Normalized Willspread Indicator

Por dixonchai6789
Not sure to call it as willspread or not, because i take this idea from Larry William's original willspread indicator and did some modifications which found out to be more effective in my opinion, which is by subtracting 21 and 3 ma, this indicator is found on Trade_Stocks_and_Commodities_With_the_Insiders page155. Feel free to find out.

Here's what I modified, instead of using the subtraction between two ma, I use one ma only, I find more accurate in spotting oversold and overbought value. This indicator is useful for metals. It basically compares the value between two assets, let's say u are watching gold, u can select compare it to dxy, us30Y or gold, let's say u choose to compare to dxy, and the indicator shows the the index is overvalued which is above 80 levels, then it is suggesting that gold is overvalued, the same logic apply to undervalued as well which is 20 levels. This is not a entry or exit tool but as additional confluence, u can use any entry method u want like supply and demand and use this indicator to validate your idea, not sure whether it works on forex or not, so far i think it works well on metals.
The bar colour corresponding to the index when it is overbought or oversold. U can switch off it if you dont need it. Do note that this is a repainting indicator, so u must refer to previous week close.
OscillatorssentimentTrend Analysis

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