lib_zigLibrary "lib_zig"
Object oriented implementation of ZigZag
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Zigzag
this (Zigzag)
date_format (simple string)
method update(this)
Namespace types: Zigzag
this (Zigzag)
method draw(this, colors)
Namespace types: Zigzag
this (Zigzag)
colors (PivotColors type from robbatt/lib_pivot/19)
max_pivots (series__integer)
hldata (|robbatt/lib_pivot/19;HLData|#OBJ)
pivots (array__|robbatt/lib_pivot/19;Pivot|#OBJ)
Indicadores y estrategias
lib_pivotLibrary "lib_pivot"
Object oriented implementation of Pivot methods.
method tostring(this)
Converts HLData to a json string representation
Namespace types: HLData
this (HLData) : HLData
Returns: string representation of Pivot
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
date_format (simple string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot )
date_format (simple string)
method get_color(this, mode)
Namespace types: PivotColors
this (PivotColors)
mode (int)
method get_label_text(this)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
method direction(this)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
method same_direction_as(this, other)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
other (Pivot)
method exceeds(this, price)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
price (float)
method exceeds(this, other)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
other (Pivot)
method exceeded_by(this, price)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
price (float)
method exceeded_by(this, other)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
other (Pivot)
method retracement_ratio(this, lastPivot, sec_lastPivot)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
lastPivot (Pivot)
sec_lastPivot (Pivot)
ratio_target(sec_lastPivot, lastPivot, target_ratio)
sec_lastPivot (Pivot)
lastPivot (Pivot)
target_ratio (float)
method update(this, ref_highest, ref_lowest)
Namespace types: HLData
this (HLData)
ref_highest (float)
ref_lowest (float)
method update(this, bar_time, bar_idx, price, prev)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
bar_time (int)
bar_idx (int)
price (float)
prev (Pivot)
method create_next(this, bar_time, bar_idx, price)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
bar_time (int)
bar_idx (int)
price (float)
HLData wraps the data received from ta.highest, ta.highestbars, ta.lowest, ta.lowestbars, as well as the reference sources
length (series int) : lookback length for pivot points
highest_offset (series int) : offset to highest value bar
lowest_offset (series int) : offset to lowest value bar
highest (series float) : highest value within lookback bars
lowest (series float) : lowest value within lookback bars
new_highest (series bool) : update() will set this true if the current candle forms a new highest high at the last (current) bar of set period (length)
new_lowest (series bool) : update() will set this true if the current candle forms a new lowest low at the last (current) bar of set period (length)
new_highest_fractal (series bool) : update() will set this true if the current candle forms a new fractal high at the center of set period (length)
new_lowest_fractal (series bool) : update() will set this true if the current candle forms a new fractal low at the center of set period (length)
Pivot colors for different modes
hh (series color) : Color for Pivot mode 2 (HH)
lh (series color) : Color for Pivot mode 1 (LH)
hl (series color) : Color for Pivot mode -1 (HL)
ll (series color) : Color for Pivot mode -2 (LL)
Pivot additional pivot data around basic Point
point (Point type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/5)
mode (series int) : can be -2/-1/1/2 for LL/HL/LH/HH
price_movement (series float) : The price difference between this and the previous pivot point in the opposite direction
retracement_ratio (series float) : The ratio between this price_movement and the previous
prev (Pivot)
Global_Public_Holidays_23_24Library "Global_Public_Holidays_23_24"
lib_plot_objectsLibrary "lib_plot_objects"
library wrapping basic builtin object constructors, to be able to do calculations with points/lines/boxes/triangles/polygons via libraries and on securities. inspired by Trendoscope's ( and ) with added update mechanism to not have to recreate objects on every iteration for continously drawn items, automated xloc selection for coordinates, compatibility check for Points, added Triangle and Polygon types, object reflection via tostring to valid json (logging via webhook)
method assert_same_xloc(a, b, test)
checks two points for compatibility, i.e. having the same xloc
Namespace types: Point
a (Point)
b (Point)
test (Test type from robbatt/lib_unit/6)
method assert_same_xloc(a, b, test)
checks two lines for compatibility, i.e. having the same xloc
Namespace types: Line
a (Line)
b (Line)
test (Test type from robbatt/lib_unit/6)
method or_default(args)
checks args oject for being na, if so, provide a default instead
Namespace types: LineArgs
args (LineArgs)
method or_default(args)
checks args oject for being na, if so, provide a default instead
Namespace types: LabelArgs
args (LabelArgs)
method or_default(args)
checks args oject for being na, if so, provide a default instead
Namespace types: BoxArgs
args (BoxArgs)
method or_default(args)
checks args oject for being na, if so, provide a default instead
Namespace types: BoxTextArgs
args (BoxTextArgs)
method x(point, xloc)
automatically returns the correct x coordinate, based on the point's set xloc
Namespace types: Point
point (Point)
xloc (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
converts object to json representation
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
converts object to json representation
Namespace types: Point
this (Point )
date_format (string)
method tostring(this)
converts object to json representation
Namespace types: LineArgs
this (LineArgs)
method tostring(this, date_format)
converts object to json representation
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this)
Namespace types: LabelArgs
this (LabelArgs)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Label
this (Label)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: LineFill
this (LineFill)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this)
Namespace types: BoxArgs
this (BoxArgs)
method tostring(this)
Namespace types: BoxTextArgs
this (BoxTextArgs)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Box
this (Box)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: TriangleFill
this (TriangleFill)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: PolygonFill
this (PolygonFill)
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line )
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Box
this (Box )
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle )
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon )
date_format (string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: PolygonFill
this (PolygonFill )
date_format (string)
method create_center(points)
Namespace types: Point
points (Point )
method create_center(this, other)
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
other (Point)
method create_center(this)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
method create_line(this, other, args)
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
other (Point)
args (LineArgs)
method create_triangle(this, b, c, args)
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
b (Point)
c (Point)
args (LineArgs)
method create_triangle(this, c)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
c (Point)
method create_box(this, other, txt, args, text_args)
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
other (Point)
txt (string)
args (BoxArgs)
text_args (BoxTextArgs)
method create_box(this, txt, args, text_args)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
txt (string)
args (BoxArgs)
text_args (BoxTextArgs)
method create_polygon(points, args)
Namespace types: Point
points (Point )
args (LineArgs)
method create_polygon(start, others, args)
Namespace types: Point
start (Point)
others (Point )
args (LineArgs)
method create_fill(this, other, fill_color)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
other (Line)
fill_color (color)
method create_fill(this, fill_color)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle)
fill_color (color)
method create_fill(this, fill_color)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon)
fill_color (color)
method create_label(this, txt, args, tooltip)
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
txt (string)
args (LabelArgs)
tooltip (string)
method create_label(this, txt, args, tooltip)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
txt (string)
args (LabelArgs)
tooltip (string)
method create_label(this, txt, args, tooltip)
Namespace types: Box
this (Box)
txt (string)
args (LabelArgs)
tooltip (string)
method create_label(this, txt, args, tooltip)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle)
txt (string)
args (LabelArgs)
tooltip (string)
method create_label(this, txt, args, tooltip)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon)
txt (string)
args (LabelArgs)
tooltip (string)
method update(this, bar_time, bar_idx, price)
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
bar_time (int)
bar_idx (int)
price (float)
method update(this, update)
Namespace types: Point
this (Point)
update (Point)
method update(this, point)
Namespace types: Label
this (Label)
point (Point)
method update(this, start, end)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
start (Point)
end (Point)
method update(this, left_top, right_bottom)
Namespace types: Box
this (Box)
left_top (Point)
right_bottom (Point)
method update(this, a, b, c)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle)
a (Point)
b (Point)
c (Point)
method update(this, points)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon)
points (Point )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Label
this (Label)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: LineFill
this (LineFill)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Box
this (Box)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: TriangleFill
this (TriangleFill)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: PolygonFill
this (PolygonFill)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Label
this (Label )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: LineFill
this (LineFill )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Box
this (Box )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: TriangleFill
this (TriangleFill )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: PolygonFill
this (PolygonFill )
method draw(this)
Namespace types: Label
this (Label)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: Line
this (Line)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: Box
this (Box)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: Triangle
this (Triangle)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: Polygon
this (Polygon)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: LineFill
this (LineFill)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: TriangleFill
this (TriangleFill)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: PolygonFill
this (PolygonFill)
bar_time (series int) : time based x coordinate
bar_idx (series int) : bar index based x coordinate
price (series float) : price based y coordinate
xloc (series string) : To select if x coordinate is represented by bar_idx or bar_time. Possible values: xloc.bar_index and xloc.bar_time. Default is xloc.bar_index.
text_color (series color) : Text color.
bg_color (series color) : Color of the label border and arrow.
text_font_family (series string) : The font family of the text. Optional. The default value is font.family_default. Possible values: font.family_default, font.family_monospace.
yloc (series string) : Possible values are yloc.price, yloc.abovebar, yloc.belowbar. If yloc=yloc.price, y argument specifies the price of the label position. If yloc=yloc.abovebar, label is located above bar. If yloc=yloc.belowbar, label is located below bar. Default is yloc.price.
style (series string) : Label style. Possible values: label.style_none, label.style_xcross, label.style_cross, label.style_triangleup, label.style_triangledown, label.style_flag, label.style_circle, label.style_arrowup, label.style_arrowdown, label.style_label_up, label.style_label_down, label.style_label_left, label.style_label_right, label.style_label_lower_left, label.style_label_lower_right, label.style_label_upper_left, label.style_label_upper_right, label.style_label_center, label.style_square, label.style_diamond, label.style_text_outline. Default is label.style_label_down.
size (series string) : Label size. Possible values:, size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge. Default value is size.normal.
text_align (series string) : Label text alignment. Possible values: text.align_left, text.align_center, text.align_right. Default value is text.align_center.
point (Point) : The Label coordinates
txt (series string) : Label text. Default is empty string.
args (LabelArgs) : Wrapper for reusable arguments for
tooltip (series string) : Hover to see tooltip label.
plot (series label) : The label object to be added and plotted via draw()
line_color (series color) : Line color.
style (series string) : Line style. Possible values: line.style_solid, line.style_dotted, line.style_dashed, line.style_arrow_left, line.style_arrow_right, line.style_arrow_both.
width (series int) : Line width in pixels.
extend (series string) : f extend=extend.none, draws segment starting at point (x1, y1) and ending at point (x2, y2). If extend is equal to extend.right or extend.left, draws a ray starting at point (x1, y1) or (x2, y2), respectively. If extend=extend.both, draws a straight line that goes through these points. Default value is extend.none.
start (Point) : starting point of the line
end (Point)
args (LineArgs) : Wrapper for reusable arguments for
plot (series line) : The line object to be added and plotted via draw()
a (Line) : The first Line object
b (Line) : The second Line object
fill_color (series color) : The color used to fill the space between the lines.
plot (series linefill) : The linefill object to be added and plotted via draw()
border_color (series color) : Color of the four borders. Optional. The default is
border_width (series int) : Width of the four borders, in pixels. Optional. The default is 1 pixel.
border_style (series string) : Style of the four borders. Possible values: line.style_solid, line.style_dotted, line.style_dashed. Optional. The default value is line.style_solid.
bg_color (series color) : Background color of the box. Optional. The default is
extend (series string) : When extend.none is used, the horizontal borders start at the left border and end at the right border. With extend.left or extend.right, the horizontal borders are extended indefinitely to the left or right of the box, respectively. With extend.both, the horizontal borders are extended on both sides. Optional. The default value is extend.none.
text_color (series color) : The color of the text. Optional. The default is
text_size (series string) : The size of the text. An optional parameter, the default value is Possible values:, size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge.
text_halign (series string) : The horizontal alignment of the box's text. Optional. The default value is text.align_center. Possible values: text.align_left, text.align_center, text.align_right.
text_valign (series string) : The vertical alignment of the box's text. Optional. The default value is text.align_center. Possible values: text.align_top, text.align_center, text.align_bottom.
text_wrap (series string) : Defines whether the text is presented in a single line, extending past the width of the box if necessary, or wrapped so every line is no wider than the box itself (and clipped by the bottom border of the box if the height of the resulting wrapped text is higher than the height of the box). Optional. The default value is text.wrap_none. Possible values: text.wrap_none, text.wrap_auto.
text_font_family (series string) : The font family of the text. Optional. The default value is font.family_default. Possible values: font.family_default, font.family_monospace.
left_top (Point) : top-left corner of the box
right_bottom (Point) : bottom-right corner of the box
txt (series string) : The text to be displayed inside the box. Optional. The default is empty string.
args (BoxArgs) : Wrapper for reusable arguments for
text_args (BoxTextArgs)
plot (series box) : The box object to be added and plotted via draw()
a (Point) : first Corner
b (Point) : second Corner
c (Point) : third Corner
args (LineArgs) : Wrapper for reusable arguments for
plot_ab (series line) : The line object to be added and plotted via draw()
plot_ac (series line) : The line object to be added and plotted via draw()
plot_bc (series line) : The line object to be added and plotted via draw()
triangle (Triangle) : The Triangle object
fill_color (series color) : The color used to fill the space between the lines.
plot (series linefill) : The linefill object to be added and plotted via draw()
points (Point ) : array of points that make up the Polygon
center (Point) : Center point of the Polygon, can be used for a label and will be center for PolygonFill
args (LineArgs) : Wrapper for reusable arguments for
plot (line ) : An array of Lines that form Polygon Border
poly (Polygon) : the Polygon
fill_color (series color) : The color used to fill the space between the lines.
plot_segments (line ) : An array of helper lines to create linefills
plot_fills (linefill ) : An array of linefills that cover the Polygon surface
lib_drawing_compositesLibrary "lib_drawing_composites"
methods to draw and manage composite obejects. Based on Trendoscope's added Triangle and Polygon composite objects, fixed tostring method output to be actual json
method tostring(this, format_date, format, tz, pretty)
Converts lib_drawing_types/LineProperties object to a json string representation
Namespace types: D.Point
this (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2) : lib_drawing_types/LineProperties object
format_date (simple bool)
format (simple string)
tz (simple string)
pretty (simple bool) : if true adds a line feed after every property and a space before properties (default: true)
Returns: string representation of lib_drawing_types/LineProperties
method tostring(this, pretty)
Converts lib_drawing_types/LabelProperties object to a json string representation
Namespace types: D.LineProperties
this (LineProperties type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2) : lib_drawing_types/LabelProperties object
pretty (simple bool) : if true adds a line feed after every property and a space before properties (default: true)
Returns: string representation of lib_drawing_types/LabelProperties
method tostring(this, format_date, format, tz, pretty)
Converts lib_drawing_types/BoxProperties object to a json string representation
Namespace types: D.Line
this (Line type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2) : lib_drawing_types/BoxProperties object
format_date (simple bool)
format (simple string)
tz (simple string)
pretty (simple bool) : if true adds a line feed after every property and a space before properties (default: true)
Returns: string representation of lib_drawing_types/BoxProperties
method tostring(this, pretty)
Converts lib_drawing_types/BoxText object to a json string representation
Namespace types: D.LabelProperties
this (LabelProperties type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2) : lib_drawing_types/BoxText object
pretty (simple bool) : if true adds a line feed after every property and a space before properties (default: true)
Returns: string representation of lib_drawing_types/BoxText
method tostring(this, format_date, format, tz, pretty)
Converts lib_drawing_types/TriangleProperties object to a json string representation
Namespace types: D.Label
this (Label type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2) : lib_drawing_types/TriangleProperties object
format_date (simple bool)
format (simple string)
tz (simple string)
pretty (simple bool) : if true adds a line feed after every property and a space before properties (default: true)
Returns: string representation of lib_drawing_types/TriangleProperties
method tostring(this, format_date, format, tz, pretty)
Namespace types: D.Linefill
this (Linefill type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
format_date (simple bool)
format (simple string)
tz (simple string)
pretty (simple bool)
method tostring(this, pretty)
Namespace types: D.BoxProperties
this (BoxProperties type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
pretty (simple bool)
method tostring(this, pretty)
Namespace types: D.BoxText
this (BoxText type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
pretty (simple bool)
method tostring(this, format_date, format, tz, pretty)
Namespace types: D.Box
this (Box type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
format_date (simple bool)
format (simple string)
tz (simple string)
pretty (simple bool)
method tostring(this, pretty)
Namespace types: DC.TriangleProperties
this (TriangleProperties type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
pretty (simple bool)
method tostring(this, format_date, format, tz, pretty)
Namespace types: DC.Triangle
this (Triangle type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
format_date (simple bool)
format (simple string)
tz (simple string)
pretty (simple bool)
method tostring(this, format_date, format, tz, pretty)
Namespace types: DC.Trianglefill
this (Trianglefill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
format_date (simple bool)
format (simple string)
tz (simple string)
pretty (simple bool)
method tostring(this, format_date, format, tz, pretty)
Namespace types: DC.Polygon
this (Polygon type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
format_date (simple bool)
format (simple string)
tz (simple string)
pretty (simple bool)
method tostring(this, format_date, format, tz, pretty)
Namespace types: DC.Polygonfill
this (Polygonfill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
format_date (simple bool)
format (simple string)
tz (simple string)
pretty (simple bool)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: DC.Trianglefill
this (Trianglefill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: DC.Triangle
this (Triangle type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: DC.Triangle
this (Triangle type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: DC.Trianglefill
this (Trianglefill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: DC.Polygon
this (Polygon type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: DC.Polygonfill
this (Polygonfill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: DC.Polygon
this (Polygon type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: DC.Polygonfill
this (Polygonfill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method clear(this)
Namespace types: DC.Triangle
this (Triangle type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method clear(this)
Namespace types: DC.Trianglefill
this (Trianglefill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method clear(this)
Namespace types: DC.Polygon
this (Polygon type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method clear(this)
Namespace types: DC.Polygonfill
this (Polygonfill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method draw(this, is_polygon_section)
Namespace types: DC.Triangle
this (Triangle type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
is_polygon_section (bool)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: DC.Trianglefill
this (Trianglefill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method draw(this, is_polygon)
Namespace types: DC.Triangle
this (Triangle type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
is_polygon (bool)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: DC.Polygon
this (Polygon type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: DC.Trianglefill
this (Trianglefill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: DC.Polygonfill
this (Polygonfill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: DC.Polygon
this (Polygon type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method draw(this)
Namespace types: DC.Polygonfill
this (Polygonfill type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method createCenter(this, other)
Namespace types: D.Point
this (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
other (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
method createCenter(this)
Namespace types: D.Point
this (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
method createCenter(this, other1, other2)
Namespace types: D.Point
this (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
other1 (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
other2 (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
method createLabel(this, labeltext, tooltip, properties)
Namespace types: D.Line
this (Line type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
labeltext (string)
tooltip (string)
properties (LabelProperties type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
method createLabel(this, labeltext, tooltip, properties)
Namespace types: DC.Triangle
this (Triangle type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
labeltext (string)
tooltip (string)
properties (LabelProperties type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
method createTriangle(this, p2, p3, properties)
Namespace types: D.Point
this (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
p2 (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
p3 (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
properties (TriangleProperties type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
method createTrianglefill(this, fill_color, transparency)
Namespace types: DC.Triangle
this (Triangle type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
fill_color (color)
transparency (int)
method createPolygonfill(this, fill_color, transparency)
Namespace types: DC.Polygon
this (Polygon type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
fill_color (color)
transparency (int)
method createPolygon(points, properties)
Namespace types: D.Point
points (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2)
properties (TriangleProperties type from robbatt/lib_drawing_composite_types/1)
lib_drawing_composite_typesLibrary "lib_drawing_composite_types"
User Defined Types for basic drawing structure. Other types and methods will be built on these. (added type Triangle and Polygon to )
TriangleProperties object
border_color (series color) : Box border color. Default is
fill_color (series color) : Fill color
fill_transparency (series int)
border_width (series int) : Box border width. Default is 1
border_style (series string) : Box border style. Default is line.style_solid
xloc (series string) : defines if drawing needs to be done based on bar index or time. default is xloc.bar_index
Triangle object
p1 (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2) : point one
p2 (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2) : point two
p3 (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2) : point three
properties (TriangleProperties) : Triangle properties
l12 (series line) : line object created
l23 (series line) : line object created
l31 (series line) : line object created
Trianglefill object
triangle (Triangle) : to create a linefill for
fill_color (series color) : Fill color
transparency (series int) : Fill transparency range from 0 to 100
object (series linefill) : linefill object created
Polygon object
center (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2) : Point that triangles are using as common center
triangles (Triangle ) : an array of triangles that form the Polygon
Polygonfill object
_polygon (Polygon) : to create a fill for
_fills (Trianglefill ) : an array of Trianglefill objects that match the array of triangles in _polygon
CalendarCadLibrary "CalendarCad"
This library provides date and time data of the important events on CAD. Data source is csv exported from and transformed into perfered format by C# script.
CAD high impact news date and time from 2015 to 2023
CalendarEurLibrary "CalendarEur"
This library provides date and time data of the important events on EUR. Data source is csv exported from and transformed into perfered format by C# script.
EUR high impact news date and time from 2015 to 2019
EUR high impact news date and time from 2020 to 2023
CalendarGbpLibrary "CalendarGbp"
This library provides date and time data of the important events on GBP. Data source is csv exported from and transformed into perfered format by C# script.
GBP high impact news date and time from 2015 to 2019
GBP high impact news date and time from 2020 to 2023
CalendarJpyLibrary "CalendarJpy"
This library provides date and time data of the important events on JPY. Data source is csv exported from and transformed into perfered format by C# script.
JPY high impact news date and time from 2015 to 2023
CalendarUsdLibrary "CalendarUsd"
This library provides date and time data of the important events on USD. Data source is csv exported from and transformed into perfered format by C# script.
USD high impact news date and time from 2015 to 2019
USD high impact news date and time from 2020 to 2023
NewsEventsGbpLibrary "NewsEventsGbp"
This library provides date and time data of the high imact news events on GBP. Data source is csv exported from and transformed into perfered format by C# script.
GBP high imact news date and time from 2015 to 2019
GBP high imact news date and time from 2020 to 2023
NewsEventsEurLibrary "NewsEventsEur"
This library provides date and time data of the high imact news events on EUR. Data source is csv exported from and transformed into perfered format by C# script.
EUR high imact news date and time from 2015 to 2019
EUR high imact news date and time from 2020 to 2023
NewsEventsJpyLibrary "NewsEventsJpy"
This library provides date and time data of the high imact news events on JPY. Data source is csv exported from and transformed into perfered format by C# script.
JPY high imact news date and time from 2015 to 2023
NewsEventsCadLibrary "NewsEventsCad"
This library provides date and time data of the high imact news events on CAD. Data source is csv exported from and transformed into perfered format by C# script.
CAD high imact news date and time from 2015 to 2023
NewsEventsUsdLibrary "NewsEventsUsd"
This library provides date and time data of the high imact news events on USD. Data source is csv exported from and transformed into perfered format by C# script.
USD high imact news date and time from 2015 to 2019
USD high imact news date and time from 2020 to 2023
lib_priceactionLibrary "lib_priceaction"
a library for everything related to price action, starting off with displacements
displacement(len, min_strength, o, c)
calculate if there is a displacement and how strong it is
len (int) : The amount of candles to consider for the deviation
min_strength (float) : The minimum displacement strength to trigger a signal
o (float) : The source series on which calculations are based
c (float) : The source series on which calculations are based
Returns: a tuple of (bool signal, float displacement_strength)
Overgeared Library Economic Calendar-----------------------------------------------------------
Base on script -> jdehorty/EconomicCalendar
Very Big Thanks to jdehorty/EconomicCalendar
Spot Symbols for CryptoLibrary "CryptoSpotSymbols"
This Library has one purpose only. It generate Symbols for the Crypto Spot Market, like all the currencies pairs of most Crypto Exchanges available to TradingView.
Have a look at .find() , which is an all in one function.
Generate 27 Symbols for the Spot Market of Binance.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate seven Symbols for the Spot Market of BinanceUS.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate 12 Symbols for the Spot Market of Bitfinex.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate three Symbols for the Spot Market of bitFlyer.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate seven Symbols for the Spot Market of Bitget.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate two Symbols for the Spot Market of Bithumb.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate one Symbol for the Spot Market of bitkub.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Returns: THB
Generate two Symbols for the Spot Market of BitMEX.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate six Symbols for the Spot Market of bitpanda pro.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate nine Symbols for the Spot Market of bitrue.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate eight Symbols for the Spot Market of Bitstamp.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate six Symbols for the Spot Market of BITTREX.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate 15 Symbols for the Spot Market of BTSE.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate five Symbols for the Spot Market of BYBIT.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate five Symbols for the Spot Market of
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate seven Symbols for the Spot Market of coinbase.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate three Symbols for the Spot Market of CoinEx.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate 30 Symbols for the Spot Market of
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate one Symbol for the Spot Market of Delta.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Returns: USDT
Generate two Symbols for the Spot Market of Deribit.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate one Symbol for the Spot Market of easyMarkets.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Returns: USD
Generate one Symbol for the Spot Market of Eightcap.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Returns: USD
Generate ten Symbols for the Spot Market of ExMo.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate four Symbols for the Spot Market of
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate three Symbols for the Spot Market of FXCM.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate five Symbols for the Spot Market of
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate ten Symbols for the Spot Market of Gemini.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate 14 Symbols for the Spot Market of Kraken.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate 13 Symbols for the Spot Market of KuCoin.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate six Symbols for the Spot Market of MEXC.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate one Symbol for the Spot Market of OANDA.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Returns: USD
Generate six Symbols for the Spot Market of OKX.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate one Symbol for the Spot Market of Pepperstone.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Returns: USD
Generate four Symbols for the Spot Market of phemex.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate nine Symbols for the Spot Market of POLONIEX.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate three Symbols for the Spot Market of Pyth.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate four Symbols for the Spot Market of Skilling.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate six Symbols for the Spot Market of TimeX.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate four Symbols for the Spot Market of TradeStation.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate four Symbols for the Spot Market of UpBit.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate 13 Symbols for the Spot Market of whitebit.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
Generate two Symbols for the Spot Market of WOO.
basecurrency (simple string) : Its the Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`.
find(exchange, basecurrency)
Generate up to 30 Symbols for the Spot Market, depending on the market picked.
exchange (simple string) : The name of an Exchange. Case insensitivity. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.prefix`. If something else is put in here it will return `na` values.
basecurrency (simple string) : The Basecurrency to generate the Symbols with. Optional. Default value is `syminfo.basecurrency`
Returns: 30x string as tuple
lib_statemachineLibrary "lib_statemachine"
simple state machine that allows tracking a state an manipulating it with conditions
method step(this, before, after, condition)
will step the state of the state machine from one to the next in case of condition
Namespace types: StateMachine
this (StateMachine) : (StateMachine) the state machine to use
before (int) : (int) from state
after (int) : (int) to state
condition (bool) : (bool) if condition is true
Returns: true (bool) if the state of the statemachine changed
method step(this, after, condition)
will change the state of the state machine to the next in case of condition (not depending on previous state)
Namespace types: StateMachine
this (StateMachine) : (StateMachine) the state machine to use
after (int) : (int) to state
condition (bool) : (bool) if condition is true
Returns: true (bool) if the state of the statemachine changed
method changed(this, within_bars)
will return true if the state of the state machine was changed in this iteration
Namespace types: StateMachine
this (StateMachine) : (StateMachine) the state machine to use
within_bars (int)
Returns: true (bool) if the state of the statemachine changed
method reset(this, condition, min_occurrences)
will reset the state machine if a certain 'condition' appears 'min_occurrences' times
Namespace types: StateMachine
this (StateMachine) : (StateMachine) the state machine to use
condition (bool) : (bool) reset condition
min_occurrences (int) : (int) min times 'condition' must appear for the reset to happen
Returns: true (bool) if the state of the statemachine changed
state (series__integer)
neutral (series__integer)
enabled (series__bool)
reset_counter (series__integer)
lib_colorLibrary "lib_color"
offset_mono(original, offset, transparency)
get offset color
original (simple color) : original color
offset (float) : offset for new color
transparency (float) : transparency for new color
Returns: offset color
lib_colorsLibrary "lib_colors"
offset_mono(original, offset, transparency)
get offset color
original (simple color) : original color
offset (float) : offset for new color
transparency (float) : transparency for new color
Returns: offset color
CNTLibraryLibrary "CNTLibrary"
Custom Functions To Help Code In Pinescript V5
Coded By Christian Nataliano
First Coded In 10/06/2023
Last Edited In 22/06/2023
Huge Shout Out To © ZenAndTheArtOfTrading and his ZenLibrary V5, Some Of The Custom Functions Were Heavily Inspired By Matt's Work & His Pine Script Mastery Course
Another Shout Out To The TradingView's Team Library ta V5
// Custom Indicator Functions
GetKAMA(KAMA_lenght, Fast_KAMA, Slow_KAMA)
Calculates An Adaptive Moving Average Based On Perry J Kaufman's Calculations
KAMA_lenght (int) : Is The KAMA Lenght
Fast_KAMA (int) : Is The KAMA's Fastes Moving Average
Slow_KAMA (int) : Is The KAMA's Slowest Moving Average
Returns: Float Of The KAMA's Current Calculations
GetMovingAverage(Source, Lenght, Type)
Get Custom Moving Averages Values
Source (float) : Of The Moving Average, Defval = close
Lenght (simple int) : Of The Moving Average, Defval = 50
Type (string) : Of The Moving Average, Defval = Exponential Moving Average
Returns: The Moving Average Calculation Based On Its Given Source, Lenght & Calculation Type (Please Call Function On Global Scope)
Calculates how many decimals are on the quote price of the current market © ZenAndTheArtOfTrading
Returns: The current decimal places on the market quote price
Truncate(number, decimalPlaces)
Truncates (cuts) excess decimal places © ZenAndTheArtOfTrading
number (float)
decimalPlaces (simple float)
Returns: The given number truncated to the given decimalPlaces
Converts pips into whole numbers © ZenAndTheArtOfTrading
number (float)
Returns: The converted number
Converts whole numbers back into pips © ZenAndTheArtOfTrading
number (float)
Returns: The converted number
GetPctChange(value1, value2, lookback)
Gets the percentage change between 2 float values over a given lookback period © ZenAndTheArtOfTrading
value1 (float)
value2 (float)
lookback (int)
BarsAboveMA(lookback, ma)
Counts how many candles are above the MA © ZenAndTheArtOfTrading
lookback (int)
ma (float)
Returns: The bar count of how many recent bars are above the MA
BarsBelowMA(lookback, ma)
Counts how many candles are below the MA © ZenAndTheArtOfTrading
lookback (int)
ma (float)
Returns: The bar count of how many recent bars are below the EMA
BarsCrossedMA(lookback, ma)
Counts how many times the EMA was crossed recently © ZenAndTheArtOfTrading
lookback (int)
ma (float)
Returns: The bar count of how many times price recently crossed the EMA
GetPullbackBarCount(lookback, direction)
Counts how many green & red bars have printed recently (ie. pullback count) © ZenAndTheArtOfTrading
lookback (int)
direction (int)
Returns: The bar count of how many candles have retraced over the given lookback & direction
GetSwingHigh(Lookback, SwingType)
Check If Price Has Made A Recent Swing High
Lookback (int) : Is For The Swing High Lookback Period, Defval = 7
SwingType (int) : Is For The Swing High Type Of Identification, Defval = 1
Returns: A Bool - True If Price Has Made A Recent Swing High
GetSwingLow(Lookback, SwingType)
Check If Price Has Made A Recent Swing Low
Lookback (int) : Is For The Swing Low Lookback Period, Defval = 7
SwingType (int) : Is For The Swing Low Type Of Identification, Defval = 1
Returns: A Bool - True If Price Has Made A Recent Swing Low
// Custom Risk Management Functions
CalculateStopLossLevel(OrderType, Entry, StopLoss)
Calculate StopLoss Level
OrderType (int) : Is To Determine A Long / Short Position, Defval = 1
Entry (float) : Is The Entry Level Of The Order, Defval = na
StopLoss (float) : Is The Custom StopLoss Distance, Defval = 2x ATR Below Close
Returns: Float - The StopLoss Level In Actual Price As A
CalculateStopLossDistance(OrderType, Entry, StopLoss)
Calculate StopLoss Distance In Pips
OrderType (int) : Is To Determine A Long / Short Position, Defval = 1
Entry (float) : Is The Entry Level Of The Order, NEED TO INPUT PARAM
StopLoss (float) : Level Based On Previous Calculation, NEED TO INPUT PARAM
Returns: Float - The StopLoss Value In Pips
CalculateTakeProfitLevel(OrderType, Entry, StopLossDistance, RiskReward)
Calculate TakeProfit Level
OrderType (int) : Is To Determine A Long / Short Position, Defval = 1
Entry (float) : Is The Entry Level Of The Order, Defval = na
StopLossDistance (float)
RiskReward (float)
Returns: Float - The TakeProfit Level In Actual Price
CalculateTakeProfitDistance(OrderType, Entry, TakeProfit)
Get TakeProfit Distance In Pips
OrderType (int) : Is To Determine A Long / Short Position, Defval = 1
Entry (float) : Is The Entry Level Of The Order, NEED TO INPUT PARAM
TakeProfit (float) : Level Based On Previous Calculation, NEED TO INPUT PARAM
Returns: Float - The TakeProfit Value In Pips
CalculateConversionCurrency(AccountCurrency, SymbolCurrency, BaseCurrency)
Get The Conversion Currecny Between Current Account Currency & Current Pair's Quoted Currency (FOR FOREX ONLY)
AccountCurrency (simple string) : Is For The Account Currency Used
SymbolCurrency (simple string) : Is For The Current Symbol Currency (Front Symbol)
BaseCurrency (simple string) : Is For The Current Symbol Base Currency (Back Symbol)
Returns: Tuple Of A Bollean (Convert The Currency ?) And A String (Converted Currency)
CalculateConversionRate(ConvertCurrency, ConversionRate)
Get The Conversion Rate Between Current Account Currency & Current Pair's Quoted Currency (FOR FOREX ONLY)
ConvertCurrency (bool) : Is To Check If The Current Symbol Needs To Be Converted Or Not
ConversionRate (float) : Is The Quoted Price Of The Conversion Currency (Input The Function Here)
Returns: Float Price Of Conversion Rate (If In The Same Currency Than Return Value Will Be 1.0)
LotSize(LotSizeSimple, Balance, Risk, SLDistance, ConversionRate)
Get Current Lot Size
LotSizeSimple (bool) : Is To Toggle Lot Sizing Calculation (Simple Is Good Enough For Stocks & Crypto, Whilst Complex Is For Forex)
Balance (float) : Is For The Current Account Balance To Calculate The Lot Sizing Based Off
Risk (float) : Is For The Current Risk Per Trade To Calculate The Lot Sizing Based Off
SLDistance (float) : Is The Current Position StopLoss Distance From Its Entry Price
ConversionRate (float) : Is The Currency Conversion Rate (Used For Complex Lot Sizing Only)
Returns: Float - Position Size In Units
Converts Units To Lots
Units (float) : Is For How Many Units Need To Be Converted Into Lots (Minimun 1000 Units)
Returns: Float - Position Size In Lots
Converts Lots To Units
Lots (float) : Is For How Many Lots Need To Be Converted Into Units (Minimun 0.01 Units)
Returns: Int - Position Size In Units
Converts Units To Lots Than Back To Units
Units (float) : Is For How Many Units Need To Be Converted Into Lots (Minimun 1000 Units)
Returns: Float - Position Size In Lots That Were Rounded To Units
ATRTrail(OrderType, SourceType, ATRPeriod, ATRMultiplyer, SwingLookback)
Calculate ATR Trailing Stop
OrderType (int) : Is To Determine A Long / Short Position, Defval = 1
SourceType (int) : Is To Determine Where To Calculate The ATR Trailing From, Defval = close
ATRPeriod (simple int) : Is To Change Its ATR Period, Defval = 20
ATRMultiplyer (float) : Is To Change Its ATR Trailing Distance, Defval = 1
SwingLookback (int) : Is To Change Its Swing HiLo Lookback (Only From Source Type 5), Defval = 7
Returns: Float - Number Of The Current ATR Trailing
DangerZone(WinRate, AvgRRR, Filter)
Calculate Danger Zone Of A Given Strategy
WinRate (float) : Is The Strategy WinRate
AvgRRR (float) : Is The Strategy Avg RRR
Filter (float) : Is The Minimum Profit It Needs To Be Out Of BE Zone, Defval = 3
Returns: Int - Value, 1 If Out Of Danger Zone, 0 If BE, -1 If In Danger Zone
IsQuestionableTrades(TradeTP, TradeSL)
Checks For Questionable Trades (Which Are Trades That Its TP & SL Level Got Hit At The Same Candle)
TradeTP (float) : Is The Trade In Question Take Profit Level
TradeSL (float) : Is The Trade In Question Stop Loss Level
Returns: Bool - True If The Last Trade Was A "Questionable Trade"
// Custom Strategy Functions
OpenLong(EntryID, LotSize, LimitPrice, StopPrice, Comment, CommentValue)
Open A Long Order Based On The Given Params
EntryID (string) : Is The Trade Entry ID, Defval = "Long"
LotSize (float) : Is The Lot Size Of The Trade, Defval = 1
LimitPrice (float) : Is The Limit Order Price To Set The Order At, Defval = Na / Market Order Execution
StopPrice (float) : Is The Stop Order Price To Set The Order At, Defval = Na / Market Order Execution
Comment (string) : Is The Order Comment, Defval = Long Entry Order
CommentValue (string) : Is For Custom Values In The Order Comment, Defval = Na
Returns: Void
OpenShort(EntryID, LotSize, LimitPrice, StopPrice, Comment, CommentValue)
Open A Short Order Based On The Given Params
EntryID (string) : Is The Trade Entry ID, Defval = "Short"
LotSize (float) : Is The Lot Size Of The Trade, Defval = 1
LimitPrice (float) : Is The Limit Order Price To Set The Order At, Defval = Na / Market Order Execution
StopPrice (float) : Is The Stop Order Price To Set The Order At, Defval = Na / Market Order Execution
Comment (string) : Is The Order Comment, Defval = Short Entry Order
CommentValue (string) : Is For Custom Values In The Order Comment, Defval = Na
Returns: Void
TP_SLExit(FromID, TPLevel, SLLevel, PercentageClose, Comment, CommentValue)
Exits Based On Predetermined TP & SL Levels
FromID (string) : Is The Trade ID That The TP & SL Levels Be Palced
TPLevel (float) : Is The Take Profit Level
SLLevel (float) : Is The StopLoss Level
PercentageClose (float) : Is The Amount To Close The Order At (In Percentage) Defval = 100
Comment (string) : Is The Order Comment, Defval = Exit Order
CommentValue (string) : Is For Custom Values In The Order Comment, Defval = Na
Returns: Void
CloseLong(ExitID, PercentageClose, Comment, CommentValue, Instant)
Exits A Long Order Based On A Specified Condition
ExitID (string) : Is The Trade ID That Will Be Closed, Defval = "Long"
PercentageClose (float) : Is The Amount To Close The Order At (In Percentage) Defval = 100
Comment (string) : Is The Order Comment, Defval = Exit Order
CommentValue (string) : Is For Custom Values In The Order Comment, Defval = Na
Instant (bool) : Is For Exit Execution Type, Defval = false
Returns: Void
CloseShort(ExitID, PercentageClose, Comment, CommentValue, Instant)
Exits A Short Order Based On A Specified Condition
ExitID (string) : Is The Trade ID That Will Be Closed, Defval = "Short"
PercentageClose (float) : Is The Amount To Close The Order At (In Percentage) Defval = 100
Comment (string) : Is The Order Comment, Defval = Exit Order
CommentValue (string) : Is For Custom Values In The Order Comment, Defval = Na
Instant (bool) : Is For Exit Execution Type, Defval = false
Returns: Void
Checks Traded Broker With Current Loaded Chart Broker
Broker (string) : Is The Current Broker That Is Traded
Returns: Bool - True If Current Traded Broker Is Same As Loaded Chart Broker
OpenPC(LicenseID, OrderType, UseLimit, LimitPrice, SymbolPrefix, Symbol, SymbolSuffix, Risk, SL, TP, OrderComment, Spread)
Compiles Given Parameters Into An Alert String Format To Open Trades Using Pine Connector
LicenseID (string) : Is The Users PineConnector LicenseID
OrderType (int) : Is The Desired OrderType To Open
UseLimit (bool) : Is If We Want To Enter The Position At Exactly The Previous Closing Price
LimitPrice (float) : Is The Limit Price Of The Trade (Only For Pending Orders)
SymbolPrefix (string) : Is The Current Symbol Prefix (If Any)
Symbol (string) : Is The Traded Symbol
SymbolSuffix (string) : Is The Current Symbol Suffix (If Any)
Risk (float) : Is The Trade Risk Per Trade / Fixed Lot Sizing
SL (float) : Is The Trade SL In Price / In Pips
TP (float) : Is The Trade TP In Price / In Pips
OrderComment (string) : Is The Executed Trade Comment
Spread (float) : is The Maximum Spread For Execution
Returns: String - Pine Connector Order Syntax Alert Message
ClosePC(LicenseID, OrderType, SymbolPrefix, Symbol, SymbolSuffix)
Compiles Given Parameters Into An Alert String Format To Close Trades Using Pine Connector
LicenseID (string) : Is The Users PineConnector LicenseID
OrderType (int) : Is The Desired OrderType To Close
SymbolPrefix (string) : Is The Current Symbol Prefix (If Any)
Symbol (string) : Is The Traded Symbol
SymbolSuffix (string) : Is The Current Symbol Suffix (If Any)
Returns: String - Pine Connector Order Syntax Alert Message
// Custom Backtesting Calculation Functions
CalculatePNL(EntryPrice, ExitPrice, LotSize, ConversionRate)
Calculates Trade PNL Based On Entry, Eixt & Lot Size
EntryPrice (float) : Is The Trade Entry
ExitPrice (float) : Is The Trade Exit
LotSize (float) : Is The Trade Sizing
ConversionRate (float) : Is The Currency Conversion Rate (Used For Complex Lot Sizing Only)
Returns: Float - The Current Trade PNL
UpdateBalance(PrevBalance, PNL)
Updates The Previous Ginve Balance To The Next PNL
PrevBalance (float) : Is The Previous Balance To Be Updated
PNL (float) : Is The Current Trade PNL To Be Added
Returns: Float - The Current Updated PNL
CalculateSlpComm(PNL, MaxRate)
Calculates Random Slippage & Commisions Fees Based On The Parameters
PNL (float) : Is The Current Trade PNL
MaxRate (float) : Is The Upper Limit (In Percentage) Of The Randomized Fee
Returns: Float - A Percentage Fee Of The Current Trade PNL
UpdateDD(MaxBalance, Balance)
Calculates & Updates The DD Based On Its Given Parameters
MaxBalance (float) : Is The Maximum Balance Ever Recorded
Balance (float) : Is The Current Account Balance
Returns: Float - The Current Strategy DD
CalculateWR(TotalTrades, LongID, ShortID)
Calculate The Total, Long & Short Trades Win Rate
TotalTrades (int) : Are The Current Total Trades That The Strategy Has Taken
LongID (string) : Is The Order ID Of The Long Trades Of The Strategy
ShortID (string) : Is The Order ID Of The Short Trades Of The Strategy
Returns: Tuple Of Long WR%, Short WR%, Total WR%, Total Winning Trades, Total Losing Trades, Total Long Trades & Total Short Trades
CalculateAvgRRR(WinTrades, LossTrades)
Calculates The Overall Strategy Avg Risk Reward Ratio
WinTrades (int) : Are The Strategy Winning Trades
LossTrades (int) : Are The Strategy Losing Trades
Returns: Float - The Average RRR Values
CAGR(StartTime, StartPrice, EndTime, EndPrice)
Calculates The CAGR Over The Given Time Period © TradingView
StartTime (int) : Is The Starting Time Of The Calculation
StartPrice (float) : Is The Starting Price Of The Calculation
EndTime (int) : Is The Ending Time Of The Calculation
EndPrice (float) : Is The Ending Price Of The Calculation
Returns: Float - The CAGR Values
// Custom Plot Functions
EditLabels(LabelID, X1, Y1, Text, Color, TextColor, EditCondition, DeleteCondition)
Edit / Delete Labels
LabelID (label) : Is The ID Of The Selected Label
X1 (int) : Is The X1 Coordinate IN BARINDEX Xloc
Y1 (float) : Is The Y1 Coordinate IN PRICE Yloc
Text (string) : Is The Text Than Wants To Be Written In The Label
Color (color) : Is The Color Value Change Of The Label Text
TextColor (color)
EditCondition (int) : Is The Edit Condition of The Line (Setting Location / Color)
DeleteCondition (bool) : Is The Delete Condition Of The Line If Ture Deletes The Prev Itteration Of The Line
Returns: Void
EditLine(LineID, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, Color, EditCondition, DeleteCondition)
Edit / Delete Lines
LineID (line) : Is The ID Of The Selected Line
X1 (int) : Is The X1 Coordinate IN BARINDEX Xloc
Y1 (float) : Is The Y1 Coordinate IN PRICE Yloc
X2 (int) : Is The X2 Coordinate IN BARINDEX Xloc
Y2 (float) : Is The Y2 Coordinate IN PRICE Yloc
Color (color) : Is The Color Value Change Of The Line
EditCondition (int) : Is The Edit Condition of The Line (Setting Location / Color)
DeleteCondition (bool) : Is The Delete Condition Of The Line If Ture Deletes The Prev Itteration Of The Line
Returns: Void
// Custom Display Functions (Using Tables)
FillTable(TableID, Column, Row, Title, Value, BgColor, TextColor, ToolTip)
Filling The Selected Table With The Inputed Information
TableID (table) : Is The Table ID That Wants To Be Edited
Column (int) : Is The Current Column Of The Table That Wants To Be Edited
Row (int) : Is The Current Row Of The Table That Wants To Be Edited
Title (string) : Is The String Title Of The Current Cell Table
Value (string) : Is The String Value Of The Current Cell Table
BgColor (color) : Is The Selected Color For The Current Table
TextColor (color) : Is The Selected Color For The Current Table
ToolTip (string) : Is The ToolTip Of The Current Cell In The Table
Returns: Void
DisplayBTResults(TableID, BgColor, TextColor, StartingBalance, Balance, DollarReturn, TotalPips, MaxDD)
Filling The Selected Table With The Inputed Information
TableID (table) : Is The Table ID That Wants To Be Edited
BgColor (color) : Is The Selected Color For The Current Table
TextColor (color) : Is The Selected Color For The Current Table
StartingBalance (float) : Is The Account Starting Balance
Balance (float)
DollarReturn (float) : Is The Account Dollar Reture
TotalPips (float) : Is The Total Pips Gained / loss
MaxDD (float) : Is The Maximum Drawdown Over The Backtesting Period
Returns: Void
DisplayBTResultsV2(TableID, BgColor, TextColor, TotalWR, QTCount, LongWR, ShortWR, InitialCapital, CumProfit, CumFee, AvgRRR, MaxDD, CAGR, MeanDD)
Filling The Selected Table With The Inputed Information
TableID (table) : Is The Table ID That Wants To Be Edited
BgColor (color) : Is The Selected Color For The Current Table
TextColor (color) : Is The Selected Color For The Current Table
TotalWR (float) : Is The Strategy Total WR In %
QTCount (int) : Is The Strategy Questionable Trades Count
LongWR (float) : Is The Strategy Total WR In %
ShortWR (float) : Is The Strategy Total WR In %
InitialCapital (float) : Is The Strategy Initial Starting Capital
CumProfit (float) : Is The Strategy Ending Cumulative Profit
CumFee (float) : Is The Strategy Ending Cumulative Fee (Based On Randomized Fee Assumptions)
AvgRRR (float) : Is The Strategy Average Risk Reward Ratio
MaxDD (float) : Is The Strategy Maximum DrawDown In Its Backtesting Period
CAGR (float) : Is The Strategy Compounded Average GRowth In %
MeanDD (float) : Is The Strategy Mean / Average Drawdown In The Backtesting Period
Returns: Void
// Custom Pattern Detection Functions
BullFib(priceLow, priceHigh, fibRatio)
Calculates A Bullish Fibonacci Value (From Swing Low To High) © ZenAndTheArtOfTrading
priceLow (float)
priceHigh (float)
fibRatio (float)
Returns: The Fibonacci Value Of The Given Ratio Between The Two Price Points
BearFib(priceLow, priceHigh, fibRatio)
Calculates A Bearish Fibonacci Value (From Swing High To Low) © ZenAndTheArtOfTrading
priceLow (float)
priceHigh (float)
fibRatio (float)
Returns: The Fibonacci Value Of The Given Ratio Between The Two Price Points
Gets The Current Candle Body Size IN POINTS © ZenAndTheArtOfTrading
Returns: The Current Candle Body Size IN POINTS
Gets The Current Candle Top Wick Size IN POINTS © ZenAndTheArtOfTrading
Returns: The Current Candle Top Wick Size IN POINTS
Gets The Current Candle Bottom Wick Size IN POINTS © ZenAndTheArtOfTrading
Returns: The Current Candle Bottom Wick Size IN POINTS
Gets The Current Candle Body Size As A Percentage Of Its Entire Size Including Its Wicks © ZenAndTheArtOfTrading
Returns: The Current Candle Body Size IN PERCENTAGE
Gets The Current Top Wick Size As A Percentage Of Its Entire Body Size
Returns: Float - The Current Candle Top Wick Size IN PERCENTAGE
Gets The Current Bottom Wick Size As A Percentage Of Its Entire Bodu Size
Returns: Float - The Current Candle Bottom Size IN PERCENTAGE
BullishEC(Allowance, RejectionWickSize, EngulfWick, NearSwings, SwingLookBack)
Checks If The Current Bar Is A Bullish Engulfing Candle
Allowance (int) : To Give Flexibility Of Engulfing Pattern Detection In Markets That Have Micro Gaps, Defval = 0
RejectionWickSize (float) : To Filter Out long (Upper And Lower) Wick From The Bullsih Engulfing Pattern, Defval = na
EngulfWick (bool) : To Specify If We Want The Pattern To Also Engulf Its Upper & Lower Previous Wicks, Defval = false
NearSwings (bool) : To Specify If We Want The Pattern To Be Near A Recent Swing Low, Defval = true
SwingLookBack (int) : To Specify How Many Bars Back To Detect A Recent Swing Low, Defval = 10
Returns: Bool - True If The Current Bar Matches The Requirements of a Bullish Engulfing Candle
BearishEC(Allowance, RejectionWickSize, EngulfWick, NearSwings, SwingLookBack)
Checks If The Current Bar Is A Bearish Engulfing Candle
Allowance (int) : To Give Flexibility Of Engulfing Pattern Detection In Markets That Have Micro Gaps, Defval = 0
RejectionWickSize (float) : To Filter Out long (Upper And Lower) Wick From The Bearish Engulfing Pattern, Defval = na
EngulfWick (bool) : To Specify If We Want The Pattern To Also Engulf Its Upper & Lower Previous Wicks, Defval = false
NearSwings (bool) : To Specify If We Want The Pattern To Be Near A Recent Swing High, Defval = true
SwingLookBack (int) : To Specify How Many Bars Back To Detect A Recent Swing High, Defval = 10
Returns: Bool - True If The Current Bar Matches The Requirements of a Bearish Engulfing Candle
Hammer(Fib, ColorMatch, NearSwings, SwingLookBack, ATRFilterCheck, ATRPeriod)
Checks If The Current Bar Is A Hammer Candle
Fib (float) : To Specify Which Fibonacci Ratio To Use When Determining The Hammer Candle, Defval = 0.382 Ratio
ColorMatch (bool) : To Filter Only Bullish Closed Hammer Candle Pattern, Defval = false
NearSwings (bool) : To Specify If We Want The Doji To Be Near A Recent Swing Low, Defval = true
SwingLookBack (int) : To Specify How Many Bars Back To Detect A Recent Swing Low, Defval = 10
ATRFilterCheck (float) : To Filter Smaller Hammer Candles That Might Be Better Classified As A Doji Candle, Defval = 1
ATRPeriod (simple int) : To Change ATR Period Of The ATR Filter, Defval = 20
Returns: Bool - True If The Current Bar Matches The Requirements of a Hammer Candle
Star(Fib, ColorMatch, NearSwings, SwingLookBack, ATRFilterCheck, ATRPeriod)
Checks If The Current Bar Is A Hammer Candle
Fib (float) : To Specify Which Fibonacci Ratio To Use When Determining The Hammer Candle, Defval = 0.382 Ratio
ColorMatch (bool) : To Filter Only Bullish Closed Hammer Candle Pattern, Defval = false
NearSwings (bool) : To Specify If We Want The Doji To Be Near A Recent Swing Low, Defval = true
SwingLookBack (int) : To Specify How Many Bars Back To Detect A Recent Swing Low, Defval = 10
ATRFilterCheck (float) : To Filter Smaller Hammer Candles That Might Be Better Classified As A Doji Candle, Defval = 1
ATRPeriod (simple int) : To Change ATR Period Of The ATR Filter, Defval = 20
Returns: Bool - True If The Current Bar Matches The Requirements of a Hammer Candle
Doji(MaxWickSize, MaxBodySize, DojiType, NearSwings, SwingLookBack)
Checks If The Current Bar Is A Doji Candle
MaxWickSize (float) : To Specify The Maximum Lenght Of Its Upper & Lower Wick, Defval = 2
MaxBodySize (float) : To Specify The Maximum Lenght Of Its Candle Body IN PERCENT, Defval = 0.05
DojiType (int)
NearSwings (bool) : To Specify If We Want The Doji To Be Near A Recent Swing High / Low (Only In Dragonlyf / Gravestone Mode), Defval = true
SwingLookBack (int) : To Specify How Many Bars Back To Detect A Recent Swing High / Low (Only In Dragonlyf / Gravestone Mode), Defval = 10
Returns: Bool - True If The Current Bar Matches The Requirements of a Doji Candle
BullishIB(Allowance, RejectionWickSize, EngulfWick, NearSwings, SwingLookBack)
Checks If The Current Bar Is A Bullish Harami Candle
Allowance (int) : To Give Flexibility Of Harami Pattern Detection In Markets That Have Micro Gaps, Defval = 0
RejectionWickSize (float) : To Filter Out long (Upper And Lower) Wick From The Bullsih Harami Pattern, Defval = na
EngulfWick (bool) : To Specify If We Want The Pattern To Also Engulf Its Upper & Lower Previous Wicks, Defval = false
NearSwings (bool) : To Specify If We Want The Pattern To Be Near A Recent Swing Low, Defval = true
SwingLookBack (int) : To Specify How Many Bars Back To Detect A Recent Swing Low, Defval = 10
Returns: Bool - True If The Current Bar Matches The Requirements of a Bullish Harami Candle
BearishIB(Allowance, RejectionWickSize, EngulfWick, NearSwings, SwingLookBack)
Checks If The Current Bar Is A Bullish Harami Candle
Allowance (int) : To Give Flexibility Of Harami Pattern Detection In Markets That Have Micro Gaps, Defval = 0
RejectionWickSize (float) : To Filter Out long (Upper And Lower) Wick From The Bearish Harami Pattern, Defval = na
EngulfWick (bool) : To Specify If We Want The Pattern To Also Engulf Its Upper & Lower Previous Wicks, Defval = false
NearSwings (bool) : To Specify If We Want The Pattern To Be Near A Recent Swing High, Defval = true
SwingLookBack (int) : To Specify How Many Bars Back To Detect A Recent Swing High, Defval = 10
Returns: Bool - True If The Current Bar Matches The Requirements of a Bearish Harami Candle
// Custom Time Functions
BarInSession(sess, useFilter)
Determines if the current price bar falls inside the specified session © ZenAndTheArtOfTrading
sess (simple string)
useFilter (bool)
Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar falls within the given time session
BarOutSession(sess, useFilter)
Determines if the current price bar falls outside the specified session © ZenAndTheArtOfTrading
sess (simple string)
useFilter (bool)
Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar falls outside the given time session
DateFilter(startTime, endTime)
Determines if this bar's time falls within date filter range © ZenAndTheArtOfTrading
startTime (int)
endTime (int)
Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar falls within the given dates
DayFilter(monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday)
Checks if the current bar's day is in the list of given days to analyze © ZenAndTheArtOfTrading
monday (bool)
tuesday (bool)
wednesday (bool)
thursday (bool)
friday (bool)
saturday (bool)
sunday (bool)
Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar's day is one of the given days
Checks If The Current Australian Forex Session In Running
Returns: Bool - True If Currently The Australian Session Is Running
Checks If The Current Asian Forex Session In Running
Returns: Bool - True If Currently The Asian Session Is Running
Checks If The Current European Forex Session In Running
Returns: Bool - True If Currently The European Session Is Running
Checks If The Current US Forex Session In Running
Returns: Bool - True If Currently The US Session Is Running
UNIXToDate(Time, ConversionType, TimeZone)
Converts UNIX Time To Datetime
Time (int) : Is The UNIX Time Input
ConversionType (int) : Is The Datetime Output Format, Defval = DD-MM-YYYY
TimeZone (string) : Is To Convert The Outputed Datetime Into The Specified Time Zone, Defval = Exchange Time Zone
Returns: String - String Of Datetime