
Library "LibIndicadoresUteis"
Collection of useful indicators. This collection does not do any type of plotting on the graph, as the methods implemented can and should be used to get the return of mathematical formulas, in a way that speeds up the development of new scripts. The current version contains methods for stochastic return, slow stochastic, IFR, leverage calculation for B3 futures market, leverage calculation for B3 stock market, bollinger bands and the range of change.

  Returns the value of stochastic
    PeriodoEstocastico: Period for calculation basis
  Returns: Float with the stochastic value of the period

estocasticoLento(PeriodoEstocastico, PeriodoMedia)
  Returns the value of slow stochastic
    PeriodoEstocastico: Stochastic period for calculation basis
    PeriodoMedia: Average period for calculation basis
  Returns: Float with the value of the slow stochastic of the period

ifrInvenenado(PeriodoIFR, OrigemIFR)
  Returns the value of the RSI/IFR Poisoned of Guima
    PeriodoIFR: RSI/IFR period for calculation basis
    OrigemIFR: Source of RSI/IFR for calculation basis
  Returns: Float with the RSI/IFR value for the period

calculoAlavancagemFuturos(margem, alavancagemMaxima)
  Returns the number of contracts to work based on margin
    margem: Margin for contract unit
    alavancagemMaxima: Maximum number of contracts to work
  Returns: Integer with the number of contracts suggested for trading

  Returns the number of batches to work based on the margin
    alavancagemMaxima: Maximum number of batches to work
  Returns: Integer with the amount of lots suggested for trading

bandasBollinger(periodoBB, origemBB, desvioPadrao)
  Returns the value of bollinger bands
    periodoBB: Period of bollinger bands for calculation basis
    origemBB: Origin of bollinger bands for calculation basis
    desvioPadrao: Standard Deviation of bollinger bands for calculation basis
  Returns: Two-position array with upper and lower band values ​​respectively

theRoc(periodoROC, origemROC)
  Returns the value of Rate Of Change
    periodoROC: Period for calculation basis
    origemROC: Source of calculation basis
  Returns: Float with the value of Rate Of Change
alavancagembollingersbandIFRleverageMATHrangeofchangeRelative Strength Index (RSI)ROCstatisticsstochsticstechindicator

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