Average of Highs, Lows, and Close (Excluding Last 15-min Bar)

indicator("Average of Highs, Lows, and Close (Excluding Last 15-min Bar)", overlay=true)

// --- Variables to store cumulative values and counts ---
var float customSum = 0.0
var int candleCount = 0

// --- Get current session's end time for 15-minute time frame (NSE) ---
sessionEndTime = timestamp("GMT+5:30", year, month, dayofmonth, 15, 30)

// --- Custom calculation (excluding the last 15-min candle) ---
if (time < sessionEndTime - 15 * 60000) // Exclude last 15-min candle
customSum := customSum + (high + low + close) // Sum of high, low, and close
candleCount := candleCount + 1

// --- Final average calculation (if candles are counted) ---
averageValue = candleCount > 0 ? customSum / (candleCount * 3) : na // Divide by 3 for average of highs, lows, closes

// --- Reset daily values at the start of a new day ---
if (ta.change(time('D')))
customSum := 0.0
candleCount := 0

// --- Plotting the average value ---
plot(averageValue, title="Average (Highs + Lows + Close Excluding Last Bar) / 3",, linewidth=2)
Bands and ChannelsBreadth IndicatorsCandlestick analysis

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