Altcoin Volume Stats

Shows how much BTC volume an alt has done in the past 24 hours as a label, with a comparison of that volume versus ETHBTC on Binance, as a percentage. Something I have been hoping the good people at Tradingview would add to the interface for years. It also shows some other stats in the data window on the right:

Big thanks to the talented Daveatt who helped unbake my noodle with some label code I couldn't figure out.
Notas de prensa
Fixed problem where volume was showing differently on each timeframe
Notas de prensa
Updated to use the previous days volume which is good enough until there's a way to look at the past 24 hours of volume
Notas de prensa
Notas de prensa
- Fixed a calculation error
- Coded in rules for USDT pairs, which calculate volume differently
- Made it FTX friendly

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