Exhaustion SignalExhaustion Signal
The Exhaustion Signal involves monitoring a sequence of consecutive bars within a price chart. This analytical approach aims to identify instances where the price exhibits pronounced movement, potentially indicating an upcoming shift in the current trend. The methodology works by assigning values to bars based on their relationship with the closing price of a bar from four periods ago. If a subsequent bar's closing price surpasses the close of the bar from four periods ago, the count advances. However, if the closing price falls below the close of the bar from four periods ago, the count is reset. This counting process continues until a predetermined count value is reached. The appearance of this count value within the exhaustion signal framework signifies a market that has extended beyond typical levels, suggesting the possibility of a temporary pause or even a reversal in the existing trend.
It's important to note that, as per the principles of this approach, the exhaustion signal by itself is not designed to function as a standalone trading indicator. The broader market context and the application of additional analysis techniques influence its significance and potential trading implications.