Trend Ravi Trial

Trial for trend analysis
it was not difficult to convert to look like and work like Trend Trader Karan's Tool, who invested " Lakho Rupaya" and works on the basis of price action trading also.

Let me tell you guys, this is nothing but an ATR based system which people already traded as Half Trend, Super Trend and various names. Half Trend is no more a copyrighted indicator, which stopped marketing after being exposed, but people are still cheating with such indicators.
Notas de prensa
Trial for trend analysis
it was not difficult to convert to look like and work like Trend Trader Karan's Tool, who invested " Lakho Rupaya" and works on the basis of price action trading also.

Let me tell you guys, this is nothing but an ATR based system which people already traded as Half Trend, Super Trend and various names. Half Trend is no more a copyrighted indicator, which stopped marketing after being exposed, but people are still cheating with such indicators.
Trend Analysis

Script de código abierto

Siguiendo fielmente el espíritu de TradingView, el autor de este script lo ha publicado en código abierto, permitiendo que otros traders puedan entenderlo y verificarlo. ¡Olé por el autor! Puede utilizarlo de forma gratuita, pero tenga en cuenta que la reutilización de este código en la publicación se rige por las Normas internas. Puede añadir este script a sus favoritos y usarlo en un gráfico.

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