Elliott Wave [MS]

Elliott Wave counter for TradingView! Automatically count Elliott waves on any asset and any timeframe. The script will count in-progress patterns as well as show past patterns that have completed (adjustable in Settings).

Simple to use, just add to your chart and choose how big of waves you're looking for with the Size setting.
  • Smaller numbers will auto count smaller sized Elliott Waves.
  • Larger numbers will auto count bigger sized Elliott Waves.

Scan for multiple size waves by adding the indicator to your chart multiple times.

  • Size - Set how big or small of waves you want to scan for
  • Hide Failed Patterns - Show or hide past waves that didn't get to 5
  • Color Mode - Set your own colors for each wave
elliottwaveanalyiselliottwavecountwavesZig Zag Indicator

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TradingView recomienda no comprar ni utilizar un script si su autor no le ofrece total confianza o cuando no entienda cómo funciona. En muchos casos, puede encontrar una buena alternativa de código abierto de forma gratuita en nuestros Scripts de la comunidad.

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Use the link below or DM us to obtain access to this indicator.

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