
Library "TimeFilter"

provides utilities for dates and times

inSession(session, timezone, period)
    session (simple string)
    timezone (simple string)
    period (simple string)
  Returns: bool inSession Whether the current time is within the defined time session

inDateRange(startDate, endDate)
    startDate (int)
    endDate (int)
  Returns: bool inRange Whether the current time is within the defined date range

isWeekDay(weekDay, timezone)
    weekDay (int)
    timezone (simple string)
  Returns: bool isWeekDay Whether the provided day is the current day of the week

inWeek(useMon, useTue, useWed, useThu, useFri, useSat, useSun, timezone)
    useMon (bool)
    useTue (bool)
    useWed (bool)
    useThu (bool)
    useFri (bool)
    useSat (bool)
    useSun (bool)
    timezone (simple string)
  Returns: bool inWeek Whether the current time is one of the defined days

filter(useRange, useSession, useWeek, inRange, inSession, inWeek)
    useRange (bool)
    useSession (bool)
    useWeek (bool)
    inRange (bool)
    inSession (bool)
    inWeek (bool)
  Returns: bool filter Whether the filter matches or not

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