
Por joebaus
Library "StyleLibrary"
A small library of Pine Script functions that return built-in style variables.

method sizeStyle(size)
  Takes a `string` that returns the corresponding built-in size style variable.
  Namespace types: series string, simple string, input string, const string
    size (string): A `string` representing a built-in size style: `"Tiny"`, `"Small"`, `"Normal"`, `"Large"`,
`"Huge"`, `"Auto"`.
  Returns: The respective built-in size style variable.

method sizeStyle(size)
  Takes a `sizeStyle` that returns the corresponding built-in size style variable.
  Namespace types: series sizeStyle
    size (series sizeStyle): A `sizeStyle` representing a built-in size style variable.
  Returns: The respective built-in size style variable.

method lineStyle(style)
  Takes a `string` that returns the corresponding built-in line style variable.
  Namespace types: series string, simple string, input string, const string
    style (string): A `string` representing a built-in line style: `"Dashed"`, `"Dotted"`, `"Solid"`.
  Returns: The respective built-in line style variable.

method lineStyle(style)
  Takes a `lineStyle` that returns the corresponding built-in line style variable.
  Namespace types: series lineStyle
    style (series lineStyle): A `lineStyle` representing a built-in line style variable.
  Returns: The respective built-in line style variable.

method labelStyle(style)
  Takes a `string` that returns the corresponding built-in label style variable.
  Namespace types: series string, simple string, input string, const string
    style (string): A `string` representing a built-in label style:
`"Arrow Down"`, `"Arrow Up"`, `"Circle"`, `"Cross"`, `"Diamond"`, `"Flag"`,
`"Label Center"`, `"Label Down"`, `"Label Left"`, `"Label Lower Left"`,
`"Label Lower Right"`, `"Label Right"`, `"Label Up"`, `"Label Upper Left"`,
`"Label Upper Right"`, `"None"`, `"Square"`, `"Text Outline"`, `"Triangle Down"`,
`"Triangle Up"`, `"XCross"`.
  Returns: The respective built-in label style variable.

method labelStyle(style)
  Takes a `labelStyle` that returns the corresponding built-in label style variable.
  Namespace types: series labelStyle
    style (series labelStyle): A `labelStyle` representing a built-in label style variable.
  Returns: The respective built-in label style variable.

method fontStyle(font)
  Takes a `string` that returns the corresponding built-in font style variable.
  Namespace types: series string, simple string, input string, const string
    font (string): A `string` representing a built-in font style: `"Default"`, `"Monospace"`.
  Returns: The respective built-in font style variable.

method positionStyle(position)
  Takes a `string` that returns the corresponding built-in position style variable.
  Namespace types: series string, simple string, input string, const string
    position (string): A `string` representing a built-in position style:
`"Bottom Center", `"Bottom Left", `"Bottom Right", `"Middle Center", `"Middle Left",
`"Middle Right", `"Top Center", `"Top Left", `"Top Right".
  Returns: The respective built-in position style variable.

method displayStyle(display)
  Takes a `simple string` that returns the corresponding built-in display style variable.
  Namespace types: simple string, input string, const string
    display (simple string): A `simple string` representing a built-in display style: `"All"`, `"Data Window"`,
`"None"`, `"Pane"`, `"Price Scale"`, `"Status Line"`.
  Returns: The respective built-in display style variable.

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