Hui-Heubel Liquidity Ratio

The Hui-Heubel Liquidity Ratio (lhh) is a measurement of market resiliency and liquidity. Higher values indicate a more liquid and resilient market, lower values indicate a more fragile market susceptible to volatile moves. It does not work on all tickers (for example, if something does not report volume).

Generally, you will see lhh rise when stocks sell off and fall when they are bought. Occasionally you will see scenarios where price will go up while lhh does as well, often this is a symptom of short covering.

Includes two configurable SMAs and a configurable lookback window.
Notas de prensa
Version 1.2
  • Updated MA lengths to correspond with default ELMo settings
  • Added fill colors
Notas de prensa
Bump version to match ELMo. No changes.
Notas de prensa
Update fill colors, function syntax
Notas de prensa
Update image
Notas de prensa
Visual updates.

  • LHH line made larger
  • Conditional coloring of SMA lines
  • Update fill colors
Notas de prensa
Minor fixes for accuracy
Notas de prensa
Added option to normalize values
Breadth Indicatorsliquidity

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