MLExtensionsLibrary "MLExtensions"
normalizeDeriv(src, quadraticMeanLength)
Returns the smoothed hyperbolic tangent of the input series.
src : The input series (i.e., the first-order derivative for price).
quadraticMeanLength : The length of the quadratic mean (RMS).
Returns: nDeriv The normalized derivative of the input series.
normalize(src, min, max)
Rescales a source value with an unbounded range to a target range.
src : The input series
min : The minimum value of the unbounded range
max : The maximum value of the unbounded range
Returns: The normalized series
rescale(src, oldMin, oldMax, newMin, newMax)
Rescales a source value with a bounded range to anther bounded range
src : The input series
oldMin : The minimum value of the range to rescale from
oldMax : The maximum value of the range to rescale from
newMin : The minimum value of the range to rescale to
newMax : The maximum value of the range to rescale to
Returns: The rescaled series
Assigns varying shades of the color green based on the KNN classification
prediction : Value (int|float) of the prediction
Returns: color
Assigns varying shades of the color red based on the KNN classification
prediction : Value of the prediction
Returns: color
Returns the the hyperbolic tangent of the input series. The sigmoid-like hyperbolic tangent function is used to compress the input to a value between -1 and 1.
src : The input series (i.e., the normalized derivative).
Returns: tanh The hyperbolic tangent of the input series.
dualPoleFilter(src, lookback)
Returns the smoothed hyperbolic tangent of the input series.
src : The input series (i.e., the hyperbolic tangent).
lookback : The lookback window for the smoothing.
Returns: filter The smoothed hyperbolic tangent of the input series.
tanhTransform(src, smoothingFrequency, quadraticMeanLength)
Returns the tanh transform of the input series.
src : The input series (i.e., the result of the tanh calculation).
Returns: signal The smoothed hyperbolic tangent transform of the input series.
n_rsi(src, n1, n2)
Returns the normalized RSI ideal for use in ML algorithms.
src : The input series (i.e., the result of the RSI calculation).
n1 : The length of the RSI.
n2 : The smoothing length of the RSI.
Returns: signal The normalized RSI.
n_cci(src, n1, n2)
Returns the normalized CCI ideal for use in ML algorithms.
src : The input series (i.e., the result of the CCI calculation).
n1 : The length of the CCI.
n2 : The smoothing length of the CCI.
Returns: signal The normalized CCI.
n_wt(src, n1, n2)
Returns the normalized WaveTrend Classic series ideal for use in ML algorithms.
src : The input series (i.e., the result of the WaveTrend Classic calculation).
Returns: signal The normalized WaveTrend Classic series.
n_adx(highSrc, lowSrc, closeSrc, n1)
Returns the normalized ADX ideal for use in ML algorithms.
highSrc : The input series for the high price.
lowSrc : The input series for the low price.
closeSrc : The input series for the close price.
n1 : The length of the ADX.
regime_filter(src, threshold, useRegimeFilter)
filter_adx(src, length, adxThreshold, useAdxFilter)
src : The source series.
length : The length of the ADX.
adxThreshold : The ADX threshold.
useAdxFilter : Whether to use the ADX filter.
Returns: The ADX.
filter_volatility(minLength, maxLength, useVolatilityFilter)
minLength : The minimum length of the ATR.
maxLength : The maximum length of the ATR.
useVolatilityFilter : Whether to use the volatility filter.
Returns: Boolean indicating whether or not to let the signal pass through the filter.
backtest(high, low, open, startLongTrade, endLongTrade, startShortTrade, endShortTrade, isStopLossHit, maxBarsBackIndex, thisBarIndex)
Performs a basic backtest using the specified parameters and conditions.
high : The input series for the high price.
low : The input series for the low price.
open : The input series for the open price.
startLongTrade : The series of conditions that indicate the start of a long trade.`
endLongTrade : The series of conditions that indicate the end of a long trade.
startShortTrade : The series of conditions that indicate the start of a short trade.
endShortTrade : The series of conditions that indicate the end of a short trade.
isStopLossHit : The stop loss hit indicator.
maxBarsBackIndex : The maximum number of bars to go back in the backtest.
thisBarIndex : The current bar index.
Returns: A tuple containing backtest values
Returns: tbl The backtest results.
update_table(tbl, tradeStatsHeader, totalTrades, totalWins, totalLosses, winLossRatio, winrate, stopLosses)
update_table(tbl, tradeStats)
tbl : The backtest results table.
tradeStatsHeader : The trade stats header.
totalTrades : The total number of trades.
totalWins : The total number of wins.
totalLosses : The total number of losses.
winLossRatio : The win loss ratio.
winrate : The winrate.
stopLosses : The total number of stop losses.
Returns: Updated backtest results table.
BasicVisibleChartBasic library for the visible range chart; with functions to allow plotting Fibs from body high/low as well as wick high/low
-Thanks to code from @PineCoders Visible Chart library (PineCoders/VisibleChart/4), which is a much more comprehensive library than this, but which does not include some functions that I find useful:
-Added the following exportable functions: highest/lowest body, highest/lowest close, highest/lowest open. These allow one to anchor fibs from bodies rather than wicks
-Added a Fib Box function in the example code
The above chart shows the example code plotting a Fib range drawn from bodies and a highlighted retracement zone (61.8 % - 78.6% )
~~All Exportable Functions~~
MyLibraryLibrary "MyLibrary"
TODO: add library description here
isHammer(fib, colorMatch)
TODO: add function description here
Returns: TODO: add what function returns
eHarmonicpatternsLogScaleLibrary "eHarmonicpatternsLogScale"
Library provides functions to scan harmonic patterns both or normal and log scale
get_prz_range(x, a, b, c, patternArray, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, logScale)
Provides PRZ range based on BCD and XAD ranges
x : X coordinate value
a : A coordinate value
b : B coordinate value
c : C coordinate value
patternArray : Pattern flags for which PRZ range needs to be calculated
errorPercent : Error threshold
start_adj : - Adjustments for entry levels
end_adj : - Adjustments for stop levels
logScale : - calculate on log scale. Default is false
Returns: Start and end of consolidated PRZ range
get_prz_range_xad(x, a, b, c, patternArray, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, logScale)
Provides PRZ range based on XAD range only
x : X coordinate value
a : A coordinate value
b : B coordinate value
c : C coordinate value
patternArray : Pattern flags for which PRZ range needs to be calculated
errorPercent : Error threshold
start_adj : - Adjustments for entry levels
end_adj : - Adjustments for stop levels
logScale : - calculate on log scale. Default is false
Returns: Start and end of consolidated PRZ range
get_projection_range(x, a, b, c, patternArray, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, logScale)
Provides Projection range based on BCD and XAD ranges
x : X coordinate value
a : A coordinate value
b : B coordinate value
c : C coordinate value
patternArray : Pattern flags for which PRZ range needs to be calculated
errorPercent : Error threshold
start_adj : - Adjustments for entry levels
end_adj : - Adjustments for stop levels
logScale : - calculate on log scale. Default is false
Returns: Array containing start and end ranges
isHarmonicPattern(x, a, b, c, d, flags, defaultEnabled, errorPercent, logScale)
Checks for harmonic patterns
x : X coordinate value
a : A coordinate value
b : B coordinate value
c : C coordinate value
d : D coordinate value
flags : flags to check patterns. Send empty array to enable all
errorPercent : Error threshold
logScale : - calculate on log scale. Default is false
Returns: Array of boolean values which says whether valid pattern exist and array of corresponding pattern names
isHarmonicProjection(x, a, b, c, flags, defaultEnabled, errorPercent, logScale)
Checks for harmonic pattern projection
x : X coordinate value
a : A coordinate value
b : B coordinate value
c : C coordinate value
flags : flags to check patterns. Send empty array to enable all
errorPercent : Error threshold
logScale : - calculate on log scale. Default is false
Returns: Array of boolean values which says whether valid pattern exist and array of corresponding pattern names.
This library replaces the previous MetaWorldEngineFilterLibrary3.
Library "E5TradingLibrary"
GetCandleStickSize(_src_high, _src_low)
returns size of the candle
Returns: candlestick size
GetCandleStickBodySize(_src_open, _src_close)
returns size of the candle body
Returns: candlestick body size
FilterLongerLowerWickCandles(_src_open, _src_close, _src_low)
Alters Candlestick Value to Magnify Candles with Long Wicks
Returns: Midpoint of the candle body less the lower wick. If value returned has a large delta from midpoint of the body, then it is short wick
IsBullish(_src_open, _src_close)
Determine if Candle is Bullish or Bearish
Returns: True is Bullish
IsDoji(_candleIndex, _precision)
Determine if Candle is a Doji
Returns: True if a Doji
MACD(_src, _fastLength, _slowLength, _signalLength)
Computes MACD
Returns: Returns MACD and Signal Line
isFastSlowCrossed(SeriesA, SeriesB)
Computes if SeriesA crosses SeriesB
Returns: if SeriesA crosses SeriesB then true else false
isReversalUpTrend(SeriesA, SeriesB)
Computes if SeriesA crosses over SeriesB to determine reversal uptrend
Returns: if SeriesA crosses over SeriesB then true else false
isReversalDownTrend(SeriesA, SeriesB)
Computes if SeriesA crosses over SeriesB to determine reversal uptrend
Returns: if SeriesA crosses over SeriesB then true else false
SSMA(_src, smalength)
Computes smoothed SMA
Returns: a single concatenated string for evaluation
Get Current timeframe in minutes
Returns: an integer value in minutes
getMA(_src, length, maType)
Gets a Moving Average based on type
Returns: A moving average with the given parameters
ATRSwitch(_src, _ATRMult, _ATRLength)
Average True Range Trailing Stops by Sylvain Vervoort
Returns: upper ATR Line, lower ATR Line and the switch point
HiveLibraryLibrary "HiveLibrary"
: Custom library
RoundDown(number, decimals)
RoundDown() rounds the specified number down to the given number
of decimal places.
number : is the argument for rounding down & decimals is the number of digits after dot
Returns: return is the rounded down value of the number
Library_SmoothersLibrary "Library_Smoothers"
CorrectedMA(Src, Len)
CorrectedMA The strengths of the corrected Average (CA) is that the current value of the time series must exceed a the current volatility-dependent threshold, so that the filter increases or falls, avoiding false signals when the trend is in a weak phase.
Returns: The Corrected source.
EHMA(src, len)
EMA Exponential Moving Average.
src : Source to act upon
Returns: EMA of source
FRAMA(src, len, FC, SC)
FRAMA Fractal Adaptive Moving Average
src : Source to act upon
len : Length of moving average
FC : Fast moving average
SC : Slow moving average
Returns: FRAMA of source
Jurik(src, length, phase, power)
Jurik A low lag filter
src : Source
length : Length for smoothing
phase : Phase range is ±100
power : Mathematical power to use. Doesn't need to be whole numbers
Returns: Jurik of source
SMMA(src, len)
SMMA Smoothed moving average. Think of the SMMA as a hybrid of its better-known siblings — the simple moving average (SMA) and the exponential moving average (EMA).
src : Source
Returns: SMMA of source
SuperSmoother(src, len)
src : Source to smooth
Returns: SuperSmoother of the source
TMA(src, len)
TMA Triangular Moving Average
src : Source
Returns: TMA of source
TSF(src, len)
TSF Time Series Forecast. Uses linear regression.
src : Source
Returns: TSF of source
VIDYA(src, len)
VIDYA Chande's Variable Index Dynamic Average. See
src : Source
Returns: VIDYA of source
VAWMA(src, len, startingWeight, volumeDefault)
VAWMA = VWMA and WMA combined. Simply put, this attempts to determine the average price per share over time weighted heavier for recent values. Uses a triangular algorithm to taper off values in the past (same as WMA does).
src : Source
len : Length
volumeDefault : The default value to use when a chart has no volume.
Returns: The VAWMA of the source.
WWMA(src, len)
WWMA Welles Wilder Moving Average
src : Source
Returns: The WWMA of the source
ZLEMA(src, len)
ZLEMA Zero Lag Expotential Moving Average
src : Source
Returns: The ZLEMA of the source
SmootherType(mode, src, len, fastMA, slowMA, offset, phase, power, startingWeight, volumeDefault, Corrected)
Performs the specified moving average
mode : Name of moving average
src : the source to apply the MA type
fastMA : FRAMA fast moving average
slowMA : FRAMA slow moving average
offset : Linear regression offset
phase : Jurik phase
power : Jurik power
startingWeight : VAWMA starting weight
volumeDefault : VAWMA default volume
Returns: The MA smoothed source