D-VaR position sizing

The D-VaR position sizing method was created by David Varadi. It's based on the concept of Value at Risk (VaR) - a widely used measure of the risk of loss in a portfolio based on the statistical analysis of historical price trends and volatilities. You can set the Percent Risk between 1 (lower) and 1.5 (higher); as well as, cap the % of Equity used in the position. The indicator plots the % of equity recommended based on the parameters you set.
Notas de prensa
Fixed error in percentile_rank formula where it was not accounting for rolling returns. Added a cap of 200% of max equity to position size to limit plot size run-up and reduce exposure to large DVAR calculation when tail-size is extremely small number (i.e. 0.0001, etc.).
Portfolio managementpositionsizing

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