Z Value Alert analyzes daily price movements by evaluating fluctuations relative to historical volatility. It calculates the daily percentage change in the closing price, the average of this change over 252 days, and the standard deviation. Using these values, a Z-Score is calculated, indicating how much the current price change deviates from the historical range of fluctuations.
The user can set a threshold in standard deviations (Z-Score). When the absolute Z-Score exceeds this threshold, a significant movement is detected, indicating increased volatility. The Z-Score is visualized as a histogram, and an alert can be triggered when a significant movement occurs.
The number of trading days used to calculate historical volatility is adjustable, allowing the Sigma Move Alert to be tailored to various trading strategies and analysis periods.
Additionally, a dropdown option for the calculation method is available in the input menu, allowing the user to select between:
Normal: Calculates the percentage change in closing prices without using the logarithm. Logarithmic: Uses the natural logarithm of daily returns. This method is particularly suitable for longer timeframes and scientific analyses, as logarithmic returns are additive.
These comprehensive features allow for precise customization of the Sigma Move Alert to individual needs and specific market conditions.
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