Next Candle Price Prediction FAJ

Por flanjo1
next candle price prediction

Previous Day Data:

prevHigh, prevLow, and prevClose are calculated to capture the high, low, and close of the previous day. This is used to understand the previous day's price range and sentiment.
ATR Calculation:

The Average True Range (ATR) is a measure of volatility. We use it to estimate how much the price might move up or down from the previous close.
Predicted High and Low:

Using the previous close plus and minus the ATR value gives a range where the price might reach.
Predicted Target Price:

The script calculates a simple midpoint of the previous day's range to predict the target price for the next candle. This midpoint serves as a basic prediction, assuming price might oscillate within the previous day's range.

The script plots the predicted high, low, and target price as well as the previous day's high, low, and close for context.
Candlestick analysisChart patterns

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