Fibonacci HH LL TRAMA Band

LuxAlgo's Trend Moving Adaptive Moving Average was used as a reference to create bands by reading the highest and lowest prices of past bars based on Fibonacci numbers and then multiplying them by the Fibonacci ratio.

LuxAlgo/ LuxAlgo/

In particular, the so-called TRAMA is characterized by its adaptation to the average of the highest and lowest prices over a specific period of time and is used to identify support/resistance.

In order to apply this feature to the maximum extent possible, I used the high or low prices as the source of input, rather than the closing price.
For example,

not original like

In addition, I created 6 levels by multiplying the Fibonacci ratio

If you want to use it for scalping, such as 15 minutes, you can include Fibonacci numbers such as 21,34,55 for a quick reaction type to detect the trend. Also, by including Fibonacci numbers such as 89,144,233, you can see where you stand in the larger trend. Some examples are included below.

For Investors
BTCUSDT 1day Chart Fibonacci number "55"

For Daytraders
BTCUSDT 4hour Chart Fibonacci number "34"

For Scalpers
BTCUSDT 15min Chart Fibonacci number "55"

BTCUSDT 15min Chart Fibonacci number "89"

BTCUSDT 15min Chart Fibonacci number "233"

Fibonacci numbers are 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, etc.,

Fibonacci ratios are 0.618, 1.618, 2.618, 4.236, 6.854, 11.089, etc.,
Notas de prensa
updated version6
adaptivebandBands and ChannelsfibonnacciMoving AveragesmtfanalysisParallel ChannelrainbowTrend Analysistrendtrading

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