
ADR% / ATR / Market Cap

Displays the following values in a table in the upper right corner of the chart:

ADR%: Average daily range (in percent).
ATR: Average true range (hidden by default).
Market Cap: Total value of all a company's shares of stock.

All values are calculated based on daily bars, no matter what time frame you are currently viewing. Doesn't work for time frames >1D, which is why the table is not shown on weekly/monthly charts.

Credit to MikeC / TheScrutiniser and GlinckEastwoot for ADR% formula, and ArmerSchlucker for the original script which includes LoD Dist . instead of Market Cap.
Notas de prensa
The updated script rounds the market cap to two decimal places when displaying it in the table. However, it still scales the market cap based on its value (K for thousands, M for millions, B for billions, T for trillions).
Notas de prensa
Updated chart.
Notas de prensa
Updated chart.
Notas de prensa
Updated chart.

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