Macro Timeframes with Opening Price

Description: Macro Timeframe Horizontal Line Indicator

This indicator highlights macro periods on the chart by drawing a horizontal line at the opening price of each macro period. The macro timeframe is defined as the last 10 minutes of an hour (from :50 to :00) and the first 10 minutes of the following hour (from :00 to :10).

A horizontal black line is plotted at the opening price of the macro period, starting at :50 and extending through the duration of the macro window. However, you can customize it however you see fit.
The background of the macro period is highlighted with a customizable color to visually distinguish the timeframe.
The horizontal line updates at each macro period, ensuring that the opening price for every macro session is accurately reflected on the chart.
This tool is useful for traders who want to track the behavior of price within key macro intervals and visually assess price movement and volatility during these periods.
Candlestick analysiseducationalforecasting

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