Strat Assistant Hour Flip

Strat Assistant Hour Flip
This script is intended to provide a vertical line indicator for the hourly "flips" to easily indicate when the hour turns. Ideally used in timeframes less than an hour.

  • Hour Color: the color of the line and the text for the hourly indicator
  • Four Hour Color: the color of the line and the text for the four hour indicator
  • Show Label Text?: an on/off (active/inactive) flag to display the text (new 30s/60s). I can't figure out how to get a label vertical, so sometimes it gets in the way.

    • Vertical Dotted Line Indicator: vertical lines that allow a user to quickly see when the hour flips
    • Hour Flip Labels: quick visual labels with the same color as the lines that will display new 4h/60s/30s

      Best Practices
    • Trading view may limit the number of lines drawn, so probably not best to be use in larger time frames (like days/month worth of data on the chart) for smaller intervals
    • Best if used for intervals under 30 minutes
Trend Analysis

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