M.H Pee indicators

Here is a collection of Trend Indicators as defined by M.H Pee and presented
in various articles of the "STOCKS & COMMODITIES Magazine"

The actual implementation of the indicators here are made by: everget

I thought they were rather cool, so I have gather them here so that they easily can be tested.

My own test was made using 15 companies from the OMXS30 list
during the time period of 2016-2018, and I only went LONG.

The result was as follows (Average Net Profit , StdDev):

TDI 3.04% 5.97
TTF 1.22%. 5.73
TII 1.07% 6.2
TCF 0.32% 2.68

Would be interesting to hear what other people get as test result from these indicators.
To do that just run this strategy, and chose the indicator from the setup menu.
Trend Analysis

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