Bulls vs Bears

Por fikira
A tool with the purpose for better insight of bulls/bears influence.

The center, more bright part are the open-close prices, filled green if bullish, red if bearish.
The transparent red and green part, above and below, are the "wick/shadow" area's.

If for example the bears push the price down, far under the open, but the bulls push it right back, so you'll have a large wick,
this will be visible as a large transparent green area below the brighter open-close center area.

Hope this helps!
Notas de prensa
Also it might help to find certain support/resistance regions (more towards the open/close prices),
it also can give a more clear imagine when the open and close prices are tight together.

I believe it even can bring more insights and more details regarding divergences.
Trend Analysis
LuxAlgo Dev:

- We cannot control our emotions,
but we can control our keyboard -

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