
Library "ColorScheme"
A color scheme generator.

init() Initiate the array data registry that will hold the color profile. Returns: tuple with 2 arrays (string array, color array)

check_registry_integrity(key_registry, color_registry) Checks the integrity of the registers.
  • key_registry: string array, key data holder array.
  • color_registry: color array, color value data holder array.

Returns: void.

add(key_registry, color_registry, key, value) Add new (key, color) entry to the registry.
  • key_registry: string array, key data holder array.
  • color_registry: color array, color value data array.
  • key: string, the unique key to reference the value.
  • value: color, the color value of the specified key.

Returns: void.

get_color(key_registry, color_registry, key) Get a (key, color) entry from the registry.
  • key_registry: string array, key data holder array.
  • color_registry: color array, color value data array.
  • key: string, the unique key to reference the value.

Returns: void.

edit_key(key_registry, color_registry, key, new_key) Edit a (key, color) entry in the registry.
  • key_registry: string array, key data holder array.
  • color_registry: color array, color value data array.
  • key: string, the unique key to reference the value.
  • new_key: string, the unique key to reference the value.

Returns: void.

edit_color(key_registry, color_registry, key, new_value) Edit a (key, color) entry in the registry.
  • key_registry: string array, key data holder array.
  • color_registry: color array, color value data array.
  • key: string, the unique key to reference the value.
  • new_value: color, the color value of the specified key.

Returns: void.

delete(key_registry, color_registry, key) Delete a (key, color) entry from the registry.
  • key_registry: string array, key data holder array.
  • color_registry: color array, color value data array.
  • key: string, the unique key to reference the value.

Returns: void.

delete_all(key_registry, color_registry) Delete all (key, color) entrys from the registry.
  • key_registry: string array, key data holder array.
  • color_registry: color array, color value data array.

Returns: void.

model(index) Enumerate models available to profile colors.
  • index: int, index of model. (1:'monochromatic', 2:'analog', 3:'triadic', 4:'tetradic', 5:'square', anything else:'monochromatic')

Returns: string.

generate_scheme(key_registry, color_registry, primary, model) Generate a multi color scheme.
  • key_registry: string array, key data holder array.
  • color_registry: color array, color value data array.
  • primary: color, the origin color to base the profile.
  • model: string, default='monochromatic', options=('monochromatic', 'triadic near', 'triadic far', 'tetradic')

Returns: void.
Notas de prensa
v2 added some utilities and type support.

  Enumerate a model name to a index number.
    model (string): `string`: Name of the model
  Returns: - `int`: Index of color model.
- `model_index("monochromatic")`

  Generate and initiate the properties of a new theme object.
  Returns: - New theme object.
- `theme = new()`

  Theme object holding a dictionay alike structure.
    keys (string[]): List of named keys.
    colors (color[]): List of colors.

Notas de prensa

method generate_scheme(this, primary, model)
  Generate a multi color scheme.
  Namespace types: Theme
    this (Theme): `Theme` : Theme object.
    primary (color): `color` : Origin color to base the profile.
    model (string): `string`: Color model selection, default='monochromatic', options=('monochromatic', 'triadic near', 'triadic far', 'tetradic')
  Returns: - `this`: Self, Theme object.
- `theme =, "monochromatic")`

  Theme object holding a dictionary alike structure.
    keys (string[]): List of named keys.
    colors (color[]): List of colors.

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