Standard Deviation Candles (With Emoji)In crypto, significant price moves can be a sign of continuation or reversal. This script measures if price move is greater than a certain number of standard deviations vs. previous periods, then alters bar colours and/or prints an emoji signal.
Market EmotionsThis is a simple and fun indicator I built out of boredom one night. It's great for a quick laugh, but other than that, it's useless. It simply displays emotes for various thresholds of change in price between the open and close of a candle. For example, unicorn candles are any candles that gain 25% or more from opening price to closing price.
Emoji Sentiment Analyzer 😜Euphoria, fear, and greed are some aspects of emotional chart analysis. Our Emoji indicator makes tracking emotional traders easy and fun in any market.
Will you go with the herd or counter trade sentiment?
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